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The Anonymous Phone Call to the Tippits of Connecticut

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18 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

You completely ignored all of the salient points in my response to your question, all of which tie directly to the persons identified in the call.  I'll just say if you want to solve the mystery of who Lee Harvey Oswald was, you need to understand the Cold War. 

Did not ignore the salient points of what you said. As you can tell by the posts on this thread, what we are trying to achieve here is to determine the identity of the man who was accused of assassinating JFK. Our main lead is the Bentley call. We do not have to understand the Cold War to find his identity, what we must do is search for documents that will lead to his identification.

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7 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:

Did not ignore the salient points of what you said. As you can tell by the posts on this thread, what we are trying to achieve here is to determine the identity of the man who was accused of assassinating JFK. Our main lead is the Bentley call. We do not have to understand the Cold War to find his identity, what we must do is search for documents that will lead to his identification.

And I say carry on -- continue -- and will look forward to any and all additional details you provide here, as well as offering input to this public forum that may shed light on the significance of such facts which will contribute to the understanding of the Oswald project, the Tippit call, and the assassination more generally.  



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18 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

The fact that you personally may not understand the implications is no cause whatever to deny others who do understand the implications from adding to them here.  If mods want to lock the thread, and keep it a fiefdom amongst you three, perhaps you ought to request that.

This forum has many threads in which forum members discuss various aspects of JFK's assassination. Each thread has one topic. Sandy started a separate thread with your posts. You can discuss the Cold War with anyone on this forum who is willing to discuss it with you.

Edited by John Kowalski
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6 minutes ago, John Kowalski said:

This forum has many threads in which forum members discuss various aspects of JFK's assassination. Each thread has one topic. Why can't you understand that? Sandy started a separate thread with your posts. You can discuss the Cold War with anyone on this forum who is willing to discuss it with you.

John, I am discussing the Tippit call, and the ramifications -- as brought up by Paul Jolliffe -- of the understanding that Bentley made the call.  


Anytime you want to discuss those implications, or any of the numerous facts about those persons specifically addressed in that call -- Weinstock, Gardos, et al., go right ahead.  Or keep looking up the phone books.


You seem not to want to discuss either the facts or the implications.  This topic has bandied about this forum since at least 2015 ... no one has mentioned that Weinstock for instance is IN THE WARREN COMMISSION.  No one has found out, prior to me, that Weinstock met Gardos in 1959 in Hungary before the latter went into the USSR.  


all of that directly flows in any discussion about the call to the Tippits of CT.  


Edited by Matt Cloud
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11 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

When you refer to the NYC City Directory, is that different than the Manhattan telephone directory  (or phone books for the other boroughs)? Also, did the NYPL provide an answer about the years 1945-1949?  If memory serves, the 1945 directory I found Grace Gardos listed in was online from the NYPL.

Yes they are different. Much more information in a city directory than there is in the telephone book you found online. A directory will provide the names of all people who live at an address not just the name of the person whose telephone number it is. NYPL got back to me  and said that the directories were no produced after 1934.

Edited by John Kowalski
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5 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

No one has found out, prior to me, that Weinstock met Gardos in 1959 in Hungary before the latter went into the USSR.  

Matt: what is your source for this?

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About ten minutes of work on the internet will yield that the Oswald timeline has at least 7 Weinstock data points:


1. Bentley call to J.D. Tippit in 1963 mentions Weinstock along with Gardos and Uncle in describing that Oswald was Hungarian boy from Yorkville in 1948.


2. In Hungary, Weinstock meets-up with Gardos (who had been deported there in 1948) according to FBI just before Gardos becomes cultural attache in Moscow, on Nov 1, 1959, the exact time that Oswald from Texas is trying to defect.


3. Weinstock may be privy to information concerning what Powers told the Soviets after U-2 shoot-down as he travels from NYC to DC to Soviet and Czech embassies with CPUSA attorney Mary Metlay Kaufman in October 1960.  (According to FBI report, Kaufman was guest of Moscow at Powers' trial and learned from Powers defense counsel there that Powers told Soviets more than they had asked for and explained that Soviet State Security officials were already waiting for him when he was shot down.)  https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/fbifiles/historical/MaryKaufman-fbi1.pdf.


