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The Problem of WCR/'Lone Nut" Disinformation on the Education Forum

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         The United States, and the Education Forum, have an admirable tradition of freedom of speech and, as forum administrator, Mark Knight, pointed out during the recent Pat Speer controversy, it has never been the policy of the Education Forum administration to enforce "orthodoxy" (i.e., right beliefs) about history, including the history of the JFK assassination.

        That said, many of us have noticed that a cadre of WCR apologists ("Lone Nutters") on the forum have persisted in posting disinformation promoting the false WCR "Lone Nut" narrative about the JFK assassination.

        The most recent example is a forum thread promoting a WCR/Lone Nut podcast by Fred Litwin-- the salesman popularly known as the man who was a "teenage conspiracy freak," (presumably before he matured and embraced the delusional Warren Commission Report propaganda that has been aggressively promoted in the U.S. mainstream media during the past sixty years.)

        So, here's the dilemma in the U.S. today, and on the Education Forum.

        Freedom of speech is exploited by propagandists to promote disinformation, and censorship is anathematized.  This was, literally, a life-and-death controversy in the U.S. during the COVID pandemic.

        Is it better to let propagandists have an Orwellian field day, or to try to set limits on disinformation?

        James DiEugenio and Denny Zartman commented, accurately, on the Fred Litwin podcast thread that it is a shame to see this kind of propaganda on the Education Forum.

        I agree.  This isn't McAdams.edu.

        But, then again, censorship is a potentially dangerous phenomenon.  Elon Musk bought Twitter to abolish censorship.

         (BTW, how is that $44 billion dollar acquisition working out for American democracy?)

        Any thoughts about this issue on the Education Forum?


Edited by W. Niederhut
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What do you prefer:

1) silence them here? The podcast will not go away

2) or let people post it, and let others judge and comment it, others looking for info on the podcast will find it 

What do you think fits the EF forum best? How will people learn the most?

Just my 2cts



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1 hour ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

What do you prefer:

1) silence them here? The podcast will not go away

2) or let people post it, and let others judge and comment it, others looking for info on the podcast will find it 

What do you think fits the EF forum best? How will people learn the most?

Just my 2cts




    I'm simply asking the question.

    How do we solve a problem like disinformation?

    Modern propaganda is highly sophisticated.

    Two popular techniques are; 1) repeating the lie, and 2) the so-called "firehose of falsehoods" -- flooding the zone with sh**.

    These techniques work better if two or more people repeat the falsehoods in unison.

    If censorship is unacceptable, the only alternative is to endlessly fact-check and repeat the truth.

    As an example, James DiEugenio has patiently repeated the facts about JFK's Vietnam policy, in response to people falsely claiming that JFK didn't intend in 1963 to get the U.S. out of Vietnam.

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I don't endorse the WCR - I think there is a lot more to the JFK assassination story that we haven't been told. And I'm the one who posted the Litwin thread.

Litwins research is useful as it exposes a lot of disinformation circulating on the JFK assassination. And disinformation is of no use to anyone whether you are a CTer or a LNer.

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As long as you have people here like Down and DVP, you will have to put up with this stuff.

IMO, you cannot ban people like that, since we do have free speech.

So we are caught on the horns of a dliemna.


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51 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


    I'm simply asking the question.

    How do we solve a problem like disinformation?

    Modern propaganda is highly sophisticated.

    Two popular techniques are; 1) repeating the lie, and 2) the so-called "firehose of falsehoods" -- flooding the zone with sh**.

    These techniques work better if two or more people repeat the falsehoods in unison.

    If censorship is unacceptable, the only alternative is to endlessly fact-check and repeat the truth.

    As an example, James DiEugenio has patiently repeated the facts about JFK's Vietnam policy, in response to people falsely claiming that JFK didn't intend in 1963 to get the U.S. out of Vietnam.

Will censorship make the problem go away? 

Keep teaching the people  and you won´t need to worry.

What´s next,  one can only express here what has been approved by just the 1 or 2 mods here? Or - BCS - depending a meeting with admin/owners.

Its EF, from Education, not Dictation. And debate.

In that case, who gets to decide what is the truth here anyway?  Slipping into fascism is the real danger...

I already see some future victims I´m afraid...


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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

How do we solve a problem like disinformation?

    Modern propaganda is highly sophisticated.

