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The JFK Assassination Records Act Discussion

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30 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

In light of the Supreme Court's ruling today which grants the President the powers of a King, the hand-wringing over Biden's debate performance seems petty in the extreme.


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1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

In light of the Supreme Court's ruling today which grants the President the powers of a King, the hand-wringing over Biden's debate performance seems petty in the extreme.

Not if Biden can't win. This ups the stakes, it's true..

Cliff, what I've found for years now, is a supremely confident group here thinking Biden will win. Here's the reality.

-Biden will not take any states away from Trump in 2020!

-But Trump will take from Biden!

- If the election is held today. If he loses any one of the 3 states Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Biden loses the election!

-In all these 3 states, they are currently too close to call, with Trump with a slight edge in 2 of them!

- It's going to probably be the closest  election in U.S. history. The most electoral votes Biden could possibly get I think would be 276-262!

-Another words , Biden was not a shoo-in, even before his terrible performance!

You can adopt the "unforced error "attitude that the American people will finally see Trump self destruct, or maybe a new scandal will do him in, which could happen, but personally, I don't want to depend on that!

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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Not if Biden can't win. This ups the stakes, it's true..

Except for one debate, he's never lost.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Cliff, what I've found for years now, is a supremely confident group here thinking Biden will win. Here's the reality.

The reality is that the price of gas will drop significantly in October due to Biden's bold use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

-Biden will not take any states away from Trump in 2020!

North Carolina.  With abortion on the ballot Florida is also in play.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

-But Trump will take from Biden!

- If the election is held today. If he loses any one of the 3 states Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, Biden loses the election!

-In all these 3 states, they are currently too close to call, with Trump with a slight edge in 2 of them!

Dems have been over performing in state and local elections since the Dobbs decision two years ago.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

- It's going to probably be the closest  election in U.S. history. The most electoral votes Biden could possibly get I think would be 276-262!

This is no longer a Presidential election.  It's an election for King.

24 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

-Another words , Biden was not a shoo-in, even before his terrible performance!

You can adopt the "unforced error "attitude that the American people will finally see Trump self destruct, or maybe a new scandal will do him in, which could happen, but personally, I don't want to depend on that!

Should the Democratic Party spend the next two months in pitched internecine battle over another nominee, or spend the next four months harping on the consequence of a certain Trump dictatorship?

Buck up, lad.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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The pinned JFK Records Act thread has devolved into Water Cooler sniping, so let's try a fresh thread. 

1. There are many within the D-Party establishment calling for Biden to step down. Maybe he will. Or, sadly, maybe Biden will become incapacitated. Happens to us all. 

2. Kamala Harris is the Vice-President, relatively young, and the legal and constitutionally designated successor to an incapacitated President.  

3. The Biden Administration, according to legal scholars and lawyers from the Mary Ferrell Foundation, is engaging in an illegal snuff job on the JFK Records Act. To the layman it certainly seems the spirit of the JFK Records Act has been undermined by rank chicanery.  

4. So, should Biden become incapacitated, and is replaced by President Harris...is there a chance President Harris would change administration policies regarding the JFK Act?

I have no feel for this. Harris not Biden, but she is also something of a non-entity. A curiosity of the current hub-bub about Biden's mental capacities is that no one---no one even in the vast Donk blabber-sphere---is touting Harris as a ready replacement for Biden. 

Will Harris also tumble, should the D-Party stage a intra-party coup, and throw Biden under the bus? Seems likely. 


There is a strange parallel in the Nixon story to the Harris situation.  Way back when, it was more or less decided by the powers-that-be in DC that Nixon was going to vacation in San Clemente for good. But...Spiro Agnew was the vice president. Oooof. 

In that long ago time (1973), Spiro Agnew was chased out of office on aging Maryland corruption charges, and then WC'er Gerald Ford was installed into the White House, via the Vice Presidency.

Will we see Harris removed from office soon? Who knows? If you do see that, then Biden will tumble next. 

What will that mean for the JFK Records Act? I don't know, but this is a topic very much worth following. 






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55 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Except for one debate, he's never lost.

