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A Response To DiEugenio's "Dale Myers and his World of Illusion"

Bill Brown

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18 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

I have a 1964 Postal Zip Code Directory for Dallas Texas that I bought on Ebay. What exactly are you looking for, I'll check it. It's got a Map of the postal zip codes in the center and it's got an alphabetical list of names and what zone they are in. 


Zip codes only?  Are you under the mistaken impression that the zip code for the 400 block of East Tenth Street is somehow different than the zip code would be right around the corner on Patton?


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14 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


Zip codes only?  Are you under the mistaken impression that the zip code for the 400 block of East Tenth Street is somehow different than the zip code would be right around the corner on Patton?


You are responding to the wrong person.

But, while your here if you could answer my post about the Connally and Kennedy size and the actual demo that proves Myers wrong... or are you going to duck it again? 

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7 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

You are responding to the wrong person.

But, while your here if you could answer my post about the Connally and Kennedy size and the actual demo that proves Myers wrong... or are you going to duck it again? 


Responding to the wrong person?




I responded to you, exactly as shown.  How will a postal zip code directory help?


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51 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:


Zip codes only?  Are you under the mistaken impression that the zip code for the 400 block of East Tenth Street is somehow different than the zip code would be right around the corner on Patton?


Ducked it again! LOL 

Go back and re read where I ask what Tom is looking for. If you didn't have reading comprehension problems you would understand that I didn't read your converstation past him asking about the Zip codes. Which is also why I asked what he was looking for... DUH 

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On 11/29/2022 at 1:22 PM, Matthew Koch said:

Speaking of Wizardry Bill, Connally and JFK are roughly the same size. Why are they not represented like that in Dale Myers recreation? Because if Dale Myers did this accurately we would see that the shot won't line up with the armpit area it hits Connally in the lower back. Hence it was debunked in their own episode!

Bill can you guess why they didn't put a skeleton in the Connally Ballistic Dummy? 


@Bill BrownFor the 3rd time anwser the my question, please!  

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12 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


A letter to Doris Holan dated December 26, 1963 showing the Patton address (NOT the Tenth Street address).


A listing in the 1964 Dallas City Directory (which means it contains information from 1963) showing that the Holans lived on Patton.


You calling these two items "flimsy" doesn't make them so.  It only means that you've yet to remove the CT goggles that so many are fond of donning.


And no evidence whatsoever of the move occurring in September ‘63 other than the 58-year old recollections of Lad Holan who changed his mind on the date while under the influence of Dale Myers. 

This isn’t that hard to understand. There is zero evidence supporting Myers’ specific claim that the Holans moved to 113 Patton in September other than Lad Holan’s memory, and to his credit Myers footnoted that claim accurately. The problem is that Myers presented this claim to his readers as settled history when it is anything but. Myers also stuck a parenthetical in his footnote saying that other family members could not corroborate Lad Holan’s claim, but he does not share the recollections of these other family members on the date of the move with his readers. 

Edited by Tom Gram
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19 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ducked it again! LOL 

Go back and re read where I ask what Tom is looking for. If you didn't have reading comprehension problems you would understand that I didn't read your converstation past him asking about the Zip codes. Which is also why I asked what he was looking for... DUH 


Then you're being foolish.  A postal zip code directory is of no use.  We're talking about addresses, not zip codes.  You're not making sense.


Edited by Bill Brown
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3 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


You can lead a horse to water blah blah blah.


I'm trying to lead a horse to answer a simple question. What vantage points was Myers referring to?

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2 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

I'm trying to lead a horse to answer a simple question. What vantage points was Myers referring to?


Wouldn't you have to ask him?


Edited by Bill Brown
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3 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

I'm trying to lead a horse to answer a simple question. What vantage points was Myers referring to?

LOL, ROTF.  Good one Bob.

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4 hours ago, Bill Brown said:


Wouldn't you have to ask him?


He didn't post the reply. You did and you're referencing Myer's blog. It's a simple question that I'm sure he would have an answer to but you have used it to support a criticism, which is fair. I'd like to know what TWO KNOWN references he's writing about. He critiques Harris's comparison pointing out errors by using two dimensional references and then claims he can use two himself. Maybe. What are they? I'm actually interested to know that or maybe I'm misunderstanding something.

So what TWO references is he referring to? It's ok if you don't know.

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15 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

Anyway, her second-story apartment on S. Patton was only about 150 feet from the Tippit shooting scene...

Nonsense.  The distance is more like 250 feet.

Tippit was shot 114 feet east of the corner of Tenth and Patton.  If you're standing at the spot where Tippit was killed, you can pretty much double (probably more than double)  that distance before you'd reach the apartment on Patton (located next to the alley halfway down the block between Tenth and Jefferson); and that's measuring as the crow flies.

