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Thankyou, Tucker Carlson!!

Matthew Koch

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54 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Amazing how Tucker Carlson ( and FOX NEWS ) have been destroyed by these latest revelations of their years of fraudulent reporting.

Carlson's credibility is taking an even bigger hit with his January 6th ( Wag The Dog ) downplaying and false reality creating regards the January 6th, coup attempt.

Just a couple of months ago Carlson was being praised to the hilt here on the forum as some type of JFKA truth crusading hero.

Amazing how quickly and dramatically fake images can be exposed.


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1 hour ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

only to half the country. dont drink the Koolaid from your favorite MSNBC host. Fox will not lose the lawsuit. 

I don't care about the red-blue pissing wars.

Carlson has opened up the JFK Records Act, and spoken about the JFKA and the CIA more bluntly than any other major news program host.

He showed suppressed videos regarding 1/6.  

When did the left decide that suppressing evidence and censorship is okay?

Rachel Maddow should be doing what Carlson is doing. 



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5 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

only to half the country. dont drink the Koolaid from your favorite MSNBC host. Fox will not lose the lawsuit. 

Fox will not lose the lawsuit?

If I'm on the jury and I just heard Fox News owner Murdoch say what he said about his own company's main reporters ( and even himself ) knowing/admitting their Trump/Dominion reporting was false, but he and they kept up the l*** for one reason only ( "the color green") ...

Sorry, as Dallas Homicide Captain Will Fritz said on 11,23,1963 regards Lee Oswald's guilt in the murder of JFK...

"This case is cinched!"

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Carlson and his Trump/Republican propaganda machine company are taking a truth reporting credibility hit more damaging than anything that Faux News or any major national TV news organization has ever been through before and our nation has ever seen.

In fact, because of their admitted "knowing" their reporting was journalistic cardinal sin false combined with their "years" of doing this with even "their owner admitting this" ... talk of the FCC pulling them off the air or in the least losing their licensing...is real!

America has never seen a national news reporting scandal like this ever. The biggest credibility damaging one to a degree it's unprecedented.

I noticed every far right wing radio propaganda show host on air now is avoiding talking about their national television brethren's credibility collapse like the plague.

Their mentors have given them diversion playbook instructions to instead talk about any Biden attacking subject they can to fill the truth avoiding silence and void, which is so obvious, it's the loudest sound on their airwaves.

Biden's economy disaster talk is their main hiding place now.

Dead silence on the Fox News credibility scandal.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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8 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

only to half the country. dont drink the Koolaid from your favorite MSNBC host. Fox will not lose the lawsuit. 

Would you please reconsider this post? Is winning or losing this particular lawsuit a condemnation or a justification for Fox hosts hypocrisy? And do you really think anyone here is boasting about MSNBC hosts? I object to being cast as having drunk the Koolaid, as you put it. 
Am I to presume that you believe that Dominion fixed the election? 

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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Fox will not lose the lawsuit?

If I'm on the jury and I just heard Fox News owner Murdoch say what he said about his own company's main reporters ( and even himself ) knowing/admitting their Trump/Dominion reporting was false, but he and they kept up the l*** for one reason only ( "the color green") ...

Sorry, as Dallas Homicide Captain Will Fritz said on 11,23,1963 regards Lee Oswald's guilt in the murder of JFK...

"This case is cinched!"

This is why I hope you never serve on a Jury Joe💯 because Justice is supposed to be impartial and blind. You didn't hear the other sides case, yet you decided that you would side against Murdoch for clearly political partisan reasons. And your comment shows you to be about as clued in as the Emily Coors. This country is being ruined not by Trump and MAGA but by people like you who are ruining our standards and institutions in the name of Fighting non existent Orange Man Fascism. 


Edited by Matthew Koch
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2 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Would you please reconsider this post? Is winning or losing this particular lawsuit a condemnation or a justification for Fox hosts hypocrisy? And do you really think anyone here is boasting about MSNBC hosts? I object to being cast as having drunk the Koolaid, as you put it. 
Am I to presume that you believe that Dominion fixed the election? 

Mr Staccato please read my prior post and watch the video because it applies to you also! 

Edited by Matthew Koch
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Mr Koch - do you have a profession other than posting on the forum?