    Two popular techniques are; 1) repeating the lie, and 2) the so-called "firehose of falsehoods" -- flooding the zone with sh**.

You've got a huge problem with your starting point right off the bat. Because it's always going to be disputable and debatable as to what constitutes "disinformation" and "falsehoods". CTers and LNers will forever be on opposite sides when it comes to that subject.

It's my opinion that far more CTers engage in spreading "disinformation" and "falsehoods" than do any of the "WCR apologists / Lone Nutters". In fact, it's not even close on that score (IMO).

One prime example (among many) that we've seen spouted on this forum time and time again is when conspiracists constantly repeat the refrain about how Oswald never even purchased the Carcano rifle from Klein's.....which, of course, is a totally absurd and nonsensical claim to begin with (given the evidence that proves those CTers to be dead wrong).


Edited by David Von Pein
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38 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

IMO, you cannot ban people like that, since we do have free speech.

Just so. Laborious to constantly kick against the pricks, but without freedom of speech we might be in the swamp.

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If you assume that forum members (or voters, for that matter) are intelligent and rational, then there should be no fear of disinformation. The intelligent and rational will sort matters out for themselves and no amount of disinformation prophylaxis is likely to help the fools. I am wary of self-proclaimed disinformation fighters, especially among the US government and the media conglomerates.

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4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

         The United States, and the Education Forum, have an admirable tradition of freedom of speech and, as forum administrator, Mark Knight, pointed out during the recent Pat Speer controversy, it has never been the policy of the Education Forum administration to enforce "orthodoxy" (i.e., right beliefs) about history, including the history of the JFK assassination.

        That said, many of us have noticed that a cadre of WCR apologists ("Lone Nutters") on the forum have persisted in posting disinformation promoting the false WCR "Lone Nut" narrative about the JFK assassination.

        The most recent example is a forum thread promoting a WCR/Lone Nut podcast by Fred Litwin-- the salesman popularly known as the man who was a "teenage conspiracy freak," (presumably before he matured and embraced the delusional Warren Commission Report propaganda that has been aggressively promoted in the U.S. mainstream media during the past sixty years.)

        So, here's the dilemma in the U.S. today, and on the Education Forum.

        Freedom of speech is exploited by propagandists to promote disinformation, and censorship is anathematized.  This was, literally, a life-and-death controversy in the U.S. during the COVID pandemic.

        Is it better to let propagandists have an Orwellian field day, or to try to set limits on disinformation?

        James DiEugenio and Denny Zartman commented, accurately, on the Fred Litwin podcast thread that it is a shame to see this kind of propaganda on the Education Forum.

        I agree.  This isn't McAdams.edu.

        But, then again, censorship is a potentially dangerous phenomenon.  Elon Musk bought Twitter to abolish censorship.

         (BTW, how is that $44 billion dollar acquisition working out for American democracy?)

        Any thoughts about this issue on the Education Forum?


KEEP THE LONE NUTTERS ON EDUCATION FORUM. I like them here because it sharpens my arguments against their tragically wrong point of view.

As far as Jim DiEugenio, I could comment that anyone that doesn't think Lyndon Johnson orchestrated the JFK assassination should not be allowed on Education Forum OR anyone who thinks JFK was posthumously unfairly "assassinated" by his deranged life of sexual promiscuity should not be allowed here. DiEugenio is pretty good on JFK's foreign policy though.

Let me tell you something straight up: I don't look to Jim DiEugenio or Oliver Stone or David Talbot to tell me what happened in the JFK assassination. Add in James Douglass too. In my never humble opinion, if leave LBJ out of the mix, you automatically don't know what the hell happened whether you are a Lone Nutter or a "CIA Did It" freak.

But I don't want to censor anyone. Lone Nutters can be useful and debunking many of the stupid concepts and theories relating to the JFK assassination. 

Such that Greer or Hickey shot JFK. That the mafia killed JFK. That the Federal Reserve or "the Jews" killed JFK.

How about the canard that Robert Kennedy was killed by some CIA conspiracy? You think that is factual? Oh, I beg to differ. I think Sirhan Sirhan did it ALL ALONE.

From my point of view, many "JFK assassination conspiracy theorists" post misinformation every single day of the week.

