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Rob Reiner And Soledad O'Brien Aim To Reveal JFK's Real Killers

John Deignan

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7 hours ago, John Deignan said:

In the latest episode the podcast names their suspected shooters: Herminio Diaz Garcia, Jean Souetre, Charles Nicoletti, and Jack Cannon. Also places they believe shots came from: 6th floor TSBD, behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll, the Dal Tex building and the County Records building, and the overpass by the south knoll. However that would require one more shooter. 

Reiner and company make it clear that there is no certainty - by design and complicity in the coverup. But they make a reasonable assumption in the end. Named as the organizers are William Harvey and Charles Willoughby, with the knowledge of Allen Dulles.

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On 12/2/2023 at 6:52 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Thanks for the tip.  I didn't find his monthly columns in the HVV, but I dud find this.

The JFK Files: Pieces of the Assassination Puzzle: Meek, Jeffrey L., Garrett, Del: 9798856903262: Amazon.com: Books

And this, which I've not watched yet.


I just watched the full Jeff Meek interview posted above.

I had never heard of him. Yet, it appears he is clearly a very well informed JFKA researcher.

Wonder why his name and work hasn't come up more than it has.

I related to Meek right off when he mentioned first hearing about the JFK killing while in Junior High school woodshop class. I also first heard of the shooting while in Junior High PE class. Like Meek, we were sent to our "home room" classroom where soon enough a message was sent out that all of the students were dismissed to go home.

Lots of thoughts regards Meek's reflections in the interview. One hour is too short of time however, to adequately get a good grasp of Meek's full body of research work.

Just one "off the top of my head" question to Meek.

You cite Ruth Paine as saying her and Marina really didn't have a lot in common. Both having young children to take care of and dealing with the traumas of the day and not much else?

And how this may explain why Marina did not keep in touch with Ruth immediately after and forever after they were separated.

Obviously Marina was removed and isolated from most everyone within days of 11,22,1963 by the agencies. They needed to have complete interrogation control over her.

And Marina really didn't have anyone else she was close to to engage with for emotional support. She wasn't close to Robert Oswald. She had no family. Lee's mother was an overbearing ... well ... irritation more than anything else?

One question I have for Meek is his feeling about Ruth Paine's motivation for involving herself so closely with Marina. To the point of offering ( and even encouraging ) Marina to actually move in with her and sharing the same home.

That is the most personally close situation. One that crosses a line no one else was even close to offering Marina at her vulnerable state of late pregnancy and other basic need needing time.

It involved a risky confrontational situation with Marina's at times volatile husband Lee. Who had mixed feelings about his wife and child being separated from him. He did eventually agree that Ruth Paine's offer would be of benefit to his pregnant wife and child and in a better way than he was capable of providing.

I do believe that some of Ruth's motivation for bringing Marina into such a close relationship with her was simple Quaker humanitarianism. Ruth had that upbringing. I knew some Quakers in my early life who were as caring and offering to others in need as Ruth was in that way.

I also believe that Ruth was kind of socially lonely living by herself and with two young children. And, Marina did intrigue her with her native born Russian life and language skills, which Ruth had been drawn to study years before ever meeting Marina and Lee.

I do have another gnawing suspicion thought about Ruth however.

And that is that she was physically drawn to Marina beyond just platonic concern over her welfare. That she had "a crush" on her if you will.

I have read at least one quote in letters Ruth sent to Marina where Ruth supposedly stated "I love you Marina." I want you to live with me. ?

"I love you" is an extremely affectionate proclamation.

Normal if coming from a mother, daughter, spouse etc.

Perhaps not so, coming from less familial close bonds?

Not sure this quote was even accurate however.

Yet, if it was, it suggests at least one more motive for Ruth's all out helping hand engagement with Marina imo. And, if Ruth had developed amorous feelings for Marina, those can often cross over into ones of possessiveness.

And maybe even a competitiveness with Lee Oswald for Marina's affection?

Ah, it's all just speculation. And even if Ruth had fallen in love with Marina, does it mean something more nefarious in the larger picture?

