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Nixon and the assassination.

Cory Santos

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

Where was E. Howard Hunt on 11/22/63?

Ha.  I've never thought of it this way before.  Hunt in Dallas 11/22/63.  Nixon in Dallas 11/22/63.  Years later, Nixon, Hunt, Watergate.  All happenstance.  Nothing orchestrated here.

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8 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

But . . . Russ leaves room for the possibility of a Friday flight from Tyler to Dallas. in writing about the syndicate that used connections in the fascist Franco regime to acquire rare drilling rights in Spain, an operation handled by Delta Drilling, he notes that the owner of Delta Drilling was Joe Zeppa of Tyler, Texas "— the man who transported Poppy Bush from Tyler to Dallas on November 22, 1963."


An interesting exercise was to identify when precisely the American Legion scheduled their 1964 national conference. The timing was not particularly suspicious although I was surprised that size conference could be pulled off a year in advance.

It might be prudent to determine when Pepsi put their convention in Dallas on the books; convention halls have to be reserved, hotel accommodations blocked etc. Did Pepsi only schedule Dallas after rumors Kennedy would head for Texas toward the end of the year, or was the event booked in 1962 allowing sufficient time for preparations.  Frito/Lay was based in Dallas so it was "a natural." (Don Kendall and Nixon had been allies for years.)  Most conventions of any size are booked three-five years in advance in order to reserve hotel space. 

All by way of arguing that Nixon's appearance in Dallas at the Pepsi convention is not out of the ordinary UNLESS Pepsi booked their convention after the announcement of Kennedy's potential trip to Texas and that's fairly implausible. (and, of course one can ask whether Kennedy's trip was scheduled around Pepsi?)

It's also possible that Bush and Zeppa returned to Tyler Thursday night, only to turn around Friday once the announcement was made; final hurdle of this analysis is the scheduled event in Tyler on Friday. What if anything do we know with certainty about that?

They could have flown back Thursday night, or Friday after the assassination.  This has been discussed before on here.  To summarize, a twin-engine Cessna can do 270 mph, Tyler is 90 miles away, 20 minutes from Redbird Airport.  10 minutes from Dealy Plaza.  10 minutes to the speech, 40 minutes at least.  If a 1:00 speech, not possible as several others have concluded.  A consensus I think, maybe among some, GHWB was not in Dealy Plaza at 12:30 on 11/22/63, but he was in Dallas the night before.  And back through the afternoon of 11/22/63.

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48 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

They could have flown back Thursday night, or Friday after the assassination.  This has been discussed before on here.  To summarize, a twin-engine Cessna can do 270 mph, Tyler is 90 miles away, 20 minutes from Redbird Airport.  10 minutes from Dealy Plaza.  10 minutes to the speech, 40 minutes at least.  If a 1:00 speech, not possible as several others have concluded.  A consensus I think, maybe among some, GHWB was not in Dealy Plaza at 12:30 on 11/22/63, but he was in Dallas the night before.  And back through the afternoon of 11/22/63.

Thanks, Ron. Your timeline is persuasive and I agree that it's possible Bush was in Dallas Thursday nite, flew back to Tyler, and returned to Dallas after the announcement.

My interest in reviewing this episode is to establish whether Barbara Bush deliberately sowed misinformation with that letter. Her friends in Tyler who knew precisely their whereabouts would be complicit in the 'cover up' if they knew George spent the night in Dallas following the AAODC meeting yet Barbara claimed otherwise; she very effectively established an alibi for George by writing that Zeppa flew them to Dallas on Friday, but she also left open a window in the event that George's speech at the AAODC Thursday evening had been announced.

If she wittingly obfuscated the itinerary and the Ulmers and Zeppas were complicit  — at least by omission — then there must be a reason beyond that of friendship.

