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Sandy Larsen

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      Should Trump market a Trump brand MAGA aerosol deodorizer for guys who suffer from fecal incontinence?

       It could be manufactured in China, like a lot of other MAGA merchandise.

       As I recall, some guy who worked on the set of the Apprentice back in the day described Trump's fecal incontinence problems on the set, in nauseating detail. 

       I don't know if those stories are true, but Donald certainly appears to be wearing a diaper in a number of public photos.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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BTW, Ron, I was just contemplating a related question.

Why is it that the mainstream U.S. media has been so eager to publish graphic stories about the private sex lives of Bill Clinton and Hunter Biden, while remaining silent about Trump wearing a diaper and shitting in his pants in public?

Talk about a double standard!

Can you imagine the 24/7 Fox News coverage if Joe Biden had a habit of shitting in his pants?  😲

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Why is it that the mainstream U.S. media has been so eager to publish graphic stories about the private sex lives of Bill Clinton and Hunter Biden, while remaining silent about Trump wearing a diaper and shitting in his pants in public?

Talk about a double standard!



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How about  POTTYGATE?

Obviously this is all hearsay. But apparently the Democrats know but are too civilized to use this information. "When they go low, we go high"! But you'll never get Trump supporters to defect by talking about issues! Maybe the best way is  to fight fire with fire or in this case, feces with feces.  Maybe let it slip out after Trump gets the nomination. heh heh  This first got out more recently by Adam Kinzinger. I hadn't heard Trump takes adderall and speed.


Answer: The comic Noel Casler worked on Celebrity Apprentice for six seasons. Unlike his colleagues, Casler thwarted his nondisclosure agreement, enabling him to tell us the unvarnished truth about Trump:

He's [Trump] incontinent from all the speed, all the Adderall he does, the cocaine that he has done for decades. All that stuff has a laxative effect on your bowels and his are uncontrollable.

Casler said that Trump has been wearing 'diapers since probably the 90s'. Adding that they often had to stop the show in order for Trump to change his diaper, Casler said that Keith Schiller's job was to take Trump offset and wipe him down. "Our nickname for Keith was wet wipes."

Casler added that Trump does it and he almost sits there unaware of it, and one time he saw Ivanka have to kind of go whisper in his ear and then Keith came and took him offstage.

Trump not cleaning himself when changing out Depends, it is because he wears a hard plastic girdle and he doesn't have the freedom of movement. It's why you see him turn his body from the waist so strangely when standing.

He would soil himself often after flying into a rage and cursing out the Script Dept because he couldn’t read a word. One time there was the word 'arbitrage' on a cue card and he freaked out and started screaming that the script department was setting him up then very loudly evacuated his bowels and you could smell it.

I should also mention that Casler originally came out about this in 2019 (around the start of the pandemic), but the story was mostly buried. This discourse was reignited by a recent tweet from former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger:

I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can.


Whoa! Again, obviously all hearsay. This guy is really funny. It's 1:17 long , I started it at  15:00 when he started talking about people on the Apprentice staff changing Trump's diapers which involves taking off his plastic girdle. But I couldn't put it down. It's validation of every ugly thing you wanted to believe about Trump.  This guys a comedian and is very entertaining. He says Hilary's people  in 2016, approached him about Trump and he told them everything! And on the set of the Apprentice, as has been reported, he used the "n' word many times, but the tapes are guarded by producer  Mark Burnette.
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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4 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

How about  POTTYGATE?

Obviously this is all hearsay. But apparently the Democrats know but are too civilized to use this information. "When they go low, we go high"! But you'll never get Trump supporters to defect by talking about issues! Maybe the best way is  to fight fire with fire or in this case, feces with feces.  Maybe let it slip out after Trump gets the nomination. heh heh  This first got out more recently by Adam Kinzinger. I hadn't heard Trump takes adderall and speed.


Answer: The comic Noel Casler worked on Celebrity Apprentice for six seasons. Unlike his colleagues, Casler thwarted his nondisclosure agreement, enabling him to tell us the unvarnished truth about Trump:

He's [Trump] incontinent from all the speed, all the Adderall he does, the cocaine that he has done for decades. All that stuff has a laxative effect on your bowels and his are uncontrollable.

Casler said that Trump has been wearing 'diapers since probably the 90s'. Adding that they often had to stop the show in order for Trump to change his diaper, Casler said that Keith Schiller's job was to take Trump offset and wipe him down. "Our nickname for Keith was wet wipes."

Casler added that Trump does it and he almost sits there unaware of it, and one time he saw Ivanka have to kind of go whisper in his ear and then Keith came and took him offstage.

Trump not cleaning himself when changing out Depends, it is because he wears a hard plastic girdle and he doesn't have the freedom of movement. It's why you see him turn his body from the waist so strangely when standing.

He would soil himself often after flying into a rage and cursing out the Script Dept because he couldn’t read a word. One time there was the word 'arbitrage' on a cue card and he freaked out and started screaming that the script department was setting him up then very loudly evacuated his bowels and you could smell it.