The reality is that the price of gas will drop significantly in October due to Biden's bold use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

North Carolina.  With abortion on the ballot Florida is also in play.

Dems have been over performing in state and local elections since the Dobbs decision two years ago.

This is no longer a Presidential election.  It's an election for King.

Should the Democratic Party spend the next two months in pitched internecine battle over another nominee, or spend the next four months harping on the consequence of a certain Trump dictatorship?

Buck up, lad.

Well as I recall, you predicted something like 340 electoral votes for Biden and I had 291. I ended up missing one state out of 50, that was Georgia.

Oh! here it is from the 56 year thread. Page 215   Nov. 2nd, 2020!



Final Prediction

Biden   340 electoral votes (Hillary states plus Florida, Georgia, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Neb - 1)   85,000,000 popular votes

Trump   198   75,000,000


And here's my final  prediction, Nov. 2nd, Page 216

I think Michigan is Biden. The entire rust belt outside of Ohio as well. Yes Arizona is Biden, as Cliff said.

I don't trust the South or any of the State governments, outside of possibly Florida. But Florida has always teased and failed. Once burned, twice shy.

Biden 291, Trump 247,  

if Biden can get Florida Biden 320, Trump 218

Biden wins by 7-8 million. 2.5 times HC's lead in 2016.


Wow!, I didn't realize I got it exactly right, 7-8  million!

uhhhh feeling lucky Cliff?

If it comes down to voting for Biden, I will.

But you guys better start getting serious. Biden is currently teetering!

This isn't a joke!



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

If it comes down to voting for Biden, I will.

But you guys better start getting serious. Biden is currently teetering!

This isn't a joke!

Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals


“Donald Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking ‘televised military tribunals’ and calling for the jailing of President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians,” the New York Times reports.

“Mr. Trump, using his account on Truth Social on Sunday, promoted two posts from other users of the site that called for the jailing of his perceived political enemies.” <quote off>

The entire world is teetering!


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Posted (edited)

I don´t know what happened to Kamala H.  She made a few mistakes in the beginning (no big deal IMO), was kinda busy with EU matters, did ok for some time, but seemed to slowly disappear in the background.  Were there internal discussions?  I don´t think she´ll be VP again.  

Also, why are a lot of people so surprised with Biden´s performance in the debate?  One has been talking for months about his condition, some mistakes he made, etc  What did they expect? 

Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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13 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

I would imagine Harris would do whatever the CIA told her to do.


Here are Harris' committee assignments in the Senate (see below). She has only one term, so a track record will be thin. 

It does stand out that Harris sat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The history of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) is notable and includes chairmen such as Barry Goldwater, Arlen Specter and Bob Graham. Yes, that Arlen Specter. 

Somebody thought Harris would fit in on the SSCI, which in some regards means she was expected to not rock the boat. 

Scanty evidence, but I would not bet on Harris opening up the JFK Records, or the Joannides records, or any other records that might shed light on the JFKA/RFK1A. 

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4 minutes ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

I don´t know what happened to Kamala H.  She made a few mistakes in the beginning (no big deal IMO), was kinda busy with EU matters, did ok for some time, but seemed to slowly disappear in the background.  Were there internal discussions?  I don´t think she´ll be VP again.  

Also, why are a lot of people so surprised with Biden´s performance in the debate?  One has been talking for months about his condition, some mistakes he made, etc  What did they expect? 


Thanks for your collegial comments. 

I am with you---it is as if Harris has plummeted through a trapdoor in the floor, which was slammed shut. 

Not one person in the vast Donk blabberama-o-sphere is touting Harris for President. (BTW, the GOP blabber-meisters are just as annoying). 

Harris is a poor public speaker, but hardly that much worse than many recent bumblers, such as George Bush Jr.

Trump is a terrible public speaker. 

I assume that, even in private, Harris makes a very poor impression, perhaps she is sinking into an intractable midlife crisis of some sort, a mental depression. Even party stalwarts can't hold their nose at her, but rather run off. 

Who knows?


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Posted (edited)

Well, fortunately, Ben Cole has taken a belated interest in the subject of the competence and "adequacy" of Executive branch personnel.  Better late than never!