...and period photos of the shooting scene and the surrounding area indicate that Ms. Holan may indeed have been able to see Tippit and his car.

And where can one have a look at these "period photos"?

Based on the maps and their distance scales that I reviewed this morning, I'd say the distance from her apartment to the shooting scene was no more than 220 feet, and we should keep in mind that her second-story apartment was a good 18-20 feet above the ground.

The period photos to which I referred are the 1964 FBI photos of the Tippit scene and of the surrounding area, the Heikes photo, and Commission Exhibits 523 and 530. CE 530 is a photo that shows the building in which Ms. Holan lived from the vantage point of a point on Tenth St., and keep in mind that Ms. Holan's second-story apartment was on the northern end of the building, i.e., the end that was closer to Tenth St. Note also that the building on the southern Tenth and Patton corner was at least 20-30 feet from the southern sidewalk and another 6 feet or so from the street. CE 523 is an annotated map of the Tippit scene that seems to show that Ms. Holan would have been able to see Tippit and his patrol car from her second-floor apartment. CE 523 seems to show that the two houses between her building and Tippit's car would not have obstructed her view of the shooting scene.

I notice you avoided the question regarding whether Professor Pulte was lying when he said he attended one of Brownlow's meetings with Ms. Holan. I believe that Pulte was telling the truth. I believe that Brownlow did have several conversations with Ms. Holan. I believe that Ms. Holan's account may be genuine. One wonders why an old lady living in a nursing home would fabricate such a story, although one can always theorize that Brownlow and Hulte misrepresented what she said. 



Edited by Michael Griffith
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Myers has Tippit driving NORTH after Tippit radioed his location "Lancaster and 8th" LOL, quote from WITH MALICE:

"The last twenty minutes of Tippit’s life are a little unclear. It is believed  that shortly after Tippit gave his location as “Lancaster and 8th,” he  drove a little less than a mile to the Gloco gas station, located at the south end of the Houston Street viaduct, arriving at about 12:57 p.m. This is where fellow officer Ron Nelson had reported from, eight minutes earlier.
                 Photographer Al Volkland and his wife Lou, both of whom reportedly knew Tippit, drove by the service station and waved at Tippit, who was sitting in his squad car watching traffic coming out of downtown Dallas over the viaduct. Three employees of the gas station, Tom Mullins, Emmett Hollingshead and J.B. “Shorty” Lewis, all of whom claimed they knew Tippit, confirmed the Volklands’ story. They said that Tippit remained at the Gloco gas station for about ten minutes. "

Close qute


Then acc. to Myers Tippit turned 180 degrees and drove south. Myers has Tippit in the Top Ten Record Shop at 1.11 pm ...

In the real world  at 1.11 pm Tippit was dead and in the ambulance on it's way to Methodist Hospital.



"At about this time, dispatcher Murray Jackson was trying to raise J.D.   Tippit on the police radio.
                 “I called him to ask him his location, so I could keep track of him, where he was, in my mind, but he didn’t answer.”
             While it is commonly believed that Tippit missed the call at 1:03 p.m., there is a possibility that Tippit did in fact respond to Jackson’s location check.
                 Dallas police radio recordings show that twenty-two seconds after Jackson’s request for Tippit’s location, a garbled transmission was made that has the tonal characteristics of other known transmissions made by Tippit, although it was impossible to determine with any degree of certainty whether it was in fact his voice. The exact words are indecipherable. The transmission was made while the dispatcher was engaged in attempting to ascertain the location of another patrol car, Unit 48, A.D. Duncan, which may explain why dispatcher Jackson missed what may have been Tippit’s return call.
                 Evidence indicates that Officer Tippit was at the Gloco gas station during this period. At about 1:07 p.m. — four minutes after the location request from dispatcher Jackson — witnesses at the service station saw Tippit pull out and head south on Lancaster at a high rate of speed.
                 There were no radio transmissions broadcast on either police channel at this time that would explain Tippit’s course of action.  Whatever caused J.D. Tippit to speed out of the Gloco gas station remains a mystery. Five minutes later, at about 1:11 p.m., two men claimed to have seen Tippit  come into a record store in Oak Cliff. According to the store owner J.W.  “Dub” Stark and his clerk, Luis G. Cortinas, Officer Tippit hurried into the Top Ten Record Shop on Jefferson at Bishop. Stark, who ran a flower shop in Oak Cliff in the mid-1980’s, said that they recognized Tippit, who used to come in to buy records. In his haste, Tippit asked several customers to step aside as he made his way to the telephone. He estimated that Tippit let the phone ring about 7 or 8 times, and without saying a word, hung up, and hustled out the front door. 


Clsoe quote


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15 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

Tell us when you get an answer Bob.


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BTW, this is now the highest rated article we have at Kennedys and King.com.

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