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This just in the news this morning.....

Rich Taylor

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7 hours ago, Rich Taylor said:

That's why they moved to NOLA and managed to elude the FBI...

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13 hours ago, Rich Taylor said:

Thanks for posting. But yes, the propaganda never stops. 

My best guess is the Walker event was trial run on LHO. To see if he would shoot and intentionally miss at an intended high-profile non-target. 

Likely, LHO had accomplices that night. 

To this day, it is erroneously reported Walker suffered a narrow miss. In fact, DPD contemporary reports found that the slug that entered the Walker house had first struck a window rail (the lower horizontal wooden frame of outdoor window) and was deflected lower, but still struck above Walker's head. 

Walker initially thought neighborhood kids had tossed firecrackers in the room, or even that fireworks had gone off outside the house. Walker, for all of his flaws, was a bona fide war hero who has served in combat. You can bet he knew about gunfire. 

The legend that a slug had passed through Walker's hair was created later. 

The DPD reported that a "steel-jacketed" slug was recovered from the Walker residence. The Mannlicher-Carcano, of course, issues copper-jacketed bullets. 

Like everything else about the JFKA, nothing quite adds up. 

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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Thanks for posting. But yes, the propaganda never stops. 

My best guess is the Walker event was trial run on LHO. To see if he would shoot and intentionally miss at an intended high-profile non-target. 

Likely, LHO had accomplices that night. 

To this day, it is erroneously reported Walker suffered a narrow miss. In fact, DPD contemporary reports found that the slug that entered the Walker house had first struck a window rail (the lower horizontal wooden frame of outdoor window) and was deflected lower, but still struck above Walker's head. 

Walker initially thought neighborhood kids had tossed firecrackers in the room, or even that fireworks had gone off outside the house. Walker, for all of his flaws, was a bona fide war hero who has served in combat. You can bet he knew about gunfire. 

The legend that a slug had passed through Walker's hair was created later. 

The DPD reported that a "steel-jacketed" slug was recovered from the Walker residence. The Mannlicher-Carcano, of course, issues copper-jacketed bullets. 

Like everything else about the JFKA, nothing quite adds up. 

Ben, your last line "nothing quite adds up" is where I sit on the fence in the Walker caper.

No curtain rods, LHO we are supposed to believe went by bus with his Carcano under his coat and from just yards missed the target. Afterwards he buries the rifle!  Well, as Gil Jesus' recent thread on the accuracy of the FBI test shots shows, the missed shot is about the only thing I can believe of this incident with the Carcano firing high and to the right at targets just 25 yards away!  Then again, the Carcano didn't fire 30.06.  Nah, 2 + 2 don't add up to 4 in so many aspects of Mr Oswald's life.

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55 minutes ago, Pete Mellor said:

Ben, your last line "nothing quite adds up" is where I sit on the fence in the Walker caper.

No curtain rods, LHO we are supposed to believe went by bus with his Carcano under his coat and from just yards missed the target. Afterwards he buries the rifle!  Well, as Gil Jesus' recent thread on the accuracy of the FBI test shots shows, the missed shot is about the only thing I can believe of this incident with the Carcano firing high and to the right at targets just 25 yards away!  Then again, the Carcano didn't fire 30.06.  Nah, 2 + 2 don't add up to 4 in so many aspects of Mr Oswald's life.

I guess we'd first have to believe that LHO "had it in" for anyone on the political spectrum.  First Walker and then JFK.  For me, it does not compute. 

There's been enough evidence out there for years that for some years, Oswald's milieu seemed to be replete with intelligence types.  

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Was Lee Harvey Oswald an Expert Marksman? : The JFK Assassination (22november1963.org.uk)

And we have the above.

IMHO, given all we know now about LHO, it hardly seems possible that he was not being "run" by some intelligence agency - rather than he just being some off the wall nutjob.  Lee had quite the bio.

Me thinks that whichever agency it was, they would be smart enough to choose an expert shooter, whether the Walker scenario was designed to be a "kill shot" or a purposeful miss (adding a chapter to the legend).

That said, In the afternoon of 11/22/63, "The Director" of said agency, surely must have been quite pleased with his dastardly version of "Mr. Phelps", whoever he was/they were.



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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

Was the Walker window open at the time of the shooting or did the assassin fire through a pane of glass shattering it?