We could have used such circumspection from Ben when the U.S. witnessed the most historically corrupt, inept Presidential administration in history, from 2017-21.

How many Trump staffers ended up in prison?  How many felony indictments?

Nor were Pompeo, Trump, and his inept staffers ever heroic adversaries of the Deep State-- aside from firing FBI Directors, (to halt investigations of the 2016 Trump campaign's numerous contacts with Kremlin officials.)

For the most part, "Trump got rolled by Deep State," as Oliver Stone said in 2017.

In any case, this thread about contemporary politics belongs on the designated JFK Records thread, with Ben Cole's numerous other polemical "Biden Snuff Job" threads about the JFK Records.

We should leave scholarly threads about the JFK Records in the hands of our resident experts-- Simpich, DiEugenio, Schnapf, et.al. 

The political punditry should go elsewhere.

But Ben, evidently, didn't get the memo.

Edited by W. Niederhut
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I don´t think Trump really cares about the JFK records, he uses the subject as a tool to gain popularity (as a lot of politicians do with other subjects, but Tr. throws a lot lies in the arena as well).  Populism in the long end rarely does any good for the people, but it works to gain votes... watch France.  The same in the Netherlands and a lot of other EU countries, it worries me.

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Again Cliff, yes the stakes are high! Does that make it inevitable that the American voter will wake up to that fact?

it's not that I don't see some reason for staying put and praying Biden doesn't look worse.

You can continue doing what you're doing which is taking a page from George Bush Sr's playbook.

1. Stay the course!!!

2. A thousand points of light!  😀😃😄😗


of course a big question is who wouldl replace Biden?

You can make an argument that at least the public is familiar with Joe. Will it take time for the voter to warm up and get to know the new candidate?

But picking candidates at the convention was what was done for the entire U.S. history of 190 years!

People really didn't know JFK. When JFK won  the Democrat nomination, there was only 14 state primaries!

Actually with  8 years of exposure, almost everybody in the U.S. would like the idea of a fresh candidate and a shorter campaign.

And Trump is a very weak opponent. Particularly with younger people, Both candidates are very weak.



He took a thousand points of light!

And then he said "what's missing?"


People let me tell you what he did!

Sorry pre Beatle!

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18 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

The two authorities on the JFKA and the JFK Records Act in one setting. Sit down with a cup of tea and listen. 

BTW, hat's off to Len Osanic, host of BOR. He has been covering the JFKA/RFK1A for decades, a real trooper, and regularly hosts Jim DiEugenio, another pillar--not just pillar, but roof and foundation---of the JFKA/RFK1A research community. 


Too much to talk about here, but it comes out in this session that the US Congress was supposed to conduct oversight on the JFK Record Act releases, and see it completed a long time ago. The Congress completely abandoned it obligations, setting up the current illegal snuff job on the JFK Records Act.


Show #1205
Original airdate: June 27th, 2024
Guests: Mark Adamczyk, Jim DiEugenio
Topics: JFK Assassination Research

Play Show 1205 (1:03:24) MP3 download


  • Mark E. Adamczyk is an attorney from Naples, Florida.
  • Mark Adamczyk and Andrew Iler. writing on the JFK Records Act and declassifcation
  • The Biden/CIA Attempt to Usurp Congress' Authority Over JFK Records Read Article Here
  • Article by Mark Adamczyk JFK Records Release and Donald Trump
  • ARRB Final Determinations of High Importance
  • 4600 documents are still in the protected collection... Biden says the "job is done."
  • Periodic Review under the JFK Records Act - Declassification should have been Complete by 2017 at the latest !
  • Public Interest Declassifcation Board (PIDB)
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  • The Trump/Napolitano/Carlson Connection on JFK Article by Mark Adamzcyk
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Congress always has the obligation to see that its laws are faithfully executed.  In this case they inserted Section 12 (b) in the Act requiring NARA's Archivist to tell them and the president when all the JFKA records had been released to the public as part of that process.

Needless to say, that mandate has been ignored by Congress, the president, and now Judge Seeborg.

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