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Who did the deed?

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6 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Yes, laughable.

An auto body garage damages the premier presidential limo that noticeably and doesn't mention it or offer to repair it? Years before 11,22,1963?

And all the care takers, movers and drivers of it between the proposed garage damage time frame and 11,22,1963 never notice it and/or considered it worthy of mention and repair?

Pamela, you are our forum's most respected research authority on the presidential limo.

Do you have any doubts regards the indentation damage being created before 11,22,1963?

Here's the cite. Rowley says Nov 1st in NYC:


It looks to me like that dent happened on 11.22.63.  The only thing I can't account for is if the SS men who put the roof back on the limo messed up somehow. I don't think that is likely...

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9 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

Oh well Michael, allow me.

Mossad figure and future Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, (in November '63), was then a high ranking military officer, purportedly on a military briefing tour, was in Dallas at the time of JFK's assassination, according to Rabin's widow.  (Final Judgment-Michael Collins Piper) 

'What has been shown beyond a reasonable doubt, at any rate, is that Angleton, the central CIA player in the plot, was in reality more controlled by Mossad than by CIA itself.' (The Unspoken Kennedy Truth-Laurent Guyenot)

AND, let's not forget that Mr Ruby was a Yiddish speaking Rubenstein who told both his rabbi and his defence lawyer, "I did it for the Jews."  It was Jack who when stalking after Oswald in the Dallas Police Dept., was posing as a news reporter with a number of Yiddish speaking out of town, supposed journalists.

AND, George DeMohrenschildt was found dead with a bullet through his head.  It was ruled a suicide, but the Sherriff's report mentions that in his last months he complained that 'the Jews' and 'Jewish mafia' were out to get him.  His wife also told Jim Marrs that her husband thought that 'the Jewish Mafia' were out to get him.



Jack Ruby may be one of the most important witnesses to the cover-up.  

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On 3/25/2023 at 5:57 PM, Michael Crane said:




The damage to the windshield upper frame is so light it could go unnoticed...???

Hog wash!

Look at that ball peen hammer blow hole with 3 inches of raised and twisted metal just above it.

You can't miss it!

A reasonable person would expect a thorough examination of the limo by many looking for physical evidence in the assassination investigation.

The limo is a huge and hugely important piece of evidence.

That bullet shape and width hole should have grabbed the attention of examiners straight away.

Wow, Sam...will ya look at that indentation?

I would have asked to see "the crank" device that was reportedly blamed for the indentation. I would want to see it's shape, size and where it was located when the limo top was being placed back on.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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4 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

Here's the cite. Rowley says Nov 1st in NYC:


It looks to me like that dent happened on 11.22.63.  The only thing I can't account for is if the SS men who put the roof back on the limo messed up somehow. I don't think that is likely...

The dent was made by a small hollow point AR15 slug (55 grain i think) with a thin copper jacket fired at say 3200 fps from 21 ft (muzzle to head) from directly behind by Hickey in Queen Mary.

A thin stainless steel trim over a thickish rectangular hollow mild steel frame would stop the slug without leaving a hole -- especially as the slug hit slightly on the low side of a crease in the stainless -- especially as there was an air gap between the stainless & the mild steel.

Some of the initially downwards lead spray from the slug (the slug hit the low side of the crease) damaged the rear-view mirror sitting below the dent. 

What was left of the slug (not much)(if any) was spat back & out onto the roadway.

No known tests have ever been done to see if an AR15 would make such a dent. Nor to see if a Carcano would make such a dent.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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5 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

Fetzer is devoted to creating rabbit trails about the limo...proceed with caution...

Yes i have been re-reading Fetzer's stuff -- & watching his youtubes --  he mentions every factoid possible. But nowhere duz he get very close to any important fact.

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3 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

Yes i have been re-reading Fetzer's stuff -- & watching his youtubes --  he mentions every factoid possible. But nowhere duz he get very close to any important fact.

I agree.  He has made it difficult to know what actually happened to the limo...

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If Castro did JFK and our entire government knew this truth...

Does anyone really believe the only retaliation we would have initiated against him would be an economic blockade?

Which is what we did before the JFKA and for decades after.

I could imagine our JCS discussing what to do to the bearded one after concluding he just took out our president.

Ah, well, just keep doing to him and his regime what we've been doing.

Making sure life in Cuba for it's citizens is materially bleak. 


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I would add Robert Emmett Johnson to the list....

