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On 9/7/2023 at 6:31 AM, Matthew Koch said:

[Robert Montenegro said:] "Anyplace that tolerates fascist rhetoric over hard research and bans someone for calling out said hate speech is no place for me" 

How else am I supposed to interpret this sentence? 


I don't understand why you are asking me this question.


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I'm also not a fan of the name calling. Just to mention, I hope everyone posting in this thread hangs around, and any disagreements can be kept at the level of disagreements rather than incendiary death matches with flaming weapons.


The same people who worked with Gladio worked with the Muslim Brotherhood and later spawned Osama Bin Laden and Alqueda which is basically an Arab Gladio network.. 

Someday I need to sit down and write down the links between Operation Gladio and Operation Condor. There are similarities and connections. It doesn't take a lot to figure out that the folks who planned and orchestrated the one probably did the same with the other.


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13 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

[Robert Montenegro wrote:] "Anyplace that tolerates fascist rhetoric over hard research and bans someone for calling out said hate speech is no place for me" 

How else am I supposed to interpret this sentence? 


Having read through this thread again, I can see that your point was that Robert Montenegro was leaving because of the way the forum is moderated.

I never saw it that way because 1) I'm not aware of the fascist rhetoric he speaks of; 2) Even if there is fascist rhetoric, I don't see any reason to forbid it as long as it isn't being used as propaganda; and 3) The mods have never penalized someone for calling out hate speech, AFAIK.

What that sentence means to me is that Robert vehemently disagreed with someone. (You, apparently.) He also complained about those who defended Fletcher Prouty against accusations of antisemitism. I was among those who did that, but that had nothing to do with my capacity as moderator.


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15 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

"Anyplace that tolerates fascist rhetoric over hard research and bans someone for calling out said hate speech is no place for me" 

Bye. You want to get down to the nuts and bolts, while it may well get the topic moved, Robert posted some interesting and important document research, while offending some.  Anti Fascist's, hate fascist dictators like Mussolini and Hitler.  Some of us consider our last president as a fascist dictator wannabe who has hopefully failed, for the sake of Democracy.

I wish Robert the best in dealing with PTSD and thank him for his maybe misguided service to Our country.

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17 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Bye. You want to get down to the nuts and bolts, while it may well get the topic moved, Robert posted some interesting and important document research, while offending some.  Anti Fascist's, hate fascist dictators like Mussolini and Hitler.  Some of us consider our last president as a fascist dictator wannabe who has hopefully failed, for the sake of Democracy.

I wish Robert the best in dealing with PTSD and thank him for his maybe misguided service to Our country.

Ron, did you read the actual post?🙄 

Mathew was quoting Robert.   Matthew was not saying he (Matthew) was leaving.  
Oy veh!

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14 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Ron, did you read the actual post?🙄 

Mathew was quoting Robert.   Matthew was not saying he (Matthew) was leaving.  
Oy veh!


I have a pet peeve that a number of forum members -- er -- violate, for lack of a better term. And that is not making it clear who said what.

In this case, Matthew Koch quoted Robert Montenegro. Thank goodness he surrounded it with quotation marks, otherwise we'd never know he was quoting somebody. But he didn't say who he was quoting.

I was able to figure it out pretty quickly this time, from context. But often it is so difficult to figure it out that I just give up and move on.


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