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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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2 hours ago, Paul Rigby said:

Biden has been a thuggish, far-right catastrophe draped in rainbow colours and gimp masks. Hunter would have done less damage, and would undoubtedly have been more entertaining.


      Hunter would also be more appealing than Joe to Trump voters, since he's a convicted felon.  🤓

Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

The rich? Solidly Biden, as you would expect for the party of empire and war:

There are no Fortune 100 CEOs who are supporting Donald Trump, says Yale’s Jeffrey Sonnenfeld:

Battle of big fonts?

America’s Top 100 Donors Heavily Favor Trump and the Republicans


1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

As for your argument that we should be grateful to Biden - more accurately, whoever is actually running US foreign policy given that the POTUS is a corpse - for only killing 80,000 Palestinian civilians,

And if your hero Trump had been President it would have been a half million plus.

Trump says Israel needs to ‘finish what they started’ and said war with Hamas is ‘taking a long time’



1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

continuing to occupy a third of Syria (and still stealing its oil),

Syria/Russia: Strategy Targeted Civilian Infrastructure

Unlawful Attacks on Hospitals, Schools, Markets Forced Idlib Population Out


Lots of blame to go around in Syria, best you leave that alone unless you're willing to blame Putin and Assad as well.

1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

not to mention the sabotage of the peace agreement in Ukraine

A peace deal proposed after Putin's catastrophic invasion of Ukraine was more of an invitation to surrender.  Putin wanted to keep NATO at bay so his invasion added 800 miles of heavily armed Finns to the Russian border.

Trump called Putin a "genius" and "savvy" for one of the biggest military blunders in history.

1 hour ago, Paul Rigby said:

and the worst act of ecological terrorism in history, the less said the better. Biden has been a thuggish, far-right catastrophe draped in rainbow colours and gimp masks. Hunter would have done less damage, and would undoubtedly have been more entertaining.

Trump would have pulled out of NATO and left the rest of Eastern Europe to Putin's tender mercies.  He may do it yet.


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So I guess JFK Records threads really were just a way to have political discussions...

The press is trying make Biden quit, because Biden is old and boring, and doesn't get the clicks they need to stay employed.

But once again, I remind folks that if Biden were to leave, Kamala Harris would be at the top of the ticket.

That is not even in question,

And for Gavin Newsom fans, he would not be the VP pick for two reasons:

1. You can't have a ticket with both of the people from the same state.

2. The adventurous social life Newsom led prior to his current marriage would be a major distraction for the entirety of the four months he would be campaigning, and most certainly would not help the Dems beat Trump.

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2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

So I guess JFK Records threads really were just a way to have political discussions...

Isn't that what Ben intended?

Mark consolidated the threads as opposed to moving them.  And he has commented since.  I guess it is what it is depending on where it goes.  I don't see a legitimate option to opposing Fascism than Biden.  Any other choice at this point might well loose to the Chump's minions.

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4 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Isn't that what Ben intended?

Mark consolidated the threads as opposed to moving them.  And he has commented since.  I guess it is what it is depending on where it goes.  I don't see a legitimate option to opposing Fascism than Biden.  Any other choice at this point might well loose to the Chump's minions.

"Isn't that what Ben intended?

Mark consolidated the threads as opposed to moving them.  And he has commented since.  I guess it is what it is depending on where it goes.  I don't see a legitimate option to opposing Fascism than Biden.  Any other choice at this point might well loose to the Chump's minions."--RB

I did not start this thread, which has, in fact, quickly devolved into rank partisan sniping and posing.

We see the old red and blue kool-aid pissing wars, led by the EF-JFKA D-Party Auxiliary and Hall Monitor Society, but gamely answered by the overmatched forces of Right-Wingers R Us.

I was in no way consulted on the formation of this thread, which I think was very ill-advised. 

Bu I ask: Should moderators both insult EF-JFKA participants and about half of the voting population in one breath? RB has just done this, although moderators are best when politically neutral and collegial. 

According to the moderator Ron Bulman, Trump is a fascist and one whose followers are chump minions.

That raises a question: Should RB's role as a moderator be matched by someone with the opposite views?

