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18 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I'm surprised no one here on this thread has commented on this incredible interview of Mark Lane by Larry King.

Besides Lane's remarkably researched insights into and promoting of this thread's main topic proposition, he mentions and praises our very own Joseph McBride's revelatory work when JM was writing and contributing to "The Nation" magazine.

Lane first comments on Joseph McBride beginning right at the 20 minute, 50 second time mark of the interview.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Thanks, Joe. I hadn't heard that before.

I met Mark Lane once, and we exchanged

mutual respect. He ran my two Bush articles

in an appendix to PLAUSIBLE DENIAL and elsewhere in that book praised my research

into George H. W. Bush and the assassination. I was grateful,

since he did so much to advance the case

early on when few people were dissenting

from the official story. I include 35 pages

on my Bush research and his Texas rightwing connections

in INTO THE NIGHTMARE. The Nation refused

to run my third article, about Bush's relationship

with James Parrott, even though they had enabled

me to continue my research by going to Texas.

Victor Navasky, then the editor of The Nation,

told me I should avoid researching the

assassination because it is a "quagmire." I write

at length in my recent book POLITICAL TRUTH about the

failure of the left/liberal media in the US

to investigate or admit the truth about the assassination.

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So to be clear. This piece from TMWKK has Rob Burnham and Mark Lane claiming that Arthur Krock was a person JFK trusted to filter his views to the public claiming in this instance that the CIA was sabotaging the will of both JFK and Henry Cabot Lodge in Viet Nam when we know now that Lodge was a hawk who in August 63 explained to JFK that there was a coup underway to assassinate Diem, and JFK passively accepted that decision, at least for that moment.

So talking about getting history dead wrong! Burnham and Lane assumed that JFK,Cabot, and Kroc didn't want escalation in Vietnam, and was opposed by the CIA, who according to their story presumably did. So could we say  they got 2 out of the 3 wrong?


Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Monica Wiesak used that Jackie Kennedy book for her wonderful volume America's Last President.  And I talked about this with her, since I was so glad she did.


This is one of those instances where the MSM did the preemptive strike on the Kennedys to make sure everyone got the wrong impression, and would stay away.

I have to admit, this included me--sort of like the whole thing the LA Times did with the John Miner "Marilyn Monroe tapes'" that were not tapes.

The Jackie Kennedy book has some really compelling stuff in it.  She was interested in what her husband did and why.

For example, she condemned what LBJ did in Brazil and Dominican Republic  in 1964 and 1965.  She saw them as a betrayal of the Alliance for Progress. (pp. 65-66)

She said that she wrote a thank you letter to Kwame Nkrumah after he left Washington because JFK stressed "how awful everyone had always treated the Africans, how Eisenhower had kept [an Africa Leader] waiting for 45 minutes." (p. 47)

She also wrote that Kennedy's feelings about atomic disarmament went way back to when before they were married.  JFK was talking about the issue with David Ormsby Gore, "you should sort of disarm or come to some agreement and that would be possible without selling out..It started so long ago that he was thinking about that." ( (p. 170)

And  this one , which goes to the heart of the matter, namely Kennedy being an Irish Catholic:

"In Venezuela I went to an orphanage and there was a picture in the paper, all the children were kissing me goodbye, and the headline was...we love Mrs. Kennedy, look she permits herself to be kissed by these children....And that just hurt Jack so much for them, and he said you just don't know the inferiority complex here that the United States has given them. "  (pp 63-64)

Sounds a lot like LBJ or Nixon right? 🤑

That is why Bescholoss did what he did and the MSM also.  Kennedy was that different. And it must be kept a secret.


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5 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

Thanks, Joe. I hadn't heard that before.

I met Mark Lane once, and we exchanged

mutual respect. He ran my two Bush articles

in an appendix to PLAUSIBLE DENIAL and elsewhere in that book praised my research

into George H. W. Bush and the assassination. I was grateful,

since he did so much to advance the case

early on when few people were dissenting

from the official story. I include 35 pages

on my Bush research and his Texas rightwing connections

in INTO THE NIGHTMARE. The Nation refused

to run my third article, about Bush's relationship

with James Parrott, even though they had enabled

me to continue my research by going to Texas.

