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JFK Assassination Debate on Infowars

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Morley was told no. The WaPo would not allow even one reporter, even part-time, to follow the JFKA. 

Ben- what is your source for this?

When Morley was at WaPo, they posted many articles of his about the JFKA.

Any time there is news about the case, they cover it.

The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos who is the richest man in the world and is controlled by no one.

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- what is your source for this?

When Morley was at WaPo, they posted many articles of his about the JFKA.

Any time there is news about the case, they cover it.

The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos who is the richest man in the world and is controlled by no one.

Jeff Morley himself. 

Unfortunately, I do not have a cite..He said this during one of his book-discussion sessions at a book store, YouTubed. 

Bezos? You realize Amazon has become a major contractor for the...CIA?


The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon - The Atlantic

https://www.theatlantic.com › archive › 2014/07 › the-...

Jul 17, 2557 BE — In early 2013, after weighing bids from Amazon Web Services, IBM and an unnamed third vendor, the CIA awarded a contract to AWS worth up to $600 ...

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17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is what I was trying to point out.  What we should be looking at in this is the techniques and tactics used by the other side, in this instance by Austen.  And that is what I tried to do.  Look, you can line up a laser to do anything you wish it to do, its the same old GIGO.  But the death certificate and the face sheet put the back wound at the wrong place to make it through the throat, plus the back wound  is bigger than the throat wound.  Plus Perry's comments on the first day.  We have to be able to counter  this effectively.

And do not underestimate how many viewers Infowars has.  The Libertarian movement is not something that can be dismissed out of hand.  And that is who Jones largely appeals to.

Even though Alex has been deplatformed pretty much everywhere, he still gets hundreds of thousands of viewers daily on his own platforms — and he operates several different websites. 

On Banned.Video, for example, the JFKA Debate has about 8,000 views as of this morning. That’s not even counting how many saw it on Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet, or on other platforms where it was shared. 

Nothing to sneeze at! 

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14 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Ben- what is your source for this?

When Morley was at WaPo, they posted many articles of his about the JFKA.

Any time there is news about the case, they cover it.

The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos who is the richest man in the world and is controlled by no one.

Matt - why do you defend the msm for the trickle of JFK conspiracy stories? And Jeff Bezos isn’t controlled by anyone because he’s the worlds richest man? I’m having difficulty understanding this statement. So the richer you are the more free you are from censorship? I would appreciate some elaboration. If true is this a good thing?

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Paul- Much like JFK, the fact that Bezos is wealthy means he can't be bought; his beliefs aren't for sale. The masthead for the Washington Post is "Democracy Dies in Darkness" and IMO they do their best to make that warning stand. As I stated above, they cover any news that pertains to the JFKA. The reality is that there isn't much news in this 60 year old case. As far as Ben's complaint about CIA using AWS, so do scores of other entities that want to utilize the best tech there is, and that is precisely what Amazon Web Services provides.

Edited by Matt Allison
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Jeff was very accurate about this several years ago in Pittsburgh.

He said that every time he wanted to bring up a JFK story, he got the third degree. They would ask him questions that he would never get on any other angle.  Like: Why do you want to do this story?  Or: Where are you headed at with this?  The second one he understood as being a double edged sword.  If he said nowhere, they would say: Well why do you want to do it? If he said: It might solve the case, they would say we do not do conspiracy theories.

The George Joannides story was the worst.  He had three sources on it and even Woodward said it was good.  The editors kicked it over to Jeff Leen. He rejected it.  I suppose its just a coincidence that Leen was the guy who rejected the CIA/Crack/Contra story and approved the attack on Gary Webb.

If anyone thinks that Morley could have done what he has done recently at the Post, I mean, please.

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11 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


Jeff was very accurate about this several years ago in Pittsburgh.

He said that every time he wanted to bring up a JFK story, he got the third degree. They would ask him questions that he would never get on any other angle.  Like: Why do you want to do this story?  Or: Where are you headed at with this?  The second one he understood as being a double edged sword.  If he said nowhere, they would say: Well why do you want to do it? If he said: It might solve the case, they would say we do not do conspiracy theories.