I should also mention that Casler originally came out about this in 2019 (around the start of the pandemic), but the story was mostly buried. This discourse was reignited by a recent tweet from former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger:

I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can.


Whoa! Again, obviously all hearsay. This guy is really funny. It's 1:17 long , I started it at  15:00 when he started talking about people on the Apprentice staff changing Trump's diapers which involves taking off his plastic girdle. But I couldn't put it down. It's validation of every ugly thing you wanted to believe about Trump.  This guys a comedian and is very entertaining. He says Hilary's people  in 2016, approached him about Trump and he told them everything! And on the set of the Apprentice, as has been reported, he used the "n' word many times, but the tapes are guarded by producer  Mark Burnette.

This video is great Kirk.  Like you, I couldn't stop watching.   The show seemed to have been taped before Biden was elected, so I'm suprised I haven't heard this stuff before.

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I, for one, feel sorry for people who suffer from incontinence and other debilitating conditions. I'm sure there are plenty like me. If for no other reason, that may be why the left-leaning media doesn't make fun of Trump over this condition. They don't want people feeling compassion for the guy.



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Yeah, I know Nate. The guy is pretty entertaining and it's not just about Trump's physical liabilities, but about Trump as human being.

You're right Sandy. I'm a little tongue and cheek. This is not a campaign issue. That's why the Democrats have been silent. But once again, we deal with incredible hypocrisy. He's called Republican candidate Carly Fiorina "ugly" in 2016. Calls Marco Rubio, "little Marco."  He called Ted Cruz's wife "ugly".  Crazy Joe Biden, Crooked Hilary. He's never hesitated to put people down for their looks or disabilities .He's never showed one ounce of compassion for people's ailments, and actually brags about his physical prowess. Of course he's an admitted  "pussy grabber", and he's a rapist.

This information is getting out without the Democrats being behind it. Is it a coincidence the person who brought this up is is a Republican, Adam Kinzinger?

Naturally nobody would want their incontinence be public information, but you can't be surprised if you run for the most powerful office on earth.

And of course, the problem is result of his own drug abuse. Voters are entitled to know that, and see if candidates have acknowledged and atoned for past problems and have made a clean sweep of it , like Hunter Biden recently did, at least apart from any possible charges of financial wrongdoing.




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58 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

Donald Trumps going to have a campaign rally on January 6th.

He's going to get somebody killed.

He's going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and won't be happy until somebody dies.

Steve Thomas


I agree, Steve.  I'm repeating myself, but the single most shocking story that emerged during Cassidy Hutchinson's Congressional J6 testimony was the bit about Trump being told, before his Ellipse speech, that his J6 mob had guns!

His response was, "Take down the magnetometers!  They're not here to harm me!"

Then he told his armed mob to, "March down to the Capitol and fight like hell, or you won't have a country anymore!"

Edited by W. Niederhut
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3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I, for one, feel sorry for people who suffer from incontinence and other debilitating conditions. I'm sure there are plenty like me. If for no other reason, that may be why the left-leaning media doesn't make fun of Trump over this condition. They don't want people feeling compassion for the guy.




    I intended no disrespect toward the disabled.  I only responded to Ron's post about Trump's alleged incontinence problem because I've been angry about the constant denigration of Biden by the MAGA media-- i.e., claims that Biden is demented, feeble, etc.

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4 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

I, for one, feel sorry for people who suffer from incontinence and other debilitating conditions. I'm sure there are plenty like me. If for no other reason, that may be why the left-leaning media doesn't make fun of Trump over this condition.

This is true, good point.


1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:

Donald Trumps going to have a campaign rally on January 6th.

He's going to get somebody killed.

He's going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and won't be happy until somebody dies.

If Trump really does that, it's a baaaaad move for him, legally, imo.

Trump's general M.O. in life is to make up an alternate reality, and then manipulate people into living in it with him.

However the 2020 election was not stolen; in fact it was the most secure election in history and that has been verified many times.

There is a line between political speech and sedition, and Trump isn't smart enough to know when he's crossing it.

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Happy New Year, folks!

This has been my favorite high-speed downhill skiing song (on headphones) for the past 40 years.

I first saw and heard it on a rock video at a club in Greenwich Village in the winter of (?) 1982-83.

I went out and bought the War album 40 years ago after seeing this video in NYC.


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Trump is going on trial up on January 29th in New York, I think.

It's not for what you think though.

This involves a bunch of investors who sank a lot of money into a video phone company that Trump was hawking on the Apprentice TV show.

He said that he had hands on experience with the product, had done a lot or research into it and didn't have any monetary interest i it; none of which was true.

He hadn't used it, hadn't done any research into it and was being paid millions of dollars by the company under the table  to hawk their product.

It turned out to be a piece of junk and people who had invested money into it based on his say so, lost their shirts..

What a surprise

Steve Thomas


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