4. Robert Kennedy orders Weinstock and 9 others to register under the Internal Security Act of 1950, circa June 1, 1962.


5. Oswald writes Weinstock at The Worker in the Fall of 1962 offering photographic blow-up services for Weinstock.  Weinstock thanks him in letter to Oswald at his P.O. Box in Dallas, TX, dated Dec. 19, 1962.


6. May 19, 1963 Weinsock is identified in the press as a "high Communist official who is being charged by the Justice Department" in a story about pro-Soviet, pro-Castro demonstrations (The Evening Independent Massillon, Ohio Thu, May 9, 1963 Page 4).  Story also mentions young KGB officer Oleg Kalugin who had been part of Harriman exchange program along with Alexander Yakovlev (later the "architect of prestroika") at Columbia in 1958.  In the 1990s, after the fall of USSR, Kalugin became consultant to FBI. 


REPEAT of 1. Bentley call to J.D. Tippit after assassination in November in 1963 mentions Weinstock along with Gardos and Uncle in describing that Oswald was Hungarian boy from Yorkville in 1948.  This FBI memo may foreclose through (purposeful?) misspellings cross-references with other FBI files on Emile Gardos, Fred Blair and Louis Weinstock. "Austrian or German accent" gets transformed into "Spanish accent." Tippits of CT did NOT want Norwalk Hour to print connection to Tippit of TX, yet the paper did anyway. Approx. three days later, caller Bentley is dead in New Haven, CT. (Six of 15 copies of the FBI memo are destroyed in Feb 1973.) 


7. Weinstock submits affidavit to Warren Commission concerning Oswald, May 20, 1964.



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On 3/16/2024 at 12:20 AM, Matt Cloud said:

For the third time, p. 136, second-to-last paragraph.


https://archive.org/details/OperationSOLO/SOLO 016/page/n135/mode/2up

But the son of GArdos did NOT study chemisstry - or maybe stopped and changed professon:he became a diplomat as described in a letter by his son-in-law, Russ Geck here on EDU FOR in the Lee and Harvey topic  as presented by the late John Butler in 2019. 

It was the last page of 2019 . he was not a Chemist he was a diplomat. also Weinstock in 1950  is talking about a 12 year old boy, going to some elementary school..and mayby "hoping to become a chmist" if an uncle asks him...but I do think that we can leave that misinformation - no one was interested in it...although if he was a diplomat in 63 he could even follow secret order to go to mexico with the pseudonym and false ID and Pass of Oswald - and he might have considered it a patriotic act (without knowing anything about the plans around Oswald)- and of coursse nver ever mentioning this. there could be several Deutero-Oswalds and one could have been played by Janos Gardos. (s=sh)  (that word deutero means Scond I think in Greek)  

John Butler


Posted December 29, 2019

I did get a response from Russ Geck.  I have just been waiting for his ok to publish his information:

"Hi, John.

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, but my mother is visiting me in Budapest for Christmas, and we have been very busy.


I was at a family gathering last Saturday when I saw your message about who you were and why you wanted to know about the Gardos family. We had a lot of laughs and good times talking about it (I read them your entire message).


You did not offend me in any way, although I thought the initial request was kind of brusque, but after hearing who you are and what you are trying to do, I understand it.


So, I am an "outsider." I am an American who is living in Budapest with the daughter of John Gardos, who died almost three years ago. (in 2016) . Here is what I know or have been told.


Johnny (János aka "John" Gárdos) was born in the United States in Bessemer Township, Michigan, January 29, 1939 (I have a scan of his birth certificate if you would like it). He told me he moved back to Hungary just before his tenth birthday. Andi (his daughter) and I talked to him about this because we were interested in Andi having American citizenship through him, and there are specific rules as to how citizenship can be passed along based on when you were born and how long you lived in the United States.



If he was telling me the truth, he never went back to the United States after he returned to Hungary sometime in 1948. He told me stories about living through the 1956 revolution against the Soviets. He became a diplomat for the Hungarian government in approximately 1972, and was the commercial attache at Hungarian embassies in Tanzania, Nigeria and Yemen.


