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Comparing the testimonies of Secret Service Agents Greer and Kellerman to the Zapruder film
by Gil Jesus ( 2022 )


"Just as soon as I turned my head back from the second shot, right away I accelerated right then. ( testimony of limo driver William Greer, 2 H 119 )

No investigation of this crime would be complete without an examination of the testimonies of the two Secret Service Agents who rode in the front seat of the Presidential limo.

Because of their responsibility for protecting the President, their actions or inaction can be the difference between the President living or dying.

And it is for this reason that we must scrutinize their testimonies and compare them to the video evidence, the Zapruder film.

While I'm aware that human beings can make mistakes, I'm also aware that human beings can be less than untruthful, especially when they have something to hide.
Like the kid who left the cover off the cookie jar.

Driver William Greer testified that when he heard the second shot, he glanced back and in the corner of his eye saw Governor Connally beginning to fall. He knew the governor had been hit and immediately stomped on the accelerator.

Special Agent Roy Kellerman, who rode in the front passenger's seat, testified that he heard a sound, looked to his right and heard Kennedy yell out, "My God, I'm hit", turned around to his left to see the President's hands at his throat and knew he had been shot. The then turned back forward at which time a "flurry of shots" came into the front seat, he ordered Greer to "get out of here" and got on the radio.

The timeline these agents put together makes it seem like this all happened in sequence.

It didn't. There was a delay.

The Zapruder film shows that both Greer and Kellerman turned around and looked back at the rear seats to see what was going on after they heard the second shot ( Z-285 ). Kellerman is completely turned around to the front by Z-297. That much is affirmed by the Zapruder film.

But it also shows that Greer turned toward to the front ( Z-294 ) but he turned around to look at the back seat a SECOND time while slowing the limo down to almost a complete stop ( Z-304-320 ). This time he was looking right at JFK when the President's head exploded and did not accelerate until after he had seen that Kennedy was mortally wounded. ( Z-350 )

Conveniently, both Greer and Kellerman never mentioned this second turn in their Warren Commission testimonies nor did they mention that Greer had slowed the limo down when the shooting started.

The Zapruder film also shows that the "flurry of shots" did not enter the limousine until Z-328, as we see the agents react by ducking down.

So did Kellerman order Greer to move circa frame 297 and Greer didn't do it, or did Kellerman not give the order until after the head shot ?

Both agents turn, Zapruder frame 285

Kellerman actually turned around at Z-270 and Greer at Z-285, both after the SECOND shot.

This is the one and only time that the Z film shows Kellerman turning around. He testified that he heard Kennedy say "My God, I am hit", turned around and saw that Kennedy had his hands at his throat.

Mr. KELLERMAN. .... there is a report like a firecracker, pop....and as I turned my head to the right to view whatever it was or see whatever it was, I heard a voice from the back seat and I firmly believe it was the President's, "My God, I am hit," and I turned around and he has got his hands up here like this.
Mr. SPECTER. Indicating right hand up toward his neck?
Mr. KELLERMAN. That is right, sir. In fact, both hands were up in that direction. ( 2 H 73-74 )
Mr. KELLERMAN. .....There was enough for me to verify that the man was hit. So, in the same motion I come right back and grabbed the speaker and said to the driver, "Let's get out of here; we are hit......" ( 2 H 74 )

So Kellerman is testifying that at the only time he turned around ( Z-270 ), he saw Kennedy's hands by his throat, knew they had been hit and ordered Greer to "get out of here".

Mr. SPECTER. What did you do next?
Mr. KELLERMAN. That is when I completely turned to my right and grabbed for the mike in the same motion, sideways telling the driver, "Let's get out of here; we are hit." ( 2 H 75 )

Kellerman's testimony indicates that his actions were immediate and in sequence. But this is not true.
There was a delay in his response between Z-297 and Z-328.

The Zapruder film shows that Kellerman is fully turned around facing forward at Z-297 and at NO TIME does he use the radio before Z-328.

This is truly amazing because by Z-297, both Greer and Kellerman have turned around, both admit in their testimonies that they're aware that Kennedy and Connally have been hit, but Greer doesn't speed up and Kellerman doesn't use the radio.