  • Robert Emmett Johnson moved to Canada where he worked for the International Services of Information, which was a CIA front. According to Gerry P. Hemming, Johnson was involved in the assassination of the Martin Luther King.

Robert Emmett Johnson



Who was Robert Johnson and what did he do?

  • In 1961 Johnson was employed by Colonel Ulius Amoss under the commercial cover of the International Services of Information (INFORM) with offices in Baltimore. According to a CIA document: "At this time he (Johnson) was already in close touch with the various independent Cuban Exile anti-Communist groups in Miami and elsewhere."
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7 hours ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

Yes i have been re-reading Fetzer's stuff -- & watching his youtubes --  he mentions every factoid possible. But nowhere duz he get very close to any important fact.

Oh man,

I watched Fetzer last night say that Sturgis shot JFK from the sewer.

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What happened to the AR15? Where is it now? Who has it?

It should be in a museum!

A wax Hickey trying to stand fully up in the back of Queen Mary, holding the AR15, with finger on trigger.

A wax Kinney Roberts O'Donnell Powers McIntyre Ready Landis Bennett -- a wax Hill in mid-air jumping onto the tarmac.

Within an hour of being deployed for the first time the AR15 had killed a President -- albeit with the 4th or 5th shot.

At least we have a photo of JFK holding the AR15 that killed him -- that photo will have to do for now.

Is there some way of finding where the AR15 ended up? -- a government sale of some kind? -- a pawn shop in Washington?

If SSA Lawton had been on the running board of Queen Mary then Landis would have been sitting between Hickey & Bennett in the backseat -- in which case Landis might have cramped Hickey's style & changed history.

Edited by Marjan Rynkiewicz
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On 3/26/2023 at 8:47 PM, Pamela Brown said:

Jack Ruby may be one of the most important witnesses to the cover-up.  

Let me amplify this statement. I think Jack Ruby was correct to reference a "Jewish Mafia" involvement in the assassination and cover-up.  However, I see these people as fake Jews. They are vicious. 

If Ruby had been allowed to go to DC in order to be able to speak freely to Chief Justice Warren, we might have learned about things that have been concealed...

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is per a website "JFKresearcher" , 


The Men Who Murdered President Kennedy Part 4...


Security/coordinators for assassination fireteam/shooters:


