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The Newman Building

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Former Garrison investigator says the Lafayette street side of the Newman building and the Camp street side of the building were connected at the second floor and he personally walked from one side to the other via the second floor. This goes against what we are often told that the Newman building was effectively two buildings and you could only get from the Lafayette side to the Camp street side via the external sidewalk.

See 2 hours and 3 minutes in on this 2002 COPA video:


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I've read this some years back but can't remember where.  The part about the Newman building actually starts at 2 hours, 3 minutes 40 seconds.  

He says he walked up the stairs from the Lafayette side, around and down coming out on Camp street.

This makes perfect sense now.  I remember something about a jog going from one stairway to the other.  It wasn't a straight hallway from one stairwell to the other.  I've posted pictures of the building before, will have to look for them.  The entrance on Lafayette was 15-20 yards down it from Camp.  Up the stairs, down a short hallway, turn right down a longer hall to the Camp St. stairs.

I never heard the name of this Garrison investigator.  Does anyone else know?

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On 5/24/2023 at 11:36 AM, Gerry Down said:

Former Garrison investigator says the Lafayette street side of the Newman building and the Camp street side of the building were connected at the second floor and he personally walked from one side to the other via the second floor. This goes against what we are often told that the Newman building was effectively two buildings and you could only get from the Lafayette side to the Camp street side via the external sidewalk.

See 2 hours and 3 minutes in on this 2002 COPA video:


Getting into the JFKA truth mission research world late in life, I admit I have not read the huge majority of great books that have been written since 1964. 

That is one reason I not only access the many links such as the one above which are video tapes of conferences like this 2002 COPA one led by John Judge, I also watch them all the way through.

And this one ( Part 1 ) is 8 hours long!

There are scores and scores of video taped conferences available online here and elsewhere.

The JFKA research information their presenters share ( by the authors themselves ) is simply mind boggling in scope and thoroughness.

Watching this COPA conference video I once again am reminded of the vast amount of deep research and the incredible efforts of researchers regards the JFKA.

So many ( even several on this forum) have spent decades ( DECADES! ) of their lives in the pursuit of the JFKA truth. It's really is an heroic mission effort. 

Especially when you realize these people have had to dig out their findings on their own without the help of our official government backing and even their discouragement.

In total, the knowledge they possess and have made available to anyone inclined to actually read and hear it is a true National Treasure. A National Treasure of truth versus non-truth.

Love these conference videos.

Great to see all the JFKA researcher all-stars all in one gathering...John Judge, Lisa Pease, our own Jimmy D, Grodin, etc. 

Titans in the birth years of this JFKA truth seeking mission movement.

For all new members of the forum who feel they may be under read in the JFKA research area like me...check out as many of these conference videos as you can find.

And watch them all the way through. They are master class venues that will bring you up to snuff at least to a half-way decently informed degree. And they are all highly entertaining...and inspiring too.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Turner was one of the very first people in New Orleans because he was working on an article for Ramparts.

His writings were some of the most valuable there were on New Orleans. 

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59 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Getting into the JFKA truth mission research world late in life, I admit I have not read the huge majority of great books that have been written since 1964. 

That is one reason I not only access the many links such the one above which are video tapes of conferences like this 2002 COPA one led by John Judge but I watch them all the way through.

And this one ( Part 1 ) is 8 hours long!

There are scores and scores of video taped conferences available online here and elsewhere.

The JFKA research information their presenters share ( by the authors themselves ) is simply mind boggling in scope and thoroughness.

Watching this COPA conference video I once again am reminded of the vast amount of deep research and the incredible efforts of researchers regards the JFKA.

So many ( even many on this forum) have spent decades ( DECADES! ) of their lives in the pursuit of the JFKA truth. It's really is an heroic mission effort. 

Especially when you realize these people have had to dig out their findings on their own without the help of our official government backing and even their discouragement.

In total, the knowledge they possess and have made available to anyone inclined to actually read and hear it is a true National Treasure. A National Treasure of truth versus non-truth.

Love these conference videos.

Great to see all the JFKA researcher all-stars all in one gathering...John Judge, Lisa Pease, our own Jimmy D, Grodin, etc. 

Titans in the birth years of this JFKA truth seeking mission movement.

For all new members of the forum who feel they may be under read in the JFKA research area like me...check out as many of these conference videos as you can find.

And watch them all the way through. They are master class venues that will bring you up to snuff at least to a half-way decently informed degree. And they are all highly entertaining...and inspiring too.

Have you ever seen "The Searchers"? The idea of the film was fantastic and by large well done but I really think the film makers missed on it to a degree. I don't think they really landed the show as well as they could have. Much of what you're saying about these committed amateur sleuths was softer than it could have been in the film. Still a great idea.

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5 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Getting into the JFKA truth mission research world late in life, I admit I have not read the huge majority of great books that have been written since 1964. 

That is one reason I not only access the many links such the one above which are video tapes of conferences like this 2002 COPA one led by John Judge but I watch them all the way through.

And this one ( Part 1 ) is 8 hours long!

There are scores and scores of video taped conferences available online here and elsewhere.

The JFKA research information their presenters share ( by the authors themselves ) is simply mind boggling in scope and thoroughness.

Watching this COPA conference video I once again am reminded of the vast amount of deep research and the incredible efforts of researchers regards the JFKA.