From there, I'm keenly intrigued to realize in hindsight that Russ Baker was "on to" the oil scheme in Madrid that relied heavily on Joe Zeppa's Delta Drilling. But why did he fail to recognize the significance of timing that Al Ulmer (who was in Tyler with the Bush couple and the Zeppas during the week of the assassination) was posted in Madrid at the time Otto and Ilse Skorzeny 'set up shop for the World Commerce Corp created by Ulmer's boss Allen Dulles and his former OSS boss Bill Donovan? Is Skorzeny the "connection within the fascist Franco regime" referenced by Russ? If so, why did he avoid naming him, or Degrelle, or perhaps Rudel who was in and out of Madrid as well.  Did any of those involved in the Texas consortium file tax returns to reflect that business deal in Spain?  Or, did Russ just not come across Otto's involvement because he was more focused on Jack Crichton who represented a compelling factor in the overall thesis developed in FOS — George Bush was involved in the assassination.

For me, this is a lesson in only seeing what we're looking for.  Was Skorzeny simply a bridge too far for far too many researchers.  How much further along might we be had investigative reporters chosen to coalesce rather than compete.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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Cory…the reason I mentioned Robert Maheu re Nixon’s AND  Bush’s  movements in 1963 arose from reading Summers revealing The Arrogance of Power, esp pp194-96. Therein he details how Niarchos engaged Maheu in 1954 to derail the Jiddah Agreement between Onassis and Saud. Through Scott McLeod Maheu got to Nixon and the NSC to destroy the agreement and/or Onassis himself, as RN told Maheu, “If it turns out we have to kill the bastard, just don’t do it on American soil.”(Maheu, Next to Hughes, p.45). Soo, Maheu ,  CIA cutout to the Mob,  links Nixon and through Niarchos Alf Ulmer.

I believe after reading Lisa Pease’s A Lie Too Big To Fail, a detailed timeline of Robert Maheu would be a mammoth undertaking but relevatory of both Kennedy assassinations. 
Leslie, Hjalmar Schacht was instrumental, according to Maheu, in the Jiddah Agreement(p.44), and, according to Peter Evans Onassis book key to landing a large tanker order for Onassis in Germany. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/27/2024 at 6:29 AM, David McLean said:

Cory…the reason I mentioned Robert Maheu re Nixon’s AND  Bush’s  movements in 1963 arose from reading Summers revealing The Arrogance of Power, esp pp194-96. Therein he details how Niarchos engaged Maheu in 1954 to derail the Jiddah Agreement between Onassis and Saud. Through Scott McLeod Maheu got to Nixon and the NSC to destroy the agreement and/or Onassis himself, as RN told Maheu, “If it turns out we have to kill the bastard, just don’t do it on American soil.”(Maheu, Next to Hughes, p.45). Soo, Maheu ,  CIA cutout to the Mob,  links Nixon and through Niarchos Alf Ulmer.

I believe after reading Lisa Pease’s A Lie Too Big To Fail, a detailed timeline of Robert Maheu would be a mammoth undertaking but relevatory of both Kennedy assassinations. 
Leslie, Hjalmar Schacht was instrumental, according to Maheu, in the Jiddah Agreement(p.44), and, according to Peter Evans Onassis book key to landing a large tanker order for Onassis in Germany. 

A deep enlightening post David, thank you.  I guess maybe Niarchos Alf Ulmer might be the Al Ulmer George Herbert Walker Bush was associated with?

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On 1/27/2024 at 5:29 AM, David McLean said:

Cory…the reason I mentioned Robert Maheu re Nixon’s AND  Bush’s  movements in 1963 arose from reading Summers revealing The Arrogance of Power, esp pp194-96. Therein he details how Niarchos engaged Maheu in 1954 to derail the Jiddah Agreement between Onassis and Saud. Through Scott McLeod Maheu got to Nixon and the NSC to destroy the agreement and/or Onassis himself, as RN told Maheu, “If it turns out we have to kill the bastard, just don’t do it on American soil.”(Maheu, Next to Hughes, p.45). Soo, Maheu ,  CIA cutout to the Mob,  links Nixon and through Niarchos Alf Ulmer.