Felipe Vidal Santiago “AMQUIP-1,” Gerald Patrick "Jerry" Hemming Jr. (commander, Intercontinental Penetration Force/ International Anti-Communist Brigade), Bernard Leon “Macho” Barker "AMCLATTER-1" [Chief of Operations, Brigade 2506/ Operación 40 assassin/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Roy Emory Hargraves (INTERPEN), Loran Eugene Hall Sr. (International Anti-Communist Brigade/ American Committee To Free Cuba/ Minutemen), Eladio Ceferino del Valle Gutierrez “Yito,” Herminio Díaz García (Operación 40 assassin), Nestor “Tony” Izquierdo, Dennis Lynn Harber [INTERPEN/ gunrunner, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Jose Jesus Basulto “El Capitán Araña” Leon "AMHINT-21" (Operación 40 assassin), William Houston Seymour (INTERPEN/ Double-Chek Corporation), Alberto Blanco “El Loco” Romariz “AMLASH-3” (Operación 40 assassin), Justin Joseph "Steve" Wilson [INTERPEN/ gunrunner, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Jorge “El Mago” Robreno Marieges "AMLASH-2" (Operación 40 assassin), Howard Kenneth Davis (INTERPEN), Juan Manuel Salvat “El Gordo” Roque "AMHINT-2" (Operación 40 assassin), Edwin Anderson Collins (INTERPEN/ Ku Klux Klan/ John Birch Society), Anthony “Tony” Sforza “AMRYE-1” (commander, CIA "stay-behind" operations, Cuba), Orlando Bosch “Dr. Death” Ávila "AMDITTO-23" [Operación 40 assassin/ Chicago Junta/ liasion, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Andres Nazario Sargen (Operación 40 assassin/ commander, ALPHA-66), Emilio Americo Rodriguez “AMIRE-1,” Gustavo Villoldo "AMCHALK-1," Michael Vernon Townley (Chicago Junta/ Operación Cóndor/ Colonia Dignidad), Donald Phinney Gregg, SS-Hauptsturmführer Nikolaus "Klaus" Barbie AKA "Adler" (MEREX AG/ Operación Cóndor/ Colonia Dignidad), Jorge Mas Canosa (Operación 40 assassin), José “El Padrino” Miguel Battle Sr. (Operación 40 assassin), William Robert "Tosh" Plumlee (pilot, Metairie Falcon Cadet Squadron—Internal Mobile Security Unit/ Nags Head School of Illusionary Warfare), Erhard Mossack (Werwolf Org/ Gehlen Org), Robert Leroy (Milice française), Gerard Litt (Waffen-SS Charlemagne Division), Jean Paul Robert Filiol (Comité secret d'action révolutionnaire), Charles Voyde Harrelson, Fred Lee Crisman (Wackenhut Corp.), Charles Frederick Rogers, Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz "AMOT-5" (Operación 40 assassin/ Christian Crusade), Manuel Francisco Artime Buesa “AMBIDDY-1” [Operation 40 assassin/ Cuban Revolutionary Council/ AMWORLD asset/ founder, Movimiento de Recuperación Revolucionaria/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Aldo Vera Serafin (Chicago Junta), Gaspar Eugenio Jimenez “Gasparito” Escobedo (Operación 40 assassin), Marcos Jose Diaz Lanz "AMOT-6" (Minutemen), Félix Ismael “El Gato” Rodríguez Mendigutia "AMJOKE-1" (Operación 40 assassin), Jerry Lynn Davis (Secret Army Organization/ COINTELPRO asset), Guillermo Novo “Mr. Bill” Sampol (Operación 40 assassin), Ignacio Novo Sampol (Operación 40 assassin), Virgilio R. “Villo” González (Operación 40 assassin), Jose Dionisio “Bloodbath” Suarez Esquivel (Operación 40 assassin), Luis “El Bambi” Clemente Faustino Posada Carriles "AMCLEVE-15" (Operación 40 assassin/ JM/WAVE “KUROAR” branch instructor), Eugenio Rolando “Musculito” Martínez Careaga "AMSNAP-3" (Operación 40 assassin), Manuel "Manolito" Rodriguez Orcarberro (Operation 40 assassin/ commander, ALPHA-66, Dallas), Pedro Remón Rodríguez (Operación 40 assassin/ OMEGA-7 member), Rafael Aureli "Chi-Chi" Quintero Ibarbia "AMJAVA-4" (Operación 40 assassin), Ricardo Anibal Morales “El Mono” Navarrete "AMDESK-1" (Operación 40 assassin), José Joaquin Sanjenís “Felix” Perdomo "AMOT-2" (Operación 40 paymaster/ assassin), Porter Johnston Goss (Operación 40 assassin), Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal [pilot, Metairie Falcon Cadet Squadron—Internal Mobile Security Unit/ weapons officer, 21th Special Forces Group/ XO, Special Operations Detachment, 20th Special Forces Group/ Ku Klux Klan—COINTELPRO liaison, Region II, 4th US Army Operations Group—US Army Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Pentagon/ Operation 40 assassin], Antonio “Tony” Cuesta del Valle “AMDENIM-14” (Operation 40 assassin), Eduardo “Omar” Víctor Arocena Pérez (Operación 40 assassin/ OMEGA-7 commander), Rolando Arcadio “El Tigre” Masferrer Rojas "AMBLYGON" (Operación 40 assassin), Antonio Veciana Blanch "AMSHALE-1" [Operation 40 assassin/ commander, SNFE-ALPHA-66/ Chicago Junta/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)], Alvin Ross Diaz (Operation 40 assassin), and Gordon Michael Dwayne Novel (Double-Chek Corporation).




Robert Emmett Johnson (security advisor, Servicio de Inteligencia Militar, Dominican Republic/ special agent, International Services of Information Foundation, Inc./ Intercontinental Penetration Force) --- Hollowed-out trunk of station wagon (across the street from the grassy knoll; parked backwards on the left side of road) --- (“Remington XP-100” rifle w/ “.221 Remington Fireball” ammo).


COL. Charles “Boots” Askins Jr. (US Military Attaché, Madrid, Spain/ Special Agent, US Border Patrol) --- Manhole/ Grassy Knoll Shooter --- (modified “ArmaLite AR-10 Project SALVO Special Purpose Individual Weapon” carbine-electromagnetic dart launcher w/ “poison-filled epoxy-tipped ice flechette” ammo).


Frank Angelo Fiorini AKA Frank Anthony Sturgis (Operación 40 assassin/ Chicago Junta) --- School Book Depository Shooter --- (modified “Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 Type G” automatic rifle w/ “.22 caliber” sabot ammo).


