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Tucker Carlson about the JFKA

Karl Kinaski

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10 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

IMO the damage and harm Tucker Carlson has done to our society with his years of inflaming and dividing and twisting the truth propaganda makes him worse than simply non-credible.

To me he is a journalistic ethics violating jackal. 

This odd JFK/CIA claim he has made is giving him false and way over-the-top redeeming praise. 

And I don't understand how so many here are falling into this "Tucker Carlson instant hero" cheer leading crowd shout/wave.

I will never trust this guy. I also believe he is a mockingbird plant.

This story will fade away soon enough imo. But Carlson has picked up a mountain of past indiscretion redeeming points from it and he is smiling all the way to the false reality revived integrity bank with them.

E. Howard Hunt already claimed CIA involvement with Cord Meyer and he ( Hunt ) being a "bench warmer" to a larger more actively involved team of CIA connected characters, ie Sturgis, Morales, etc.

Yet, Hunt's "Big Event" story was so ignored by the MSM and JFK research academics ( contrary to Carlson's praised claim ) it was incongruously suspicious. Or tellingly so?

America's most famous and self-promoting political dirty deed trickster Roger Stone also made a huge chunk of change putting out his own JFK conspiracy book that simply echoed E. Howard Hunt's story. 

Didn't LBJ long time mistress Madeleine Brown ( and mother to LBJ's love child Steven  ) tell us this same story in her recounting of LBJ screaming at her "it was big oil... and those damn renegade intelligence bastards" who took out JFK?

Yet her story (which echos Carlson's one ) was dismissed as simply the rantings of a vengeful, defunded and even loony LBJ ex-girlfriend trying to make some quick bucks and get back at LBJ and his family for cruelly and coldly disclaiming her son from his rightful LBJ fathered birth rights?

A retired Army Special Forces colonel ( Dan Marvin ) also said our own people carried out the JFK hit per his interview in the documentary film series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy."

98% of Americans won't give this Carlson JFK assassination claim a second or even first thought.

They are too busy with 100 daily life needs and duties and other practical matters to give a hoot.

So, where does Tucker Carlson go with this story now?

Will he be called out by some highest level historical truth seeking MSM consortium to tell us more for the sake of reclaiming our constitutional government foundation, democratically elected government, supposedly lost to this evil, non-elected higher power entity takeover since 11,22,1963?

What would Rush Limbaugh have said about this Tucker Carlson revelation proclamation?





You have expressed with customary eloquence your righteous anger and frustration at the state of the USA and how economic inequality has worsened in recent decades.

But what’s the solution? As I said before, the solution to economic inequality is not reduced inequality but equality, or as close to it as possible. While I accept that there are important differences between the economic policies of the Democrats and the Republicans, neither side has proposed an upper limit on the wealth of individuals or families. So, blaming the Republicans alone for the dire straits of the USA doesn’t seem to make sense to me.

Even though I haven’t got a TV and I’m not American, and even though I disagree fundamentally with Tucker Carlson’s ideology, I’ve watched many clips of him on YouTube and I’ve found him articulate and incisive on many issues.

In this instance, is he not the first prominent US mainstream media broadcaster to state unequivocally that the CIA was involved in the JFKA? Moreover, has Carlson’s statement not been the catalyst for Robert Kennedy Jnr to come out and likewise state unequivocally that the CIA was involved in the murder of his uncle – the first Kennedy to make such a public statement?

I may be mistaken, but “shooting the messenger” doesn’t seem a very constructive response to these developments.

Edited by John Cotter
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13 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

I've always believed that the attempted hostage rescue in Iran on 4/24/80 was deliberately botched in order to damage Carter's chances in the 1980 election. 

It was a hair-brained plan anyway, but your point is taken.

I doubt that’s what Carlson was referring to,  seems like he’s using the JFKA to throw shade on US elections.

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13 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

I've always believed that the attempted hostage rescue in Iran on 4/24/80 was deliberately botched in order to damage Carter's chances in the 1980 election. 

I have wondered about that too. 

Does any President the CIA does not like last more than one term? 

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4 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Speculation, not assumption. 

Ever read Carl Ogelsby’s The Yankee and the Cowboy War?  It convinced me to look at factions within the MIC, within the CIA particularly along the lines of Eastern Establishment (WASP banking) Yankees and the Western oil interest Cowboys, both controlling factions within the intelligence community.

Modern day Yankees are called Globalists and the far-right Cowboys morphed into MAGA Christian Nationalists (“Drill baby, drill”).

