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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

For once we agree, Mathew.

Biden looks hopelessly feeble, and his voice is hoarse and faint-- a disastrous showing.

Trump is lying his ass off, as always, but Biden is simply too feeble to respond appropriately to the nonsense.

I've watched every U.S. Presidential debate of the past half century, and this one is the absolute worst-- an unmitigated disaster for the Democratic Party.



Reagan was destroyed by Mondale in 84 but won anyways. 

Joe lost his train of thought a few times and it was embarrassing to watch.

But Trump had no plans or anything of substance, and lied and lied and lied. 

IF this was an actual debate as opposed to a TV show, Biden would have won handily. He had plans, He had ideas. He tried to listen to the moderators. Trump just ranted, and ignored the moderators.

Content... Biden 7. Trump 1. 

Performance. Biden 2 Trump 7. 


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IIRC - Somewhere there is an article where Obama was asked why he didn't do more wrt civil rights.

The response was along the lines of - you saw what happened to Dr King.

So, I don't think it matters who is elected - the JFK Records Act will not be complied with.

wrt this election cycle - it's obvious, and has been for a while, that the 2 Party System is broken.  It's a shame that someone other than RFK jr. isn't running as an independent alternative, even if he is the only candidate who would release the records.


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4 hours ago, Calvin Ye said:

I watch the debate and it is boring. Both of them are too old


Evidently, you are not alone in your take on the debate.

From Sky News: 

'Unmitigated disaster' for Biden in TV debate with Trump - as he faces calls from Democrats to step aside

After the debate, political figures and commentators broached the idea of replacing Mr Biden as the presidential nominee - with some Democrats describing his debate performance as an "unmitigated disaster", "a meltdown", and "a slow-motion car crash".


Sky News UK is regarded as center-left. 

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18 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:


     There's nothing "boring" about the crisis confronting liberal democracy in the U.S. and Europe in 2024.  Nothing could be more serious.

      Are you similarly "bored" by the history of the decline and fall of the Weimar Republic in 1932?

      How did that right-wing fascist debacle work out for Europe and the U.S.?

      As for "insinuations," and "school girl insults," what are you imagining?

      This thread is about historical facts and their implications for U.S. and world events. 

      There are parallels between 1/6/21 and the 11/22/63 assault on liberal democracy in the U.S.

      As a matter of fact-- not "insinuation"-- Donald Trump orchestrated a violent attack on the U.S. Congress on 1/6/21, in an effort to overturn the results of a democratic U.S. election.  He also organized slates of False Electors in several states that voted him out of office.

      And, sadly, many of his supporters in the U.S. today are still in denial about that historical travesty.

      As I said above, "Those who can't remember history are destined to make all of us repeat it."


“…..This thread is about historical facts and their implications for US and world events….”

I rest my case m’lud.




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1 hour ago, Sean Coleman said:

“…..This thread is about historical facts and their implications for US and world events….”

I rest my case m’lud.





   This new thread is an amalgamation of multiple forum threads, including my June 26th thread about the historical J6 facts and their implications for US and world events.

    Perhaps you hadn't noticed the recent amalgamation of threads.


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3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Evidently, you are not alone in your take on the debate.

From Sky News: 

'Unmitigated disaster' for Biden in TV debate with Trump - as he faces calls from Democrats to step aside

After the debate, political figures and commentators broached the idea of replacing Mr Biden as the presidential nominee - with some Democrats describing his debate performance as an "unmitigated disaster", "a meltdown", and "a slow-motion car crash".


Sky News UK is regarded as center-left. 

This Sky News author said almost exactly what I posted here last night about the debate.

Kind of eerie.  I wasn't quoting anyone else when I said that, IMO, the debate was an "unmitigated disaster," and that Biden needed to step aside.

We "center-lefties," apparently, think alike.

This is a crisis for the the entire country, and for the planet.

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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

This Sky News author said almost exactly what I posted here last night about the debate.

Kind of eerie.  I wasn't quoting anyone else when I said that, IMO, the debate was an "unmitigated disaster," and that Biden needed to step aside.

We "center-lefties," apparently, think alike.

This is a crisis for the the entire country, and for the planet.



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It was extremely depressing to watch the debate.

I am a Democrat. The truth is that Biden couldn't have looked and sounded more feeble.

