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Cowardly Democrats Allowed the Cover-Up to Occur

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On 8/18/2022 at 9:20 PM, Paul Brancato said:

It takes courage, and power, to stand up. To me it’s understandable why the family waited. When RFK was murdered it was off the table. I wouldn’t conflate Democrats at large with the Kennedy family. I agree with Mr. Price here. Of course the ‘liberal’ media failed utterly, as did Congress, both parties. I often ask myself what I would do faced with the kind of choice they had to make. If I stuck my neck out, and got a phone call threatening my children I think I’d back down. It’s a dangerous world, and post JFK so many possible witnesses were killed or silenced. Hoover had files on everyone, and everyone knew it. 

I think an edict went out at the assassination of JFK that no Kennedy would ever again hold high office. If this was the case, Bobby certainly knew of it and went ahead anyway. 

Here, Jim G talks about this:

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/White Materials/Garrison News Clippings/1968/68-07/68-07-02.pdf

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On 8/19/2022 at 2:37 PM, Jonathan Cohen said:

"Explain" it how? It's an album. Of songs. And music. Do you think there are some kind of coded, propaganda messages in it designed to help kill foreign leaders? My mind is actually blown that you might believe something this absurd. 

After 3 gospel albums, Bob abruptly switched to Infidels, a secular album.

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1 hour ago, Pamela Brown said:

I think an edict went out at the assassination of JFK that no Kennedy would ever again hold high office. If this was the case, Bobby certainly knew of it and went ahead anyway. 

RFK was very careless with his security arrangements. He only had one bodyguard. He should have had at least 12 bodyguards. He never should have walked through the Ambassador Hotel's pantry unless the room had been cleared out. Given what he surely must have understood about the sophistication of his brother's killers, I don't understand why he was so lax about his own security.

Edited by Michael Griffith
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6 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

I don't understand why he was so lax about his own security.

They had a load of ways to kill him, do you really think you can prevent the US security establishment from killing you if it’s their desire? Did having lots of security save these latin American leaders who were assassinated? 

10 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:
1 hour ago, Pamela Brown said:


RFK was very careless with his security arrangements. He only had one bodyguard.

Thane Eugene Cesar - The guy who was the likely assassin. 

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5 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

After 3 gospel albums, Bob abruptly switched to Infidels, a secular album.

You've got to be joking. "Abruptly switched" ? Two years between "Infidels" and his prior album equates to "abruptly" to you? Beyond that, there is a wealth of religious and biblical imagery/references on "Infidels," so it's hardly accurate to call it "secular." Do you believe Bob was just parroting a party line from his evil government overlords when he said in 1997 that "I find the religiosity and philosophy in the music. I don't find it anywhere else … I don't adhere to rabbis, preachers, evangelists, all of that. I've learned more from the songs than I've learned from any of this kind of entity."

Is nobody else on this forum willing to challenge the absolutely insane theory espoused here by Pamela Brown?

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5 hours ago, Chris Barnard said:
5 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

RFK was very careless with his security arrangements. He only had one bodyguard.

Thane Eugene Cesar - The guy who was the likely assassin. 

Michael was probably referring to William Barry (a former FBI agent). Rafer Johnson og Rosey Grier were also part of the entourage, of course, albeit in a less official capacity. Cesar was one of several security guards hired by the hotel to work crowd control and happened to get assigned to the pantry area where the shooting took place.

Edited by Mark Ulrik
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On 8/20/2022 at 11:59 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

So...who was Trump supposed to order to stand down? The Proud Boys do not report to him.


All of them, Ben! Trump should have ordered all the rioters to stand down. They likely would have stood down earlier had he told them to do so earlier.

You seem to be unknowledgeable* of the fact that numerous people among his staff, his family, and even Fox News were begging Trump to order a stand down. But he wouldn't. For three hours he wouldn't.

When he did tell them to stand down via Twitter, the riot ended.


*This is a good example of why Congressional hearings are necessary. So the public will know the facts, like the ones I describe here. The 1/6 hearing is not a partisan hearing, for example like the Benghazi nothing-burger was. This is a bipartisan hearing. Your endless reference to Liz Cheney as a cheneycrat (or whatever your word is) will not change that.

My apologies for interrupting this thread.


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51 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


All of them, Ben! Trump should have ordered all the rioters to stand down. They likely would have stood down earlier had he told them to do so earlier.

You seem to be unknowledgeable* of the fact that numerous people among his staff, his family, and even Fox News were begging Trump to order a stand down. But he wouldn't. For three hours he wouldn't.

When he did tell them to stand down via Twitter, the riot ended.


*This is a good example of why Congressional hearings are necessary. So the public will know the facts, like the ones I describe here. The 1/6 hearing is not a partisan hearing, for example like the Benghazi nothing-burger was. This is a bipartisan hearing. Your endless reference to Liz Cheney as a cheneycrat (or whatever your word is) will not change that.

My apologies for interrupting this thread.


Well, yes, we are interrupting the thread. So you have the last word. We disagree. 


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11 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Is nobody else on this forum willing to challenge the absolutely insane theory espoused here by Pamela Brown?

I say "Keep a clear head and always carry a lightbulb."

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I realize "cowardly" is a strong word, but I couldn't think of a better term to describe the way most Kennedy family and friends and fellows Dems responded to the cover-up. I also realize that many of them were not so much cowardly as they were disinterested or selfish.

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Was there a cover up? He crashed, left the scene, reported it late and got lenient punishment ( being a Kennedy..), what was covered up? 

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Why do people expect politicians to be honest and tell the truth. 

Everything about the Warren Commission and the HSCA has to be seen through a political lens.

If we are all honest, no one wants to hear that the Secret Service along with some Generals had the president killed.  The optics are horrible and think what would have occurred to this country. 

Washington, NY and Pennsylvania would have burned to the ground.

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On 8/25/2022 at 12:46 PM, Michael Griffith said:

I realize "cowardly" is a strong word, but I couldn't think of a better term to describe the way most Kennedy family and friends and fellows Dems responded to the cover-up. I also realize that many of them were not so much cowardly as they were disinterested or selfish.

Or perhaps feeling threatened into silence.

In MMF, Bob says:

Don't worry Mister President, help's on the way

Your brothers are coming, there'll be hell to pay

Brothers? What brothers? What's this about hell?

Tell them, "We're waiting, keep coming" 

We'll get them as well...

Is it possible Bob is alluding to some sort of edict against the Kennedy's?

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