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THIS Is The Presidential Candidate You Intend To Support?

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11 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

Do you always make up random lies about people that you know nothing about? Seems like a bizarre way to live your life...

Hi Matt, no making up lies here.... I've spent the last 7 years of my life working as a qualified degree level disability support worker, dealing with Dementia and Alzheimer's patients daily...so from what i see on TV news reports, youtube/twitter/facebook/instagram posts your current president certainly displays symptoms of both.....how much time have you spent with people suffering from these shitty afflictions so your medical opinion of giving president Biden a pass has any weight????

So, when every other Presidential candidate goes through the microscope of press coverage it's perfectly normal, but with RFK Jr. it's Mockingbird?

Bold analysis there, fella. .....

Thanks Matt now why dont you go read the NY Times reporter Mr Weissman's previous 7 articles like i did and tell me if you can guess his political affiliations....you could just read the articles headlines if your pressed for time...they are all available on the times webpage....

See, we don't coronate people here in the U.S. because of their name. We hold elections. If RFK Jr. does or says something stupid, he will get called out on it. That's the kind of job the U.S. Presidency is.  Prime Minister's are also elected in Britain, Australia and Canada....only Kings and Queens get coronations.....re:RFK Jr statements: Thats fine if he gets quoted correctly and the situation he made any statements in is quantified when they are written about!!!! Thats just responsible journalism. 

Anyone that can't handle something that basic, is perhaps too thin-skinned for the job.       Dont see RFK Jr running away Matt...pretty safe to say he has more courage than 99% of other US politicians and you and me put together Matt.

Goodluck to you buddy.


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12 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

It's complicated, Adam.

Many of us would prefer to see a younger, qualified liberal Democratic torch bearer, like California Governor Gavin Newsom, emerge in 2024.

That said, it's critically important for American liberals to prevent a further regression toward reactionary, plutocratic, right wing governance in the U.S.-- the GOP suppression of voting, of women's rights, LGBT rights, environmental protection, and their "trickle down" tax cuts for billionaires and corporations.

The right wing propaganda focus on Biden's age has been relentless, and it obscures Biden's effective record of governance since January of 2021.  His knowledge of policy issues dwarfs Trump's abysmal ignorance and ineptitude.

As for RFK, Jr., he has had no experience in governance, and he has exhibited a series of flawed judgments, especially in matters of science and public health.  He's not our guy, and has mainly been promoted by the right wing Aussie propaganda mogul Rupert Murdoch.

What is especially off-putting about RFK,Jr., to date, is his reluctance to criticize Donald Trump and his destructive, white supremacist MAGA cult.

These are the guys who attacked the U.S. Congress on January 6, 2021, to block the certification of Biden's election-- an unprecedented crime against American democracy.


Hi W.

Mate i think RFK Jr has avoided statements or attacks on former President Trump and his MAGA followers because that's not his current fight....he has to get the Democratic party nomination away from President Biden....no need to waste media coverage and support $$$ attacking trump when he has to get his party behind him and not a sitting president. 

That's a tough ask...but how can you honestly say that in 2,3 or 4 years from now Joe Biden's physical and mental health will be strong enough to govern anything more then a pudding cup......(pop-tart...yes i know those suckers can be hard to open).

You know what might be on the cards here is a Biden/Kennedy Jr ticket V The Donald/?  

Would that ticket bring democrats out in massive numbers....president Joe to show a Kennedy how to get things done and step in if Joe fells its all to hard in 18 months 24 months after the election is won and trump sent packing....???

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12 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

70.3% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
13.48 billion doses have been administered globally


Insufficient testing?

Thanks for confirming that the concoctions peddled by criminal pharmaceuticals for massive profits were indeed experimental.

Despite the manipulation of the results of that global experiment by agencies corrupted by those criminal profiteering pharmaceuticals, independent authoritative assessments have exposed the fraudulent nature of those manipulated results.

