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The JFKA Records Suppression-- Should RFK, Jr. Criticize Donald Trump?

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12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

RFK jr. is running for the specific reason he thinks he has a better shot at beating Trump than Biden does. 

Not really. Yes he says that, Either that's a political spin or he's very naive about the meaning of any polls now. It could be either.
There are things he says that leave people like me scratching their heads. Could he be that naive?
12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Its the same reason that Teddy ran against Carter.  He did not think Carter could beat Reagan.

Yes, the Kennedys are so noble! Of course, Teddy didn't run because he wanted to be President, he was selflessly trying to salvage his Democratic Party? Oh come on, Jim! He took advantage of Carter's weak polls and the hostage situation!

RK. is Teddy 2. Teddy's best window was 76, after Nixon, but I guess he got  weak knees because of Chappaquiddick and wasn't he breaking up with his wife? apart from being an alcoholic. Which historically doesn't disqualify him.

The Republicans are a sh-t show. Trump is already losing some support in purple states, and he faces more indictments and Chris Christie, who could be a spoiler, finally raising a voice against him, but not win.
Barring exogenous events, Biden's death, a health episode, or a hard economic landing, done by the Fed trying to strangle the economy and the working class to bring down inflation, (which of course, none of this is Biden's fault.) Biden will win.
One good thing the Trump Maga movement has done here has separated the conspiracy men from the boys.
Paul: Don’t be part of the ‘mass formation’ that is exerting so much negative energy.
We had to overcome this in spades with Trump, much more than RK. Always  references to "mass formation" or people being "sheeple". or succumbing to an omnipotent message from the "powers that be" that's so typical in conspiracy websites. We've now had probably 20 threads here  saying the identical, boring thing. The Maga supporters still are having hard times realizing their candidate lost without foul play. Mark my words, that will be the narrative here as well!
Paul, you've also more recently  focused the match up like  everyone here does , as RFK Jr.. against the MIC. If you don't know your enemy , how are you going to fight a war with him? Yes we have the government boondoggle of defense spending, but do you know the entire % amount of GDP spent by governments or individuals spent on defense really is? Not  even 3 and a half per cent! You're enemy is so decentralized, there's not that huge a resistance if confronted with real numbers of citizens who identify defense overspending as the problem. It's seems so obvious to you, but the case as simply never been articulately made to people.
 You'd think the balancing of their own budgets would reflect  when given the issue ," do you want your government spending on people, or on the U.S. being a international policeman?" But nobody really couches the issue like that, and most people can't make up their mind on that and want some idea of a "strong America" in the world.
And the whole issue doesn't immediately effect them. It will interesting to see how the public tires about the Ukraine war a year from now, if it's still going on. But it is very possible to stall out the war effects on people so they're not making sacrifices in the present  and will be unknowingly left a bill later. That's very doable.
Don't tell Ben, from his perch in a farm in Thailand. Biden has been the most pro working class President in 45 years, and you can argue he's more so than Carter because Carter only inherited a much stronger pro union political climate. Either Joe Biden or the Democrat party were embarrassed that Trump took so many of their bread and butter working class constituency in 2016 and 20. But with Trump, it was largely rhetoric and he was completely unable to focus the government in that direction because  his party was largely pro globalist and was busy portraying themselves as "anti government." Biden know how to use the government  and is in essence telling the Chinese that their golden age is over, and they're whining now. Besides,  they're way too centralized and their demographics suck!
The world is entering a more deglobalized state, the U.S. is going to try to reestablish some of their industrial base, though that will take time. The one country that will benefit the most from that is Mexico.
We all like RK's pledging to  cut defense. But he doesn't control spending. Congress has the purse strings in your system of government. RK is largely ineffectual unless there's a groundswell from youth of new leftist support. Those fundamentals don't seem ready to take control next year.
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BTW, has anyone found any coverage of this today?

I have not.  Usually things are dumped on Friday night to avoid the regular news cycle in lieu of the weekend.

But I would have thought something would break through by now.  Has anyone seen anything?

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7 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


    We can't "unite" our polarized country in a meaningful way by refusing to talk about the sociopathic Orange Elephant in America's political living room-- the right wing demagogue who organized slates of false Electors after the 2020 election, then orchestrated a violent attack on the U.S. Congress to block the certification of Biden's election.

    As a historian, you know all about the problems that have resulted from America's failure to talk honestly about the Civil War, the "Lost Cause" mythology, the failure of Reconstruction, and Jim Crow.  We're still dealing with that failure in the U.S.

     And, coincidentally, the Trump/MAGA movement today -- which is predicated on collective dishonesty and denial about Trump's crimes-- is strongly centered in the post-Confederate Deep South.

     I understand that RFK, Jr. doesn't want to alienate the Trump cult, but decent, honest people need to speak up about the disaster of Trumpism.

     (And I do believe that RFK, Jr. is decent, honest, and concerned about the public welfare.)


    No response to my point about RFK, Jr. and the crucial importance of open, honest criticism of the dysfunctional Trump cult?  Those guys violently attacked the U.S. Congress!

    Let's, at least, acknowledge that the white supremacist Trump cult, in a Hegelian sense, began as a reaction to Obama.  Trump was the original Birther-- the Anti-Obama.  His hardcore base today is George Wallace country--  the post-Confederate Deep South.

     RFK and his brother had to grab that Jim Crow beast by the horns in the early 60s-- knowing that they would alienate their own Dixiecrats. They did the right thing.

    I was relieved to hear RFK, Jr. quietly mention at the very end of his recent Krystal & Saager interview that he can't foresee a scenario where he would ever endorse Trump in 2024.

