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MAINSTREAM vs MAGA COOLER - For those who want to challenge the other side.

Sandy Larsen

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8 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

OK I speed-watched the little punk Tate, and his entirely offensive business model, about three minutes wasted.   Pornography is big business and Tate is part of it. 

Tate was and is not a powerful anti-democratic force, and was squashed rather easily. No tears from me, although I have concerns about freedom of expression. 

If I believe the use of cluster bombs is a war crime, should I ban from social media those who support the use of cluster bombs? Some might say killing and maiming people, including inevitable civilians long after the war at hand is over, is more offensive than Tate's porno biz. 

I stand by my sentiment, that the US military-intel complex, which sucks down $1.6 trillion a year---nearly $5,000 for every man woman and child in the US---and has force of arms and runs a panopticon surveillance state, is of larger concern than the little punk Andrew Tate. 

Something about modern Donks---they are trained to bark at bonsai trees in a redwood forest of anti-democratic forces. 

Tate is a bonsai tree. 



Try telling that to women.

Your analogy is obnoxious. 

Carlson spent tens of thousands to film a sadistic misogynist AND remains the darling of the Records Act.

You're the master at attempted deflection. Why have so few called you out. 

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33 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

Try telling that to women.

Your analogy is obnoxious. 

Carlson spent tens of thousands to film a sadistic misogynist AND remains the darling of the Records Act.

You're the master at attempted deflection. Why have so few called you out. 


    If it's any consolation, I once suggested to Ben, on the old 56 Years thread, that, if he ever started a right wing talk radio show in Thailand, he should use Kinky Friedman's song, Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed as his introductory theme song... 🤥


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On 7/23/2023 at 9:28 PM, W. Niederhut said:


    If it's any consolation, I once suggested to Ben, on the old 56 Years thread, that, if he ever started a right wing talk radio show in Thailand, he should use Kinky Friedman's song, Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed as his introductory theme song... 🤥


@W. NiederhutAh Kinky!!  I remember when this came out.  Little did I know that in 2023 . . . !

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As part of my diplomatic outreach to YouTube scholar Mathew Koch and the Trump cult, I thought it would be worthwhile to post a recording of Donald Trump's "perfect phone call" to Brad Raffensperger.

Fulton County indictments are expected this week, Mathew...  🤥


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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

As part of my diplomatic outreach to YouTube scholar Mathew Koch and the Trump cult, I thought it would be worthwhile to post a recording of Donald Trump's "perfect phone call" to Brad Raffensperger.

Fulton County indictments are expected this week, Mathew...  🤥


@W. Niederhut I too come in good faith . . . 


. . . And this brings us to the question of how many people have to die at the hands of American Nazis for Michael Tracey to give a damn. The answer is that he will never, in fact, give a damn. Tens of thousands of people can die in terrorist attacks and Tracey will continue to blame Democrats and neoliberals and centrists and anyone and everyone but Republicans and Nazis because while he claims to be a progressive, Tracey's goal, like so many of the fringe "left," is to destroy the Democratic Party.

The only way to do that is to make sure Republicans win at any cost. It's not like Tracey and Sirota and Greenwald and the rest will pay the price. They won't be losing their reproductive rights. They won't be getting murdered by the cops for being the wrong color. They won't go hungry when food stamps get cut or go bankrupt when their health insurance is revoked.

As always, they won't be the ones sacrificing for their revolution and that's just fine with them. As long as someone else is paying the price, spare no expense!

Siding With Monsters


This is why I despise the fringe "left" (and libertarians) more than anyone else in politics. They don't care about anyone but themselves and their precious cause. They're worse than white Republican voters because of their pretense to progressive moral superiority even as they eagerly throw millions of marginalized people under the bus.


And on top of it all, they're, at their core, nihilists willing to tear down everything except their own comfortable corner of the world. They just don't have the balls to say it. Michael Tracey and those like him are dangerous because they inject poison into left's discourse. They, and people like them, gave us Nixon in 1968, Bush in 2000, and Trump in 2016. At each step, they made things massively worse in every conceivable way while reveling in "punishing" the Democrats. These are not people who have the country's best interest in mind. They are small and petty and bitter and only care about satisfying their egos at the expensive of everything they pretend to care about.

If your words and actions enable fascism and defend white nationalism, it doesn't matter how often you scream you're more progressive than everyone else, you're on the side of monsters.


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  • 8 months later...


On this day 60 years ago: President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas

NOVEMBER 22, 20235:18 AM ET


LISTEN· 4:334-Minute ListenPLAYLIST


NPR's Michel Martin talks to television and film writer Hunter Ingram, who has watched many of the documentaries and specials released this year to mark the anniversary, and has recommendations.


On this day in 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, while riding through Dealey Plaza in his motorcade, his wife Jackie by his side.


WALTER CRONKITE: President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o'clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago.

MARTIN: That, of course, is the voice of Walter Cronkite. Six decades later, JFK's assassination remains a subject of fascination, mystery and even conspiracy theories for many people, as evidenced by the documentaries and specials released this year to mark the anniversary. TV and film writer Hunter Ingram has watched all of them, and he's here with us now to tell us which ones we might want to check out. Good morning.

HUNTER INGRAM: Good morning. Thank you for having me.

MARTIN: Thanks for coming. So as we said, JFK died six decades ago. From what you've gleaned while watching, is there any new information out there?

INGRAM: Well, we have a lot of trickling documents that have come out since 1992. Of course, that was the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Act, and that was spurred by the release of Oliver Stone's 1991 film "JFK." And up until last year, the government was still releasing thousands of documents related to the assassination. And so a recent documentary was done by Oliver Stone himself, "JFK Revisited: Through The Looking Glass," kind of sifting through those documents and trying to make sense of why they were important, why they were redacted and how they may or may not feed into some of these conspiracy theories that have persisted for six decades.