In the short video below, researcher Ivor Cummins presents an analysis of the Irish government covid mortality data for 2020 and 2021. Since we’re told that the purported global pandemic was caused by the same virus, this analysis is globally applicable.


Summary of Ivor Cummins’s analysis:

1.   According to Worldometer, there were 7,397 deaths relating to covid in Ireland (population c 5 million) up to and including May 2022.

2.   In 2020 there were only 61 covid deaths of people with no co-morbidities. In 2021 there only 92. This gives a total of 153 such deaths.

3.    There were no excess deaths in 2020 compared to previous years. There were excess deaths in 2021. The latter doesn’t seem to make sense because (a) by then the vaccines had been rolled out, (b) many of the most susceptible had died in 2020 and (c) natural immunity had developed in many by the end of 2020.

4.   The overall death rates in each age category were lower in 2020 and 2021 compared to previous years.

5.   A Johns Hopkins study found that the effectiveness of lockdowns was negligible.


There was no covid pandemic as officially defined, because there was no significant number of excess deaths caused by covid. The significant number of excess deaths in 2021 must have been caused not by covid but by inappropriate “public health” responses to covid.

As above noted, there were only 153 covid-only deaths from March 2020 to December 2021 inclusive. Moreover, only 61 of those covid-only deaths occurred in 2020 before the “vaccines” were rolled out and at a time when one might have expected the vast majority of those most covid-vulnerable to die.

This statistic alone blows the official covid narrative out of the water. The lethal covid pandemic which the authorities claimed existed was a fabrication, a scam, a psyop which was used to frighten and stampede the masses into submitting to a fascistic regime involving stripping them of many of their freedoms, isolating them by lockdowns, dehumanising them by mask mandates, segregating them by jab mandates, censoring and punishing dissent and vilifying and scapegoating dissenters.

The larger “covid-deaths” figure of 7,397 which includes co-morbidities is a red herring, if only for the reason that the most lethal and common “co-morbidity” by far where covid is concerned is old age.

Of course, old age is not officially counted as a co-morbidity. But since the vast majority of the 7,397 who died with/from covid were old and had co-morbidities, and since we know that there are many co-morbidities which are particularly lethal for the old, the 7,397 figure is largely meaningless for the purpose of assessing the impact of covid.

This is borne out by fact that the average age of death with/from covid was roughly the same or even higher than the average age of death for the population generally.

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics in Queen Mary University London, Norman Fenton, whose experience and credentials in this field are second to none, has carried out extensive analyses of the official British covid statistics. He has found that the covid mortality figures are totally unreliable and greatly exaggerated and that there is no reliable evidence supporting the efficacy or safety of covid “vaccines”.

He explains this clearly and cogently in this recent interview:


Edited by John Cotter
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7 hours ago, David G. Healy said:

7 million years of immune growth? What planet might your species have lived on? -- In my neighborhood during the COVID pandemic, we called the above kind of thinking "insanity" (of course we were all over 65 and of liberal persuasion)... 

Seven million years is a conservative estimate, David. I could have said 66 million years, since that’s when primates first appeared on earth.

The term “liberal”, like many political terms, has been reduced to a largely meaningless shibboleth. I don’t subscribe to any such labels.

I try to deal with each political and ethical issue on its own merits. Identifying with a social, political or religious sect is an authoritarian act which is destructive of ones ability to think for oneself.

Please also see my latest reply to Cliff Varnell above.

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4 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

Hi W.

Mate i think RFK Jr has avoided statements or attacks on former President Trump and his MAGA followers because that's not his current fight....he has to get the Democratic party nomination away from President Biden....no need to waste media coverage and support $$$ attacking trump when he has to get his party behind him and not a sitting president. 

That's a tough ask...but how can you honestly say that in 2,3 or 4 years from now Joe Biden's physical and mental health will be strong enough to govern anything more then a pudding cup......(pop-tart...yes i know those suckers can be hard to open).

