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Nixon and the assassination.

Cory Santos

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On 12/19/2023 at 5:00 AM, Cory Santos said:

This interview is more evidence that contradicts the outlandish theory that Nixon was one of the plotters or that Nixon knew of the plot and did nothing to stop it. 

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Nixon wasn't a plotter, he was set up to keep his mouth shut.  Just my own thoughts.  It's been discussed before.  What are the odd's of Four Presidents in Dallas on 11/22/63?

JFK, LBJ, Nixon and Bush. The timing, it just doesn't make sense.  Not a natural occurrence.  But Nixon at the Pepsi convention in particular and the George HW Bush speech at the Oil drillers equipment convention (or whatever it was officially called) seem maybe contrived.  Possibly compromising them regarding future CIA use.  Food for thought  

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9 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

What are the odds of Four Presidents in Dallas on 11/22/63? .... the George HW Bush speech at the Oil drillers equipment convention (or whatever it was officially called) seem maybe contrived.


Edited by David Von Pein
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11 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:


David, you know this is horse shit.  GHWB was in Dallas the night of Thursday 11/21/ 1963 giving a speech to an Oil field equipment producers convention.  He spent the night in Dallas.  Then flew to Tyler the next morning, or possibly after the JFKA as some have speculated.  Then back to Dallas in another oil related supporters and family friend's plane.  To catch a flight from Love Field, where JFK landed earlier, and his body was taken from, back to his home in Houston.  

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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

David, you know this is horse dooky.  GHWB was in Dallas the night of Thursday 11/21/ 1963 giving a speech to an Oil field equipment producers convention.  He spent the night in Dallas. ....

Doesn't matter to me where he was.


Edited by David Von Pein
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I believe it is well documented that Nixon was in Dallas with  Pepsi GM Donald M Kendall re the pending merger with FritoLay, and Bush was accompanied by ex CIA Alf Ulmer gofer for CIA linked Niarchos,and Delta Drilling boss Joe Zeppa. Both Ulmer and Zeppa had experience in Franco’s Spain, and Pepsi and Kendall documented CIA links in Chile 1972 and Laos 1960-70s. 

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7 hours ago, David McLean said:

I would not be surprised if Robert Maheu  was found to be lurking around…

He was not because he had nothing to do with it and no one has any evidence that he did.  

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3 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

What disinfo was that?

This thread is about Nixon.  I didn't mean to de rail it but both he and Bush were there that day.

The misleading response you posted from him to Mrs. Hansen in 1979 is the disinfo.  I'd guess we don't have her letter asking him where he was on 11/22/63 but if she's asking in general, why?  Would she liked to have known if he was in Dallas that day?  Is that a logical assumption, given JFK was assassinated there that day?

This really is important Dave. 

He remembers being in Tyler to give a speech (while running for congress, a race he lost).  He remembers the horror of realizing it actually happened.  He remembers the similar reaction of others.  But when asked previously he couldn't remember where he was that day.  He, being a politician in Texas at the time running for office.  While virtually every U S  Citizen of school age and above did remember where they were when they first heard the news.

Yet in his response to Mrs. Hansen he chooses to omit the fact that he Woke Up in Dallas that morning then at some point went to Tyler for a speech and photo op in Tyler shortly after the assassination.  Nor does his selective memory note that after the speech/photo op he was flown back to Dallas on either Zeppa or Ulmer's plane to rendezvous with a flight out of Love Field home to Houston that afternoon. 

See Russ Baker's Family of Secrets for starters.  In particular, Barbara's letter to her friend.  

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8 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

What disinfo was that?

You posted that letter and did not note that he had, though innocently, been in Dallas that morning before going to Tyler.   Your post makes it look like he was never in Dallas.   You know better as to where he was but some people might come on here and not know this.   Context and perspective are important don’t you think?

Edited by Cory Santos
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Nixon was in Dallas the morning of the Big Event...

And in Dallas that morning, Richard Nixon awoke in the Baker Hotel. There was a policeman stationed in the hallway outside his door, but the officer was there not so much to protect the former Vice President as to deter jewel thieves or autograph seekers from bothering movie star Joan Crawford who was a few doors down from RN.

Both the Hollywood legend and the future President were in town for the same reason – to attend the annual convention of the American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages.  Both were there on behalf of the Pepsi-Cola corporation – Miss Crawford as a member of its board of directors (she was the widow of its chairman), and RN in his capacity as an attorney working on Pepsi’s behalf.

After meeting various bottling-plant executives the previous day, RN had spoken to reporters that night, delivering a vigorous critique of the Kennedy White House’s policies in his capacity as Republican elder statesman.

In the morning, RN proceeded to Love Field, and boarded a plane which departed a little more than an hour before Kennedy and Johnson’s arrival.

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