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Could an Outsider in the Oval Office Open Up the JFK Records?

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Could people stay on topic---

How ironic.

You mean all the way with RFK, Jr?

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7 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

How ironic.

You mean all the way with RFK, Jr?


As you are a moderator, EF-JFKA participants cannot put you on ignore. 

That being the case, you should conduct yourself accordingly. 

Your comment is insulting, in that you suggest I have some sort of ulterior motive or agenda for an interest in the RFK1A, or the opening up of the JFK Records. 

Look through this thread. I have nothing about RFK2 qualifications for the White House, or about anyone else's either. 

As I cannot put you on ignore, could you please refrain from posting comments on threads I have started? 

Thank you for your cooperation. 


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I repeat, my initial reply was to answer the question about the classified records.

That is and was a relevant question.

I am not an authority on the subject, but I am somewhat cognizant about the matter.

I stand by what I said.  The ARRB original law has been now so altered it would take a court case, with support from congress, to get back to its 1992 meaning. 

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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:


As you are a moderator, EF-JFKA participants cannot put you on ignore. 

That being the case, you should conduct yourself accordingly. 

Your comment is insulting, in that you suggest I have some sort of ulterior motive or agenda for an interest in the RFK1A, or the opening up of the JFK Records. 

Look through this thread. I have nothing about RFK2 qualifications for the White House, or about anyone else's either. 

As I cannot put you on ignore, could you please refrain from posting comments on threads I have started? 

Thank you for your cooperation. 


Pay attention Ben.  For reasons unknown to me I am no longer a moderator.  That's been in effect a few days now.  Feel free to put me on ignore.  I don't ignore anybody, I've learned to skip or skim through the posts of some, more especially the long and/or repetitive ones.  This is a debate forum after all, not a lecture hall.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Pay attention Ben.  For reasons unknown to me I am no longer a moderator.  That's been in effect a few days now.  Feel free to put me on ignore.  I don't ignore anybody, I've learned to skip or skim through the posts of some, more especially the long and/or repetitive ones.  This is a debate forum after all, not a lecture hall.

You may no longer be a moderator, but the system does not allow participants to put you on ignore. I just tried. 

Perhaps, until you are recognized by the system as a regular participant, you will try to refrain from insulting or derogatory commentary. 

I recommend that as a rule anyway. 


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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

You may no longer be a moderator, but the system does not allow participants to put you on ignore. I just tried. 

Perhaps, until you are recognized by the system as a regular participant, you will try to refrain from insulting or derogatory commentary. 

I recommend that as a rule anyway. 




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17 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Pay attention Ben.  For reasons unknown to me I am no longer a moderator.  That's been in effect a few days now.  Feel free to put me on ignore.  I don't ignore anybody, I've learned to skip or skim through the posts of some, more especially the long and/or repetitive ones.  This is a debate forum after all, not a lecture hall.

Unknown reasons - what’s that about? 

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53 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Unknown reasons - what’s that about? 

I don't know either. 

I guess the moderators have been defrocked for being immoderate, but I really don't know. 

I do like Sandy Larsen's "water cooler" tactic for separating out present-day partisan diatribes. 

I contend that RFK1A is on-topic inside the EF-JFKA main-bar, and that seemed to have triggered a response, although I have contacted no one "behind the scenes." 



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15 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I don't know either. 

I guess the moderators have been defrocked for being immoderate, but I really don't know. 

I do like Sandy Larsen's "water cooler" tactic for separating out present-day partisan diatribes. 

I contend that RFK1A is on-topic inside the EF-JFKA main-bar, and that seemed to have triggered a response, although I have contacted no one "behind the scenes." 



Another erroneous Ben Cole post.  What a shocker.

In reality, since its inception, the so-called "Mainstream" Water Cooler has been a fairly erudite forum for reality-based news and discussions about contemporary politics-- devoid of "alternate facts" and the false, Orwellian diatribes that are so prevalent in the MAGA media.

In short, it's the precise opposite of Ben Cole's false characterization here.

As for Ben's multiple, redundant RFK, Jr. fluffing threads here on the JFKA board, I predict that we'll continue to see them, ad nauseum, between now and November.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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On 6/10/2024 at 7:55 PM, Paul Brancato said:

Unknown reasons - what’s that about? 

