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This is what happened to the ARRB concept

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Instead of reappointing the board to finish off the JFK files, Schumer stole if for the UFO field.


What does Larry Hancock think of this one?

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10 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Instead of reappointing the board to finish off the JFK files, Schumer stole if for the UFO field.


What does Larry Hancock think of this one?

Perhaps D-Party Senator Schumer, who has publicly chortled about the CIA's capacity to torpedo a US president, could devote his energy to opening up the JFK Records first, and then move on flying saucers.

You can't make this stuff up.  

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You would think that would be the logical thing to do.

Call Tunheim back in and have him pick four people. from lists of historians and archivists.


Then use those lists to pick this other board.

But its a good distraction.

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Jim, as far as my thoughts go - obviously I think UFOs are a serious national security issue, if not I would not have written a book with that title.   And they are a very contemporary issue.  We all know that public opinion and the attention to Stone's movie played a major role in generating the ARRB and although the folks in this forum may not be aware of it there is something very similar going on now in DC, with whistle blowers, several Congresspersons and a huge public interest in the subject of UFOs.  So to me its no surprise to see Schumer move on it - several others in Congress are already using it for political capital so that sort of thing does not shock me.

As to the success of such a bill, it would take something of the scope and budgeting of the ARRB to shake out any of the documents I want - which are almost all from the last four decades and would reside at NORAD, the NMCC, and with several very specialized service intelligence groups.   Since there was never any investigation of UFOs like the WC, the Church Committee, the HSCA etc you have to go get them from the sources and all of those places will offer a classification and access challenge.   So do I want a UFO ARRB, yes but only if the legislation recognizes those issues. Otherwise its a waste of time and money - much like is going on with the DOD project in progress now - which was forced on it by Congress.


On our concern here, my current belief is that progress on the JFK assassination lies in new collections including forcing out films and photos and other material held privately, not just in document release and that that could only be accomplished by NARA accepting its role and restarting the aggressive collections as the ARRB did...which means reaching out to us and asking for guidance.  So I would take an extended ARRB or a directive to NARA to step up and fulfill its obligation as successor to the first one. 

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3 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Jim, as far as my thoughts go - obviously I think UFOs are a serious national security issue, if not I would not have written a book with that title.   And they are a very contemporary issue.  We all know that public opinion and the attention to Stone's movie played a major role in generating the ARRB and although the folks in this forum may not be aware of it there is something very similar going on now in DC, with whistle blowers, several Congresspersons and a huge public interest in the subject of UFOs.  So to me its no surprise to see Schumer move on it - several others in Congress are already using it for political capital so that sort of thing does not shock me.

As to the success of such a bill, it would take something of the scope and budgeting of the ARRB to shake out any of the documents I want - which are almost all from the last four decades and would reside at NORAD, the NMCC, and with several very specialized service intelligence groups.   Since there was never any investigation of UFOs like the WC, the Church Committee, the HSCA etc you have to go get them from the sources and all of those places will offer a classification and access challenge.   So do I want a UFO ARRB, yes but only if the legislation recognizes those issues. Otherwise its a waste of time and money - much like is going on with the DOD project in progress now - which was forced on it by Congress.


On our concern here, my current belief is that progress on the JFK assassination lies in new collections including forcing out films and photos and other material held privately, not just in document release and that that could only be accomplished by NARA accepting its role and restarting the aggressive collections as the ARRB did...which means reaching out to us and asking for guidance.  So I would take an extended ARRB or a directive to NARA to step up and fulfill its obligation as successor to the first one. 

Larry H.

Not to get too far afield, and not even to challenge the existence of UFOs, but how do such craft pose a national security threat? 

So far, entirely benign---indeed vaporous--- if such craft exist (I am open-minded).

A side note: Likely you have seen recent reports that the US government has in its possession alien craft and perhaps even the deceased pilots. 

But...the US is only a small part of the surface of the planet. If such craft are crashing into the Earth---why only in the US? I suppose that could be happenstance. 

But assuming an even spread of UFO crashes on the planet's surface, or even near populated areas,  that means other national governments are also holding, but keeping secret, UFO parts and pilots. 

Obviously, I believe in conspiracies but that...seems like a stretch. 

As a general sigh and complaint, probably no people in the history of the planet have ever had less to fear from the possibility of military invasion than the US. No one even plans to invade the US. Even one ballistic submarine is probably enough deterrent. 

Yet, there is a constant drumbeat of national security threats. And now UFOs.