    But, IMO, he needs to say the quiet part out loud.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Man is that depressing.

Thanks anyway.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Man is that depressing.

Thanks anyway.

If you are in need of an emetic, you can read the CNN version of the Biden snuff job on the JFK Records Act:


You can't make this stuff up. 

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2 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

If you are in need of an emetic, you can read the CNN version of the Biden snuff job on the JFK Records Act:


You can't make this stuff up. 


   Please post your "Biden snuff job" tropes on one of your numerous, redundant "Biden snuff job" threads.

   This thread is supposed to be about the 2017 Donald Trump snuff job on the JFK records, and RFK, Jr.'s curious reluctance to criticize the white supremacist demagogue who orchestrated the J6 attack on the U.S. Congress.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 minute ago, W. Niederhut said:


   Please post your "Biden snuff job" tropes on one of your numerous, redundant "Biden snuff job" threads.

   This thread is supposed to be about the 2017 Donald Trump snuff job on the JFK records, and RFK, Jr.'s curious reluctant to criticize the white supremacist demagogue who orchestrated the J6 attack on the U.S. Congress.


I was responding to JD's query for media coverage on the Biden JFK Records snuff job. Very topical having happened just days ago. 

As for RFK Jr., I doubt he is white supremacist, and he does not need to alienate the populist base in either party.

Your description of Trump is your opinion, and RFK Jr. may not share your opinion. I do not share your opinion either. 

There is an Operation Mockingbird meme going around about connections among white supremacists, Trump and RFK Jr.  

This meme is beneath contempt, but certain elements are hysterical regarding the RFK Jr campaign, and what the pending RFK Jr. presidency it will mean for the JFK Records Act and the intel community at large. 

RFK Jr. is smart not to get entangled in Op Mock memes and smears. Take the high road. 

Say what you will, but RFK Jr. strikes one as very literate and smart. Much more so than the probable options of Biden and Trump. 




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Both President Trump and Biden have failed to comply with the JFK Act. and now CNN picks up the PR release from NARA that the work under the JFK Act is done. Trump punted on the JFK Act but Biden is trying to kill it.  

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8 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

Both President Trump and Biden have failed to comply with the JFK Act. and now CNN picks up the PR release from NARA that the work under the JFK Act is done. Trump punted on the JFK Act but Biden is trying to kill it.  

And our RFK, Jr. fans, obviously, don't want talk about the Orange Elephant in the room.

Apparently, "they're all MAGAs now."

34 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I was responding to JD's query for media coverage on the Biden JFK Records snuff job. Very topical having happened just days ago. 

As for RFK Jr., I doubt he is white supremacist, and he does not need to alienate the populist base in either party.

Your description of Trump is your opinion, and RFK Jr. may not share your opinion. I do not share your opinion either. 

There is an Operation Mockingbird meme going around about connections among white supremacists, Trump and RFK Jr.  

This meme is beneath contempt, but certain elements are hysterical regarding the RFK Jr campaign, and what the pending RFK Jr. presidency it will mean for the JFK Records Act and the intel community at large. 

RFK Jr. is smart not to get entangled in Op Mock memes and smears. Take the high road. 

Say what you will, but RFK Jr. strikes one as very literate and smart. Much more so than the probable options of Biden and Trump. 




Get a clue, Ben.

It's not "smart" for RFK, Jr. to refuse to criticize the white supremacist demagogue who blocked the release of the JFK records in 2017, and later orchestrated the J6 attack on Congress.

It's a cop out.

We can't resolve the crisis of white supremacist Trump cult fascism in America by pretending it isn't a problem.

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25 minutes ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

@W. Niederhut havent been online much today. are you saying that RFK has not criticized Jan. 6th attack? 


      Based on his townhall comments last Wednesday, RFK, Jr. has, apparently, declined to criticize Trump, in general.

      RFK Jr.: ‘I’m proud that President Trump likes me’ | The Hill

      Are you aware of any public criticisms of Trump's crimes or policy fiascos by RFK, Jr.?

      In the recent Krystal & Saager interview posted here by Kirk Gallaway, RFK. Jr. declined to criticize Trump, mentioning only that he had once sued Trump to block the construction of golf course in the NYC watershed area.

      Weak sauce, indeed, for a critique of, arguably, the worst POTUS in U.S. history.

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Both President Trump and Biden have failed to comply with the JFK Act. and now CNN picks up the PR release from NARA that the work under the JFK Act is done. Trump punted on the JFK Act but Biden is trying to kill it.  ---S

From our resident legal scholar, and probably the nation's authority on the JFK Records Act. 

I am proud to fall in line behind Larry Schnapf. 

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


      Based on his townhall comments last Wednesday, RFK, Jr. has, apparently, declined to criticize Trump, in general.

      RFK Jr.: ‘I’m proud that President Trump likes me’ | The Hill

      Are you aware of any public criticisms of Trump's crimes or policy fiascos by RFK, Jr.?

      In the recent Krystal & Saager interview posted here by Kirk Gallaway, RFK. Jr. declined to criticize Trump, mentioning only that he had once sued Trump to block the construction of golf course in the NYC watershed area.

      Weak sauce, indeed, for a critique of, arguably, the worst POTUS in U.S. history.

RFK Jr. likely does not share your views on Trump, and moreover it would be unwise of him to alienate the populist base in the US.

RFK Jr. has stated he regards Russiagate as a hoax, a view generally accepted and only debated now only in ultra-dogmatic Donk circles, and intellectual rump groups. 

Why should RFK Jr. adopt the rigid, blind, dogmatic views of either party, steeped in partisan poison?

I cheer RFK Jr.'s bid to move to a broader base. Refreshing. Invigorating. 

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