No government agency ever affected an American election like what far-right elements of the FBI did to Clinton in 2016.

Carlson won’t acknowledge that bit of Deep Statery.

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43 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Ever read Carl Ogelsby’s The Yankee and the Cowboy War?  It convinced me to look at factions within the MIC, within the CIA particularly along the lines of Eastern Establishment (WASP banking) Yankees and the Western oil interest Cowboys, both controlling factions within the intelligence community.

Modern day Yankees are called Globalists and the far-right Cowboys morphed into MAGA Christian Nationalists (“Drill baby, drill”).

No government agency ever affected an American election like what far-right elements of the FBI did to Clinton in 2016.

Carlson won’t acknowledge that bit of Deep Statery.

Yes, Ogelsby's book has merits, but delimited. 

Where do the powerful (nearly controlling) globalists in the modern-day Silicon Valley-Tech and Wall Street fit into this antiquarian model? 

Wall Street is no longer WASP-y, and Silicon Valley never was. 

On 2016, there is a lot that could be said in any direction.

The CIA was planting op-eds in the NYT pre-election that Trump was a national security threat and endorsing HRC. 

Michael Morell was an acting CIA director. Note this op-ed. 


In a nutshell, would say the Deep State loathed, detested and reviled Trump, for reasons good and bad. Sure, there are caveats, and quibbles, and clarifications etc. I am writing a comment not a book. You can cavil if you wish, but who in the Deep State actually backed Trump? And many had the long knives out. We can rehash Russiagate, but likely it was an elaborate hoax. 

The truth is, the CIA publicly backed HRC to the hilt in 2016--after all, she is a little warmonger in pant suits and lifetime known commodity. 

Anyway, this tired rehashing of 2016 has little to do Tucker Carlson's peerless, superb presentation on the JFKA and CIA. 

You should send some e-mails to CNN, MSNBC, NYT. WaPo et al asking why they cannot match Carlson? Why are they so feeble, compromised. 

Side note: Is it possible the QAnon-JFKA connection was initially fabricated under an Operation Mockingbird type effort? Are you being a useful idiot in recounting this connection? 

What better way to smear the JFKA research community as "conspiracy nuts" than to develop a QAnon connection? 





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17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Yes, Ogelsby's book has merits, but delimited. 

You’re missing the bigger picture of a faction ridden Deep State.

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Where do the powerful (nearly controlling) globalists in the modern-day Silicon Valley-Tech and Wall Street fit into this antiquarian model? 

Wall Street is no longer WASP-y

Are you sure about that?

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

, and Silicon Valley never was. 

Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are modern day Cowboys.  The business models of Facebook and Twitter amplify right wing voices.

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

On 2016, there is a lot that could be said in any direction.

Nonsense.  How many cable news cycles did the Russia-hacked-the DNC story make over the last five months of the 2016 election?

Twice, nothing over the last 70 days.  How many mentions did the Steele Dossier get on TV heading into the election?  Zero.

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The CIA was planting op-eds in the NYT pre-election that Trump was a national security threat and endorsing HRC. 

Almost the entire Republican field accused Trump of being a threat to national security.  Why didn’t the CIA leak the Steele Dossier?

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You’re comparing a NY Times op-Ed to 11 straight days of Hillary bashing on all three cable networks?

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


In a nutshell, would say the Deep State loathed, detested and reviled Trump, for reasons good and bad.

And yet it was Clinton’s non-scandal that dominated news coverage.  

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Sure, there are caveats, and quibbles, and clarifications etc. I am writing a comment not a book. You can cavil if you wish, but who in the Deep State actually backed Trump?

The New York FBI, which had Hillary e-mails they knew were duplicates but FBI chief Comey presented it as a new investigation.

The cable news shows which broadcast every Trump speech, gave him billions in free advertising.  

The New York Times, which gave 4 times more coverage to Hillary’s e-mails than her policy positions.

The factions of the Deep State loyal to Christian Nationalism, a significant faction.

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

And many had the long knives out. We can rehash Russiagate, but likely it was an elaborate hoax. 

Not according to Crowdstrike’s Shawn Henry, who testified the Russian hacker Fancy Bear set up the DNC computer to be hacked by, according to Assange, non-state actors.

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The truth is, the CIA publicly backed HRC to the hilt in 2016--after all, she is a little warmonger in pant suits and lifetime known commodity. 