Such as there was no blowout wound in the back of JFK's head. Or that Oswald was standing in the steps in place of Billy Lovelady. Why not have the Lone Nutters here to help debunk that?

I like the term Lone Nutter. They are "lone" compared to almost every contemporary political elite who knew there was a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. And they are nutty with all their fantasies in relation to the JFK assassination.


Instead of censoring the lone nutters, why don't you out debate them?

Are you concerned you can't do that?

I certainly can.



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Hey, why don't you actually read/listen to the Lone Nutters and then debunk their top 10 canards about the JFK assassination? Their entire narrative is garbage from top to bottom. Was Oswald a Marxist pro-Castro supporter? No. Did Oswald shoot JFK? No. Did Oswald kill Tippit? No. Did Oswald try to murder Gen. Edwin Walker? No. Was JFK shot about by only 3 bullets? Oh hell no. Was there no sniper on the Grassy Knoll? No.

Were LBJ, Hoover and Allen Dulles investigating the JFK assassination with no bias? No.

Were the Dallas police not involved in the JFK assassination. No.

Was Tippit actually killed at 1:15PM. Laughable.

Did Oswald hate JFK. No, he loved him.

Was Oswald a nutty anti-social man. Nope.

Was J. Edgar Hoover privately a lone nutter. Nope. Ditto almost every other high level politico of that era.

Did the members of the Warren Commission actually believe that pile of rot they excreted in September, 1964? Lord no.

The entire narrative of the Lone Nutters is an absolute burning garbage pile. Why not read them and them clinically destroy their little Lone Nutter factoids? Read the Lone Nutters, make a list of all their top factoids, then clinically debunk them one by one. I suggest that instead of WHINING about Lone Nutter presence on Education Forum.



1) “The book that cured me of JFK conspiracies once and for all,” Hector Tobar, LA Times, 11-20-13.  https://www.latimes.com/books/la-xpm-2013-nov-20-la-et-jc-book-jfk-conspiracies-cure-20131120-story.html

2) Gerald Posner 2013, Frontline interview. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/interview-gerald-posner/

3) Gregory Curtis of Texas Monthly – Nov. 1998 https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/the-lone-gunman/

4) Bryan Burrough, writing in NYT (5-20-2007) https://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/20/books/review/Burrough-t.html

5) David Corn of Mother Jones – 11-22-2013 https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/11/kennedy-assassination-conspiracy-oswald-cuba/

6) Fred Kaplan of Slate – 11-14-2013 https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2013/11/john-f-kennedy-conspiracy-theories-debunked-why-the-magic-bullet-and-grassy-knoll-dont-make-sense.html

7) Scott Aaronson – Twenty Reasons to Believe Oswald Acted Alone https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=1596

😎 Michael Shermer – My Day in Dealey Plaza: Why JFK Was Killed by a Lone Assassin – Huffington Post, 12-14-2010 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/my-day-in-dealey-plaza-wh_b_796812  

9) Jake Silverstein – “The Assassination at 50,” Texas Monthly, November, 2013 https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/the-assassination-at-50/

10) Lawrence Wright, “Why Do They Hate Us So Much,” Texas Monthly, November, 1983. https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/why-do-they-hate-us-so-much/

11) Jacob Cohen, “Yes, Oswald Alone Killed Kennedy,” Commentary, June, 1992. https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/jacob-cohen/yes-oswald-alone-killed-kennedy/

12) “Why Vincent Bugliosi is So Sure Oswald Alone Killed JFK,”  dley, History News Network, https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/41490

13)  Rich Lowry, “The Kennedy Conspiracy in Plain Sight,” National Review, November 22, 2013 https://www.nationalreview.com/2013/11/kennedy-conspiracy-plain-sight-rich-lowry/

14) Lisa Scottoline, Book Review: ‘End of Days: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy’ by James Swanson, Washington Post, Oct. 25, 2013.