Victor Navasky, then the editor of The Nation,

told me I should avoid researching the

assassination because it is a "quagmire." I write

at length in my recent book POLITICAL TRUTH about the

failure of the left/liberal media in the US

to investigate or admit the truth about the assassination.

JM and others here...must mention also that at the 34 minute mark of this Larry King/Mark Lane interview broadcast...a caller-in is identified as being from New York City.

Listen closely to this caller's voice as he speaks about the documented discrepancy regarding Oswald's rifle shooting skills.

This caller is...Woody Allen!

I would swear to it based on my self-anointed "expert" ability to identify famous people to their recorded audio speech tone, pitch, manner, accent etc.

Both Larry King and Mark Lane do not say a word about this caller from New York City's true identity, but listen for yourself and tell me I'm wrong.

Just another very interesting ( if quirky ) aspect to this great Mark Lane interview imo.


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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

This caller is...Woody Allen!

I would swear to it based on my self-anointed "expert" ability to identify famous people to their recorded audio speech tone, pitch, manner, accent etc.

I also see myself as such a self appointed expert, Joe. He does have the same  Brooklyn accent as Allen. The tenor of his voice, and his vocal range  is very similar. It would have turned my attention as well. But in my judgment, it's not Woody Allen.

Though you can take comfort that in one of Allen's earlier movies,  he did  mockingly play a character in a passing dialog that was obsessed with the JFKA.

Somebody here can tell us which movie that was , as I forgot.




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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46 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I also see myself as such a self appointed expert, Joe. He does have the same  Brooklyn accent as Allen. The tenor of his voice, and his vocal range  is very similar. It would have turned my attention as well. But in my judgment, it's not Woody Allen.

Though you can take comfort that in one of Allen's earlier movies,  he did  mockingly play a character in a passing dialog that was obsessed with the JFKA.

Somebody here can tell us which movie that was , as I forgot.





The fact that Allen even thought up and inserted a JFKA obsessed character into one of his films suggests to me his interest.

Allen had a very distinctive inflection voice, pitch, pacing and accent that to me matched perfectly the one we hear at the end of the Mark Lane interview if only a few spoken sentences.

I am a Woody Allen film buff, having seen everyone. I have also gone on You Tube and watched his early years appearances on many national audience TV shows doing his stand-up Shtick.

I've listened to the Lane interview call a dozen times now.

Every new time I am more convinced it is Allen.

Listen again to the New York City callers pronunciation of the word "Marine."

Also the words "the head."

Also the words "shot" and "not." He has a unique pronunciation of those two words that is distinctive Allen-esque.

How about a friendly bet between us regards this hugely important matter?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Woody Allen contributed substantially to Mark Lane's

cause when he was traveling around lecturing

on the assassination. Allen also quipped

on one of his early albums that when he

saw the Warren Report in a bookstore, he

moved it to the fiction section. I do the same.

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20 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I'm surprised no one here on this thread has commented on this incredible interview of Mark Lane by Larry King.

Besides Lane's remarkably researched insights into and promoting of this thread's main topic proposition, he mentions and praises our very own Joseph McBride's revelatory work when JM was writing and contributing to "The Nation" magazine.

Lane first comments on Joseph McBride beginning right at the 20 minute, 50 second time mark of the interview.


A historic interview.  Thanks for the link Joe.  Lane says this is covered in the Nation by Joe McBride.  He talks about the memo of Hoover briefing GHWB but does not give him credit for finding it.  Bush was not in congress in 1963 (King), he was running for it and lost.

Lane claims to have found the CIA memo to agents instructing them to discredit researchers using the press (calling them conspiracy theorists, not mentioned in the interview) through a FOIA request.  I never knew this.

I never thought about this.  If the FBI agents reviewing the tapes on 11/22/63 of Oswald in Mexico City were able to say it was not his voice, they had to already be familiar with his voice.   

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