Still, the truly psychopathic Trump is 100X more unqualified and dangerous for the presidency, but that horrible reality is not a factor with half the nation's voters who are totally afflicted with "Trump Derangement" syndrome.

Their blustering, bragging, lying, hate and fear inflaming savior can be guilty of any crime, any sin, any obsessive sociopathic mental illness and they will still vote for him.

Which imo means his voters are suffering from the same maladies and moral decline.

I was upset long ago when the Democratic party hierarchy machinery would not allow a younger, more vibrant and more vigorous candidate to represent them this election.

I clearly saw and believed that Biden was not up to the task even a year ago. What we saw of Biden last night, I was seeing off and on for all this time. His extremely slow head and hand movement. His too long stares and halts in his speaking. His walking so halting as well.

I would be searching for a new candidate now.

Why not draft super sharp and vigorous Elizabeth Warren again? There are several Democratic senators I would love to see enter the fold. Senator Whitehouse perhaps?

California Governor Gavin Newsom is a dynamic person as is Beto O'Rourke.

They would wipe the table with the psychopathic, sociopathic Trump in every way...imo anyways.

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57 minutes ago, Calvin Ye said:


The punters (bettors) agree with you.

Joe Biden's Chances of Winning Election Plummet After Debate-Newsweek

President Joe Biden's odds of winning a second White House term in November took a tumble with leading bookmakers after Thursday's presidential debate, during which the Democratic incumbent appeared to lose his train of thought at several points.

Published Jun 28, 2024 at 5:17 AM EDTUpdated Jun 28, 2024 at 11:12 AM EDT
Well, who knows. A long way to election day. 
Really, does it matter much who wins? The U.S. survived under both men before. 
The TEOTWAWKI fearmongers, Team Blue or Team Red, are paid to amplify scares.  
Let's ask Mr. Buffalo Horns who should be President. 
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Why isn't Retired 4 star Marine General John Kelley coming forward to defend his honor in response to Trump's constantly repeated defamatory claims against him as a liar regarding Kelley's stating that Trump told him soldiers were losers and suckers?

How long can Kelley allow Trump to slander him like he does?

Come on General Kelley!  If Trump is the liar here, and not you...stand up to the guy!

Defend your honor and the military's honor here.

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My comment following last night's presidential debate:

Pete Buttigieg is looking really good to me about now.

Why do I say that? Because, although VP Kamala Harris has had a few sporadic bright moments over the past 4 years, for the most part she has afterwards faded into the woodwork, making herself invisible.

In contrast, who does the administration bring forth to comment on the Sunday news shows? Pete Buttigieg.

He's intelligent, he's articulate, he's capable of quick and effective responses to questions and comments. Imagine Pete Buttigieg in a debate against Donald Trump. 

In a nutshell, Buttigieg is everything Biden was NOT in last night's debate. And that is what the Democrats are looking for. Biden didn't show any leadership qualities in the debate. Buttigieg's public statements for the administration show plenty of leadership ability.

But will Biden be removed from the ticket? Before last night, that wasn't a possibility. After last night, it is.

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5 hours ago, Mark Knight said:

My comment following last night's presidential debate:

Pete Buttigieg is looking really good to me about now.

Why do I say that? Because, although VP Kamala Harris has had a few sporadic bright moments over the past 4 years, for the most part she has afterwards faded into the woodwork, making herself invisible.

In contrast, who does the administration bring forth to comment on the Sunday news shows? Pete Buttigieg.

He's intelligent, he's articulate, he's capable of quick and effective responses to questions and comments. Imagine Pete Buttigieg in a debate against Donald Trump. 

In a nutshell, Buttigieg is everything Biden was NOT in last night's debate. And that is what the Democrats are looking for. Biden didn't show any leadership qualities in the debate. Buttigieg's public statements for the administration show plenty of leadership ability.

But will Biden be removed from the ticket? Before last night, that wasn't a possibility. After last night, it is.

Back on topic, what is your take on whether Buttigieg would open up the JFK Records, or would he maintain the Biden Administration snuff job on the documents?

Would Buttigieg eliminate the Orwellian "Transparency Board" or comply with its edicts?

I don't know the answer, but Buttigieg, very smart, has spent a lifetime honing insider and establishment credentials. He is not an outsider, and never wanted to be. 

When Buttigieg is told the JFK Records must remain in the vault for the good of the system....what would be his response? 


