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What JFK Did for Us

Gil Jesus

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35 minutes ago, Simon Andrew said:

Don’t tell me…straight roads and aqueducts.

Right on Reg.

Sorry Gil, I’m only messing. The title just reminded me of Monty Python. I like your vids and input.

I hate to think what would have happened if Nixon had been elected in 1960. They would have invaded Cuba, the Russians would have attacked West Berlin, we would have nuked the Soviet Union and they would have responded in kind. None of us alive back then would be alive today.

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In regards to Cuba, recall, JFK called Nixon while the Bay of Pigs was reeling.

Nixon said he would have declared a beachhead and sent in the Navy.

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19 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

I hate to think what would have happened if Nixon had been elected in 1960. They would have invaded Cuba, the Russians would have attacked West Berlin, we would have nuked the Soviet Union and they would have responded in kind. None of us alive back then would be alive today.

Oh no Gil.

"Only" 15 to 20 million Americans would be dead, vs. 120 million or so Soviets. So we would have "won" the nuclear war. You might have lived. 

That was the thinking. 

When people today think the JFKA as a conspiracy is farfetched, they forget the context, tone and tenor of the times. 

"Serious" people were talking nuclear war. And to be fair, Russia had placed nuclear-capable missiles in Cuba (although the US already had missiles in USSR-adjacent Turkey). So tensions were high. 

I agree Nixon likely would have caved into military pressure and gone nuclear. We were that close. If Illinois had swung the other way....

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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23 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

I hate to think what would have happened if Nixon had been elected in 1960. They would have invaded Cuba, the Russians would have attacked West Berlin, we would have nuked the Soviet Union and they would have responded in kind. None of us alive back then would be alive today.

You really think that the Russians would have attacked West Berlin with Nixon as president in response to the liberation of Cuba? I doubt that. If the Russians made no move against Berlin during JFK's invasion of Cuba, even though they regarded Kennedy as less hawkish/weaker than Nixon, it seems unlikely they would have attacked Berlin over Cuba with Nixon in the White House.

The Russians were acutely aware that they would suffer far more severe losses in a nuclear exchange than we would. Besides, if we had liberated Cuba in 1961, there would have been no Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. 

All this being said, I should probably repeat that I mostly blame the CIA and the Joint Chiefs for the failure of the Bay of Pigs. 


Edited by Michael Griffith
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