15)  Mel Ayton, Review of John McAdam’s “JFK Assassination Logic: How to Think About Claims of Conspiracy,” History News Network, 11-21-11 http://hnn.us/article/143124  

16) Priscilla McMillan, “The Dreamer Who Killed A President,” Chicago Tribune, Nov. 22, 1993. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1993-11-22-9311220016-story.html

16b) Priscilla McMillan, “A Word About Lee Harvey Oswald,” Washington Decoded, June 11, 2007. https://www.washingtondecoded.com/site/2007/06/lho.html

17) Jonathan Simon, “Ghosts of the Disciplinary Machine: Lee Harvey Oswald, Life-History, and the Truth of Crime,” 1998 academic essay https://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1182&context=yjlh and also here https://openyls.law.yale.edu/bitstream/handle/20.500.13051/7251/06_10YaleJL_Human75_1998_.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y

18) Paul Burka and Brian Sweany, “Final Thoughts on Nov. 22, 1963,” Texas Monthly, 11-22-13. https://www.texasmonthly.com/burka-blog/final-thoughts-on-nov-22-1963/

19) David Reitzes, “JFK Conspiracy Theories at 50: How the Skeptics Got It Wrong and Why It Matters,” Skeptic, 2013. https://www.skeptic.com/reading_room/jfk-conspiracy-theories-at-50-how-the-skeptics-got-it-wrong-and-why-it-matters/

20) Hugh Aynesworth, “JFK Special Report: How Hucksters and Crazies Built the Big Lie and Why We Still Believe It,” D Magazine, November, 1998. https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1998/november/jfk-special-report-how-hucksters-crazies-built-the-big-lie-and-why-we-still-believe-it/

21) Kirkus review of James Swanson’s End of Days: https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/james-l-swanson/end-of-days-assassination/

22) Randy Dotinga 11-22-2013 review of Jame Swanson’s End of Days: https://www.csmonitor.com/Books/Book-Reviews/2013/1122/End-of-Days

23) Wikipedia on Lee Harvey Oswald: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Harvey_Oswald

24) Wikipedia on the JFK assassination: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_John_F._Kennedy

25) Encylopedia Britannica on the JFK assassination: https://www.britannica.com/event/assassination-of-John-F-Kennedy

26) Encylopedia Britannica on the JFK assassination (2): https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-F-Kennedy/Assassination

27) Norman Mailer on Oswald, by Bill Rockwood for PBS Frontline: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/norman-mailer-on-oswald/

28) 2013 Atlantic interview with Peter Savodnik, biographer of Lee Harvey Oswald: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/11/why-lee-harvey-oswald-fled-to-the-soviet-union/281662/

29) Sonia Smith of Texas Monthly interviews biographer Peter Savodnik on Lee Harvey Oswald (10-22-2013) https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/wandering-oswald/

30) NPR Fresh Air interview transcript with Phil Shenon (Oct. 28, 2013) Interview: Philip Shenon, Author Of 'A Cruel And Shocking Act' : NPR

31) Colin Schultz, “Before JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald Tried to Kill an Army Major General, Smithsonian Magazine, Oct. 4, 2013. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/before-jfk-lee-harvey-oswald-tried-to-kill-an-army-major-general-609517/

32) Alan Peppard, “Before gunning for JFK, Oswald targeted ex-General Edwin A. Walker – and missed,” Dallas Morning News, May 11, 2013. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2018/11/19/before-gunning-for-jfk-oswald-targeted-ex-gen-edwin-a-walker-and-missed/

33) Colin Schultz, “Before JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald Tried to Kill an Army Major General,” Smithsonian Magazine, Oct. 4, 2013. 


34) Dave Roos, “Before JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald Tried to Assassinate a Forme  r Army General, History.com, Nov. 9, 2021. https://www.history.com/news/lee-harvey-oswald-other-target

35) PBS’s Oswald’s Ghost, “Oswald’s First Assassination Attempt,” http://www.shoppbs.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/oswald/more/ps_walker.html

36) Chris Cravens for the Texas State Historical Association indicting Oswald for attempted shooting of Gen. Edwin Walker, January, 1, 1996: https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/walker-edwin-a

37) Warren Commission indicting Oswald for the attempted shooting of Gen. Edwin Walker (September, 1964): https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/warren-commission-report/chapter-4.html#walker

38) Bill Minutaglio and Steven Davis, “The Man Oswald First Tried to Kill Before JFK,” Daily Beast, July 11, 2017. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-man-oswald-first-tried-to-kill-before-jfk

39) Jefferson Morley, “April 10, 1963: Oswald tries to shoot General Walker,” JFK Facts, April 10, 2015. https://jfkfacts.org/april-10-1963-oswald-tries-to-shoot-gen-walker/

