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Which living person(s) knows the most about what actually happened in Dallas?

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Quick question: As of 2024, now that most of the people involved in or around the Kennedy assassination are deceased, which living person or people do believe has the most insider information about what actually happened in Dallas?  Who would you like to see interviewed, grilled, subpoenaed, etc?

Just curious about your answers.

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10 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

Doug Horne.

Great point.


Here are a couple of things that I forgot to add to my original question:


1. Do we really think that anyone at the CIA or any of the intelligence agencies fully knows what happened?  I find it hard to believe that even those with firsthand knowledge would have told their successors what they knew.  That would just leave us with hearsay/rumors from those currently employed at the agencies.

2. Is there any reason to believe that there is anyone still living that knows definitively what went down?*

*Just to put it out there…I’ve done some reading (here and elsewhere) and watched the documentary about her, but I know that some people may say that Ruth Paine knows more than she’s let on.

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Carl Jenkins. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Essay_-_The_Wheaton_Lead.html


"Carl Jenkins was a retired high-level paramilitary specialist for the CIA.....He headed up the largest covert base in Laos during the secret CIA wars over there when the open war was going on in Vietnam.....[Jenkins] invited me to stay in their home.....In 1985 he [Jenkins] became my Washington representative when I took over as Vice President for a cargo airline called National Air.....I was like a brother to Carl.....Carl was the head recruiter and trainer of the Bay of Pigs invasion for the assassins and saboteurs that were going into Cuba for the pre-invasion to lay the groundwork for the Bay of Pigs.....He trained the 17, 18, 19 year old exiles and became their father figure.....Chi Chi Quintero became like a son to Carl.....He [Quintero] and two or three others, Felix Rodriguez, Nestor Pino, all went to Vietnam with him.....Chi Chi was a shooter. He was trained by I.W. Harper.....There was a CIA funded program to assassinate Castro and Carl was in charge of training the Cubans from Miami.....They were the ones that diverted the Castro assassination funds and training for their own agenda to snuff Kennedy.....They had a thing called a triangulation shooting team.....[Describing the Bay of Pigs and JFK backing off the air strike] They were furious and still are to this day.....And there was another clique above them.....they would reminisce about the past and what went wrong and what went right....."

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Felix Rodriguez. 

Even though he maintains Escalante was a shooter for Castro, he has lived far too long and he made a career with the CIA too. 

Was interviewed by Tucker Carlson a few days ago too. He also did an interview with a younger chap recently which I thought was much better.



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Jeff Morley's interview of Jenkins - https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/06/16/if-you-need-dirty-job-done-straight-talk-marine-vet-about-cia-plot-assassinate-castro.html

"In our interview, Jenkins reviewed five memos that he wrote about the AMLASH project in 1964, recalling that he had dictated them but never seen the paper copies. Another declassified memo showed that the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center supported Jenkins on a "plan to assassinate Castro at the DuPont Varadero Beach Estate, east of Havana. Castro was known to frequent the estate and the plan was to use a high-powered rifle in the attempt."


The team that Jenkins trained was Felix Rodriguez and Segundo Borges. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=99953#relPageId=2

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Felix Rodriguez - what a crock. Castro killed JFK, Fabian Escalante the second shooter, Jimmy Carter ruined the CIA, the Democrats are a bunch of socialists. 

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, David Boylan said:

Carl Jenkins. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Essay_-_The_Wheaton_Lead.html

"Carl Jenkins was a retired high-level paramilitary specialist for the CIA.....He headed up the largest covert base in Laos during the secret CIA wars over there when the open war was going on in Vietnam.....[Jenkins] invited me to stay in their home.....In 1985 he [Jenkins] became my Washington representative when I took over as Vice President for a cargo airline called National Air.....I was like a brother to Carl.....Carl was the head recruiter and trainer of the Bay of Pigs invasion for the assassins and saboteurs that were going into Cuba for the pre-invasion to lay the groundwork for the Bay of Pigs.....He trained the 17, 18, 19 year old exiles and became their father figure.....Chi Chi Quintero became like a son to Carl.....He [Quintero] and two or three others, Felix Rodriguez, Nestor Pino, all went to Vietnam with him.....Chi Chi was a shooter. He was trained by I.W. Harper.....There was a CIA funded program to assassinate Castro and Carl was in charge of training the Cubans from Miami.....They were the ones that diverted the Castro assassination funds and training for their own agenda to snuff Kennedy.....They had a thing called a triangulation shooting team.....[Describing the Bay of Pigs and JFK backing off the air strike] They were furious and still are to this day.....And there was another clique above them.....they would reminisce about the past and what went wrong and what went right....."

I think that David Boylan is absolutely correct that Carl Jenkins and Felix Rodriguez are the two living people who are most intimately knowledgeable about the inner-workings of the assassination operation that actualized the 1963 coup d'état at Dealey Plaza.