The George Joannides story was the worst.  He had three sources on it and even Woodward said it was good.  The editors kicked it over to Jeff Leen. He rejected it.  I suppose its just a coincidence that Leen was the guy who rejected the CIA/Crack/Contra story and approved the attack on Gary Webb.

If anyone thinks that Morley could have done what he has done recently at the Post, I mean, please.

Wasn't The Washington Post cited in JFK's Autopsy? 

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11 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Paul- Much like JFK, the fact that Bezos is wealthy means he can't be bought; his beliefs aren't for sale. The masthead for the Washington Post is "Democracy Dies in Darkness" and IMO they do their best to make that warning stand. As I stated above, they cover any news that pertains to the JFKA. The reality is that there isn't much news in this 60 year old case. As far as Ben's complaint about CIA using AWS, so do scores of other entities that want to utilize the best tech there is, and that is precisely what Amazon Web Services provides.

Dungpiles to the moon, Matt!

The M$M has billions in assets and resources; the JFKA research community has pennies. 

The M$M has never broken a story on the JFKA, while the field has been kept alive and advanced by guys working out of their own back pockets. 

Finally, after 60 years, one---and only one---mainstream newsman, Tucker Carlson, dared to say to a mainstream audience what the JFKA community has largely believed all along: It seems like the CIA was behind the JFKA, or deeply involved. 

There is a crack in the wall now. 

Where is the WaPo? They could hire Morley back, apologize. Stick a crowbar into that crack and start wedging. 

Will they? 

You know the answer to that. 


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On 1/10/2023 at 2:31 PM, Matthew Koch said:

It's ludicrous to claim 911 wasn't an inside job...

I did research for this documentary maybe watch it and stop wallowing in ignorance..


That video is absurd. You must be kidding. You are apparently unaware of the massive body of scientific scholarship that has refuted the 9/11 Truther nonsense. 

So here we are again with the far-left bias seen far too often in this forum. You scream about citing Alex Jones, and I agree, but you turn around and post obscenely absurd 9/11 Truther trash. 

In other words, far-right extremists are to be shunned but far-left extremists are welcome.

Just imagine what new visitors see when they browse this forum: They see talk of UFOs, and claims that JFK was killed because he was gonna blow the lid on UFOs. They see Trump called a N-A-Z-I (never mind that he's an ardent lifelong supporter of Israel and that part of his immediate family is Jewish). They see claims that the entire CIA is a criminal outfit. They see Communist brutality and oppression whitewashed and even denied. They see 9/11 Truth craziness peddled, years after that nutty stuff has been demolished by reputable scientists from all across the political spectrum. 

Edited by Michael Griffith
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Shrug. Here's Whitney Webb's article about the FBI release of the docs and photos concerning the dancing Israelis, those fun loving guys seen downtown while the towers were still smoking.


I wouldn't have known these guys existed if they hadn't been arrested, btw, so don't blame me for noting this as a topic of interest, blame the cops.

My only question here is, we can see Hugh Grant's mugshot after he was arrested for picking up Divine Brown in his car, but we can't see these guys? What's the problem? Were they really happy or something?


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6 minutes ago, Anthony Thorne said:

Shrug. Here's Whitney Webb's article about the FBI release of the docs and photos concerning the dancing Israelis, those fun loving guys seen downtown while the towers were still smoking.


I wouldn't have known these guys existed if they hadn't been arrested, btw, so don't blame me for noting this as a topic of interest, blame the cops.

My only question here is, we can see Hugh Grant's mugshot after he was arrested for picking up Divine Brown in his car, but we can't see these guys? What's the problem? Were they really happy or something?


The Corbett Report covered this extensively in some docs. Its another of the untold 9/11 stories, Israeli’s celebrating the towers being hit. 


