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Jackie on the trunk. Again.

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3 hours ago, John Butler said:


There are objects on the trunk.  They cast shadows, hence they are not reflections.  And, If reflections, then of what?  The bottom one is the one Jackie reaches for and clutches in her hand all the way to Parkland.

As Sean pointed out those are 3 of the 4 antenna on the trunk.Check out frame 349 of the Groden set to verify.

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I always wondered about Jackie's motive for crawling out on the trunk. Now I don't think I would call it crawling as much as stretching and reaching. I say that because she never brings her knees up on the trunk. If she did it to escape being shot I think she would have brought her whole body up on the trunk in one single move, sort of a jump. But she seems to be stretching to reach something much more than moving to avoid something, imo.
  ITEK did an analysis  years ago and claimed they identified a piece of skull moving back along the trunk but it had several problems.
1) It starts at the right front corner of the trunk and moved straight back along it. Real bone from JFK's head would have to take an angled trajectory to the far side of the trunk from JFK's head which was in the middle of the seat, but the supposed bone fragment comes from behind Jackie and moves in a straight line to the rear.
2) It moves slowly along the trunk at almost* the same speed as the reflections. All the other bone we see is ejected at 100 mph upward in 313. ("Almost" as fast as the reflection because there is parallax involved as explained below.)
3) When it reaches the antenna in frame 329 it does not bounce off it passes right through. It appears to jog left or inbound a bit but all reflection take that slight jog after the antenna, I think that is because the trunk starts to slope there.
4) if compared to the white piece of trash on the lawn it appears to slow as the gap between the trash and the supposed bone fragrant lessens toward the end. This is consistent with the image being a reflection of the top left side of the South Paristyle on Main street. Just like the bottom of the left side of the North Paristyle on Elm appears in the trunk around frame 279, The top part of the left side of the North Paristyle appears in the trunk from 326 to 331. The parallax between the trash and the North paristyle causes the distance between them to decrease.
 The distance between Z, the trash and the North paristyle almost exactly matches the distance between Z, the new lampost on the south side of Elm and the paristyle directly behind the lamppost. Several Youtube videos reproduce Z's pan across the parastyle and the parallax between the lamppost and pillar match the amount we see between the supposed bone fragment and the trash on the ground.
  I think these facts prove the ITEK bone fragment is just a reflection.

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1 hour ago, Chris Bristow said:

As Sean pointed out those are 3 of the 4 antenna on the trunk.Check out frame 349 of the Groden set to verify.

Thanks Chris,


Now, I have to decide how I would like my crow.  Crow soup? Fried crow? Crow BBQ wings?  Crow fricasse?  Boiled crow? ....

But, Jackie is definitely picking up something in the area of that third antenna on the trunk.  Maybe brain matter that she clutched in her hand all the way to Parkland.


Edited by John Butler
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4 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

9B57E043-5318-4F27-92F0-EEDE4F8DF6DD.thumb.jpeg.d33fd6ffd7e3f8f85abe38089c6ae310.jpegAll 3 arrows point to antenna

Thanks Sean,

If you don't mind I would like to add this photo to my collection.  Not everything is as clear cut as this.  Thanks again.

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Was Jackie ever asked what she was doing in getting up from her seat and crawling over it's back to the trunk top?

Did she never explain her actions in doing so.

Or, was she in such shock, she didn't even remember doing this?

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Stabilised and a wee bit grainy, but Jackies right hand seems to slide, not grab? Inconclusive I think. 

No probs,John B, found it on google images

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Jackie had limited memory of her behavior at the time of the shooting, which is to be expected. Her instinctual reaction was to try to put her husband's head back together after it exploded right in front of her face. That is why she appears to touch his head right before crawling onto the trunk, where she is unquestionably grabbing either brain matter or a skull fragment.

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Dino Brugioni of NPIC in his interview by Doug Horne cites Clint Hill pushing Jackie forcefully back into her seat, which we don't see in the extant Zapruder.  Clint Hill has said he did this in his memoirs.

Aside from the head shot, [Brugioni] recalled one other thing about the extant film that was inconsistent with what he saw on 11/23/63: prior to viewing the film on July 9, 2011, he had independently recalled Secret Service agent Clint Hill either physically striking, or violently pushing Jackie Kennedy to force her from atop the trunk lid, back into the rear seat of the limousine. Brugioni spent a considerable portion of the interview attempting to find evidence of Clint Hill striking Jackie in the extant film, to no avail. He was quite mystified.


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If Clint Hill did throw Jackie back into the rear seat then that portion of the film is excised or hidden behind the bushes in the area of Z 406.


This is one of my problems with the Zapruder film.  How could Zapruder be directly or almost directly across from the vehicle this close to the Triple Underpass?  It is just not possible.  This may be one Chris D. should look at.

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On 10/10/2021 at 4:50 AM, Sean Coleman said:


Stabilised and a wee bit grainy, but Jackies right hand seems to slide, not grab? Inconclusive I think. 

No probs,John B, found it on google images

Looking at this film clip of Jackie arising from her seated position, I have to agree with Sean's assessment. It doesn't look like she grabs anything on the trunk hood. I have to assume that the brain matter of her husband that Jackie carried into Parkland and handed to one of the doctors attending to her husband was grabbed after her trunk hood ascent and further on the way to Parkland.

My God! What a horrific experience for Jackie. No wonder she looks like the most traumatized person you could imagine in those LBJ requested swearing in photo op pictures. 

I always said, that Jackie Kennedy looked different in photos of her after 11,22,1963.

Her eyes. No longer innocently relaxed and happy. She looked "touched." Like a  mother who lost a child horrifically, right in front of her. Great pain and loss experience weary.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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This gif of Jackie on the trunk is composed of 9 frames.  Each is set at 1.5 seconds exposure.  These frames are from Z 371 to Z 380.

Can you see what is wrong with these 9 frames?


One thing that might be wrong with this is the 9 frames are one half of 18.3 frames per second.  So, all the action here takes place in 1/2 seconds.  Is that realistic for this movement by Jackie?

Edited by John Butler
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1.  Jackie's hand and wrist are covered by a light spot, an alleged reflection.  A reflection of what that makes it so intense it is different from the rest of the trunk.  Jackie may have been wearing white gloves.  But, upon closer examination one can see her hand past the light spot in some frames. 

2.  There are too many straight lines in Jackie's figure.  There are not many things in nature that produce a straight line, particularly on a woman's figure.

3.  Notice the notch formed by Jackie's hat to her right buttock.  This notch forms a broad U shape consisting of 3 straight lines that shouldn't be there.  Her right buttock is an outside line for her figure and is flat and not rounded as it should be.

4.  Her right leg is cut off midway between hip and knee.  Her right hand and wrist seems to be missing in some of the frames.

All of these things indicate altered frames.  The matte artist didn't do his work as well as he could have done in cutting out her figure from another film.  Rushed for time or arrogance in some one not seeing these details?

I conclude that Jackie picking up President Kennedy's brain matter of the trunk has been edited out of the Zapruder film.

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23 hours ago, Sean Coleman said:

Zedited out of the Zapruder film!

Maybe Zedited in the Zapruder film if some of things mentioned are true.

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