Kellerman was asked by Commission counsel when the limo accelerated and he testified that the limo accelerated at the time "a flurry of shots" came into it.

Mr. SPECTER. Now, to the best of your ability to recollect, exactly when did your automobile first accelerate?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Our car accelerated immediately on the time-at the time--this flurry of shots came into it. ( 2 H 77 )

That part is true, but the agents' reaction to the flurry of shots ( fragments of the bullet that hit the President's skull ) isn't evident until frame Z-328, when they duck down.


Greer testified that he accelerated after turning forward from the second shot. ( Z-294 )

Mr. GREER. .....Just as soon as I turned my head back from the second shot, right away I accelerated right then. It was a matter of my reflexes to the accelerator. ( 2 H 119 )

But this is not true. The Zapruder film shows that the limo does not accelerate until frame Z-350, just over 3 seconds after Greer turned forward. ( Z -294 )

These agents are obviously testifying about what happened before frame Z- 297 and after Z-328, while omitting what was going on in the frames between Z-297 and Z-328.

And there was a reason for that.

Greer's second turn, Zapruder frame 304

The part of the sequence that both Greer and Kellerman omitted from their testimony is that Greer turned around a SECOND time and looked back at the rear seats at Z-304.

This time, he remains looking back until frame Z-320 and during this time, he slows the limo down.

The purpose of this second turn can only be to monitor what is going on in the back seat and slowing the target ( JFK ) to make him easier to hit.

This time Greer was looking right at JFK when the President's head exploded and did not accelerate until after he had seen that Kennedy was mortally wounded. ( Z-350 )

To say that these agents were derelict in their duty would be to put it mildly.
To say they were less than truthful in their testimonies would be to put it mildly.

Both of the agents in the front seat turned around, realized that Connally and Kennedy had been hit and their response was for Greer to slow the limo down.

Only after Greer saw that Kennedy had been mortally wounded and the bullet fragments from the head shot came flying into the front of the limo did he and Kellerman respond.

After seeing Governor Connally hit, Greer turned to the front ( Z-294 ) but didn't accelerate for another 56 frames ( 3 + seconds ) and in that time he actually slowed the car down until Kennedy was dead.

This is what in my opinion the Zapruder film shows.

And then they "sped" to Parkland Hospital at the breakneck speed of 50 mph. ( 2 H 121 )

This was not human error, this was a cold, calculated move taken when the shooting started, to make sure that whoever was doing the shooting would be successful in killing the President.

This was just one of the secrets they were hiding when they locked away the Zapruder film---that the Secret Service agents assigned to protect Kennedy were complicit in his assassination.

Edited by Gil Jesus
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One thing for certain in my mind is that Greer did not accelerate immediately after Kennedy had raised his arms to his throat. I think the testimony hints at frame removal from the film:

1. The Warren Commission questioning made no effort to challenge the discrepancies in testimony. Having seen the Z film the Commission would have seen the long gap between JFK arm raising and reaction of Greer and Kellerman. This is possible evidence of deliberate avoidance by the Commission.

2. Had Greer and Kellerman been told ' The stop has been removed from the film, don't mention it'? The actors in the cover-up may have failed to provide enough further coaching, thus allowing the 'flurry of shots gaff' and the failure to acknowledge the first head turn.. There is a risk of over-coaching, and that doesn't appear to be the case here.

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Greer was not a trained driver so i think he has to get a mulligan. natural human reaction would be to look around when heard shot and take foot off gas in process or perhaps even applied brakes. nothing sinister here. just poor reaction by a untrained driver.

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Good analysis Gil.  There are valid reasons Vince Palamara has Greer as one of his three SS "suspects" of active participation.  I suspect at least a couple of more.  Greer was an experienced Presidential limo driver.  He knew he was supposed to be going faster in the first place, much less stopping.  He also knew to take off at the first sound of a shot.  Emory Roberts said he recognized the first shot as a shot one car behind (and did nothing, except tell agent Ready to get back on the running board when he started to react).  Greer should have heard the same thing, as others did.  Instead of taking off he slowed down and/or stopped.

Do you, or anyone else, remember anything about painted stripes on the curb on Greer's side of the street?  I.E. quite likely markers showing him where to slow down, or stop.  I Know I've seen a picture showing this but I'm not sure where to look for it.  I'll check Survivor's Guilt and Honest Answers. 