I believe after reading Lisa Pease’s A Lie Too Big To Fail, a detailed timeline of Robert Maheu would be a mammoth undertaking but relevatory of both Kennedy assassinations. 
Leslie, Hjalmar Schacht was instrumental, according to Maheu, in the Jiddah Agreement(p.44), and, according to Peter Evans Onassis book key to landing a large tanker order for Onassis in Germany. 

@David McLean Scott McLeod is intriguing, particularly his personal friendship with Sheffield Edwards.* If I haven't already shared, McLeod (a former FBI agent) was posted in Ireland at the time the Skorzenys were lobbying for permanent residence visas. His ambassadorship proposed by Pres. Eisenhower was challenged by only one Senator, John F. Kennedy. What did Kennedy know?

I wasn't aware of Schacht's role with Onassis, but it 'makes sense.' Is it any accident Jackie fell under Onassis' spell. 

We've latterly learned that Lafitte was a private chef on one of Niarchos' private yachts sometime in the '50s; it would make sense if it was late in the decade following Lafitte's sting op in Las Vegas.  Does this suggest Lafitte met Al Ulmer at some point?  Ulmer was posted in Madrid when Otto began operations under cover of World Commerce; Otto's 'handler', AF attaché Wittington reported to Ulmer; of huge significance yet to be exposed sufficiently was Win Scott's role as Chief of Western Division special operations - covering Europe - at the same time his future business partner Ulmer was keeping tabs on Skorzeny in Madrid. We have at least one document regarding Otto's Madrid activities with Win Scott's signature.  At the same time, Col. Charles Askins - expert marksman and former Texas Border Patrol - was posted as army attaché in Madrid and assigned hands-on surveillance of Otto's arms deals. 

Col. Askins had served with Harlon B. Carter who became head of the Border Patrol and advanced to SW region chief of Immigration and Naturalization Services in 1963, placing him in command of tracking potential assassins traveling in and out of Dallas the week of the assassination. Askins appears in the 1963 datebook maintained by Pierre Lafitte on September 12, October 2, and October 8.

Harlon Carter left INS in 1967 for an active role in the National Rifle Association and in 1977 led what is now referred to as the Revolt at Cincinnati when the once benign sportsmen's association morphed into the most powerful lobbying effort on behalf of the arms and munitions industry — under the guise of Second Amendment rights.

*Sheffield Edwards and wife were close personal friends of Pierre and Rene Lafitte; his name and ref. to his wife appear in Pierre's 1963 datebook.

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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I think the speculation that Nixon knew of the plot or was involved in the plot is the kind of speculation that does great harm to the case for conspiracy. If we assume the plotters were right-wingers, they would have been furious with Nixon and would not have let him get reelected. Why? Between January 1969 and October 1972, Nixon

-- began withdrawing large numbers of troops from South Vietnam five months after taking office--by December 1971, he had withdrawn nearly 400,000 troops

-- created the EPA in 1970

-- tried hard to push through Congress a huge expansion of federal welfare called the Family Assistance Program (FAP) that would have made 13 million more people eligible for federal assistance--the FAP passed the House in April 1970 but Southern conservatives killed it in the Senate (twice)

-- earmarked $100 million for cancer research, far more than any other president had spent on such research

-- initiated the desegregation of Southern schools

-- increased funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs by 225 percent, doubled funds for American Indian health care, and established the Office of Indian Water Rights

-- extended Affirmative Action in federal employment

-- restrained defense spending so that by August 1972 defense spending took the lowest percentage of GNP since the early 1950s

-- substantially increased Social Security benefits.