I don't know.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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8 hours ago, John Deignan said:

In the latest episode the podcast names their suspected shooters: Herminio Diaz Garcia, Jean Souetre, Charles Nicoletti, and Jack Cannon. Also places they believe shots came from: 6th floor TSBD, behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll, the Dal Tex building and the County Records building, and the overpass by the south knoll. However that would require one more shooter. 


Talk about strange bedfellows:




Cuesta/Escalante story


And they are one sniper short.

How could there be any coordination with those 4 groups?

Well, at least they did not include Cobb as the Babushka lady


PS, does anyone read K and K?  Here you go with Jeff Meek.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Reiner and company make it clear that there is no certainty - by design and complicity in the coverup. But they make a reasonable assumption in the end. Named as the organizers are William Harvey and Charles Willoughby, with the knowledge of Allen Dulles.

It is my understanding that Dick Russell was consultant for Rob Reiner's initial project, the forerunner to the Reiner-O'Brien project and podcast. Hank Albarelli had already provided Dick with specifics from his investigation, including details found in the Lafitte datebook, before Coup in Dallas was published.

It strikes me as most unfortunate that they stopped short of exposing the international para-fascist component of the cabal, a.k.a. Otto and Ilse Skorzeny, Leon Degrelle, Hans-Ulrich Rudel et al in league Gen. Edwin Walker and Dulles's close confidant Gen. Charles Willoughby which fleshes out why OAS Capt. Jean Rene Souetre in particular was among the teams brought on board. They also fail to acknowledge that award-winning sniper Col. Charles Askins (who had served in Madrid while Otto and Ilse set up shop) joined Jack Canon, and that trained sniper R. Emmett Johnson was on "W's team," a likely reference to Roscoe White.

Have they buried the indispensable role played by Jack Crichton on the ground in Dallas and the implications of his business history with Otto Skorzeny in Madrid? And where is James Angleton?

Who coordinated Nicolleti and Diaz Garcia?  Who coordinated the coordinators?

I'll reiterate once again, CIA's Garland Williams told Hank Albarelli that "the Cubans" would never have been used as snipers in this particular operation. 

FOREWORD by Dick Russell

The book you are about to read contains the strongest evidence ever published of a high-level conspiracy by the military-industrial complex and its ultra-right-wing allies to assassinate President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. As an author who has spent years researching and writing three books on the subject, I state that unequivocally.

The narrative by H. P. Albarelli, Jr., coauthored with Leslie Sharp and Alan Kent, is based upon a 1963 datebook, or desk diary, kept by a mysterious, deep-cover intelligence operative named Jean Pierre Lafitte. Albarelli had written about Lafitte’s connection to the CIA in his 2009 book, A Terrible Mistake. I’ll let the authors describe how he gained access to the datebook.

. . . Some of the people identified as apparent conspirators in the datebook will be familiar to students of the Kennedy assassination. Others are named for the first time publicly. The interlocking connections between Texas oil interests and intelligence operatives are examined in detail, as well as the global reach involving fascist elements threatened by the Kennedy administration’s move toward peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union.

Here established beyond doubt is that the real perpetrators needed a fall guy to take the rap as a lone, Left-leaning gunman. The set-up of Lee Harvey Oswald began many months before, carefully orchestrated by a cabal of evil geniuses in espionage. One of these was James Angleton, then chief of CIA Counterintelligence. Another was Charles Willoughby, who formerly served as spymaster for General Douglas MacArthur. A third was Otto Skorzeny, Hitler’s favorite commando, aided by the US to establish a postwar domicile in Franco’s Spain, where he created secret camps to train assassins.

In implicating Willoughby (whose possible role was first raised in my book The Man Who Knew Too Much), French hitman Jean Rene Souetre, soldier-of-fortune Thomas Eli Davis, Jr., and oil industrialist Jack Crichton, Coup in Dallas opens wider doors to which researchers have been seeking keys for years. . . . '

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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2 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Oh no.

Talk about strange bedfellows:




Cuesta/Escalante story


And they are one sniper short.

How could there be any coordination with those 4 groups?

Well, at least they did not include Cobb as the Babushka lady


Dueling confessions.  

Without coordination, this is a keystone cop caper.