An intriguing coincidence relevant to this topic occurred this last February shortly before a podcast interview with Felix Rodriguez. The interviewer, Danny Jones, was speaking with constitutional law professor and lawyer Danny Sheehan, who was discussing the S-Force - the paramilitary unit which carried out JFK's assassination - and mentioned "Operation 40." This led Danny Jones to inquire, "Do you know who Felix Rodriguez is?" Sheehan responded, "Felix Rodriguez was a shooter; he was one of the individuals involved in the President's assassination." Surprised, Danny Jones mentioned that he was set to interview Felix Rodriguez the next day. Sheehan then spent the next 45 minutes recounting the S-Force story and advising Danny Jones on how to conduct the upcoming interview with Rodriguez to potentially elicit new information.

Here is a link to the Sheehan interview, with the relevant segment already cued up for your convenience:


During the final half-hour of the Felix Rodriguez interview, Danny Jones attempted to ask questions aimed at uncovering Rodriguez's cover stories, but without success. Rodriguez's cover stories, however, revealed some information. When questioned about the JFK assassination, Rodriguez stuck to the standard CIA narrative implicating Fidel Castro as the mastermind behind the event. He even suggested that Castro's intelligence chief, Fabian Escalante, was the one who pulled the trigger. This is intriguing as a retaliation ploy by Rodriguez, given that Escalante on numerous occasions fingered Rodriguez as a potential participant in the assassination in his books and interviews.
Felix Rodriguez also denied other unpopular personal achievements of his, such as his participation as a CIA interrogator in the the 1985 death of DEA Agent Kiki Camerena, and although he did admit his involvement in the assassination of Che Guevara, he tried very hard to minimize the brutality involved in the affair.
The following is the link to the Rodriguez interview cued up for you to the relevant segment in advance:


The following is the best information available about the paramilitary unit that carried out the triangulated ambush assassination of President Kennedy. There are multiple corroborating witnesses for this evidence. It also corroborates the revelations made by Santo Trafficante to his lawyers, regarding whgat Daniel Sheehan refers to as "the S-Force." In this article, @William Kelly makes cryptic references to a living person knowledgeable about these events who Kelly does not name. My assumption is that he is referring to Carl Jenkins:


William Kelly | JFKcountercoup | Saturday, December 22, 2018 | https://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2018/12/pathfinder-parts-1-5-plan-to-kill.html


"...As Bill Turner put it, “the mechanism was in place” to kill Castro, and they just switched targets, and instead of shooting Castro they redirected their fire to JFK at Dealey Plaza...." 

"...[W]e have now narrowed down the covert operational plans to kill Castro to a few – including Pathfinder that may have been the specific plan that was redirected to “snuff” JFK in Dallas. If it wasn't Pathfinder, it was one very much like it. Now we will soon know the names of the shooters – the five first-class Cuban mechanic-snipers who were paid and trained by the CIA to kill Castro but one or two of whom shot JFK in the head instead...." 

"...“I took high powered rifles with scopes to Cuba,” Eugenio Martinez said, “and they weren’t going to be used to hunt rabbits.” “Chi Chi” Quintero was a shooter, said Wheaton, who also names five or six other Cubans who were on that team, that maritime crew of anti-Castro Cuban commandos who were paid and trained to kill Castro. But when that mission was scrubbed – “disapproved” by “higher authority,” and they learned of the JFK- Castro backchannel negotiations at the UN (from Henry Cabot Lodge), they redirected the Pathfinder target to JFK at Dealey Plaza. And considered themselves patriots for doing so...."

"...The U.S. Army Rangers are called Pathfinders, and two U.S. Army Ranger Captains - Bradley Ayers and Edward Roderick were assigned to the CIA by USMC General "Brut" Krulak to train the Cuban Commandos at JMWAVE. While Ayers trained the Cubans in small boat maneuvering at Pirate's Lair, Roderick trained the snipers at Point Mary, off Key Largo. The original anti-Castro Cuban Pathfinders were the best of the lot sent to Guatemala to train for the Bay of Pigs, and were commanded by US Marine Captain Carl Jenkins, whose specialty was infiltration and exfiltration of commandos while John "I.F" Harper trained the Cubans in explosives and sniper tactics...."



Listen to this video about Santo Trafficante confidentially providing the details about the origin of the S-Force to his legal counsel under the protection of attorney/client privilege. Trafficante did not do so to seek publicity or sell books. He only did so in the utmost confidentiality, expecting that it would never be divulged to anybody. I've cued the video to the relevant segment for you.

In 1960, once VP Richard Nixon came to believe he was going to win the presidential election and decided to send a hit squad after Castro, he called upon Howard Hughes on whose behalf Robert Mayheu contacted Johnny Roselli who contacted Santo Trafficante (because Trafficante was the Don over Cuba). Trafficante insisted upon proof that VP Nixon was authorizing it, so Nixon sent the CIA Chief of Security to a meeting with Trafficante and Roselli to confirm. They then assembled a 15-man team made up of anti-Castro Cuban mercenaries, Italian organized crime assassins (who had worked for Trafficante in Cuba), CIA operatives (such as Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, Frank Sturgis, David Morales, etc.) and special forces operators. This "S-Force" was funded by a skim off Las Vegas casinos, and was trained on U.S. military bases and Clint Murchison's ranch in Mexico to conduct triangulated crossfire ambush assassinations, and they were deployed to conduct such an operation against the President of the United States during the weekend of November 22, 1963.

