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Russell Kent's new book

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I Guess this has been a longtime in the writing.  Since Cyril Wecht told me about it years ago.

Its called JFK: Medical Betrayal.

This writer is from across the pond and has spoken at more than one conference, over there and here.

Has anyone read this yet?



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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I Guess this has been a longtime in the writing.  Since Cyril Wecht told me about it years ago.

Its called JFK: Medical Betrayal.

This writer is from across the pond and has spoken at more than one conference, over there and here.

Has anyone read this yet?



Got my hardback copy off Russell last Sunday.  Although I was mid-way through another book, I have put it aside to jump into Kent's book, which I am now 100 pages into.

The D.P.U.K. Conference thread on this site has Russell's presentation.  I rate the book very strongly!  A must read in the JFKA medical evidence field.

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Why not make a few summary comments when you are done?

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Unfortunately, I think that is correct.

I don't know why he did not put out a soft cover version, self published.

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Unfortunately, I think that is correct.

I don't know why he did not put out a soft cover version, self published.

It looks like he did.  As Pete mentioned above he bought a hardback copy from the author at his DPUK conference presentation.  Also, if you watch just the first few seconds of the presentation Pete posted in the DPUK conference thread the second shot on the screen behind Russell shows several hard back or soft cover versions of it stacked.  Why it's not being sold that way on Amazon I have no idea.  Hopefully it will be soon.  I prefer something I can hold in my hands, highlight passages, dog ear pages or flag them with small post it notes.


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Thanks Ron.

maybe Pete can find out why its not being sold on Amazon in paper?

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Good Denny, then you and Pete can give us your impressions when done.

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Apologies, I wrote hardback when I should have said paperback, which were copies Russell had with him in Canterbury.

The paperback copies are due to be on sale shortly according to Bart.

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'JFK Medical Betrayal-Where the Evidence Lies' is the work of Russell Kent who holds an honours degree from the University of London in physiology.  Russell has studied the JFKA case over 30 years with his equally long membership of Dealey Plaza U.K.  The work on his 2022 publication began some five years ago with his reading of Gary Aguilar and Kathy Cunningham's article 'How Five Investigations into JFK's Medical/Autopsy Evidence Got It Wrong'.  Why were these reviews necessary?  Because, as Kent states unanswerably, "nobody knows how Kennedy died."

'JFK Medical Betrayal's narrative begins in the frantic efforts to save the dying president in Dallas' Parkland Hospital and the following botched autopsy at the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington D.C.  As Dr. Wecht writes in his Foreword, "In every autopsy of a victim due to multiple gunshot wounds, it is of critical importance to determine the basic aspects via a thorough medicolegal autopsy performed by a trained, experienced, competent forensic pathologist.  Identification of every wound, differentiation between entrance and exit sites, approximate distance from which the shots were fired, trajectories, sequence, correlation of external wounds with damage to internal body organs and tissues-all are critical."  As has long been documented, all of the above criteria were not met in relation to JFK's autopsy.  With this medicolegal bungling and the lack of exact scientific evidence the Warren Commission resolved the injuries sustained by Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally with the absurd 'Magic Bullet Theory'.

Russell Kent goes in great detail to explore the following government panels and commissions, (The Clark Panel-The Rockefeller Commission-The H.S.C.A., and A.R.R.B.) how they came about, and how they reviewed the medical aspects of the JFKA.  In his meticulous scrutiny of the selected personnel, their career backgrounds, their qualifications, and their professional relationships and associations, Kent reveals corruption in the choice of panellists, the mystifying ways that these doctors worked together and why their conclusions continue to fail the dead President and hide the truth of his murder.  We are introduced to a veritable 'old boy's network', some doctors serving on more than one panel, some friends of the original Bethesda autopsists, many who had co-authored books with fellow panellists and/or who had personal relationships with fellow panellists.  Many had worked together previously, all factors to inhibit independence or give possible bias.  Most of these selected doctors worked in government funded institutions where it was highly unlikely they would rock the 'single bullet theory boat' or seriously investigate the possibility of a second gunman in Dealey Plaza.  Also included in these supposed investigations were several anthropologists, a veterinarian, as well as a WWII Luftwaffe doctor part of Operation Paperclip.

In his Conclusion, Kent writes, "The medical evidence shows that Oswald could not have done it alone."  I would have added here "if at all."  Yet 'JFK Medical Betrayal' is highly recommended reading in the JFKA medical canon.  Every chapter is meticulously researched, the two-hundred-and-seventy-page book comes with some seven hundred and fifty citations, Bibliography and Index. 

For those attending COPA's 2022 Conference in Dallas, Russell will be presenting there. 

Edited by Pete Mellor
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On 10/4/2022 at 3:56 AM, James DiEugenio said:

I Guess this has been a longtime in the writing.  Since Cyril Wecht told me about it years ago.

Its called JFK: Medical Betrayal.

This writer is from across the pond and has spoken at more than one conference, over there and here.

Has anyone read this yet?


I read the preface and foreword and the first two chapters, because they're available free of charge as the Kindle version preview. Dr. Wecht gives the book a ringing endorsement in the foreword. The first two chapters look solid to me. 

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On 10/5/2022 at 5:53 PM, Ron Bulman said:

It looks like he did.  As Pete mentioned above he bought a hardback copy from the author at his DPUK conference presentation.  Also, if you watch just the first few seconds of the presentation Pete posted in the DPUK conference thread the second shot on the screen behind Russell shows several hard back or soft cover versions of it stacked.  Why it's not being sold that way on Amazon I have no idea.  Hopefully it will be soon.  I prefer something I can hold in my hands, highlight passages, dog ear pages or flag them with small post it notes.


I don't know if anyone else watched this presentation or not.  It's very thorough.  The connections between the "medical" examiners for the Clark Pannel, Rockefeller Commission and HSCA regarding prior works with each other and dependence on government funding are stunning.  Fisher is fishy.  The chart showing this is excellent, only Dr. Wecht comes through clean.  The part about the autopsy should have been done at Walter Reed is convincing.  Navy (non-forensic) pathologists involved normally with non-gunshot wounds.  VS Army forensic pathologists that were.  Except for Finck who I knew was called in late but never knew it was an hour and fifteen minutes after it started.  Or that the body was already eviscerated, and the brain removed by the time he arrived.  Nor did I realize, the ARRB had no medical panel.

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I've just finished reading the book. It is very easy to read and understand, even to a non-medical person, which is a major "plus" in my opinion. 

I high recommend "JFK Medical Betrayal - Where the Evidence Lies" by Russell Kent to anyone who is interested in the background to the various medical panels who "examined" the medical evidence, and found it "agreed" with the Warren Commission conclusions. Russell's recent presentation (which Pete Mellor posted earlier in this topic) is also a good accompaniment to the book.



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