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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Or not.  Bernie and AOC back Biden.  Joe ain't leaving.  We all best get used to it!

Wtf do I know.  I haven't handicapped a winner since the 2022 NBA Finals...


That's no surprise Cliff. There's no way either of them were going to get elected.President.
Do you guys realize, that more than any time in history  no one like these candidates? It's only old people who really like these guys. What if one party just decides to make a statement that they are also  for people under 60 and looking to pass the baton to the future generations?
Matt weren't you the guy who said a month ago you didn't believe in any polls? Now you post every poll you like. What I see from your poll is that is that any Tom, Dick and Harry candidate including people who have never run for President are all within 5% of a guy whose been President for almost a full term. That 5% could be turned around with one appearance by someone new.
Of course we elect people in the electoral college and Biden was not in  a strong position before the debates. He's going to lose states from 2020 and his only chance is to sweep 3 states,  Wisc. Mich. and Pennsylvania. He's a very weak candidate. I don't believe there's familiarity now with any other candidate  except maybe Harris. But It's really an illusion  perpetuated on us that we need years to make a decision on this. If people are prompted to make a decision on this in 4 months, they will. And it won't be for Trump.
So what's the other plan? Have Biden do teleprompters for the rest of the campaign, and an occasional town hall? The public has now super latched on to this.  That won't drive his campaign.
What I don't think people realize is he can do a lot worse if he tries to improvise at all, just  as he has more recently.
Biden came into the most high stakes debate with American democracy on the line and was the biggest choke in American history, and he says he had a bad debate?
And we're supposed to be comforted that if he loses, he says at least he gave it his best shot? No thanks!
If Biden hunkers down, he'll be the guy through his own hubris who blew Democracy in America.
There are good polls showing Biden now behind by as much as  6%. They all show him losing in the electoral college.
Despite what CNN says. Pfff!   I don't see the conversation magically stopping on this today.


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18 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


That's no surprise Cliff. There's no way either of them were going to get elected.President.
Do you guys realize, that more than any time in history  no one like these candidates? It's only old people who really like these guys. What if one party just decides to make a statement that they are also  for people under 60 and looking to pass the baton to the future generations?
Matt weren't you the guy who said a month ago you didn't believe in any polls? Now you post every poll you like. What I see from your poll is that is that any Tom, Dick and Harry candidate including people who have never run for President are all within 5% of a guy whose been President for almost a full term. That 5% could be turned around with one appearance by someone new.
Of course we elect people in the electoral college and Biden was not in  a strong position before the debates. He's going to lose states from 2020 and his only chance is to sweep 3 states,  Wisc. Mich. and Pennsylvania. He's a very weak candidate. I don't believe there's familiarity now with any other candidate  except maybe Harris. But It's really an illusion  perpetuated on us that we need years to make a decision on this. If people are prompted to make a decision on this in 4 months, they will. And it won't be for Trump.
So what's the other plan? Have Biden do teleprompters for the rest of the campaign, and an occasional town hall? The public has now super latched on to this.  That won't drive his campaign.
What I don't think people realize is he can do a lot worse if he tries to improvise at all, just  as he has more recently.
Biden came into the most high stakes debate with American democracy on the line and was the biggest choke in American history, and he says he had a bad debate?
And we're supposed to be comforted that if he loses, he says at least he gave it his best shot? No thanks!
If Biden hunkers down, he'll be the guy through his own hubris who blew Democracy in America.
There are good polls showing Biden now behind by as much as  6%. They all show him losing in the electoral college.
Despite what CNN says. Pfff!   I don't see the conversation magically stopping on this today.


If you are right, and Biden will lose, and if the editors of the New Republic are insightful, you better buy some brown shirts and swastika flags, KG. Fit in with the new order. 


Personally, I can't seem to get into this election. 

The last election I cared about was Obama-Romeny, and I wanted Obama to beat Romney.  