Capt. Jean-René Marie Souètre (Organisation de l'Armée Secrète commander) --- Grassy Knoll Shooter --- (“De Lisle Commando” carbine paratrooper stock w/ subsonic “.45 ACP” ammo).


Sandalio Herminio Díaz García (Operación 40 assassin/ bodyguard for Santo Trafficante Jr.) --- School Book Depository Shooter --- (modified “M1” carbine rechambered to “9mm” ammo).


COL. Joseph Young Canon ("Z-Unit" Commander/ Field Operations Intelligence Commander) --- Dal-Tex Shooter --- (“FAL 50.63 PARA 2” battle rifle w/ “.22 caliber” sabot ammo).


Loran Eugene Hall Sr. (International Anti-Communist Brigade/ American Committee To Free Cuba/ Minutemen) --- Dal-Tex Shooter --- (“ArmaLite AR-15 Model 01” assault rifle w/ .223 ammo).


Nestor Antonio “Tony” Izquierdo (Office of Naval Intelligence asset/ Operation PATTY commando) --- Dal-Tex Shooter --- (“HK G3A3” 1963 bipod version battle rifle w/ “.22 caliber” sabot ammo).


Maj. Lauri Allan Törni (US Army, 6th Special Forces Group, CONUS) --- Storm Drain Shooter --- (suppressed, OSS-model “M3 Greaser” submachine gun w/ subsonic “.45 ACP” ammo).


Maj. Gen. Mitchell Livingston WerBell III “AMBOAR” (CIA contractor) --- Grassy Knoll Shooter (adjacent & above storm drain) --- (suppressed, first-generation experimental “Military Armament Corporation Model 10” machine pistol w/ subsonic “.45 ACP” ammo)."

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more from JFKresearcher-


The Men Who Murdered President Kennedy Part 3...


Planned the assassination:


Allen Welsh Dulles [J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation/ Sullivan & Cromwell/ Health Alteration Committee/ Project Tropical/ “American Committee on United Europe”/ National Committee for a Free Europe/ Mary Carter Paint Co.—Paradise Island Bridge Company—BASF/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 commander/ founder, Operation GLADIO/ commander, Operation MOCKINGBIRD/ commander, Project MKULTRA/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research], Richard Mervin Bissell Jr. [CIA Chief of Directorate of Plans/ CIA liaison, "Lockheed Advanced Development Projects"/ CIA liaison, USAF Groom Lake Facility, Area 51/ Health Alteration Committee/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 commander/ commander, Operation GLADIO/ ZRCANDY (Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds") officer/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research], Prescott Sheldon Bush (Union Banking Corporation—Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart/ Brown Brothers Harriman & Co./ Silesian-American Corporation/ Consolidated Silesian Steel Company-Auschwitz/ Hamburg-Amerika Lines/ Holland-American Trading Corporation/ Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation/ Dresser Industries/ Pacific Pump Works/ CIA lobbyist), Gen. George Henry Decker (creator of Special Action Force, Asia - 1st Special Forces Group on Okinawa—Special Action Force, Middle East - 3rd Special Forces Group—Special Action Force, Africa - 6th Special Forces Group in CONUS—Special Action Force, Latin America - 8th Special Forces Group in the Canal Zone), Generale Giovanni Allavena (Capo del SIFAR, Controspionaggio dell'Ufficio "D"), CMD. Robert P. Driscoll (CIA liaison to Arma dei Carabinieri/ Merrill Lynch Brokerage House, Rome, Italy), Maj. Gen. Giuseppe Pièche (Direttore Generale del Servizi Antincendi/ Operation GLADIO Commander/ Centro Mondiale Commerciale), Charles R. Norberg (commander, Interdepartmental Foreign Information Staff, Office of Coordination, Psychological Strategy Board/ liaison, Project BLUEBIRD—Project ARTICHOKE—Project MKULTRA), Lt. Gen. Seizō Arisue ("Marquat-Fund" comptroller/ Katō Kikan commander/ Canon Kikan "Z-Unit"/ Asian People's Anti-Communist League/ ), William Averell Harriman "Thor" [Dresser Industries/ Brown Brothers Harriman & Co./ Harriman International Company/ Union Banking ... there is more to this list\


Here is another list

The Men Who Murdered President Kennedy Part 2...