Gerry, It's ages since I read on this, so pinch of salt required here, but from memory Walker was sat at his window with the blinds open and the room lights on, but the window closed.  The shot supposedly hit the wood frame of the window which it is believed deflected the bullet, causing it to miss Walker, and hit the wall of his room.  So, the shot must have gone through the pane of glass.

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1 minute ago, Pete Mellor said:

Gerry, It's ages since I read on this, so pinch of salt required here, but from memory Walker was sat at his window with the blinds open and the room lights on, but the window closed.  The shot supposedly hit the wood frame of the window which it is believed deflected the bullet, causing it to miss Walker, and hit the wall of his room.  So, the shot must have gone through the pane of glass.

That's the issue I have. We always hear about the bullet hitting the wood frame but nothing about the glass. 

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1 hour ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Here's a screenshot I once saved from an interview with Walker at his home years later.


The glass there appears to be in one piece but cracked. Are we to conclude from that pic that the bullet clipped the glass pane, cracking it, but not actually breaking the glass pane into pieces?

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There are so many aspects of the Lee Oswald story that are motive and agenda contrary to degrees that twist your gut sense of logic into knots trying to figure them and the man himself out.

The Walker shooting is just another of these.

Kennedy and Walker were polar opposites in every way.

And I always have to remind myself that Oswald was "just 24 years old" when Jack Ruby sauntered into the DPD building basement and blew his guts out.

24 - that is so young I was still trying to figure out what to do with my life at that age.

Yet, in Oswald's short life he participated in so many logic contrary activities and actions you can't help but to conclude there must be more to them than just one spontaneous impulsive crazy urge thought after another after another.

From reading Marina Oswald's WC testimony Lee sounds as if he lost his rational mind somewhere during their constantly moving, struggling and job loss Texas residing odyssey culminating with their move to their cockroach infested ( visiting Ruth Paine's description ) apartment in New Orleans. 

Lee plans and carries out the Walker shooting. He wanted to take his handgun to a Nixon appearance which so worried Marina she ended up wrestling Lee into a bathroom and locking the door to keep him from anymore crazy risky shenanigans.

Lee wants Marina to help him hijack a plane to Cuba. Lee has Marina take backyard pictures of himself that are so illogically incriminating in case of violent future activities they are whacko.

Lee is seen by Sylvia Odio and her sister with two other suspicious characters right on her front door stair landing. Lee is reportedly seen in Clinton Louisiana by a dozen eyewitnesses there. Trying to get a job at the state hospital there?

Lee takes a trip to Mexico City which his passport verifies. At a time when his late stage pregnancy with infant daughter wife can use all the extra financial help she can get to not be so dependent on Ruth Paine?

This crazy activity Lee Oswald story would have Sherlock Holmes in an opium delirium twist it's so illogically contrary beyond his normal deduction methods study.

What I find even more suspiciously intriguing are George DeMohrenchidst's actions and words when he and his wife Jeanne came to visit Lee and Marina at their apartment soon after the Walker shooting incident.

Once the rifle is spotted in the closet...George DM reportedly joked to Lee about Lee taking a pot shot at Walker.

The fact that GM instantly had that thought in mind opens up a world of questions about what GM knew about Lee and his possible involvement in the Walker shooting.

One could imagine the conversation between GM and his wife Jeanne in the car ride back home after their visit with Lee and Marina that night.

Jeanne to George...what was that pot shot joke to Lee about the Walker shooting as soon as we saw the rifle in the closet?

What inspired you to say such a thing?

What the hell kind of things do you and that maniac talk about when you visit?

Look, we've got to get and stay away from that maniac Lee even if it hurts Marina.

Let's get packing for Haiti as soon as we can. Weve got to be in a sane and safe place far away in case that kook tries anymore crazy things!






Edited by Joe Bauer
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14 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

The glass there appears to be in one piece but cracked. Are we to conclude from that pic that the bullet clipped the glass pane, cracking it, but not actually breaking the glass pane into pieces?

Yeah, I think it went through the wooden screen first and then the window sash, nicking the glass. But I'm rusty.

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53 minutes ago, Mark Ulrik said:

Yeah, I think it went through the wooden screen first and then the window sash, nicking the glass. But I'm rusty.

I'm not sure what you mean by the "wooden screen" and "window sash". I would have thought both of these are the same things? Check out 5 minutes 50 seconds on this video. You can see the detectives flashlight reflecting in the bottom pane of glass indicating that the pane there is intact. I wonder if the assassin deliberately fired through the window frame as breaking the glass would have caused more noise: 


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