MARTIN: So did they come to any conclusions?

INGRAM: They come to the conclusion that a lot was not told to the American people. I think that was the prevailing theory. There's the talk of the magic bullet and how it doesn't add up to the single-bullet theories. I mean, there're so many things that have grown from that single moment in 1963 that people are still trying to reckon with today on so many levels, which is why I think we see some of these documentaries coming out like this.

MARTIN: So do you have - gosh, in this context, I hate to use the word favorite because, you know, given the subject matter - but is there one or two that you would particularly recommend?

INGRAM: Well, I think the ones that were released specifically this year. The ones that actually have come out within the last few weeks - and in one case, a few days - were really fascinating and come at this subject in a different way. The first one that I would suggest, and the one that I really enjoyed, was through National Geographic. They have a franchise of docuseries called "One Day In America." People may have seen the 2021 one about 9/11 for the 20th anniversary.

This one that came out a few weeks ago is "JFK: One Day In America," and it literally follows JFK and Jackie from the morning of November 22, 1963, all the way through the assassination in Dallas. And then it carries through the manhunt for Lee Harvey Oswald and even through the night and past midnight, as they're trying to get a handle on what to do with Harvey - Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. That was really fascinating because you live minute to minute, and obviously, today being an anniversary might be of interest to people to get a sense of how that day unfolded. But if they want a deeper look, I think one that is just as fascinating was the History Channel's new documentary, "Kennedy," which is eight episodes, and it digs even more deeply into his life, from birth all the way to his final day.

MARTIN: You know, obviously for some people, this - that day is seared in memory. I mean, people know where they were and what they were doing when they learned this news. But for people who don't have that memory, they're just starting to think about it, is there one of these specials, new or old, that you would recommend?

INGRAM: Well, I think that a good complement would probably be "JFK: One Day In America" because you get to see the whole day. You know, it is seared in so many Americans' minds. And for those who didn't live it, I think this is a way for you to understand the tragedy of the day. I mean, that is something that is inescapable in any of these documentaries, that this was something that has imprinted itself in American history in the minds of those who were there. And for those who weren't, I think we are reliving them every year with documentaries like this that get to preserve that moment in a way, that - it's not going to be as if you were there, but it will give you a sense of why it's important and why we are still seeing the reverberations six decades later.

MARTIN: That is Hunter Ingram. He's a freelance TV and film writer. Hunter, thanks so much.

INGRAM: Of course. Thank you.


IMHO: Not impressive. 

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HOST: I'm Megan Chakravarty.  Today marks the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas, and with every anniversary, we get further and further away from the need to say anything relevant, and, for God's sake, anything new.  Today we will ignore new documentary films and TV series, emerging eyewitness testimony, and anything at all troublesome...

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       Yes, sadly, NPR, like all mainstream media outlets in the U.S.-- including even Robet McNeil, Jim Lehrer and PBS (!) -- has colluded in selling the Warren Commission Report during the past 60 years.  Operation Mockingbird has been highly successful.

         The shocking, rare exception to the rule was Tucker Carlson's post-Trump presidency commentary -- on Fox News of all media outlets (!) -- about the CIA's alleged role in killing JFK!   It stunned all of us-- especially coming from a television commentator who had actively promoted Trump's Stop-the-Steal scam in 2020, and had subsequently tried to cover up Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election by re-framing Trump's January 6th attack on Congress as a Deep State "patriot purge."

        That was one aspect of Carlson's more general re-framing of any investigations of Trump's serious misconduct as victimization by the Deep State.

        As for NPR, another rare failure of NPR's generally outstanding reporting was their suppression of any references to Operation Timber Sycamore and our covert Sunni proxy war against Assad's Alawite government in Syria.   I used to cringe while listening to NPR's reporting on Syria's civil war while driving to and from work.

        If I understand it correctly, Mockingbird has always been focused chiefly on covering up public awareness of CIA and military black ops.

        As in the JFK assassination case, NPR towed the Mockingbird line on the Syrian proxy war. 

        But why is Ben Cole posting this five month-old hit piece on NPR today?

        Could it be part of the current MAGA-verse ampliganda attacking NPR, in the wake of Uri Berliner's debunked recent hit piece on NPR?

        Even Donald Trump has now called for de-funding NPR, in the wake of Berliner's bogus attack on NPR.  

        For those who haven't read it, (including Ben Cole) Steve Inskeep recently published an outstanding refutation of Berliner's hit piece on NPR.

        It can't be said any better.

How my NPR colleague failed at “viewpoint diversity” (substack.com)

Edited by W. Niederhut
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  • Sandy Larsen changed the title to MAINSTREAM vs MAGA COOLER - For those who want to challenge the other side.

Well, I'm shocked, shocked to learn today that Ted Cruz's father didn't kill JFK!

What's next?  Finding out that Hillary isn't really dying of brain cancer? 


National Enquirer Made Up Story About Ted Cruz’s Father


April 23, 2024 at 4:26 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“David Pecker, the former publisher of the National Enquirer, testified at Donald Trump’s trial Tuesday that the tabloid completely manufactured a negative story in 2016 about the father of Sen. Ted Cruz, of Texas, who was then Trump’s rival for the GOP presidential nomination,” NBC News reports.

“The paper had published a photo allegedly showing Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, with Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pro-Fidel Castro pamphlets in New Orleans in 1963, not long before Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy.”

“Trump repeatedly referred to the story on the campaign trail and in interviews.”




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