Engineered and manipulated patsies:


David Atlee Phillips AKA “Maurice Bishop” (Operación 40 assassin/ Fair Play For Cuba Committee infiltration commander/ Deputy Chief of Cuban Covert Operations, CIA Mexico City Station), Fernando Gutiérrez Barrios "LITEMPO-4" (Deputy Director, Dirección Federal de Seguridad), Jacques G. Richardson AKA Thomas B. Casasin, Edward Scannell Butler, George Frederick Munro (LITEMPO commander/ JMWAVE liaison), George E. Aurell (CIA Defector Coordinator, Interagency Defector Committee/ commander, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site/ Joint Advisory Commission Korea), Dorothe Kerans Matlack (CIA Interagency Defector Committee/ commander, Caribbean Admissions Center, Opa-Locka Air Station—Madrid Interrogation Site), Anthony F. Czajkowski (CIA Domestic Contacts Division), Dr. Louis Jolyon "Jolly" West (Project MKULTRA/ Human Ecology Fund), George de Mohrenschildt (Dallas Council On World Affairs/ petrochemical consultant, International Cooperation Administration/ oil rig operator, Humble Oil & Refining Company—Standard Oil Company of New Jersey/ Fayed-Duvalier Oil Co./ engineering consultant, Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company/ Project AEVIRGIL asset), Delphine Points Roberts (White Citizens Council/ Louisiana Sovereignty Commission/ National Defense Chairman, Robert Harvey Chapter, National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution/ American National Socialist Party), Luis Alberu Soeto “LITAMIL-9” (LIONION officer), Michael Ralph Paine (deputy director, Research & Development, Bell Helicopter Company, Fort Worth, TX), Winston Mackinley Scott (Gehlen Organization liaison/ LITEMPO commander/ CIA Mexico City Station Chief), Clay LaVerne Shaw (Centro Mondiale Commerciale/

There is also more to this list.  And there are more lists.

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here is more from JFKresearcher-


The Men Who Murdered President Kennedy Part 3...


Planned the assassination:


Allen Welsh Dulles [J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation/ Sullivan & Cromwell/ Health Alteration Committee/ Project Tropical/ “American Committee on United Europe”/ National Committee for a Free Europe/ Mary Carter Paint Co.—Paradise Island Bridge Company—BASF/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 commander/ founder, Operation GLADIO/ commander, Operation MOCKINGBIRD/ commander, Project MKULTRA/ comptroller, J.G.C.E. (Junta de Gobierno de Cuba en el Exilio)/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research], Richard Mervin Bissell Jr. [CIA Chief of Directorate of Plans/ CIA liaison, "Lockheed Advanced Development Projects"/ CIA liaison, USAF Groom Lake Facility, Area 51/ Health Alteration Committee/ Operations Coordinating Board, 5412/2 Committee/ Operation 40 commander/ commander, Operation GLADIO/ ZRCANDY (Economic Cooperation Administration "counterpart funds") officer/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research], Prescott Sheldon Bush (Union Banking Corporation—Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart/ Brown Brothers Harriman & Co./ Silesian-American Corporation/ Consolidated Silesian Steel Company-Auschwitz/ Hamburg-Amerika Lines/ Holland-American Trading Corporation/ Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation/ Dresser Industries/ Pacific Pump Works/ CIA lobbyist), Gen. George Henry Decker (creator of Special Action Force, Asia - 1st Special Forces Group on Okinawa—Special Action Force, Middle East - 3rd Special Forces Group—Special Action Force, Africa - 6th Special Forces Group in CONUS—Special Action Force, Latin America - 8th Special Forces Group in the Canal Zone), Generale Giovanni Allavena (Capo del SIFAR, Controspionaggio dell'Ufficio "D"), CMD. Robert P. Driscoll (CIA liaison to Arma dei Carabinieri/ Merrill Lynch Brokerage House, Rome, Italy), Maj. Gen. Giuseppe Pièche (Direttore Generale del Servizi Antincendi/ Operation GLADIO Commander/ Centro Mondiale Commerciale), Charles R. Norberg (commander, Interdepartmental Foreign Information Staff, Office of Coordination, Psychological Strategy Board/ liaison, Project BLUEBIRD—Project ARTICHOKE—Project MKULTRA), Lt. Gen. Seizō Arisue ("Marquat-Fund" comptroller/ Katō Kikan commander/ Canon Kikan "Z-Unit"/ Asian People's Anti-Communist League/ ), William Averell Harriman "Thor" [Dresser Industries/ Brown Brothers Harriman & Co./ Harriman International Company/ Union Banking 

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