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How Many Forum Members And Visitors actually watched Jack Ruby Shoot Oswald On Live National TV?

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7 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Yes, I watched in live with my parents...their reaction, I didn't have one, was "now we will never know for sure what happened".

I think that thought mentioned by your parents was by far the most commonly felt and shared one.

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7 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

I didn't see it.

I heard recently that technically no one saw it live, that what was shown on TV was actually a video that was 1 or 2 minutes old. 

Any truth to that?

I was watching NBC. Chris Pettit? So, my viewing was real time live.

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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

I was living in New York City at the time and watched it live on TV.

Doug, I would love to read your thoughts about the Oswald killing when you first saw it.

Did you ever have any conversations about it with your historically important friends like E. Howard Hunt. Or the high ranking police officers you knew in Washington DC or New York City?

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4 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

I was 9 years old. My family was having a late Sunday lunch at our home in Indiana when we saw Ruby shoot Oswald live. NBC's Tom Pettit was incredulous. He couldn't believe what he just saw. [Dad preferred NBC News to CBS News. Our local ABC network station was on Channel 32, and we didn't have a UHF converter.]

My dad told us, "Remember this moment. You just saw history unfold in front of you." Later, Dad said, "It looks to me like somebody wanted this Oswald guy silenced. Wonder what he might have said in court that "somebody" didn't want to come out?"

And I have been a student of the JFK assassination since that weekend.

Mark...it was a powerful emotion event, wasn't it?

It created serious suspicion in the minds of millions of Americans and I'm sure millions of people in the rest of the world.


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16 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

i was 15. I’ll never forget it. My parents were shocked and outraged. It woke something up in me, caused me to read what coverage I could, early reports in I think the Guardian suggesting the Minutemen were behind the JFK hit. Started following Mark lane saw him speak at small NYC events a few times over the next year. Like Mark said, I’ve been here ever since.


An old timer compared to us young-uns.

Like I have said many times...the full psyche and emotional effect of the Oswald killing in the minds of millions of Americans is a subject never adequately explored and expanded upon in the literary world in my (admittedly poor) studied opinion.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You know, that is rarely, very rarely, brought up.

LHO was very new father, again, on 11/22.  Perhaps deserves its own post.

No sane man would get involved in the JFKA as a new father.

Most people who knew him seem to regard LHO as highly intelligent, eccentric, but sane. 

Nothing dispositive here...but certainly, in the first years after the JFKA, the media did not remind everyone that LHO was a new father. Didn't fit the official-M$M narrative.

So...was LHO insane? Was he becoming less sane? His co-workers did not say so. 

Would have a working-class LHO been susceptible to financial inducements? Of course, the answer is yes, he was susceptible---who would not be, with a wife and two kids--- but that is different from proving he took cash to participate in an event that day. 

Perhaps LHO planned to die or exit the US that day, but leave a large wad of cash for family. 

Interesting topic, largely unexplored by both CT and LN camps. CT'ers do not like the idea of LHO being bribed, and LN'ers that LHO was subordinate to  confederates.





I have pondered the same thoughts BC.

I believe Oswald truly loved his baby Junie. And he seemed quite protective over her. He also became a father again with the birth of his second daughter just days before 11,22,1963.

If LHO did the deeds - Tippit and JFK...it would suggest he crossed a mental line. A suicidal one.

A mental state so desperate and delusional it blinded out his love for his children.


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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

I have pondered the same thoughts BC.

I believe Oswald truly loved his baby Junie. And he seemed quite protective over her. He also became a father again with the birth of his second daughter just days before 11,22,1963.

If LHO did the deeds - Tippit and JFK...it would suggest he crossed a mental line. A suicidal one.

A mental state so desperate and delusional it blinded out his love for his children.


My thoughts too.  

Yet no one has described LHO as suicidal, or manic depressive, or even anything more than eccentric. 


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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You know, that is rarely, very rarely, brought up.

LHO was very new father, again, on 11/22.  Perhaps deserves its own post.

No sane man would get involved in the JFKA as a new father.

Most people who knew him seem to regard LHO as highly intelligent, eccentric, but sane. 

Nothing dispositive here...but certainly, in the first years after the JFKA, the media did not remind everyone that LHO was a new father. Didn't fit the official-M$M narrative.

So...was LHO insane? Was he becoming less sane? His co-workers did not say so. 

Would have a working-class LHO been susceptible to financial inducements? Of course, the answer is yes, he was susceptible---who would not be, with a wife and two kids--- but that is different from proving he took cash to participate in an event that day. 

Perhaps LHO planned to die or exit the US that day, but leave a large wad of cash for family. 

Interesting topic, largely unexplored by both CT and LN camps. CT'ers do not like the idea of LHO being bribed, and LN'ers that LHO was subordinate to  confederates.





I heard recently that Lee Oswald has grandsons now that are college age. Don't know if they are from June or Rachel or both.

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I was another startled 10 year old over here in U.K.  Was it 'live', or was some programme interrupted, I'm not sure.

To me, it seemed like gun crazy America.  Any conspiratorial aspects of Ruby silencing the assassin were beyond me at that age.

Shocking scenes none the less, in addition to the shocking scenes of the previous two days.

After school on the Monday I was glued to the coverage in D.C.

Yet, I have vivid memories as a 9 y.o. of October '62 on t.v. I was fully aware of the consequences & thought my world was ending.  When JFK resolved that crisis peacefully, he became a hero to me.  So I could never understand why anyone would want to shoot him just over a year later.