Maybe my moving offshore did this, or maybe I just lost faith in either major party.

I would happy if RFK2 won...but the media did a snuff job on him, and he is fading. I have lost hope on RFK2. 

To the worrywarts: Trump was already president once in the US, and nothing happened.

And Biden was already president once, and nothing happened either. 

Maybe scaremongering-clickbait is rife. 


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Yeah, Kirk, it kind of gives a whole new meaning to the slogan, "Ridin' with Biden."

Now it means that we're stuck in the car with our Parkinsonian uncle who refuses to relinquish his car keys.  😬




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48 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Matt weren't you the guy who said a month ago you didn't believe in any polls?

I don't. The polls that show Biden leading are still underestimating his support, AFAIC.

But with regard to that poll, it's accurate within the group of 1000+ people polled, and within that group, I see no evidence of your dream of there being some electable Governor Super Hero waiting in the wings to save America.


58 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Despite what CNN says. Pfff!   I don't see the conversation magically stopping on this today.

I don't think anyone has suggested that Biden-haters will stop trash-talking him.



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4 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Dr. Niederhut posts an anti-Biden meme

Ben Cole posts an anti-Trump magazine cover.

Who'd of thunk it?

Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Suddenly Slip


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11 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Dr. Niederhut posts an anti-Biden meme

Ben Cole posts an anti-Trump magazine cover.

Who'd of thunk it?

Perhaps there's hope for America, yet.

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1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

He's a very weak candidate.

With the exception of one debate, when has Biden ever lost?

Can you name any legislative defeats outside the Republican immigration bill?

How about state and local elections for the Biden-era Democratic Party?

I recently spoke to someone who'd spent a couple of weeks driving around Oklahoma, Arkansas, and North Texas.  She said she didn't see a whole lot of Trump gear flying, but she did see a lot of signs indicating an infrastructure project signed off by Biden.

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58 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

To the worrywarts: Trump was already president once in the US, and nothing happened.

Unless you count the crashing of the American economy.

58 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

And Biden was already president once, and nothing happened either. 

Unless you count the recovery of the American economy.

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4 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

I recently spoke to someone who'd spent a couple of weeks driving around Oklahoma, Arkansas, and North Texas.  She said she didn't see a whole lot of Trump gear flying, but she did see a lot of signs indicating an infrastructure project signed off by Biden.

Cliff- I am a part-time resident of Western Michigan, a rather conservative, Republican area. In 2016, it was all Trump, everywhere. Much less in 2020, but still apparent.

2024? All but gone.

Good people don't support Trump.

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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

With the exception of one debate, when has Biden ever lost?

Didn't he run 3 times before he won? But i get it. After he won, things have mostly gone well. I agree, Legislatively Biden's been excellent.


58 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Cliff- I am a part-time resident of Western Michigan, a rather conservative, Republican area. In 2016, it was all Trump, everywhere. Much less in 2020, but still apparent.

2024? All but gone.

Good people don't support Trump.

My brother lives in Wisconsin. I've been there a few times. Last time was his wedding.

Really nice people. Biden won by what,  20,00 votes in Wisconsin!

They had one of the best Senators, Russ Feingold  and they kicked him out for Ron Johnson! and  then re elected him! And that Jim Thompson as governor? And who can forget Paul Ryan? I haven't seen much evidence that the American public is smart at all, and it's getting worse.

Prior to the debate , I thought he'd eke out Wisconsin and Michigan, and maybe he could still. Now the absolute best Biden could hope for is Pennsylvania being as being as close as Florida in 2000.

Again we're old. It's all image. And our images suck!  Our best hope is playing outside of the 40 yard lines where we are losing, and finally passing a torch.

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If Biden/Harris are left on the ticket and they lose...

Every person that pushed for this will live in infamy.

They will be the main blame bums...for ever.

If Biden somehow wins the election, I predict he won't make it through 2025. And God help Kamala Harris.

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