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20 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

I think the speculation that Nixon knew of the plot or was involved in the plot is the kind of speculation that does great harm to the case for conspiracy. If we assume the plotters were right-wingers, they would have been furious with Nixon and would not have let him get reelected. Why? Between January 1969 and October 1972, Nixon

-- began withdrawing large numbers of troops from South Vietnam five months after taking office--by December 1971, he had withdrawn nearly 400,000 troops

-- created the EPA in 1970

-- tried hard to push through Congress a huge expansion of federal welfare called the Family Assistance Program (FAP) that would have made 13 million more people eligible for federal assistance--the FAP passed the House in April 1970 but Southern conservatives killed it in the Senate (twice)

-- earmarked $100 million for cancer research, far more than any other president had spent on such research

-- initiated the desegregation of Southern schools

-- increased funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs by 225 percent, doubled funds for American Indian health care, and established the Office of Indian Water Rights

-- extended Affirmative Action in federal employment

-- restrained defense spending so that by August 1972 defense spending took the lowest percentage of GNP since the early 1950s

-- substantially increased Social Security benefits.

Yes, this is a reality about Nixon that at least shows he had a liberal bent when it came to the working class and poor ( including black Americans ) and trying to improve their lives and opportunities. I believe he also initiated some measures to keep the massive health insurance industry under at least some control regards their incessant huge money lobbying push to raise their rates and see their profits explode. Which future Presidents and members of Congress pulled back.  

Yet, imo Nixon was also so obsessively ambitious in his quest for the Presidency he was willing to okay ( if not order ) some of the most unethical, constitutional law violating actions to obtain and keep it.

We all know the crimes Nixon's Plumber's committed ( and which were stated as just "the tip of the iceberg" ) and Nixon was made aware of through plausible deniability channels. Nixon's entire highest level staff ALL went to prison! What 25 or more!

Nixon was their ringleader!

Ford pardoned the ringleader to save the country from more pain?

That pardon outraged more Americans than not. How dare you Ford! Saving your highest crime committing buddy did not save the country from more anger, angst and governmental mistrust. It did the opposite!

Instead it sent the absolute worst message possible. That there are people in this country who "are" above the law. Ford was an ardent admirer and enabler of Nixon...from way back. Everyone knew his Nixon pardon was a back room deal to protect and save his buddy. Not to save the country.

Ford's embarrassing 1976 Presidential election loss to a laughably wide toothy grinning peanut farmer from sticksville Plains Georgia was sweet justice.

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Member McClean's and Ms. Sharpe's postings are amazingly deep, heady and I sense more importantly revealing than I had imagined.

I try to keep up with them as best I can, but they reflect research way beyond my pay grade.

Most of the time I kind of get lost trying to understand the myriad of connections between the major players they cover and where it all leads.

However, the more I read the more I "think" I may be grasping not just the reality of this massive world-wide connected web of covert power and action subterfuge but maybe to some degree what it all means in the larger picture of world events, including the JFKA.

It leads me to consider the following possible scenario:

That there was an ever growing self-interest corruption in the covert world of world governments, wealth and power that the average citizens of the world back then ( and still now?)  were just obliviously unaware of. 

A much more powerful, influential and interconnected corruption than one could imagine. Corruption that lead to the worst kinds of democratic society principles abuses and crimes.

60 years ago the intrepid Mae Brussell was uncovering this interconnected corruption world with her huge and all on her own research effort. Her findings were shocking, even scary, but still so randomly new and scattered one had a hard time making sense of it all.

I think our mentioned members here are now making much more sense of it all to a degree that one can now begin to understand the connections and how they add up to the truth behind so many world events that have and are still shaping our world around us.

I think I understand the post WW II political reality of a real existential threat to world democracies from the communist powers who were truly trying to undermine them with extremely aggressive actions globally. And why we were justified in combating them globally. 

Yet, in that initial logical effort, things more and more started taking dark turns with a growing self-interest corruption factor.

Which in my mind explains the JFKA as well as the MLK and RFK assassinations and who knows what other major events during those time including Nixon and Watergate.

Members like McClean and Sharpe are finding and putting the covert corruption dark  secrets puzzle pieces in their correct places to reveal and complete the fuller truth picture imo.

Kudos to them and their like-minded, skilled and huge effort committed contributors.

Just my two cents.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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