You know what might be on the cards here is a Biden/Kennedy Jr ticket V The Donald/?  

Would that ticket bring democrats out in massive numbers....president Joe to show a Kennedy how to get things done and step in if Joe fells its all to hard in 18 months 24 months after the election is won and trump sent packing....???


     RFK, Jr. isn't going to win any support from American liberals by pretending that Trump and his right wing cult aren't a serious problem in the U.S.

     At present, RFK, Jr.'s support and media promotion is mainly coming from right wingers.*

     As for Biden's age, it's a liability but a lesser evil than the right wing GOP plutocracy.


* GOP Donors Fuel RFK Jr.’s Presidential Campaign

July 17, 2023 at 6:57 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 35 Comments

According to a Popular Information analysis of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s first FEC filing, the lion’s share of Kennedy’s biggest donors have previously only donated to Republicans.

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Rep. Jerry Connolly (D-VA) tore into Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Thursday for appearing before the House Judiciary Weaponization of Government select subcommittee at the invitation of House Republican leaders on the topic of censorship. Connolly accused the 2024 Democratic presidential candidate of shaming his family name by being an “enabler” of the GOP, which Connolly claimed was using RFK Jr. as a political prop to attack President Joe Biden.

“And no matter what you may think, Mr. Kennedy. And I revere your name. You’re not here to propound your case for censorship,” Connolly said as he wound down his remarks.

“You are here for cynical reasons to be used politically by that side of the aisle to embarrass the current president of the United States. And you are an enabler in that effort today,” the Virginia Democrat added.

“And it brings shame on a storied name that I revere. I began my political interest with your father. And it makes me profoundly sad to see where we have descended today in this hearing. I yield the balance of my time,” he concluded.

RFK Jr.’s presidential run in the Democratic primary has been embraced by many on the right and far-right in both U.S. politics and media. Former President Donald Trump called Kennedy a “very smart person” during a Fox News interview Sunday and praised him for hitting a “nerve.”

Kennedy has long been denounced as a conspiracy theorist for pushing his widely debunked belief that vaccines cause autism and more recently that chemicals in the water are turning America’s children trans.

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Rep. Stacy Plaskett:
 “Many of my Republican colleagues across the dais will rush to cover that they have Mr. Kennedy here because they want to protect his free speech,” said Plaskett, a former attorney. “This is not the kind of free speech that I know of.”

She called Kennedy out for his previous racist and antisemitic comments, saying, “Free speech is not an absolute. The Supreme Court has stated that. And others’ free speech that is allowed—hateful, abusive rhetoric—does not need to be promoted in the halls of the people’s house.” . . .

“These folks have a plan,” Plaskett said of Republicans. “They want to give expression to the most vile sorts of speech here in this committee room because it prepares the ground for their own conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.”

“And they apparently don’t care how many people are hurt or die as a consequence of their actions.… Because nothing, nothing is more important to them than power.” —New Republic.

and this clip from the hearings:


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Hey, wait a minute...

I thought RFK, Jr. was refraining from criticizing Trump's historic corruption because he wanted to end America's partisan polarization.  But now RFK, Jr. is starting to sound like Rudy Giuliani...  😲

In major shift, RFK Jr. calls for corruption investigation of Joe Biden | Just The News


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On 7/23/2023 at 12:48 AM, Leslie Sharp said:

Rep. Stacy Plaskett:
 “Many of my Republican colleagues across the dais will rush to cover that they have Mr. Kennedy here because they want to protect his free speech,” said Plaskett, a former attorney. “This is not the kind of free speech that I know of.”

She called Kennedy out for his previous racist and antisemitic comments, saying, “Free speech is not an absolute. The Supreme Court has stated that. And others’ free speech that is allowed—hateful, abusive rhetoric—does not need to be promoted in the halls of the people’s house.” . . .