Of course, Ron Bulman should matched by his opposite number, if the EF-JFKA wants balanced moderation. Or RB could step down as a moderator, since he has exposed his true self, and has been rather immoderate, to put it mildly. 

Yes, I posted recently on the RFK1A as a JFKA Rosetta stone, and on Watergate as having strange clues leading back to the JFKA (if only to show how a Deep State is determined to control occupants of the Oval Office) and on the JFK Records Act, which is very germane and topical presently. In all these posts I was collegial, and never expressed views about either of the two major parties. 

(Jim DiEugenio and Mark Adamczyk (indirectly) also posted on the JFK Records Act.) 

In each case, yes, there was partisan sniping at me that I had an ulterior motive, which I guess is getting RFK2 elected, although it has also been suggested that I am white supremacist who secretly wants a Nazi-affiliated Mr T. regain the White House. 


To the EF-JFKS Community (or anti-community, as it may be):

1. Nothing said in this forum will affect the pending election. The readership is minute, even by modern standards with readership now fractionated among thousands of networks, cable stations, and online outlets and some floundering newspapers. Don't worry if you see something you dislike, including the acronym "RFK1A."  It doesn't matter. 

2. Yes, I support RFK2 for president. So does David Talbot, btw. That fact may inspire derogatory commentary, but I do not denigrate others for having a different point of view. 

3. Mark Knight needs to review the comments above of the moderator Ron Bulman. Bulman's comment is not the sort a moderator should make, as they are the comments of a very strong partisan.  

Ron Bulman is entirely entitled to his views, and they are views shared by many. That's fine, just as the views of Trump supporters are fine. This is a forum, not a cocoon. 

But whether Ron Bulman is moderator material is a reasonable inquiry. 

Likely this thread needs an early grave.

In addition, the EF-JFKA does not need special hidden sections on the RFK1A, Watergate, or the JFK Records Act. Or book reviews. 

Yes, even books reviews must be stuffed away somewhere. Why? 




Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Focusing on reality, and the facts about history and contemporary events, isn't "partisanship."

It's the essence of valid historiography and scholarship, in the tradition of John Simkin and the Education Forum.

As a moderator, Ron Bulman has consistently focused on supporting evidence-based historiography.  He has also consistently studied relevant books and articles discussed on the forum.

Conversely, Ben Cole has often failed to distinguish between facts and opinions since joining the Education Forum, even when forum members have gone to the trouble of clearly posting the facts that refute his opinions.

It's the precise opposite of "education."

The best known example was Ben's redundant insistence that Trump's J6 mob attack on Congress was a Deep State "Patriot Purge," and a mere "scrum."  It's a "viewpoint," but it's false history.  

Ben has also repeatedly insisted that there are no substantive differences between "Donks and 'Phants"-- i.e., between the Democratic Party that created the New Deal, Social Security, Medicare, and Obamacare, and the Republican Party that fought for years to block, de-fund, and abolish all of these pro publica programs.

That "viewpoint" is simply false, historically.

And it's also a short cognitive leap from that false premise to urging forum member to vote for third-party candidates.

In any case, the Education Forum should remain focused on educating the public about historical facts and contemporary reality-- including, of course, the true history of the JFK assassination.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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Here's my argument why I believe Joe should retire and  the Dem's nominate someone else.




We should know how stiff the resistance is when polls come over this week. Unless he slides  precipitously, which I doubt because the undecided are such a small % of the overall number of voters. There's too much inertia standing in the way of  switching candidates.

It's the most powerful office in the world, and you could always see the aging in anyone who was in the office. However the aging of Biden is like no other. But that's because we have never elected a President who was this old. My dad looked better at 92, but he lived to be 101. I don't think Joe will make it to his 90's, but I don't know.


Rigby will always make the argument that U.S. style of trying to make the world safe for Capitalism wasn't near as profitable as British Colonialism, ( that is, coming in and ravaging a horribly undeveloped country of their resources), and he's probably right.

Paul, tell your mother Eleanore, I think she's Sweleanore!




Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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On topic: The Democrat Party has a Vice President: Kamala Harris. 