Well Paul, it may well be a case of mistaken terminology after reorganization after all.  I'm not at liberty to say at the moment for sure.  I know you don't follow the site or all the threads on a real frequent basis anymore but most of the story is in back threads here.  As I think friend and 12 year forum member, while we've disagreed on a few minor to me items I'll send you a brief synopsis of the circumstances in a PM in the next few days.  Instead of re-airing forum dirty laundry here.  Another member told me recently to go post one of my classic rock videos among other things like "old man".



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What ever happened to tolerance? I used to defend the left when they were being accused of intolerance and elitism. What I think happened is that lefties took the bait from an almost intransigent and intolerant Right and became that which they had always proudly claimed they weren’t - intolerant. The Democrats now live in a bubble of their own making, as if that was an appropriate and effective response to the right wing bubble machine. Well, if you are making billions off the military industrial war machine, the pharmaceutical complex (not to be confused with good health), Silicon Valley hi tech AI, the international banking cartel,  the the last thing you want is congressional interference, good affordable education and housing , effective health care. You want your adversaries embroiled in divisive rhetoric. But if you’re a thinking citizen you want to find common ground. Know your enemy - it’s not the Trump supporter next door. 

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4 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

What ever happened to tolerance? I used to defend the left when they were being accused of intolerance and elitism. What I think happened is that lefties took the bait from an almost intransigent and intolerant Right and became that which they had always proudly claimed they weren’t - intolerant. The Democrats now live in a bubble of their own making, as if that was an appropriate and effective response to the right wing bubble machine. Well, if you are making billions off the military industrial war machine, the pharmaceutical complex (not to be confused with good health), Silicon Valley hi tech AI, the international banking cartel,  the the last thing you want is congressional interference, good affordable education and housing , effective health care. You want your adversaries embroiled in divisive rhetoric. But if you’re a thinking citizen you want to find common ground. Know your enemy - it’s not the Trump supporter next door. 

Well, we are off-topic here, but largely I agree with you. 

There is a rigid self-righteous animosity, now embraced by partisans on both sides. This animosity is seen even here in the EF-JFKA, in the commentary by participants, and in the immoderate actions and commentary by moderators. 

This makes the EF-JFKA a smaller and less collegial place, a forum one would expect operated by a rump group of some sort. 

Obviously globalists and Wall Street largely dominate both major parties. 

Back on topic, who prevents the JFK Records from being opened?

Both parties, by wide margins. Congress had done nothing. On the executive level, all presidents, then lately Trump, followed by Biden have kept the records in the vault. 

Biden takes the cake, having (apparently) done a permanent snuff job on the records.  But any run-of-the-mill GOP'er could have done the same thing. 



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8 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

What ever happened to tolerance? I used to defend the left when they were being accused of intolerance and elitism. What I think happened is that lefties took the bait from an almost intransigent and intolerant Right and became that which they had always proudly claimed they weren’t - intolerant. The Democrats now live in a bubble of their own making, as if that was an appropriate and effective response to the right wing bubble machine. Well, if you are making billions off the military industrial war machine, the pharmaceutical complex (not to be confused with good health), Silicon Valley hi tech AI, the international banking cartel,  the the last thing you want is congressional interference, good affordable education and housing , effective health care. You want your adversaries embroiled in divisive rhetoric. But if you’re a thinking citizen you want to find common ground. Know your enemy - it’s not the Trump supporter next door. 


      No false equivalence, please.

     Aren't you forgetting about January 6th, Fox News Propaganda, Citizens United, Shelby v. Holder, and the "Starve-the-Beast" GOP stealth agenda to de-fund Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare, in order to pay for the 2001/2003/2017 Bush/Trump tax cuts for billionaires?

     Which partisan media "bubble" actively promoted Trump's 2020 Stop-the-Steal scam?

     Which party voted, repeatedly, after 2010 to abolish Obamacare?

     Which party actually passed a House budget bill in 2011 abolishing Medicare for future retirees-- and replacing it with an inadequately funded Paul Ryan Voucher Care plan?

     Which party voted to abolish the Obamacare individual mandate in December of 2017, along with mandated cuts in Medicare and Medicaid funding?

     I agree with you about the military industrial complex, but let's give Biden and the Democrats some credit for at least bringing down the costs of some critically important pharmaceuticals-- including insulin and inhalers.

     Meanwhile, the GOP has fought tooth-and-claw to block legislation empowering Medicare to negotiate for lower pharmaceutical costs!

     There is no meaningful equivalence between the 21st century Koch/Trump GOP and the Democratic Party.

      That's a myth engendered by MAGA propagandists.


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