As I’m sitting here early this morning I’m pondering why you choose to ignore my attempts to move this war of words to higher ground? 
I really didn’t think I needed to go into the history of Aunt Jemima, but I now have to ask you to provide reference to your statement, a put down of my dear mother’s very well meant political beliefs, that Aunt Jemima was a real person. The brand was finally discontinued after decades of objections from all corners of society, most especially black Americans. The image is racist, even if there was a real person, which I can find no evidence of. 
As for the San Francisco Symphony, you speak, dare I say it, from complete ignorance. We would dearly love to have a more inclusive body of musicians. There are no racists in my orchestra. If you really cared to elevate the conversation you might try asking how we feel about this, or what we have done to try to bring more equity and inclusion? It’s a thorny problem, one we wish to solve. I have personally offered my solution to our management and Board. The problem begins with the fact that so called Classical music was a white European invention, as brilliant in its way as any other world music. Performing Beethoven Brahms Mozart etc etc does not make us racist. We are essentially a museum art, historical. In order to level the playing field we, and I believe all other American orchestras began holding auditions where the candidates are behind a screen, and not even allowed to where noisy shoes or speak, so that we cannot as judges know what race or sex our candidates are. We have done this since the early 1980’s. In that time we have gone from a primarily male institution to one that is pretty darn equally male and female. This is true globally, not just in SF. We were ahead of this curve. We earnestly try to remove race, age, sex, and age from our hiring process. I hope that explanation is good enough for you. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Mr Koch - do you have a profession other than posting on the forum?

As I’m sitting here early this morning I’m pondering why you choose to ignore my attempts to move this war of words to higher ground? 
I really didn’t think I needed to go into the history of Aunt Jemima, but I now have to ask you to provide reference to your statement, a put down of my dear mother’s very well meant political beliefs, that Aunt Jemima was a real person. The brand was finally discontinued after decades of objections from all corners of society, most especially black Americans. The image is racist, even if there was a real person, which I can find no evidence of. 
As for the San Francisco Symphony, you speak, dare I say it, from complete ignorance. We would dearly love to have a more inclusive body of musicians. There are no racists in my orchestra. If you really cared to elevate the conversation you might try asking how we feel about this, or what we have done to try to bring more equity and inclusion? It’s a thorny problem, one we wish to solve. I have personally offered my solution to our management and Board. The problem begins with the fact that so called Classical music was a white European invention, as brilliant in its way as any other world music. Performing Beethoven Brahms Mozart etc etc does not make us racist. We are essentially a museum art, historical. In order to level the playing field we, and I believe all other American orchestras began holding auditions where the candidates are behind a screen, and not even allowed to where noisy shoes or speak, so that we cannot as judges know what race or sex our candidates are. We have done this since the early 1980’s. In that time we have gone from a primarily male institution to one that is pretty darn equally male and female. This is true globally, not just in SF. We were ahead of this curve. We earnestly try to remove race, age, sex, and age from our hiring process. I hope that explanation is good enough for you. 

It's very ironic that you can't see that my pointing out of the lack of diversity on your orchestra is exactly the same thing that people did with Aunt Jemima! The people who felt it was racist essentially assumed it, duh. Had they realized that She was a real person and one of the first black business owners they probably would have supported the brand instead of assuming it was racist. It's a very similar story with the Washington Redskins (I bet you thought that was racist also;) The coach of the team was Native American and named the team the RedSkins because Indian Tribes used to paint themselves red before going into battle to intimidate the other tribe they were fighting and basically means: The Warriors. 

I'm just using the standard you set about race to show your hypocrisy but you still can't seem to get it through your head because by the woke standards the Orchestra being old white men playing for rich old white people and the music being written by old dead white people is the basis for Systemic White Supremacy.. Seems a little unfair when it's directed at you huh? Imagine how I feel being called by you a Racist Anti Semite and your evidence: DogWhistles apparently when I posted a thread asking if QAnon was a government psyop that was a dogwhistle too because by Leslie and your standards I really meant Joos like when I said George Soros (Never mind he's the DNC's biggest donor and literally was a party member of the Third Reich) that doesn't matter because the willfully ignorant have decided it's antisemitism to criticize him. 

"We earnestly try to remove race, age, sex, and age from our hiring process." That is the opposite of Equity Paul, the thing you just mentioned is meritocracy and guess what? That's the system I support which you call Systemic huwyte supremacy, so you have now got yourself in a Catch 22 slippery slope.. hope you can understand that💯

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Joe Bauer- First- you would never get on the jury because you would not pass muster of the defense counsel.  

With respect to Fox losing this case, you apparently dont know how difficult it is to prevail against a news organization in a defamation lawsuit. The plaintiff's have to demonstrate the news organization acted with malice and that is very difficult standard to meet.  Fox has a great legal team and you can be assurred that they will introduce enough evidence to prevent this standard from being met. That is why Murdoch and the hosts are testifiying the way they did in their depositions. And the damages plaintiffs are seeking are quite inflated.

All this case will do is do reinforce the reputational risk that Fox has in your part of the bubble. The other bubble (its audience) wanted the editorial spin that the prime time hosts were offering the audience. They will continue to watch Fox for all the news they want to watch.

I personally hope that SCOTUS overturns the Sullivan case so that it will not be necessary to prove malice. It protects all kinds of wacky "journalism" like the National Enquirer, Midnight Globe, etc.  It is not the standard in England and might improve the quality of journalism since they will have to be more diligent.   

