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Sandy Larsen

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"Panfilova said she had not yet seen anything strange looking out of her big window in high-rise in the heart of Moscow. The city was supposed to be ready for the huge annual weekend of graduation balls. “Just imagine how many teens are pissed off, they are talking on TikTok and other social media right now—many girls have been preparing their dresses, expecting the party tonight,” she said.

“For now, the graduation balls have been delayed for just one week, moving around Moscow has been partly restricted.”

As far away as Nizhny Novgorod, 300 miles east of Moscow, word of the balls being shut down was making waves. “My friends in Moscow say that the graduation balls have been cancelled this weekend,” said Krasnova. “This really is a huge crisis that nobody could have expected.”"

Steve Thomas

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Prigozhin:Ukraine has not bombed Donetsk for 8  years, only Russian positions. The armed forces of Ukraine were not going to attack Russia with Nato soldiers. The Russian Ministry of Defence is deceiving the public and the President.
"Prigozhin contradicted Putin’s main pretexts for invading Ukraine, declaring that "Russia has faced no extraordinary security threat from Ukraine, and that Russian military officials had deceived Putin into going to war."
Oliver Stone should hold a press conference calling this treasonous propaganda. And state again his certainty that Ukraine was ethnically cleansing Russians from Donetsk because Putin told him so!
heh heh
But now Prigozhin is trying to portray Putin as a fall guy who just innocently believed his generals.
Hyeahh ok!
My guess is so he can give Putin a way out of the war, and buddy up with him to ensure he's the new Defense Minister? 
Call it a false flag, (which it could be). If Prigozhin can't get additional support. I think he's probably toast.  But he's being given a general amnesty if he backs out before too long..
Some more:

The war, Prigozhin claimed, was designed by Russian officials and oligarchs who had plundered two separatist regions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, for years, but grew greedy and wanted to plunder all of Ukraine.

Prigozhin’s claim went well beyond his frequent rants against top military officials and Russian oligarchs, because it undermined Putin’s frequent argument that Russia had “no choice” but to launch a preemptive invasion. Putin has argued, without evidence, that Ukraine was committing “genocide” against ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine and was planning a major attack with NATO’s support on Russian-controlled areas of Donbas."
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Should we call this Wagnerian opera, "Gotterdammerung?"

I'm wondering what will happen if Prigozhin manages to occupy Moscow.

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49 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Very strange, and it's hard to know what is really going on.

With his capitulation, my guess is that Prigozhin's head will, ultimately, end up on a pike.

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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Prigozhin:Ukraine has not bombed Donetsk for 8  years, only Russian positions. The armed forces of Ukraine were not going to attack Russia with Nato soldiers. The Russian Ministry of Defence is deceiving the public and the President.
"Prigozhin contradicted Putin’s main pretexts for invading Ukraine, declaring that "Russia has faced no extraordinary security threat from Ukraine, and that Russian military officials had deceived Putin into going to war."
Oliver Stone should hold a press conference calling this treasonous propaganda. And state again his certainty that Ukraine was ethnically cleansing Russians from Donetsk because Putin told him so!
heh heh
But now Prigozhin is trying to portray Putin as a fall guy who just innocently believed his generals.
Hyeahh ok!
My guess is so he can give Putin a way out of the war, and buddy up with him to ensure he's the new Defense Minister? 
Call it a false flag, (which it could be). If Prigozhin can't get additional support. I think he's probably toast.  But he's being given a general amnesty if he backs out before too long..
Some more:

The war, Prigozhin claimed, was designed by Russian officials and oligarchs who had plundered two separatist regions in Donbas, eastern Ukraine, for years, but grew greedy and wanted to plunder all of Ukraine.

Prigozhin’s claim went well beyond his frequent rants against top military officials and Russian oligarchs, because it undermined Putin’s frequent argument that Russia had “no choice” but to launch a preemptive invasion. Putin has argued, without evidence, that Ukraine was committing “genocide” against ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine and was planning a major attack with NATO’s support on Russian-controlled areas of Donbas."

This statement by Prigozhin, certainly, debunks the oft-repeated Russia Today narrative on the Education Forum blaming Biden and NATO for Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Hopefully, we'll hear an explanation from the "blame it on NATO" crowd-- but I won't hold my breath.

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21 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

This statement by Prigozhin, certainly, debunks the oft-repeated Russia Today narrative on the Education Forum blaming Biden and NATO for Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Hopefully, we'll hear an explanation from the "blame it on NATO" crowd-- but I won't hold my breath.

Their worthless fascist bile was always a joke.

I dare them to show up and defend themselves. Trashy cowards.

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