Leaking the Steele Dossier would have been “to the hilt.”

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Anyway, this tired rehashing of 2016 has little to do Tucker Carlson's peerless, superb presentation on the JFKA and CIA. 

It has everything to do with the nature of the Deep State, which Carlson is attempting to obfuscate.

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You should send some e-mails to CNN, MSNBC, NYT. WaPo et al asking why they cannot match Carlson? Why are they so feeble, compromised. 

I’d rather ask why JFKA experts like DiEugenio don’t promote the fact JFK suffered soft tissue wounds consistent with CIA weaponry.

It amazes me that this fact is totally ignored by the JFKA Critical community.

Talk about lame!

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Side note: Is it possible the QAnon-JFKA connection was initially fabricated under an Operation Mockingbird type effort?

The entire story is fabricated.  Are you claiming the CIA is behind QAnon?


17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Are you being a useful idiot in recounting this connection? 

Are you straining to throw shade?

17 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

What better way to smear the JFKA research community as "conspiracy nuts" than to develop a QAnon connection? 

Research QAnon.

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3 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Research QAnon.

Ben save your time and just look at this https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/q-anon-bears-striking-resemblance-to-bolshevik-psy-op-from-1920s-known-as-operation-trust/

BlueAnon partisans like Cliff who just want to project upon their ideological enemies use QAnon because they are NPC's programed by the M$M just like Yuri said and are working for their Mocking Bird masters... 


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12 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

Ben save your time and just look at this https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/01/q-anon-bears-striking-resemblance-to-bolshevik-psy-op-from-1920s-known-as-operation-trust/

BlueAnon partisans like Cliff who just want to project upon their ideological enemies use QAnon because they are NPC's programed by the M$M just like Yuri said and are working for their Mocking Bird masters... 


Those who are not hysterical will note I allowed for the possibility QAnon was an intel op.

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Yes, Ogelsby's book has merits, but delimited. 

Where do the powerful (nearly controlling) globalists in the modern-day Silicon Valley-Tech and Wall Street fit into this antiquarian model? 

Wall Street is no longer WASP-y, and Silicon Valley never was. 

On 2016, there is a lot that could be said in any direction.

The CIA was planting op-eds in the NYT pre-election that Trump was a national security threat and endorsing HRC. 

Michael Morell was an acting CIA director. Note this op-ed. 


In a nutshell, would say the Deep State loathed, detested and reviled Trump, for reasons good and bad. Sure, there are caveats, and quibbles, and clarifications etc. I am writing a comment not a book. You can cavil if you wish, but who in the Deep State actually backed Trump? And many had the long knives out. We can rehash Russiagate, but likely it was an elaborate hoax. 

The truth is, the CIA publicly backed HRC to the hilt in 2016--after all, she is a little warmonger in pant suits and lifetime known commodity. 

Anyway, this tired rehashing of 2016 has little to do Tucker Carlson's peerless, superb presentation on the JFKA and CIA. 

You should send some e-mails to CNN, MSNBC, NYT. WaPo et al asking why they cannot match Carlson? Why are they so feeble, compromised. 

Side note: Is it possible the QAnon-JFKA connection was initially fabricated under an Operation Mockingbird type effort? Are you being a useful idiot in recounting this connection? 

What better way to smear the JFKA research community as "conspiracy nuts" than to develop a QAnon connection? 

One cannot discuss Dealey Plaza conspiracy theories without taking up an early and persisting specimen, the John Birch Society theory that the assassination cabal originates within the orbits of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the secret Round Tables, the inner power sphere of the Rockefeller-Morgan-Rothschild world system. The JBS would say it was Yankee power that killed JFK, as I would say it was Cowboy power. Yankees are as capable as other types of turning against their own, and it seems self-evident from the problem remaining before us that they were quite capable of abandoning the pursuit of his killers as scion as it was convenient to do so and going along with the Johnson program of progress through war. Kennedy was far to the left within the coalition through which he sought to govern, even in his own base and constituency. By fall of 1963, he had probably "lost the support of his peers," in Indira Gandhi's phrase. But it is naive of the JBS to think Yankee power could have succeeded in covering up such a thing in an important Cowboy capital like Dallas.

Then did the CIA do it? –P. 152


Save your money Ben, it's more of a Niche book. Cliff is presenting it as fact and Oglesby is discussing power structures in hypothesis form, along with Dorthy Hunt's death as an assassination. If you can find it for $30 or less get it otherwise I recommend passing. 


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