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Laurent Guyenot's New Essay About JFK-Destiny Betrayed

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        French historian Laurent Guyenot has published a lengthy essay this month about JFK-Destiny Betrayed, which also includes some commentary about the recent interview of Oliver Stone and James DiEugenio by Canadian journalist Eloise Boies.
        Guyenot has high praise for James DiEugenio and JFK-Destiny Betrayed.  His only criticism is focused on some questions about LBJ's putative role in the murder plot, and the Israeli/Dimona nuclear proliferation angle.
January 21, 2023
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Interesting article W.   Not exactly high praise! 

But certainly no high praise for the Israelis..

Lots of directions and forceful assertions.

And pointing out some good contradictions.

I think we'll hear from more than just Jim Di.

One person in particular I can think of.





Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Interesting article W.   Not exactly high praise! 

But certainly no high praise for the Israelis..

Lots of directions and forceful assertions.

And pointing out some good contradictions.

I think we'll hear from more than just Jim Di.

One person in particular I can think of.


Phillip Nelson?

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Its an interesting essay and I communicated with him over the web.

At first he was not aware that I had written about this subject, at least twice: once for the paper zine Garrison, and once on Kennedysandking.com

And we treated it in the long version of Oliver's film.

But I think he wants to go the Piper route.

Which to me, is just not tenable.

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If you are not familiar with Michael Collins Piper, he thought the Mossad did it.

To put it mildly, I do not agree.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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53 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

If you are no familiar with Michael Collins Piper, he thought the Mossad did it.

To put it mildly, I do not agree.

It is an interesting article. Haven’t finished it yet, but to those who have, how would Mossad have carried this out? Whenever this theory arises the antisemites come out in force, the ones who blame The Zionists and Jewish bankers for everything. Unfortunately this causes readers like myself to shut down, even though I am very critical of Israel. Unlike Jim I don’t rule out the possibility that Mossad played a role, possibly even providing the shooters, via Otto Skorzeny. The article mentions Ben Gurion was worried about Egypt, using N-A-Z-I scientists, acquiring nuclear technology. Legend has it, and I find this convincing, that Mossad hired Skorzeny to destroy Egypt’s nuclear program in 1962, something that Otto was uniquely qualified to do. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

If you are no familiar with Michael Collins Piper, he thought the Mossad did it.

To put it mildly, I do not agree.

I read Piper's book Final Judgment a few years ago.

It was heavy on allegations and thin on evidence, IMO-- mainly focused on JFK's Dimona conflict with Ben Gurion, and the thesis that Meyer Lansky was the de facto head of the Mafia in the U.S.

If I recall correctly, Piper also theorized that Jack Ruby was working for Lansky, Micky Cohen, Menachem Begin, et.al.

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Yes Paul , i don't know if you remember but there was a guy  here who was super into Ruby Ridge. He was a nice guy, but at certain  point, he got into Israel and that Jewish International banker thing super heavy. And when we gave him some resistance to that,  we never heard from him again.

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

If I recall correctly, Piper also theorized that Jack Ruby was working for Lansky, Micky Cohen, Menachem Begin, et.al.

Not only that, but Ruby didn't peg out in Parkland but was witnessed boarding a plane to Tel Aviv.

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I give Oliver a lot of credit for even broaching JFK's foreign policy in the Middle East, however briefly.

 I think, among many other things, we were the first to do that with a wide broadcast audience.

But there are zealots around who want the whole nine yards.

I just do not see it.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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47 minutes ago, Pete Mellor said:

Not only that, but Ruby didn't peg out in Parkland but was witnessed boarding a plane to Tel Aviv.

Ruby did say he was Israeli press to get in to the press conference where he corrected Wade, but I don't think that is how Mossad does it's ops..

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20 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

It is an interesting article. Haven’t finished it yet, but to those who have, how would Mossad have carried this out? Whenever this theory arises the antisemites come out in force, the ones who blame The Zionists and Jewish bankers for everything. Unfortunately this causes readers like myself to shut down, even though I am very critical of Israel. Unlike Jim I don’t rule out the possibility that Mossad played a role, possibly even providing the shooters, via Otto Skorzeny. The article mentions Ben Gurion was worried about Egypt, using N-A-Z-I scientists, acquiring nuclear technology. Legend has it, and I find this convincing, that Mossad hired Skorzeny to destroy Egypt’s nuclear program in 1962, something that Otto was uniquely qualified to do. 


      Laurent Guyenot is a Sorbonne graduate, a serious scholar, whose work has little to do with anti-Semitic tropes about "Jewish bankers," etc.

     As an example, he has written in considerable detail about the history of James Angleton's close ties to the Mossad.*

     Most of us agree that the CIA was involved in JFK's assassination.  So, is it really a stretch to theorize that the Mossad may have collaborated with Angleton and the CIA in some fashion?

     The issue for JFK and Ben Gurion was Dimona, Israeli survival, and nuclear proliferation. 

     Another possible Israeli angle in the JFK assassination was Jack Ruby's association with L.A. mobster Mickey Cohen, who was, in turn, an associate of Irgun leader Menachem Begin.

*  Angleton, Mossad, and the Kennedy Assassinations, by Laurent Guyénot - The Unz Review

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What was the declassified doc that said: 

“our new backers are Jews”. 

Of course that could mean Ben Gurion allies in Israel, or it could mean some of the most powerful people in the USA or elsewhere. 

I wouldn’t rule out a connection. Khadaffi seemed to be convinced the JFKA was over Dimona. 

If you accept Quigley’s view of the world, you could see how this fits. None of that means there were Israeli shooters, they were beneficiaries of JFK’s death. 

PS None of that is anti-semitic, or has anything to do with the vast diaspora of jewish peoples. 

Edited by Chris Barnard
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Let's be real.

In all the years people have been investigating this case, no one has come up with any real evidence of Israeli involvement.

People have been digging into Angleton for over 20 years now.  

Where is the evidence from say Morley or Newman that he used Israelis in the plot?

And was Ruby really all that kosher?  Running two strip clubs?


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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Where is the evidence from say Morley or Newman that he used Israelis in the plot?

I don’t think for a moment that Israeli’s were used in the plot. 

That doesn’t mean that they weren’t pro it or partially behind it. 

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