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Jesse Ventura as VP-USA? The JFK Records Act?

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Jesse Ventura wrote this book (see below) back in 2013. It was a best-seller. 

Ventura himself also tried to duplicate the JFKA shooting, using a Mannlicher-Carcano, and said it could not be done. You can see that on YouTube. 

They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK Paperback – September 2, 2014 (re-issue) 


So, Jesse Ventura, a serious JFK researcher and former Minnesota governor, may be a running mate of a candidate we cannot mention. But, that would make two men on the same ticket who do not believe in the official versions of the JFKA. 

Is the man who cannot be mentioned (i.e., the presidential candidate) buying "life insurance"? 

That is, what is the point in assassinating No. 1, if No. 2 would open up the JFK Records anyway? 

Edited by Benjamin Cole
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I’ve heard this (possible VP choice) about Ventura, someone I admire btw, but do we know it’s factual? 

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38 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’ve heard this (possible VP choice) about Ventura, someone I admire btw, but do we know it’s factual? 

It's speculation so far. Junior says he will announce his VP choice on March 25. I think I have the date right.

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He dug in there like an Alabama tick….

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2 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

With Ventura and Aaron Rodgers as potential running mates, RFK, Jr. should consider renaming his 2024 third party the Anabolic Steroid Party.

I chuckled. Trenocrats? 

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7 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’ve heard this (possible VP choice) about Ventura, someone I admire btw, but do we know it’s factual? 

Well, that Ventura is a possibility for the veep position is factual. Who RFK2 will pick is not yet decided, I gather. 

Back in the day, first Spiro Agnew had to be removed, and WC'er Ford inserted, before Nixon could be given the boot. Nixon, btw, had been demanding to see the "Bay of Pigs" papers and wondering to CIA chief Helms, "Who shot John?" (This is not a defense of Nixon. I am just noting the way DC works, especially when anyone touches the third rail, which is the JFKA). 

So, having a Ventura in the veep slot sets up another challenge for those who would want RFK2 out of office (should he win the election). You might run RFK2 out of office...but you end up with Ventura. They would have to target Ventura first. 

Could be a wild ride to November. And after. 


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This last post makes me wonder.  W's pictures are funny.  But it's about If RFK Jr gets elected with JV as VP, would they release the JFK files.  A current political topic, RFKJR's presidential campaign.  

How does this relate to JFK's assassination itself, or how it led us to this point?  Should it be moved to the Political Discussions topic?

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5 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

This last post makes me wonder.  W's pictures are funny.  But it's about If RFK Jr gets elected with JV as VP, would they release the JFK files.  A current political topic, RFKJR's presidential campaign.  

How does this relate to JFK's assassination itself, or how it led us to this point?  Should it be moved to the Political Discussions topic?

Perhaps a better question is why is it that comments against Biden are met with furor but W is free to insult Trump supporters or even basic Republicans?    Now if he gets warnings I digress but it would be nice to not feel unwelcome here merely because of my being a Republican.  

Edited by Cory Santos
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1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

Perhaps a better question is why is it that comments against Biden are met with furor but W is free to insult Trump supporters or even basic Republicans?


The moderators are not political cronies. The issue has been resolved.



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6 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

How does this relate to JFK's assassination itself, or how it led us to this point?  Should it be moved to the Political Discussions topic?


If it continues off-topic, it might need to be moved.


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6 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

Perhaps a better question is why is it that comments against Biden are met with furor but W is free to insult Trump supporters or even basic Republicans?    Now if he gets warnings I digress but it would be nice to not feel unwelcome here merely because of my being a Republican.  

No, Cory.  You missed the mark.    In fact, you're off by 180 degrees.

A better question is why these RFK, Jr. fanboy threads are typically removed from the JFKA board only after one of us responds to the inherent anti-Biden/RFK. Jr. sales pitch with a reality check-- or, God forbid, a little humor.

And, if anything, I went out of my way yesterday to avoid engaging in any ad hominem slurs about the guy who started this thread.

(BTW, if it makes you and your Republican colleagues feel any better, Sandy Larsen has given me a stern warning and a 5 point penalty today.)

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6 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


The moderators are not political cronies. The issue has been resolved.



My thanks to the moderators.  You are fair but firm.   For what it’s worth I think this particular topic was appropriate for the forum.  

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