This information is primarily derived from what attorney Daniel Sheehan has divulged about the attorney/client privileged communications between James McCord and Santo Trafficante and F. Lee Bailey while Bailey was representing them on CIA retainer during the period of the Watergate Hearings.

Video is cued for you in advance to 45:39 where Professor Sheehan describes Santo Trafficante's confidential attorney-client privileged explanation of the relationship between Operation 40 and the "S-Force" which was originally constituted under the auspices of VP Nixon to off Castro, but was instead ultimately deployed to assassinate President Kennedy:


Also see detailed account of the origins of the S-Force as presented in Daniel Sheehan's autobiography via the following link: 



Edited by Keven Hofeling
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11 hours ago, Mike Aitken said:

Great point.probably reas


Here are a couple of things that I forgot to add to my original question:


1. Do we really think that anyone at the CIA or any of the intelligence agencies fully knows what happened?  I find it hard to believe that even those with firsthand knowledge would have told their successors what they knew.  That would just leave us with hearsay/rumors from those currently employed at the agencies.

2. Is there any reason to believe that there is anyone still living that knows definitively what went down?*

*Just to put it out there…I’ve done some reading (here and elsewhere) and watched the documentary about her, but I know that some people may say that Ruth Paine knows more than she’s let on.

Keep in mind that Doug has probably read alot of the classified documents.

He also is privy to all of the edited ARRB interviews while on the ARRB that we the public did not get to read.

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Let me state that I don't believe that Carl Jenkins was directly involved. It was people he "trained, worked with and worked for", that were involved. He was close to David Morales and would go drinking with him "back in the day." 

9 hours ago, David Boylan said:

Carl Jenkins. https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/Essay_-_The_Wheaton_Lead.html


"Carl Jenkins was a retired high-level paramilitary specialist for the CIA.....He headed up the largest covert base in Laos during the secret CIA wars over there when the open war was going on in Vietnam.....[Jenkins] invited me to stay in their home.....In 1985 he [Jenkins] became my Washington representative when I took over as Vice President for a cargo airline called National Air.....I was like a brother to Carl.....Carl was the head recruiter and trainer of the Bay of Pigs invasion for the assassins and saboteurs that were going into Cuba for the pre-invasion to lay the groundwork for the Bay of Pigs.....He trained the 17, 18, 19 year old exiles and became their father figure.....Chi Chi Quintero became like a son to Carl.....He [Quintero] and two or three others, Felix Rodriguez, Nestor Pino, all went to Vietnam with him.....Chi Chi was a shooter. He was trained by I.W. Harper.....There was a CIA funded program to assassinate Castro and Carl was in charge of training the Cubans from Miami.....They were the ones that diverted the Castro assassination funds and training for their own agenda to snuff Kennedy.....They had a thing called a triangulation shooting team.....[Describing the Bay of Pigs and JFK backing off the air strike] They were furious and still are to this day.....And there was another clique above them.....they would reminisce about the past and what went wrong and what went right....."


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Posted (edited)

Honorable Mention: Porter Goss, friend of the reconquista.

"In his junior year at Yale, Goss was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency. He spent much of the 1960s—roughly from 1960 until 1971—working for the Directorate of Operations, the clandestine services of the CIA. There he first worked in Latin America and the Caribbean and later in Europe. The full details are not known due to the classified nature of the CIA, but Goss says he has worked in Haiti, Santo Domingo, and Mexico.[citation needed]

"Goss, who has said he has recruited and trained foreign agents, worked in Miami for much of the time. Goss was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, telling The Washington Post in 2002 that he had done some "small-boat handling" and had "some very interesting moments in the Florida Straits". [...]

"He served in Congress for 16 years until his appointment by President George W. Bush to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While in the House, Goss served as chair of the House Intelligence Committee from 1997 until 2005 and the vice-chairman of the House Rules Committee."


Also a friend of Frank Sturgis.  Goss is still sharp at 86.

Edited by David Andrews
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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

Honorable Mention: Porter Goss, friend of the reconquista.

"In his junior year at Yale, Goss was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency. He spent much of the 1960s—roughly from 1960 until 1971—working for the Directorate of Operations, the clandestine services of the CIA. There he first worked in Latin America and the Caribbean and later in Europe. The full details are not known due to the classified nature of the CIA, but Goss says he has worked in Haiti, Santo Domingo, and Mexico.[citation needed]

"Goss, who has said he has recruited and trained foreign agents, worked in Miami for much of the time. Goss was involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, telling The Washington Post in 2002 that he had done some "small-boat handling" and had "some very interesting moments in the Florida Straits". [...]

"He served in Congress for 16 years until his appointment by President George W. Bush to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While in the House, Goss served as chair of the House Intelligence Committee from 1997 until 2005 and the vice-chairman of the House Rules Committee."


Also a friend of Frank Sturgis.  Goss is still sharp at 86.

A very good choice 

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