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How did Fritz know when Ruby was in position to kill Oswald?

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Jim Hargrove writes:


And did George Applin look anything like LHO?  Did he have red hair?  Was he balding?  Did he weigh 300 pounds?  Did he have a beard?  You don’t have the slightest idea, but you’re absolutely certain he was the guy who two different witness thought looked a lot like Oswald.

We know that George Applin resembled Oswald: both were white, male and in their early twenties. We have no evidence that Applin looked substantially different from Oswald (and of course, even according to Jim's preposterous theory, the man cannot have looked substantially different from Oswald, apart from possibly having a 13" head). We also have a photo of a man of the right age, wearing the right clothes, at the police station, here:



  • Bernard Haire only saw the man for a few seconds as he was led out of the building and into a police car parked in the alley,
  • and all the written accounts we possess mention only one person being led out of the building and into a police car parked in the alley,
  • and all the accounts we possess mention only one person (Oswald) being led out of the front of the building and into a police car,
  • and, for reasons I've already given, George Applin was almost certainly led out of the building and into a police car parked in the alley,

there is every reason to think that the man Haire saw was Applin.

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On 4/20/2022 at 10:22 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Thats interesting.  I've read before about Westbrook going to Vietnam working for I think AID training South Vietnam police.  I 've also read of Morales in Vietnam with the CIA.  But I never heard about the two together there.  Given Morales statement about "We got that sob" might there be more there than just the CIA to the "we"?  Might they have worked together in some capacity in the fall of 1963?

Any idea where we might find the picture Paul?

Here you go guys

Morales there in the white with hat... Westbrook far right



Edited by David Josephs
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16 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

There is a picture from 1967 or so of Westbrook in Vietnam, in the company of none other than David Morales. 

Thanks to DJ for digging up that picture.  The fingerprints of U.S. Intel are all over this case.  Here, once more, is the Dallas Morning News report of Westbrook’s then upcoming assignment in Vietnam:


The TSBD’s Bill Shelley, who was Oswald’s supervisor, may also have been associated with the CIA.

In a 1989 letter Dallas journalist Elzie Glaze wrote, "Mr. Shelley claims to have been an intelligence officer during World War II and thereafter joined the CIA."

David Josephs also prepared the following graphic, which seems to show that Shelley was with Oswald at the New Orleans Trade Mart just three months before the assassination of JFK.  The top row is from New Orleans, the bottom row from Dallas on 11/22/63.


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4 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

We know that George Applin resembled Oswald: both were white, male and in their early twenties. We have no evidence that Applin looked substantially different from Oswald

And you have no evidence whatsoever that Mr. Applin looked even remotely like LHO.  

The link Mr. B. provided at the top of this page wasn’t working when I tried it, but I guarantee there is no evidence that whatever picture is there depicts George Applin.  

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1 hour ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Thanks to DJ for digging up that picture.  The fingerprints of U.S. Intel are all over this case.  Here, once more, is the Dallas Morning News report of Westbrook’s then upcoming assignment in Vietnam:


The TSBD’s Bill Shelley, who was Oswald’s supervisor, may also have been associated with the CIA.

In a 1989 letter Dallas journalist Elzie Glaze wrote, "Mr. Shelley claims to have been an intelligence officer during World War II and thereafter joined the CIA."

David Josephs also prepared the following graphic, which seems to show that Shelley was with Oswald at the New Orleans Trade Mart just three months before the assassination of JFK.  The top row is from New Orleans, the bottom row from Dallas on 11/22/63.


Right on.  I have always thought this.  Don't forget Chauncey Holt the long time criminal, mob assassin, and government (CIA) assassin also seen in those NO photos.

Thanks David.  I will keep this in my files.

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5 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

We know that George Applin resembled Oswald: both were white, male and in their early twenties. We have no evidence that Applin looked substantially different from Oswald (and of course, even according to Jim's preposterous theory, the man cannot have looked substantially different from Oswald, apart from possibly having a 13" head).


This description could fit millions.  Then JB throws in a few COINTELPRO tactics (Thanks David for reminding me of those) for good measure.

I don't know how others are responding to JB and his work, but it is getting very difficult to read that kind of stuff.

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Not a very impressive looking crew for the damage they created through the decades.  You have to give Morales credit for one thing.  Che Guevera.  Of course that is evil eliminating evil by doing good in the service of the so-called national interest.  

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17 minutes ago, John Butler said:

Right on.  I have always thought this.  Don't forget Chauncey Holt the long time criminal, mob assassin, and government (CIA) assassin also seen in those NO photos.

Thanks David.  I will keep this in my files.

This is news to me (or I've forgotten it).  John, do you know a good source to get me up to speed on this?

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27 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

This is news to me (or I've forgotten it).  John, do you know a good source to get me up to speed on this?

I got a lot of this info from watching an internet or youtube film produced by Chauncy Holt several days before he died.  He is also in one of the NO trade center photos.

I recommend anyone to watch this if you are interested in Chauncey Holt.

One of the things I noticed in the video that Holt looked too healthy to have terminal cancer take him a few days later.  During the entire video he did not seem to be under some type of stress of hardship other then emotions.

Edited by John Butler
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13 minutes ago, David Josephs said:


I scanned through the doc.  It seems to be in tune with the video I recommended to Jim.  

However, one needs to remember that Holt was a born deceiver and criminal.  He was also what I would call a polymath.  He did many things very well.  His intelligence was high.  His artwork is very good, but not up to a professional artist's long time career standard.

Mob member and assassin.  CIA member and assassin.  He is one of my candidates for a shooter in Dealey Plaza essentially based on could you believe anything he said.  He said he didn't and wasn't.  But, in a roundabout way I got that impression that the video was his confession without admitting to anything.

Still, there is the question of credibility.  Can he be believed?

Thanks for the doc.     

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7 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

We know that George Applin resembled Oswald: both were white, male and in their early twenties. We have no evidence that Applin looked substantially different from Oswald (and of course, even according to Jim's preposterous theory, the man cannot have looked substantially different from Oswald, apart from possibly having a 13" head).

Of course, there is substantial evidence that this photo of the alleged George Applin is different in appearance from Oswald.  Jeremy B. is not even certain himself by saying "perhaps":


This photo is in no way conceivable as Oswald.

Jeremy has identified the only character traits in common, white, male, and young.  That fits millions.  


Edited by John Butler
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23 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

David and John,

When I click on the Chauncey Holt.doc link, I get the following error message:

This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location.


I had no problems with it.  I will send it by email.

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For the Chauncy Holt video:


I'm not sure this is the absolutely correct one.  I bought the videotape which I think contains this.

Sorry, I misread this as an hour and 32 minutes rather this this short blurb.  I will continue to look.

Edited by John Butler
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