If Harris ascends to the Oval Office, would she open up the JFK Records? Why or why not? 


BTW, Harris has become invisible. Remember her? 

Why the "poof through the hole in the floor" job?

Harris even fits into the Donk DEI-PC myrmidon codes for "diversity." 

But AFAIK, not one person in the entire Donk world of blabber-rama has pointed to Harris as a viable successor to Biden, whether now, or if needed in the future. Which btw, is the big reason we have Vice Presidents. 

If Harris was so completely and entirely inadequate to the task...how did she become the Democrat Vice President?  


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18 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

I did not start this thread

Your name is on the first post in "this" thread.  "It" consists of I believe Five threads merged together by Mark.  If I'm not mistaken you were the originator of every one of them over a 2-3 day period.

He's been here 19 years now.  He's the last of the Administrators/Moderators after John Simkin left to concentrate on a bigger picture, I think.  I defer to his position and experience, if he thinks they needed merging, wise decision imho.  I believe I can merge threads as a Moderator though I'm not familiar with the process.  Maybe I need to learn. 

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     Spare us the mindless MAGA misogyny and racism, Ben.   

     Your assessment of Harris as "inadequate" is simply moronic.  She's highly intelligent.

     You remind me of those NOBAMA guys who used to claim that Barack Obama couldn't speak eloquently without a teleprompter.

     Those are racist stereotypes straight out of Birth of a Nation.

     As for visibilty, how "visible" have most Vice Presidents been, historically?  

     Invisibility, and an office in the Old Executive building, are standard aspects of that job.

     Mike Pence silently smiled at Trump for four years, before nearly being lynched by Trump's MAGA mob on January 6th.

     He had to hide in a parking garage for several hours during your harmless "scrum"-- the "Patriot Purge."

     Now Pence is declining to endorse Trump's 2024 candidacy, along with most of Trump's former Cabinet officials.

     But Trump will find another silent, smiling lackey for his ticket-- probably one who will refuse to certify elections, at Trump's behest.



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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

In light of the Supreme Court's ruling today which grants the President the powers of a King, the hand-wringing over Biden's debate performance seems petty in the extreme.

Not if Biden can't win. This ups the stakes, it's true..

Cliff, what I've found for years now, is a supremely confident group here thinking Biden will win. Here's the reality.

-Biden will not take any states away from Trump in 2020!

-But Trump will take from Biden!

- If the election is held today. If he loses any one of the 3 states Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Biden loses the election!

-In all these 3 states, they are currently too close to call, with Trump with a slight edge in 2 of them!

- It's going to probably be the closest  election in U.S. history. The most electoral votes Biden could possibly get I think would be 276-262!

-Another words , Biden was not a shoo-in, even before his terrible performance!

You can adopt the "unforced error "attitude that the American people will finally see Trump self destruct, or maybe a new scandal will do him in, which could happen, but personally, I don't want to depend on that!

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24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Not if Biden can't win. This ups the stakes, it's true..

Except for one debate, he's never lost.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Cliff, what I've found for years now, is a supremely confident group here thinking Biden will win. Here's the reality.

The reality is that the price of gas will drop significantly in October due to Biden's bold use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

-Biden will not take any states away from Trump in 2020!

North Carolina.  With abortion on the ballot Florida is also in play.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

-But Trump will take from Biden!

- If the election is held today. If he loses any one of the 3 states Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Biden loses the election!

-In all these 3 states, they are currently too close to call, with Trump with a slight edge in 2 of them!

Dems have been over performing in state and local elections since the Dobbs decision two years ago.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

- It's going to probably be the closest  election in U.S. history. The most electoral votes Biden could possibly get I think would be 276-262!

This is no longer a Presidential election.  It's an election for King.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

-Another words , Biden was not a shoo-in, even before his terrible performance!

You can adopt the "unforced error "attitude that the American people will finally see Trump self destruct, or maybe a new scandal will do him in, which could happen, but personally, I don't want to depend on that!

Should the Democratic Party spend the next two months in pitched internecine battle over another nominee, or spend the next four months harping on the consequence of a certain Trump dictatorship?

Buck up, lad.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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