So many ( even many on this forum) have spent decades ( DECADES! ) of their lives in the pursuit of the JFKA truth. It's really is an heroic mission effort. 

Especially when you realize these people have had to dig out their findings on their own without the help of our official government backing and even their discouragement.

In total, the knowledge they possess and have made available to anyone inclined to actually read and hear it is a true National Treasure. A National Treasure of truth versus non-truth.

Love these conference videos.

Great to see all the JFKA researcher all-stars all in one gathering...John Judge, Lisa Pease, our own Jimmy D, Grodin, etc. 

Titans in the birth years of this JFKA truth seeking mission movement.

For all new members of the forum who feel they may be under read in the JFKA research area like me...check out as many of these conference videos as you can find.

And watch them all the way through. They are master class venues that will bring you up to snuff at least to a half-way decently informed degree. And they are all highly entertaining...and inspiring too.

Yeah, there's always something new to be learned. Even from a presentation that's over 20 years old now.  

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5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Turner was one of the very first people in New Orleans because he was working on an article for Ramparts.

His writings were some of the most valuable there were on New Orleans. 

So, the speaker in the above video at 2 hours, 3-4 minutes is William Turner, mentioned a couple of times in Destiny Betrayed?  Who later investigated the RFK assassination and wrote The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, The Conspiracy and Coverup, along with John Christian (1978).

I don't know if anyone else listened to what he said.  But after going in the Newman building on Lafayette and coming out on Camp he went back and told Garrison we have to interview Banister.  He's dead said Garrison.  Then Turner said well we need to interview Maurice Gatlin.  He's dead too said Garrison, fell, jumped or was pushed out of a hotel window in Panama City.

I've seen better pictures of the Lafayette street side in particular but you can kind of tell in this one.  The dark door on the left in the front of the building is the Camp street entrance.  A ways down on the side, not quite below the fire escape is the Lafayette street entrance.


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According to the FBI it did.

They used the Lafayette one to disguise Banister being there.

yes Ron, that was the William Turner I was referring to. A very valuable writer.

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3 hours ago, Paul Cummings said:

Even before the events of 1963 would this building have two addresses?

I posted a listing from the 1960 City Directory on here a while back. Some union - I forget the name - had their address listed as both 531 Lafayette and 544 Camp. There was a slight difference in how the name of the union was written under each address, but I still thought it was a little odd that a workers union would be operating out of two completely unconnected offices in the same building. 

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The Newman building has fascinated me for some years now.  Another one of those Rosetta Stone's for me at least.  Garrison said the Lafayette door said Guy Banister and Associates.  That his offices were on the second floor.

Across the street on Lafayette was the New Orleans U S Postal Annex.  Which housed the offices of the N O ONI.  Where Banister started Gov't service in WWII before later joining the FBI, SAIC Chicago office.  And some propose first officially sponsored Oswald's long trail in intelligence.  

The USPS also housed offices of the Secret Service.  His previous office was directly across from the CIA and FBI offices.

Somewhere I read of weapons stored there.  He assisted Sergio Arcacha Smith in getting an office there for the for the Cuban Revolutionary Council. The CRC funded by the CIA, overseen by Joannides, in the summer of 1963?  Maybe I'm mixed up.  Should look more before saying so.

From Someone Would Have Talked.  Meeting in Banisters office, him, Quiroga, Ferrie and Oswald.  Another meeting (there?) about a telethon Banister, Gordon Novel, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Mr. Phillips from Washington, running the show.   SAS 1961 appointed by Veciana as N O delegate to Frente.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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There  was a lot of stuff happening in Banister's office.

And even more happening in new Orleans that summer, and let us not forget Clinton/Jackson.

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Garrison quotes Bannister part time sleuth Jack Martin telling Garrison Bannister's office was a circus of strange characters. Cubans running in and out. Ferry too.

Garrison asks Martin..."what about Oswald?"

Martin reluctantly nods in the affirmative.

At least that is the scene depicted in Oliver Stone's film "JFK."

I assume Garrison stated this conversation with Martin in his book "On The Trail Of The Assassins."

Edited by Joe Bauer
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That is on pp. 29-32 of On The Trail of the Assassins.

The ARRB has shown that Garrison was actually being conservative when he wrote this.  And Zach Sklar was also when he scripted it.  (Oliver told me that Zach did  a lot of  the New Orleans stuff.)

In my book The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, I did a scene by scene analysis of more than the first hour or so of the film, comparing that in light of the disclosures of the ARRB.  I commented there on this being understated.  There are credible reports that when Banister was complaining about his files being opened, Martin was actually looking for Oswald's file.

Second, the comments Martin made were even more direct than what is depicted in the film.  He actually mentioned Kennedy's assassination.

Third, if Delphine Roberts had not intervened, Banister might have killed Martin.  (see p. 190.  But I did this for the first 16 scenes, , pp. 190-93)

As I said, something was happening in New Orleans.  I mean for Banister to do that?  

Edited by James DiEugenio
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Martin might have wanted to see what was in Banisters file on LHO to sell some info to the press on the presidents assassin and Banister might have hit Martin for being so sneaky. There would have been nothing unusual about Banister having a file on LHO given LHOs high profile that summer being on TV and radio and all.

This whole pistol whipping thing therefore is proof of nothing. 

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