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1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

That video is absurd. You must be kidding. You are apparently unaware of the massive body of scientific scholarship that has refuted the 9/11 Truther nonsense. 

So here we are again with the far-left bias seen far too often in this forum. You scream about citing Alex Jones, and I agree, but you turn around and post obscenely absurd 9/11 Truther trash. 

In other words, far-right extremists are to be shunned but far-left extremists are welcome.

Just imagine what new visitors see when they browse this forum: They see talk of UFOs, and claims that JFK was killed because he was gonna blow the lid on UFOs. They see Trump called a N-A-Z-I (never mind that he's an ardent lifelong supporter of Israel and that part of his immediate family is Jewish). They see claims that the entire CIA is a criminal outfit. They see Communist brutality and oppression whitewashed and even denied. They see 9/11 Truth craziness peddled, years after that nutty stuff has been demolished by reputable scientists from all across the political spectrum. 

Michael I can tell you didn't watch it, which I find ironically funny given your last post to me. The video I linked is mostly investigative main stream media reports that the media did in the lead up to the 911 commission report, stuff like 911 Hijackers living with FBI informants.. Very little of the video has to do with the "Collapse" aka controlled demolition of the towers. 

I worked with the producer of the "Trash" video your ignorant narcissistic presuppositions prevented you from watching.. Just "imagine what new visitors will see" is great insight to your "eclectic" narcissistic thinking btw.

You should watch this video at least because it debunks your Nutty mainstream media opinions and uses Science to do it. There should not be molten metal in the building.. And we're not even into the area of drills on 911 for the exact same thing happening in real world that prevented the planes from being intercepted.. Just a coincidence, right? 


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On 1/16/2023 at 1:05 PM, Michael Griffith said:

That video is absurd. You must be kidding. You are apparently unaware of the massive body of scientific scholarship that has refuted the 9/11 Truther nonsense. 

So here we are again with the far-left bias seen far too often in this forum. You scream about citing Alex Jones, and I agree, but you turn around and post obscenely absurd 9/11 Truther trash. 

In other words, far-right extremists are to be shunned but far-left extremists are welcome.

Just imagine what new visitors see when they browse this forum: They see talk of UFOs, and claims that JFK was killed because he was gonna blow the lid on UFOs. They see Trump called a N-A-Z-I (never mind that he's an ardent lifelong supporter of Israel and that part of his immediate family is Jewish). They see claims that the entire CIA is a criminal outfit. They see Communist brutality and oppression whitewashed and even denied. They see 9/11 Truth craziness peddled, years after that nutty stuff has been demolished by reputable scientists from all across the political spectrum. 


Edited by Lance Payette
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Yeah, so while Lance is bringing up UFO's and Bigfoot, why were the faces of those four goofballs in the picture above obscured again? I'm also not sure how 'the Jews' came into the discussion, but the guys arrested were Israeli. The article refers to 'newly released FBI documents', so I'd also be curious to know why those documents were sealed away for nearly two decades. What's up with that? Lance?

Anyway, the Jewish Daily Forward said the following about the idiots in the picture.




According to one former high-ranking American intelligence official, who asked not to be named, the FBI came to the conclusion at the end of its investigation that the five Israelis arrested in New Jersey last September were conducting a Mossad surveillance mission and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, N.J., served as a front.

After their arrest, the men were held in detention for two-and-a-half months and were deported at the end of November, officially for visa violations.

However, a counterintelligence investigation by the FBI concluded that at least two of them were in fact Mossad operatives, according to the former American official, who said he was regularly briefed on the investigation by two separate law enforcement officials.


Shrug. Maybe Mossad surveillance missions are a regular thing before large scale acts of terrorism that kick start a war. Also, most of the CORE OF CORRUPTION documentary is mainstream news clips. In fact, probably all of it is mainstream news clips, except for the segment from a Fox TV show at the end. 

But I don't want to derail this thread from JFK stuff. I'm happy to see that topic debated, but agree with the others here that accuracy is important. 

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