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Editor’s Note: Jay Parini, a poet and novelist, teaches at Middlebury College. His most recent book is “Borges and Me,” a memoir of his travels in the highlands of Scotland with Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges in 1971. The views expressed here are his own. View more opinion at CNN.

CNN — 

Dear Joe,

I write to you urgently, as your old neighbor from Scranton. My mother was your babysitter, and you and I sat at my kitchen table many decades ago. I’ve been your admirer for years, sending you checks, knocking on doors and writing pieces supporting you.


Jay Parini 

Courtesy Oliver Parini

Few leaders in American history have had your big heart or sense of moderation. You rescued this country from disaster in 2021, returning us to a sense of normalcy after a brutal insurrection, featuring a crazed mob who smashed the windows of the Capitol and threatened to hang then-Vice President Mike Pence. You assisted an economy in freefall, helping us end a pandemic that killed over 1 million people in the US alone, making it one of the worst-affected wealthy countries globally.

You ushered in crucial support for infrastructure. You, Joe, pushed through the Safer Communities Act, which included the most significant gun control measures in nearly thirty years. Crime has fallen and continues to fall, despite Trump’s rhetoric to the contrary, and you’ve been trying to tame sticky inflation with some success — consumer prices have slowly but steadily dropped under your leadership.

You marshalled support among our allies for Ukraine. And our country is deeply admired around the world for its leadership in technology, its strong military, its enviable research universities and a hugely influential entertainment industry, according to Pew.

This is all good. But you’re an old man now, like me. I know what it’s like to summon the energy to move forcefully through the day. Our bodies don’t cooperate as they once did. Sometimes it hurts even to get up in the morning.

Sadly, that was evident to me from the moment you walked — dazed and confused — onto the debate stage Thursday in Atlanta against former President Donald Trump. You seemed ancient, pale and fragile. You almost groped your way to the podium. Your speech was halting, often incoherent. Your jokes fell flat, badly timed, out of context. You let crazy Donald lie with impunity and snicker at your responses.

I found myself weeping. Weeping for you. Weeping for our nation.

You’re a man of huge integrity, Joe, and you must — you MUST — stand down. Do it for your country and your party. The threat of another four years of Trump, a grifter and con man, is existential.

Democracy really is at stake: Trump tried to subvert the 2020 election and overthrow our government. He did everything in his power to confuse his followers, making them believe he really was elected four years ago.

If Trump returns to the White House, he will give Russian President Vladimir Putin free rein to crush the poor Ukrainians and anyone else who annoys him. He will give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a blank check. NATO will be imperiled. He will slap massive tariffs on imported goods from China and elsewhere, driving up inflation, as economists suggest. He may put more right-wing judges on the Supreme Court, and women can forget about abortion rights for good. Guns will proliferate, as they did under Trump’s first term in office. He will work to make the public think that global warming is a big hoax, destroying progress in this crucial work of fighting climate change. On and on. Disaster looms.

It’s on you, Joe, to listen to the leaders of your party.

Speaking of which, if Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are not on their way to the White House today, they should be swiftly removed from office for dereliction of dutyIt’s their job to see that the party puts forward the best person who can win in November, and if they don’t, the election of Trump should land squarely in their laps. It’s beyond time for wise heads to surround you with love, Joe. They must tell you that, for the sake of the country (not to say your own legacy, which is on the brink of ruin): It’s the moment to step down.

The lesson of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s desperate effort to cling to power when her resignation, under President Barack Obama, would have allowed for a good judge to replace her should be echoing in your head. Don’t let yourself be remembered as Joe Bader Biden.

You’ve done your work, and you’ve done it well. The nation is stronger because of you. But we need a brokered, open convention — as in the old days, when this was the norm. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker and others — just to pluck a few obvious names from the hat — should make a case for themselves. The best available Democrat should stand against Trump in November. Any of them should be able to wipe the floor with him.

I’m sorry it’s come to this. But it has.


We both share what I like to think of as Scranton values. We grew up among hard-working ordinary people who understood that this is a country based on equality. Our neighbors were Irish, Italian, Ukrainian and Lebanese immigrants. We believed in this place called the United States of America, where values and character matter.

Be the great man you are, Joe, the one we’ve seen in action and admired for many decades. We salute you. It’s tough, I’m sure. But your final act of greatness lies right before you now.

Do it. Withdraw.

Respectfully, Jay

Edited by Joe Bauer
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