“These folks have a plan,” Plaskett said of Republicans. “They want to give expression to the most vile sorts of speech here in this committee room because it prepares the ground for their own conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.”

“And they apparently don’t care how many people are hurt or die as a consequence of their actions.… Because nothing, nothing is more important to them than power.” —New Republic.

and this clip from the hearings:


How is a factual claim that black people have a different physical characteristic from white people racist?

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13 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

How is a factual claim that black people have a different physical characteristic from white people racist?

She contends that he targeted the black community with a fear-based admonition that the vaccine was meant to damage their race specifically.  

She indicates she had faith in the vaccine and wanted to protect her own children with equal vigor as Robert had his own.

She wanted to understand why he would employ such a tactic simply to advance a theory and public notoriety.  Remember, he vaccinated his children.

My take is, she doesn't trust RFK Jr.  Question: should she?

And, "how is it racist?" Because the very question you ask infers superiority and hierarchy.  And you wonder why CRT is critical to our nation at this very moment in time?  Because you ask these questions, John, with all the subtlety of a bull in a closet.  

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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3 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

She contends that he targeted the black community with a fear-based admonition that the vaccine was meant to damage their race specifically.  

She indicates she had faith in the vaccine and wanted to protect her own children with equal vigor as Robert had his own.

She wanted to understand why he would employ such a tactic simply to advance a theory and public notoriety.  Remember, he vaccinated his children.

My take is, she doesn't trust RFK Jr.  Question: should she?

And, "how is it racist?" Because the very question you ask infers superiority and hierarchy.  And you wonder why CRT is critical to our nation at this very moment in time?  Because you ask these questions, John, with all the subtlety of a bull in a closet.  

You’re grasping at a lot of straws there, and on the basis of all that utter nonsense, you’re effectively accusing me of racism.

I’m not going to waste my time explaining why your post is a pile of nonsense, other than to say your incorrect use of the word “infers” in the final paragraph exposes the topsy turviness of your “logic”.

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52 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

You’re grasping at a lot of straws there, and on the basis of all that utter nonsense, you’re effectively accusing me of racism.

I’m not going to waste my time explaining why your post is a pile of nonsense, other than to say your incorrect use of the word “infers” in the final paragraph exposes the topsy turviness of your “logic”.

On the basis of your question which was asked in context of your apparent disregard for Rep. Plaskett's legitimate concerns that Robert endangered the children in her community based solely on the color of their skin, I stand by my challenge: your question infers a veiled racism.  

I suspect Ms. Plaskett might agree.

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11 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

On the basis of your question which was asked in context of your apparent disregard for Rep. Plaskett's legitimate concerns that Robert endangered the children in her community based solely on the color of their skin, I stand by my challenge: your question infers a veiled racism.  

I suspect Ms. Plaskett might agree.

Your continued misuse of the word “infers” illustrates your persistent perversity.

Please cite evidence of what RFK Jr said which would support the allegations of racism against him.

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5 hours ago, John Cotter said:

Your continued misuse of the word “infers” illustrates your persistent perversity.

Please cite evidence of what RFK Jr said which would support the allegations of racism against him.

Inferring that the color of a child's skin should cause his family to fear a preventive vaccine is in my opinion racist. 

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1 hour ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Inferring that the color of a child's skin should cause his family to fear a preventive vaccine is in my opinion racist. 

You have failed to cite the evidence requested of what RFK Jr actually said. Your continued misuse of the word “infer/ring” renders your posts nonsensical.

The purported “preventive vaccine” was an experimental concoction peddled by profiteering pharma with criminal records who had corrupted the relevant regulatory authorities.

On this spurious basis you accuse people of being racist.

You’re just spouting partisan political poison on behalf of an utterly corrupt plutocratic regime as part of a campaign to politically assassinate a candidate who presents a threat to that regime.

The only people who might agree with your vile nonsense are your political fellow travellers.

Edited by John Cotter
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