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Greer was a trained driver. He may not have had the intensive training that modern agents have had as a RESPONSE to his horrible inaction, but he most definitely was trained and was a veteran driver for Truman, Ike, and JFK 1961-11/22/63. Inspector Thomas Kelley confirmed that he received training during his testimony before the HSCA.

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18 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:


Greer was a trained driver. He may not have had the intensive training that modern agents have had as a RESPONSE to his horrible inaction, but he most definitely was trained and was a veteran driver for Truman, Ike, and JFK 1961-11/22/63. Inspector Thomas Kelley confirmed that he received training during his testimony before the HSCA.

Vince, thanks for the  video on your three suspects. Really powerful stuff. I wish I would have seen it before I put together this narrative, it would have saved me a lot of research time. LOL  Great job as usual. Funny how there were seven agents in the followup car but only Roberts and Hill were called to give testimony.

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1 hour ago, Gil Jesus said:

Vince, thanks for the  video on your three suspects. Really powerful stuff. I wish I would have seen it before I put together this narrative, it would have saved me a lot of research time. LOL  Great job as usual. Funny how there were seven agents in the followup car but only Roberts and Hill were called to give testimony.

Thanks! No--JUST Hill! No one else. Lawson and Sorrels from the lead car. Greer and Kellerman from the limo. Only Hill from the follow-up car. Rufus Youngblood from LBJ's limo.

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On 5/18/2022 at 11:27 AM, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Greer was not a trained driver so i think he has to get a mulligan. natural human reaction would be to look around when heard shot and take foot off gas in process or perhaps even applied brakes. nothing sinister here. just poor reaction by a untrained driver.

I personally think that hearing the shots & then seeing the bullet come flying through the windshield from the front,caused him to panic.Greer might have even seen & heard the bullet hit the chrome strip around the windshield.

Edited by Michael Crane
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3 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

Thanks! No--JUST Hill! No one else. Lawson and Sorrels from the lead car. Greer and Kellerman from the limo. Only Hill from the follow-up car. Rufus Youngblood from LBJ's limo.

If the Warren Commission had been an actual trial, and even half of what is known today was discovered by the defense, they should have called Roberts and raked him and Greer over the coals.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

If the Warren Commission had been an actual trial, and even half of what is known today was discovered by the defense, they should have called Roberts and raked him and Greer over the coals.

Agreed! Definitely.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

If the Warren Commission had been an actual trial, and even half of what is known today was discovered by the defense, they should have called Roberts and raked him and Greer over the coals.


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4 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

hearing the shots & then seeing the bullet come flying through the windshield from the front,caused him to panic.Greer might have even seen & heard the bullet hit the chrome strip around the windshield.

Yes, and all the people on the Triple Underpass, who shouldn't have been there, could have given him pause. On the other hand, you have Greer's son, interviewed by Vince, attempting to rationalize his father's behavior that day. Greer was Protestant Irish, he explained; Kennedy, Catholic.

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7 hours ago, George Govus said:

Yes, and all the people on the Triple Underpass, who shouldn't have been there, could have given him pause. On the other hand, you have Greer's son, interviewed by Vince, attempting to rationalize his father's behavior that day. Greer was Protestant Irish, he explained; Kennedy, Catholic.

THAT was such a weird yet exhilarating moment when I interviewed his only son (child) Richard. "What did your father think of JFK?" No response; super awkward. I went on to ask other questions which he was happy to answer at length. I then returned to the question "What did your father think of JFK?" He then answered: "Well, we're Methodists...and JFK was Catholic." (!) 

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8 hours ago, George Govus said:

Yes, and all the people on the Triple Underpass, who shouldn't have been there, could have given him pause. On the other hand, you have Greer's son, interviewed by Vince, attempting to rationalize his father's behavior that day. Greer was Protestant Irish, he explained; Kennedy, Catholic.

When I had a phone call with Emory Roberts’ son, he did the same. 

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16 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

Thanks! No--JUST Hill! No one else. Lawson and Sorrels from the lead car. Greer and Kellerman from the limo. Only Hill from the follow-up car. Rufus Youngblood from LBJ's limo.

You're right. I stand corrected.

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