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Perhaps Dick Russell could be persuaded to come here and give his two cents on working with Reiner. 
How many books on the subject even mention Willoughby? 
Jim - who do you think were the shooters and planners?

Edited by Paul Brancato
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3 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Perhaps Dick Russell could be persuaded to come here and give his two cents on working with Reiner. 
How many books on the subject even mention Willoughby? 
Jim - who do you think were the shooters and planners?

It's my understanding they relied on Jefferson Morley to a degree; Dick said that he had not seen the final script when I last communicated with him. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Pretty sure the inclusion of Willoughby and Cannon came from Russell. 

He was on to them very early, along with follow-up on the Souetre angle introduced by Texas researchers in the early days. But, you can't have Willoughby and Canon and leave the rest on the cutting room floor.

As I said to Jeff Morley when he reviewed the Lafitte datebook in person in NYC and honed in on Harvey, you can't have Harvey without factoring in Willoughby; you can't have Willoughby without Otto and Ilse Skorzeny; you can't have Willoughby and Canon without Askins; you can't have Souetre without Lamy Filiol Litt (and likely Pugibet); you can't have Souetre without the Hungarians; you can't have the "W team" without R. Emmett Johnson; you can't have any of them without Jack Crichton coordinating on the ground.

And who commissioned and coordinated Diaz Garcia? Nicolleti? Were they operating independently of Otto Skorzeny's strategic plan for Dealey? How did the teams avoid shooting each other if they're positioned in a virtual circle unless they were highly coordinated?

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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11 hours ago, John Deignan said:

In the latest episode the podcast names their suspected shooters: Herminio Diaz Garcia, Jean Souetre, Charles Nicoletti, and Jack Cannon. Also places they believe shots came from: 6th floor TSBD, behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll, the Dal Tex building and the County Records building, and the overpass by the south knoll. However that would require one more shooter. 

So, according to Rob Reiner in the 10th and final installment of his "Who Killed JFK?" podcast series (which can be heard HERE), the "real assassins" shoot up Dealey Plaza using FIVE gunmen located to the front and rear of JFK; and they are doing this while also attempting to frame just ONE lone "patsy" in the Book Depository.

Does that sound like a plan that's likely to succeed....or doomed to fail?


Is it even remotely likely that such a FIVE-SHOOTER / ONE-PATSY plot would have even been considered by any group(s) who was planning to kill the President and wanted to get away with it and wanted to pin the blame on just one lone killer in the Depository Building on 11/22/63?

Were the architects of such a loony, over-the-top plot all insane....or did they merely enjoy the challenge of doing things the (very!) hard way?

In short, such a pre-planned "multi-gunmen with just one patsy" assassination scheme, very similar in nature to Oliver Stone's absurd 3-Gun, 1-Patsy plot, is just plain idiotic.*

* Not to mention the fact that there's not one shred of physical evidence to indicate that more than just one assassin (located on the sixth floor of the TSBD) fired any shots at President Kennedy, let alone five gunmen. But I guess the actual evidence in the JFK murder case doesn't mean very much to Mr. Reiner.


Edited by David Von Pein
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5 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Perhaps Dick Russell could be persuaded to come here and give his two cents on working with Reiner. 
How many books on the subject even mention Willoughby? 
Jim - who do you think were the shooters and planners?

There had to be some kind of coordination in the actual Dealey Plaza murder.  I talked to a Special Forces Army guy, John McCarthy, once.  He was in on some of these types of operations.  He said to me that it was clearly an L shaped ambush, which he was familiar with. In that type of operation you have two shooters from the bottom of the--in this case inverted L--which would be Houston, and one from the top, the GK.  Its pretty much inescapable with three professionals once you get to the agreed upon kill zone.  This is why Craig Roberts, a former sniper said: one man, no way.  Brian Edwards, who was on a SWAT team said the same,  for one guy, very difficult.

All I am saying is that seems like a disparate bunch to employ as a hit team.  Not saying it is impossible, but I would say kind of unlikely.

If Willoughby was an organizer, that would be Dick R I think.

My picks for the top would have been different.  And if Morley was in on this how could they avoid Angleton?