BTW- the necessity of establishing malice is why the published settling the defamation lawsuit filed by agent Hickey was so revealatory that the theory that he accidentally killed the president was pure fiction. The publisher settled even after the plaintiff blew ifs statute of limitation.  Givent the high standard for proving malice, there is no way a publisher who thought it had the book that solved the crime of the century would have settled. Legal fees to prevail wou d have been minimal- FWIW   

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2 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

This is why I hope you never serve on a Jury Joe💯 because Justice is supposed to be impartial and blind. You didn't hear the other sides case which yet you decided that you would side against Murdoch for clearly political partisan reasons

Let us ponder Murdoch's public statements about what he and his main Faux News reporters knew were false statements regarding the election being stolen and the possibility that Dominion had a hand in this theft.

How much more incriminating can Murdoch's statements be in slandering Dominion?

The man said ... we knew what we were reporting was not true! His reporters are on documented record ( e-mails ) saying the same thing.

His reporters are also on record saying they couldn't personally stand Trump, thought he was a disaster.

Yet, in their on air reporting they were praising him for the sake of saving their base support...for the money!

Any jury would see Fox News as a truth reporting fraud with those facts. They would see how Fox News was hurting Dominions reputation with those Trump supporting fraudulent news broadcasts.

They wouldn't need to judge this case with any political bias at all.

The fraudulent truth/Dominion slandering reporting wrong doing on Fox News part is so black and white obvious just through their own incriminating public statements and in-house e-mails etc. 

Fox's linking Dominion to their stolen election proposing broadcasts for months and months ( when their reporters themselves knew this was a non-story ) is a no-brainer.

A person completely uninformed with no political leanings at all would easily be able to see how Fox News damaged the reputation of Dominion through their linking their corporate name with their knowingly false stolen election reporting to their 30 to 40 million daily viewers.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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For the years I have been posting here I've hardly ever had any personal back and forths with forum members where I had to put up my debating dukes and duck, jab and throw a punch or two but I guess you just can't avoid occasional boxing match debate posting skirmishes.

Regards Fox News and Tucker Carlson I fully admit that I am very politically biased. For all the reasons I have mentioned in my posts.

I am particularly worked up over this Carlson JFKA truth crusader hero campaign because he has teased everyone with a "CIA may have done it" story and on his main broadcast to boot.

I personally feel the man and his Trump propaganda machine organization has damaged this country to such degrees over the last 15 years that this JFKA truth shtick he has come up with can't in anyway balance out that damage or instantly erase his journalistic wrong doings.

And like I first responded to this Tucker crusading hero campaign, how long will those who have jumped on that bandwagon be willing to wait for Carlson's supposed unimpeachable credentials verifying source to come forward and prove TC's history changing claim of JFK guilty parties?

It's going on months now...and ...well...where's the beef!

And since TC's hero image promotion first came about here on the forum...we have been informed of TC's employer's false news reporting fraud on an unprecedented scale... ( remember CBS and Dan Rather being pummeled over "one or two" such incidents?) and of TC's completely hypocritical takes on Trump personally versus his on-air and public one.

TC's ( and Fox News ) credibility and integrity status is taking a hit that is so heavy he and they will never be able to shake it's long term effect...imo anyways.

And to prove "malice" regards this Dominion case...

How hard would that be? Donald Trump is all about getting back vindictive vengeance seeking malice.

That is one of his main motivations in life.

In promoting Trump's stolen election lies on their national news broadcasts and constantly linking the Dominion company name in those broadcasts Fox News was giving Trump's malice towards Dominion full support and enhancement.

And it sure wasn't hard for the Sandy Hook parents and their legal team to prove malice with their billion dollar judgement against Alex Jones...was it?

Maybe the malice challenge will become easier with this Fox News/ Dominion case?

More and more it seems the good guys can beat these media corporations when they knowingly report or even suggest false stories about them.





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Joe Bauer- I understand that your mind is blowing up with both what you perceive as the Tucker as hero and Fox News revelations. 

Alex Jones is an outlier. he is not a billion dollar news organization with top rated broadcast and TV shows. He does not have a news division. And the plaintiffs were parents of murdered children. very different situation. I know you like to see the world in black and white but that is not how trials or juries work. The only way Fox loses his if the jury is 100% comprised of biased democrats like you--which wont happen. Remember- the other bubble that you do not occupy wanted to hear the stories that were being aired. They were pissed that Fox correctly called Arizona and were moving to other social media outlets. AND Tucker, Hannity and Ingram are opinion shows, not news shows nor part of the news division. These are all factors that should help Fox.

Tucker remains an imperfect messenger on the JFK assassination but so far he is the only messenger.  It would be great if one of the prime time hoosts of your preferred news outlets would pick up the mantle for full transparency on the JFK assassination but they have not only failed to do so but are complicit in the coverup, affirmatively defending the official government position.

I think you outrage should really be directed at those news organizations. i remain puzzled why you give them a pass on the JFK assassination which is afterall the theme of this forum.     


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