He told me he was a spy for the Hungarian government, but that that was expected of every Hungarian diplomat. To what extent that entailed, I do not know. His wife survives him (I was with her tonight and the night I read the message at the family gathering), and she was with him at the Tanzanian and Yemenian posts (not sure about Nigeria), and I can try and get more information about anything she might have known about his activities during his embassy posts.


So, long story short, Lee Harvey Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby November 24, 1963. Gárdos János (John Gardos), son of Emil Gárdos and Grace Blair, died in March of 2017, leaving a wife, a daughter and a stepson behind.


If there's any way I can help you in this any more, I would be happy to help. I'm sure Johnny would not want history to remember him as JFK's killer in any way.


I am attaching a short historical document Andrea (John's daughter) and I prepared for a consultation with an immigration attorney about the possibility of her having American citizenship through her father. You probably already know most of it, but in case you haven't seen some of the links, I am providing it for you.  Best of luck in convincing people that Johnny wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald.


All My Best,

Russ Geck

Edited by Geo Kozma
typo in date 12 is 19
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Okay, thank you.  But the FBI report I cited doesn't say anything about chemistry.  It says the Gardos son is studying physics, and has almost completed his degree.  That's in 1959.  



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15 hours ago, Matt Cloud said:

For the third time, p. 136, second-to-last paragraph.

Do not recall seeing this in your posts. If it was in one of them it was buried in one of your many irrelevant posts about the Cold war and hence I did not see it.

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John -- you keep making accusations of what you perceive as relevant or irrelevant.  A better approach when you come across a post that you don't grasp would be to simply ask what is the relevance here, rather than to assert that there is no relevance.  That approach avoids many problems in dialogue -- and saves face. 

Let's get on with the analysis shall we?

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Posted (edited)
On 3/15/2024 at 12:13 PM, John Kowalski said:

As you can tell by the posts on this thread, what we are trying to achieve here is to determine the identity of the man who was accused of assassinating JFK. Our main lead is the Bentley call. We do not have to understand the Cold War to find his identity, what we must do is search for documents that will lead to his identification.


In our search to discover the original identity of the Russian-speaking man who eventually assumed the name Lee Harvey Oswald, these issues strike me as the most significant: 

Finding the original notes of Christina Tippit (still awaiting to hear from Ms. Uccellini).

Discovering if Ramaz School has any relevant information.

Shedding more light on Ekdahl’s apparently bigamous marriage to Marguerite in 1945 and discovering if his relationship with Rasmina continued at any point after that marriage.  

More research on George and Margaret Peacost.

Finding if there was any follow-up to NYC City Directory, apparently discontinued in 1934.

Discovering if the following people were listed in the Manhattan phone book for the years 1946-1949:

Fred Blair (aka Carroll Blair?)
Louis Weinstock
Edwin Ekdahl, and
Emil and/or Grace Gardos (Grace Gardos was in the 1945 directory at 217 E 86th)

If the only way to answer the issue immediately above involves printed Manhattan telephone directories, can we find an inexpensive NYC researcher willing to go to the NYPL and search for us?  I’ll try to contact the library next week about this.

Can you think of any other relevant issues I’ve neglected to list above?  I’d like to keep a running list of these issues.

Edited by Jim Hargrove
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On 3/15/2024 at 6:20 PM, Matt Cloud said:

For the third time, p. 136, second-to-last paragraph.


With all due respect, you post too much!  Even though the Ed Forum admins recently transferred a hundred or so of your messages OUT of this thread, you’re about to become this topic’s leading poster yet again, and just from your efforts of the last few days! 

Just look at the totals!

Despite your around-the-clock screeds, you mock people for not reading—and remembering—every word you post.

I am the originator of this topic and, once again, I’ve stopped reading some of what you write, which is unfortunate, because you have some reasonably valuable things to say, although you inevitably overestimate their originality.


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On 3/15/2024 at 6:43 AM, Sandy Larsen said:

I don't know about the rest of you, but I prefer that the mole theory be  studied in its own thread.

Thank you, Sandy.  Here, I'd like to talk about the Russian-speaking young man who was eventually killed by Jack Ruby.

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