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9 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Jim, as far as my thoughts go - obviously I think UFOs are a serious national security issue, if not I would not have written a book with that title.   And they are a very contemporary issue.  We all know that public opinion and the attention to Stone's movie played a major role in generating the ARRB and although the folks in this forum may not be aware of it there is something very similar going on now in DC, with whistle blowers, several Congresspersons and a huge public interest in the subject of UFOs.  So to me its no surprise to see Schumer move on it - several others in Congress are already using it for political capital so that sort of thing does not shock me.

As to the success of such a bill, it would take something of the scope and budgeting of the ARRB to shake out any of the documents I want - which are almost all from the last four decades and would reside at NORAD, the NMCC, and with several very specialized service intelligence groups.   Since there was never any investigation of UFOs like the WC, the Church Committee, the HSCA etc you have to go get them from the sources and all of those places will offer a classification and access challenge.   So do I want a UFO ARRB, yes but only if the legislation recognizes those issues. Otherwise its a waste of time and money - much like is going on with the DOD project in progress now - which was forced on it by Congress.


On our concern here, my current belief is that progress on the JFK assassination lies in new collections including forcing out films and photos and other material held privately, not just in document release and that that could only be accomplished by NARA accepting its role and restarting the aggressive collections as the ARRB did...which means reaching out to us and asking for guidance.  So I would take an extended ARRB or a directive to NARA to step up and fulfill its obligation as successor to the first one. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, Larry, but I seem to recall former Sen. Harry Reid pushing for more transparency re UFO's. He was the Senator representing Area 51. and a lot of his constituents wanted to know what the heck was going on. 

Edited by Pat Speer
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Paul, its really challenging to tackle your question without our having a lot of context in common - such as the long history of UAP monitoring of our atomic weapons, intrusions at atomic weapons storage sites and with atomic bombers and missiles, actual interference with weapons systems related to both and more.  This has noting to do with abductions, Roswell, gray aliens, lizard men, crashed saucers or anything of that ilk (or even Dark Skies the TV show which was built around JFK, RFK and Roswell)...its strictly related to national security.  Read my book or study one of our papers (for free) and we can talk about it...somewhere else than here  I would imagine.



Pat, yes Harry Reid pushed though funding for a study and essentially forced it on an agency that really did not want it, which in turned sandbagged it into what ended up being a series of largely un-UFO related studies including paranormal elements related to Skinwalker Ranch (yes, that TV show) and was effectively a boondoggle without addressing the fundamental security problem - which no military agency has ever really wanted to fact as they are unable to deal with it...




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3 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Paul, its really challenging to tackle your question without our having a lot of context in common - such as the long history of UAP monitoring of our atomic weapons, intrusions at atomic weapons storage sites and with atomic bombers and missiles, actual interference with weapons systems related to both and more.  This has noting to do with abductions, Roswell, gray aliens, lizard men, crashed saucers or anything of that ilk (or even Dark Skies the TV show which was built around JFK, RFK and Roswell)...its strictly related to national security.  Read my book or study one of our papers (for free) and we can talk about it...somewhere else than here  I would imagine.



Pat, yes Harry Reid pushed though funding for a study and essentially forced it on an agency that really did not want it, which in turned sandbagged it into what ended up being a series of largely un-UFO related studies including paranormal elements related to Skinwalker Ranch (yes, that TV show) and was effectively a boondoggle without addressing the fundamental security problem - which no military agency has ever really wanted to fact as they are unable to deal with it...




Long time Art Bell listener. Still listen to his old shows on spotify at times. So when you talk about "happenings" at nuclear sites I do get that in regards to national security especially back in the 50's with the cold war.

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Hi Paul, actually the most intrusive incidents were in the mid 60s at the first round of ICBM squadrons, and then in the mid-70s where all the MIRVed Minuteman III's were placed.   SAC had its turn earlier with UAPs "stalking" SAC atomic bombers on ready airborne alert over Canada and before that it was intrustions at the first atomic weapons stockpie sites.   Been going on for a long time...graphs on all that are in the pattern study link I posted.

The problem is we have little to no data from the the late 70s on, it was never consolidated and if it still exists its in archives at the NMCC, NORAD and a few other locations including regional command headquarters for the Navy.  At least as hard to dig that out as to get CIA documents.

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So you folks know this is not the first ARRB redo. My high school students drafted and successfully lobbied through the Civil Rights Cold Case Records and Collection Act which created the Cold Case Records and Review Board. There was a major delay in nominating and confirming members so we just got an extension amendment passed. We are trying to restore powers to the board that were weakened in the Senate 5 years ago. Specifically: the presumption of release, greater access to state and local records and greater access to grand jury records. 


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