Edited by James DiEugenio
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10 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

There had to be some kind of coordination in the actual Dealey Plaza murder.  I talked to a Special Forces Army guy, John McCarthy, once.  He was in on some of these types of operations.  He said to me that it was clearly an L shaped ambush, which he was familiar with. In that type of operation you have two shooters from the bottom of the--in this case inverted L--which would be Houston, and one from the top, the GK.  Its pretty much inescapable with three professionals once you get to the agreed upon kill zone.  This is why Craig Roberts, a former sniper said: one man, no way.  Brian Edwards, who was on a SWAT team said the same,  for one guy, very difficult.

All I am saying is that seems like a disparate bunch to employ as a hit team.  Not saying it is impossible, but I would say kind of unlikely.

If Willoughby was an organizer, that would be Dick R I think.

My picks for the top would have been different.  And if Morley was in on this how could they avoid Angleton?



Plots involving dozens of witting pre-JFKA players are...well, they stretch credulity.

Sadly, there is a double-standard in parts of the JFKA research community. 

The standard for LHO is every high, and every bit of evidence against him examined in minute detail. In many ways, that is how it should be, when anyone is accused of murder. There should be robust "defense counsel."

Then, when other "bad guys"  are accused of participating in the JFKA, the bar is dropped to the floor (or underground), depending on the pre-conceived notions or biases (sometimes rank bigotry) of the accusers. People who are neighbors, or sit on the same boards of a company, or ever did a business deal with one another, become convicted assassins. 

Rob Reiner seems like a nice guy, and probably means well. 

After listening to his podcast...I don't feel any closer to really knowing what really happened on 11/22/63. 



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In réponse to the suggestion that since Canon and Souetre corroborate the Lafitte datebook, I should be encouraged:

Whether the datebook aligns with alternative investigations is less a concern for me than the inevitability that the full and accurate account of Dallas, 11.22.63, falls further through the cracks with every 'sensational' reveal unless we speak out. 
The assassination may be reconciled for the sake of a historical record limited to generalizations, three-letter acronyms and unresolved anomalies (e.g. lines of communication and coordination between Souetre or Canon with Diaz Garcia and Nicoletti), but the cold case murder investigation is either solved or it isn't. 
Lafitte identifies other skilled sharpshooters than are named in this podcast. As a side note: a marksman contacted me this afternoon to point out that it's known in his world Nicolleti 'couldn't load a rifle.' He was known as a two in the hat shooter ... you put a guy in the back seat behind the target who sits to the right of the driver in the front. Term was coined back when men wore hats. Two behind the right ear. Can't miss. 
I haven't listened to the early episodes of this podcast but I'm fairly confident that if, for instance Otto and Ilse, Hjalmar Schacht, Hans Rudel, or Crichton, or Pierre Lafitte were mentioned, I would have heard about it.  Dick Russell was aware they are prominent in Hank's investigation and why; Skyhorse/Hector/Tony were certainly aware and might have insisted that RFK Jr. at least peruse Coup with the possibility of reviewing the datebook first hand.
since when does anything one person like Garland Williams says be considered definitive?  Then we can add Williams to dozens of other testimonials, including Files, Plumlee, Hemming, Morrow, Bishop, Marcello, Kimble, Hunt, MacKenzie et al.
Related specifically to Diaz Garcia, I think I've shared Hank's Jan 16, 2019 in the past.  Dick was made aware while he was still in active collaboration with Rob Reiner that Lafitte commiserated with Angleton regarding Cubans in direct capacities. This was just six weeks after Hank took possession of the datebook, two weeks after Hank took possession of the ledger sheets and 48 hours before Hank fell seriously ill.  (I can't help but revisit the timeline with a renewed alarm that Hank's emails may have been hacked.) 
From: Hank Albarelli <hankalbarelli@icloud.com>
Date: January 16, 2019 at 7:06:54 AM EST
To: dickrusl
Subject: Note to Angleton
There’s a very interesting post-assassination note to Angleton from Lafitte . . .  that points up two things: . . .  and Lafitte agrees with Angleton on the merits of having not used Cubans in “direct capacities.” . . .  