As an aside to the above.  The U.K. has an organisational group, the U3A.  The University of the 3rd Age.  It is set up for mainly people of retirement age and provides meetings, interests and activities. Most towns and cities in U.K. have a U3A.  I joined the acoustic guitar group.  Every month there is a full meeting of all the interest sections followed by an invited speaker on some topic.  I was told that the speaker for March could not attend, so I volunteered to give a presentation on the JFK Assassination.  I thought that the age demographic of the U3A would have memories of the event in their lifetimes.  Armed with a Powerpoint presentation I spoke for over an hour, just covering historic factual information, briefly beginning from why JFK was in Texas, his tours of Houston and San Antonio on the 21st and the morning of the 22nd in Fort Worth.  I then covered Love Field, the motorcade, Dealey Plaza and briefly Parkland. To get through this in the allotted time I had to really rattle along.  The audience was a couple of hundred people.  The response at the end was amazing!  The feedback since has also been extremely good.  I have been put on a national list of U3A speakers, where other groups can request people on that list.  At the end of my presentation I was surrounded by members, male & female, who expressed their feelings about the assassination, their feelings for President Kennedy and their doubts on various aspects of the official history.  One lady in her late 70's was almost in tears when discussing JFK's death.  To be honest, I was quite stunned at the interest shown.  Without doubt the trauma of November '63 lingers still over here in U.K.    

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1 hour ago, Pete Mellor said:

I was another startled 10 year old over here in U.K.  Was it 'live', or was some programme interrupted, I'm not sure.

To me, it seemed like gun crazy America.  Any conspiratorial aspects of Ruby silencing the assassin were beyond me at that age.

Shocking scenes none the less, in addition to the shocking scenes of the previous two days.

After school on the Monday I was glued to the coverage in D.C.

Yet, I have vivid memories as a 9 y.o. of October '62 on t.v. I was fully aware of the consequences & thought my world was ending.  When JFK resolved that crisis peacefully, he became a hero to me.  So I could never understand why anyone would want to shoot him just over a year later.

As an aside to the above.  The U.K. has an organisational group, the U3A.  The University of the 3rd Age.  It is set up for mainly people of retirement age and provides meetings, interests and activities. Most towns and cities in U.K. have a U3A.  I joined the acoustic guitar group.  Every month there is a full meeting of all the interest sections followed by an invited speaker on some topic.  I was told that the speaker for March could not attend, so I volunteered to give a presentation on the JFK Assassination.  I thought that the age demographic of the U3A would have memories of the event in their lifetimes.  Armed with a Powerpoint presentation I spoke for over an hour, just covering historic factual information, briefly beginning from why JFK was in Texas, his tours of Houston and San Antonio on the 21st and the morning of the 22nd in Fort Worth.  I then covered Love Field, the motorcade, Dealey Plaza and briefly Parkland. To get through this in the allotted time I had to really rattle along.  The audience was a couple of hundred people.  The response at the end was amazing!  The feedback since has also been extremely good.  I have been put on a national list of U3A speakers, where other groups can request people on that list.  At the end of my presentation I was surrounded by members, male & female, who expressed their feelings about the assassination, their feelings  President Kennedy and their doubts on various aspects of the official history.  One lady in her late 70's was almost in tears when discussing JFK's death.  To be honest, I was quite stunned at the interest shown.  Without doubt the trauma of November '63 lingers still over here in U.K.    


Thanks for sharing.

When you got to the Oswald murder by Jack Ruby event, did you ever state "your personal opinion take" about whether Jack Ruby acted alone and on deep emotional grief impulse and just got lucky scampering down into and to the front of the DPD basement press line?

Or did you express to your audience a more conspiracy leaning view point?

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13 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

I was only a month old.

You were just a sweet, innocent little babe in arms.

Did your parents see the event?

Did they ever talk about it...ever?

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4 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


Thanks for sharing.

When you got to the Oswald murder by Jack Ruby event, did you ever state "your personal opinion take" about whether Jack Ruby acted alone and on deep emotional grief impulse and just got lucky scampering down into and to the front of the DPD basement press line?

Or did you express to your audience a more conspiracy leaning view point?

Joe, I didn't have time to include anything after Parkland.  There was a brief Q & A at the end with one question, did I think Oswald was guilty?  So my answer then mentioned Ruby's killing on the Sunday, so no trial and history is still without answers.  No time to go into Tippit etc.  I just stuck to factual evidence as much as possible to let each member of the audience decide for themselves, as per number of shots, shot direction, magic bullet theory, JFK/Connally wounds, CE399.  I ran the Zapruder film on a big screen too which had quite an effect, but no mention of any theory of tampering.  I was determined to stay neutral without leaning to conspiracy or lone-nut verdicts.

Image result for Just the Facts Ma'am. Size: 181 x 206. Source: imgflip.com

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1 hour ago, Pete Mellor said:

Joe, I didn't have time to include anything after Parkland.  There was a brief Q & A at the end with one question, did I think Oswald was guilty?  So my answer then mentioned Ruby's killing on the Sunday, so no trial and history is still without answers.  No time to go into Tippit etc.  I just stuck to factual evidence as much as possible to let each member of the audience decide for themselves, as per number of shots, shot direction, magic bullet theory, JFK/Connally wounds, CE399.  I ran the Zapruder film on a big screen too which had quite an effect, but no mention of any theory of tampering.  I was determined to stay neutral without leaning to conspiracy or lone-nut verdicts.

Image result for Just the Facts Ma'am. Size: 181 x 206. Source: imgflip.com

Well, what is your take on Ruby and his access story today?

Do you believe he was assisted by others?

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