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MSNBC goes there

Matt Allison

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Shoot the messenger - unpleasant way to debate. There is a lot of intolerance on the Right, but there is also intolerance on the Left. Wish it wasn’t true, because I identify with the Left and think that intolerance is illiberal. If you disagree with someone you discuss the issues but stick to facts. Honor the goodness in your adversary. 

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6 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Matt Allison: The CIA, Joannides, the whole enchilada. The entire panel as angry as we are. I imagine it will be available online sometime today.


It is now today, can you show us this?

Second that.


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2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Sandy , What are you saying???

Jim said "conspiracy theories" are what the CIA wanted us to call them back after the JFKA!!!! What's the matter with you?!


I agree with you, Kirk. That the JFK assassination was planned by a conspiracy has already been proven to be a fact. It has also already been proven that the coverup -- yet another conspiracy -- is also a fact. The only things that remain theoretical are many of the details behind the conspiracies.

I justify calling each of our theories a conspiracy theory by noting the fact that they are theories about conspiracies... thus the use of the adjective "conspiracy." So there is nothing logically wrong with using the phrase "conspiracy theory" even through the conspiracy part is a fact.

But it certainly would be useful for public relations to use a phrase for out theories that excludes the use of the word conspiracy.

Do you have any suggestions?


At the moment, this is what I think we should do: Let's continue to call them conspiracy theories when among friends. But when writing or being video taped for the public, always start off with something like the first paragraph here.

It was proven long ago that the JFK assassination was carried out by a conspiracy, and that the U.S. government covered it up and continues to do so. Since then, researchers have continued chipping away at the evidence in an attempt to discover who the killers were and why the government is so intent on keeping it a secret.

Could it be that the Feds simply think that the public can't handle the truth?...


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28 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Matt Allison: The CIA, Joannides, the whole enchilada. The entire panel as angry as we are. I imagine it will be available online sometime today.


It is now today, can you show us this?

The segment is on page one, with Mark Caputo and Beschloss.

It's great he had Lawrence on. But Tucker Carlson says he has an anonymous government source claiming big things that need to be followed up on, or people will think it was just BS.

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1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:


It's interesting how the Leftoids have been complaining loudly about Tucker yet can't offer any specifics.. it's like you only know what MSNBC has told you to think!


They rarely talk about Tucker Carlson on MSNBC.

I watched Tucker a few times during Trump's reign and maybe once afterword. He's a l.i.a.r. He lied about those Dominion voting machines being fraudulent, for example.

Immediately after the 1/6 insurrection there was a backlash against Trump and a lot of Republican politicians publicly shamed him. It wouldn't surprise me if Tucker didn't repeat Trump lies then.

But later, when those same Republicans saw that Trump was going to survive, they largely changed their opinions towards Trump and summarily licked his boots. (MSNBC DID report on that.)


1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

Tucker did the JFKA a great service his show even had a forum member on yet the sore losers can't acknowledge it because they are jealous.


Why would we be jealous? Our only points are that Tucker has low credibility and sings to his CT believing choir. So it's not that big a deal what Carlson did for us. And I actually did rethink it and thought that his piece might actually get younger people to become curious and buy JFK conspiracy theory books. And later might carry the torch.


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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

It's interesting how the Leftoids have been complaining loudly about Tucker yet can't offer any specifics.. it's like you only know what MSNBC has told you to think! Tucker did the JFKA a great service his show even had a forum member on yet the sore losers can't acknowledge it because they are jealous.

Who’s jealous of whom?

0:36 Miranda Devine —

“It used to be that conservatives like me dismissed theories from the Left about JFK’s assassination as just Left-wing conspiracy theories.  But, over time, I think that the Left looks like they were justified in not trusting the intelligence services.”

Carlson murmured his agreement 3 times.

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7 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Who’s jealous of whom?

0:36 Miranda Devine —

“It used to be that conservatives like me dismissed theories from the Left about JFK’s assassination as just Left-wing conspiracy theories.  But, over time, I think that the Left looks like they were justified in not trusting the intelligence services.”

Carlson murmured his agreement 3 times.

Cliff - what’s your point? If it’s trusting the Intelligence services I definitely don’t. Must be something else.

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11 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Second this too. And Michael Beschloss? He was definitely towing the CIA talking points. Larry pointed out here or on another thread that they held a briefing with NYT, WAPO etc. Matt - what do you make of that? 

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Beschloss sounds like he was in on those CIA briefings.

Did he actually say what I think he did:  That the CIA had a picture of Oswald on the embassy steps?

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18 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Cliff - what’s your point? 

I challenge the claim Leftists have anything to be jealous about re the JFKA.

I must admit I’m a card-carrying member of the Vincent Salandria School of Research into the Obvious.   Once we recognize the fact that JFK suffered a shallow wound in his back at T3 there no need to discuss CE399, the acoustics, head wound(s), Oswald-as-shooter or any number of time-wasting rabbit holes.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Paul, maybe you can explain this to me, I’m getting slow in my old age:

Around the 32 minute mark of the 2-hour Stone doc Whoopi informs us that JFK had a shallow wound in his back to the right of T3.  

This was after she spent 10 minutes on the provenance of a bullet that could NEVER leave a shallow wound in soft tissue.

The Single Bullet was the key to the cover-up.  How is leading with 10 minutes on an impossible scenario anything other than a perpetuation of the cover-up?

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7 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


What I am saying is that those who gravitate toward Tucker Carlson are gullible, tend to believe conspiracy theories, and are fed by him.


I probably wasn't clear Sandy. I think the context you use conspiracy theories here is totally right on. And nobody here among us should feel any hesitancy to use the term "conspiracy theory". We know who we are.

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Is the problem for the Donks...that President Biden looks like a senile weakling? 

The justifications for suppressing JFK records are laughable on the face of it. Does one person anywhere believe Biden in his justification for continued suppression? 

But President Biden and CIA Director William Burns are saying disclosure would imperil national security, and the M$M is largely buying. 

Has a single M$M player (excepting Carlson) called Biden out for such demented, craven complicity in government secrecy regarding the assassination of the US President? 

(BTW, I thought Trump looked like a blackmailed con artist when he suppressed the records). 

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