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3 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

So, according to Rob Reiner in the 10th and final installment of his "Who Killed JFK?" podcast series (which can be heard HERE), the "real assassins" shoot up Dealey Plaza using FIVE gunmen located to the front and rear of JFK; and they are doing this while also attempting to frame just ONE lone "patsy" in the Book Depository.

Does that sound like a plan that's likely to succeed....or doomed to fail?


Is it even remotely likely that such a FIVE-SHOOTER / ONE-PATSY plot would have even been considered by any group(s) who was planning to kill the President and wanted to get away with it and wanted to pin the blame on just one lone killer in the Depository Building on 11/22/63?

Were the architects of such a loony, over-the-top plot all insane....or did they merely enjoy the challenge of doing things the (very!) hard way?

In short, such a pre-planned "multi-gunmen with just one patsy" assassination scheme, very similar in nature to Oliver Stone's absurd 3-Gun, 1-Patsy plot, is just plain idiotic.*

* Not to mention the fact that there's not one shred of physical evidence to indicate that more than just one assassin (located on the sixth floor of the TSBD) fired any shots at President Kennedy, let alone five gunmen. But I guess the actual evidence in the JFK murder case doesn't mean very much to Mr. Reiner.


Huh? Not one shred of evidence? Ok, then cumulatively, I’ll list what I feel is “suspicious “…..

The Tague curb strike and his injury, the reports by a motorcyclist and 5-6 witnesses of a bullet striking the street, witnesses reporting a puff of smoke and movement behind the picket fence, Malcolm Summers encounter with trench coat man at the picket fence, a witness report of a bullet(s) striking the grass, the smell of gun powder at street level, the Harper fragment in the street and a bone fragment in the follow up secret service car, blood splatter on the motorcycle cops to the rear of the limo, Doug Horne’s work on NPIC and Hawkeyeworks and the two different briefing boards, no nitrate residue on Oswald’s cheek, the crimped bullet casing on the 6th floor, the huge discrepancies between the wounds as described at Parkland vs Bethesda, missing X-rays and photographs from the autopsy, the burnt original autopsy, a Bethesda eyewitness describing a right temple wound…. I think I’ll stop as I’m sure you have plausible explanations for everything that I’ve listed…

To paraphrase a famous line out of a well known 50s sitcom… “you got some    ‘splainin’ to do”…. 

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6 minutes ago, Nick Bartetzko said:

Huh? Not one shred of evidence? Ok, then cumulatively, I’ll list what I feel is “suspicious “…..

The Tague curb strike and his injury, the reports by a motorcyclist and 5-6 witnesses of a bullet striking the street, witnesses reporting a puff of smoke and movement behind the picket fence, Malcolm Summers encounter with trench coat man at the picket fence, a witness report of a bullet(s) striking the grass, the smell of gun powder at street level, the Harper fragment in the street and a bone fragment in the follow up secret service car, blood splatter on the motorcycle cops to the rear of the limo, Doug Horne’s work on NPIC and Hawkeyeworks and the two different briefing boards, no nitrate residue on Oswald’s cheek, the crimped bullet casing on the 6th floor, the huge discrepancies between the wounds as described at Parkland vs Bethesda, missing X-rays and photographs from the autopsy, the burnt original autopsy, a Bethesda eyewitness describing a right temple wound…. I think I’ll stop as I’m sure you have plausible explanations for everything that I’ve listed…

To paraphrase a famous line out of a well known 50s sitcom… “you got some    ‘splainin’ to do”…. 


Oh, I entirely agree with you that more than three shots were fired on 11/22. 

In fact, I think it obvious Connally is struck about Z-295 and JFK at Z-313. At 18 frames a second, do the math.

I conclude that the JFKA was not perped by a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle. 

Naming names after that...well, I suspect the Miami Station of the CIA and that milieu...but proof is hard to. come by. 

Interesting to ponder: The fact that many shots not only missed...but missed the entire limo, often widely off the mark...suggests one or two shooters were shooting intending to miss

That is, the JFKA was originally planned as a false flag op, a deliberately unsuccessful JFKA, to provoke an invasion or serious take down of Cuba.

But somewhere along the line, the false flag op was piggy-backed on by real assassins. 

That is my speculation. Note that I call it speculation, rather than a fact. 

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