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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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5 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Or not.  I can't think of any prior ambivalence I've had to compare with this.



I think the DC/NYC/LA "important" people are waiting for more polling. The upper crust need their polling...

Meanwhile, while Cheeto-lini stays home and plays golf for the 14th straight afternoon, Biden is out smoothly running the country every day, hosting the NATO summit, and on the trail campaigning, unscripted, and doing great:



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2 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:


I think the DC/NYC/LA "important" people are waiting for more polling. The upper crust need their polling...

Meanwhile, while Cheeto-lini stays home and plays golf for the 14th straight afternoon, Biden is out smoothly running the country every day, hosting the NATO summit, and on the trail campaigning, unscripted, and doing great:



WAPO today:

“In a closed-door meeting Wednesday, some of the country’s union leaders — many of whom are strident backers of Biden — said Americans’ doubts about Biden’s ability to do the job were damaging his candidacy and repeatedly asked Biden campaign officials for their plan to defeat Trump.”

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Ambivalence in action...


President Joe Biden trails former President Donald Trump by one point in a survey conducted by Split Ticket and Data For Progress. The poll was conducted online between July 1–3, 2024 with a sample size of N=2,067 likely voters, and was weighted to be representative of age, gender, education, race, geography, and the recalled 2020 vote.

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The GOP platform calls for an "Iron Dome" missile defense shield across the entire country, a massive increase in military spending. 

They also call for tax cuts for the rich. 

Top Trumpers Steve Bannon and Kash Patel promise "the biggest infrastructure project in history" -- a network of "detention centers" for undocumented immigrants, "tent cities" for the swept-up homeless, and we can be sure black sites for the lefty vermin.  A gulag,

Where will the money come from for all? 

"Reform" of Social Security and Medicare.

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19 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Where will the money come from for all? 

"Reform" of Social Security and Medicare.

Yes; I mean, if Trump is elected, Social Security and Medicare are definitely gone.

Gotta pay for those rich guy tax cuts too!


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These polls showing a tighter race than the 6% point Trump advantage leading ones are missing a grave point.

That is that the huge money Trump/Repub machine is making sure the most important states that were lost by no more than 20,000 votes and which gave Biden the electoral vote in 2020 will "not" be lost again.

Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan ...

I have heard interviews of Repub campaign officials in which they state they are doing whatever it takes to swing those states and their electors back to Trump this November.

They aren't concerned with winning the popular vote.

Same old tactic the Repubs used to take the Presidency in 2,000 and 2016.

Gore beat Bush with the popular vote and Hillary beat Trump in the popular vote...by 3 million!

But winning the popular vote meant nothing as the Repubs won the electoral vote game those years. They KNOW how to win this game.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

These polls showing a tighter race than the 6% point Trump advantage leading ones are missing a grave point.

That is that the huge money Trump/Repub machine is making sure the most important states that were lost by no more than 20,000 votes and which gave Biden the electoral vote in 2020 will "not" be lost again.

I have heard interviews of Repub campaign officials in which they state they are doing whatever it takes to swing those states and their electors back to Trump this November.

They aren't concerned with winning the popular vote.

Same old tactic the Repubs used to take the Presidency in 2,000 and 2016.

Gore beat Bush with the popular vote and Hillary beat Trump in the popular vote...by 3 million!

But winning the popular vote meant nothing as the Repubs won the electoral vote game those years. They KNOW how to win this game.

In terms of organization, Trump's campaigns, especially in 2016, were regarded as amateurish even buffoonish. They are terrible organizers. 

Maybe this time around the Trumpers are more skilled, but I wonder. 

The Donks are readying up absentee-voter plans, and related "ballot-harvesting" programs. Those were effective in 2020. 

I think Biden will win.

What the Deep State wants...it gets? 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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Hyeah Ben, where did you pick that cartoon up? I'd like to read some of their comments!

Remember when you first came here, we were all the Deep State for opposing Trump?

5 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The Deep State may hold onto Biden as the only option us has in 2024. 

Well, being "Deep State" you should know. Isn't Biden's 2 war foreign policy front identical to your own?

So this is a Trump site you're on that's trying to keep Biden in the race by saying he's a  victim of the "Deep state."

Seriously Ben, not that anyone ever answers my questions anyway. Where did you pick up this cartoon?





Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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19 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Hyeah Ben, where did you pick that cartoon up? I'd like to read some of their comments!

Remember when you first came here, we were all the Deep State for opposing Trump?

Well, being "Deep State" you should know. Isn't Biden's 2 war foreign policy front identical to your own?

So this is a Trump site you're on that's trying to keep Biden in the race by saying he's a  victim of the "Deep state."

Seriously Ben, not that anyone ever answers my questions anyway. Where did you pick up this cartoon?

You don't like to read their comments and and you NARC on them..

Were you the informer when you were hanging out with Ken Kesley in SF Psychedelic scene, doc..  because you sure act that's what you would have been doing 

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7 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Hyeah Ben, where did you pick that cartoon up? I'd like to read some of their comments!

Remember when you first came here, we were all the Deep State for opposing Trump?

Well, being "Deep State" you should know. Isn't Biden's 2 war foreign policy front identical to your own?



Well, sad to say, I am not an insider, or Deep Stater, or anything, just an ink-stained (well, pixelated) wretch farming in SE Asia. 

Times change. 

Just as: Sure the US military had been a tool of global resource developers pre-WWII (see Smedley Butler)...but there is no doubting the US military was vital to beating Japanese imperialists and Nazis during the war, and the liberal democracies are better than autocracies, communists and Islamia.

So, life and politics are complicated. 

Putin has driven 500k men to their deaths in Ukraine (losses combined) and how much other carnage and destruction? For what? A stalemate? He is a lunatic and monster. I think I stand justified that US and allies should have gone in bigger harder and quicker.  

I don't dare mention the nation in the Middle East, that seems to trigger insanity (especially among certain types of left-wingers, but then also right-wingers) but suffice it to say Sinwar/Hamas/UNRWA is as ugly as it gets, and much of Islamia too. I am not sure the US should support Israel, as much as not stop them from quick and brutal victory. 

So my take on Biden is he has been too "soft" in both wars. As I say, just IMHO. 

I never thought anyone in the EF-JFKA was in Deep State, just that you don't not understand that the Deep State not only targets a JFK or RFK1, or a Carter, but also a Nixon or a Trump. 

But back on topic; Why did the Biden Administration AG Merrick Garland do a permanent snuff job on the JFK Records? What is the why of it? 

In two ways, the why of it. 

1. What is in the JFK records that could be so explosive?  

2. Why did Biden/Garland comply with the CIA? Compromised in some way? 




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41 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:

So my take on Biden is he has been too "soft" in both wars. As I say, just IMHO. 

I know you are.

You didn't answer my question. Where did you pick up this cartoon from?


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8 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The Donks are readying up absentee-voter plans, and related "ballot-harvesting" programs. Those were effective in 2020. 



     Huh?  This sounds like something MAGA Mike Lindell would post on the forum.

     Are you a closet Stop-the-Steal guy?

     We all know that the Fox News talking heads pushed Trump's Stop-the-Steal scam in 2020, before contradicting themselves by later claiming that Trump's January 6th mob attack on Congress was a Deep State "Patriot Purge" op.

     The truth is that Trump's January 6th debacle was predicated on Stop-the-Steal.

     (Hannity and Tucker Carlson later testified in the Dominion lawsuit that they never actually believed Trump's Stop-the-Steal claims, despite promoting them on Fox News.)

     At the very least, Fox and the Trumplicons should refrain from contradicting their own conspiracy theories.



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