40) Fred Litwin Conspiracy Freak blog: https://conspiracyfreak.com/blog/

41) Fred Litwin Trail of Delusion blog: https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/blog

42) John McAdams web site: https://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/home.htm

43) Jeff Wallenfeld, writing for Britannica, blaming the murder of Officer J.D. Tippit on Oswald and coming within inches of blaming Oswald for JFK’s murder https://www.britannica.com/event/assassination-of-John-F-Kennedy

44) CBS’s Dan Rather in 2011 blaming the JFK assassination on Oswald: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lmyrsBTBh4 Dan Rather reported for CBS for 44 years. “Dan Rather on Lee Harvey Oswald’s death and how it was almost televised”

45) Gerald Posner on Nov. 21, 2013, PowerPoint presentation, blaming Lee Harvey Oswald for JFK’s murder - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTsPpjKhch4 “Gerald Posner, Author “Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK”

46) Fred Litwin – blaming JFK assassination on Oswald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O46xhAP8bvc “Debunking JFK Conspiracy Theories” on The Agenda with Steve Paikin, Nov. 22, 2018.

47) Philip Shenon, Oct. 28, 2013 – blaming JFK assassination on Oswald and implying someone (probably pro Castro Cubans) told Oswald to kill JFK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWpt7T8Y350 “JFK assassination preventable, author says”

48) Philip Shenon, Feb. 6, 2015, blaming JFK for Oswald’s murder at Sarah Lawrence College https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEu8SVUhqaY “A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination”

49) James Swanson, lone nutter on the JFK assassination: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=james+swanson+on+jfk+assassination

50) James Swanson, National Book Festival, slandering Lee Harvey Oswald https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaT5xowIo7s

51) 2013 interview with Robert Oswald for PBS Frontline https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/interview-robert-oswald/

52) Vincent Di Maio, “Digging Up Lee Harvey Oswald,” – Narratively, 5-27-16. https://narratively.com/digging-up-lee-harvey-oswald/

53) Capturing Oswald from the Military Channel https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3300646/

54) Geoffrey C. Ward, “The Most Durable Assassination Theory: Oswald Did It Alone,” NY Times, Nov. 21, 1993. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/21/books/the-most-durable-assassination-theory-oswald-did-it-alone.html%2049

55) PBS Frontline, “Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald,” https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/oswald/

56) Jamie Palmer, “ My Misspent Years of Conspiracism,” Quillette, 11-22-2018. https://quillette.com/2018/11/22/my-misspent-years-of-conspiracism/

57)  Gene Riddle lecture “Toward a Psychological Understanding of Lee Oswald, Assassin, Sixth Floor Museum Jan. 10, 2020 Toward a Psychological Understanding of Lee Oswald, Assassin - YouTube

58) Joe Finder, “Read This Book to Understand Lee Harvey Oswald,” Daily Beast, August 2, 2013. https://www.thedailybeast.com/read-this-book-to-understand-lee-harvey-oswald?ref=scroll

59) Steven Beschloss, “When Lee Harvey Oswald Shot the President, His Mother Tried to Take Center Stage,” Smithsonian, 11-20-2014. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/when-lee-harvey-oswald-shot-president-his-mother-tried-take-center-stage-180953351/

60) Was Kennedy killed by a lone gunman? Max Holland on Hardball 11-22-2011 - https://www.msnbc.com/hardball/watch/was-kennedy-killed-by-a-lone-gunman-44119107984

61) Robert Oswald interview – Frontline, PBS - https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/oswald/interviews/oswald.html

62) Brian Domitrovic on Why Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK – Rubin Report, Feb. 17, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS8eIoPZ8Vs

63) Hugh Aynesworth 1991 interview on JFK assassination with Jim Ruddy: https://texasarchive.org/2010_02559 

64) Craig Colgan – “Are the JFK Conspiracies Slowly Dying?” 11-25-2017 https://quillette.com/2017/11/25/jfk-conspiracies-slowly-dying/

65) Matthew Mokhefi-Ashton – “The endless whodunnit: why conspiracy theorists will never accept who shot JFK,” The Conversation, 10-21-2015 https://theconversation.com/the-endless-whodunnit-why-conspiracy-theorists-will-never-accept-who-shot-jfk-49465

66) Steven M. Gillon – “Why the Public Stopped Believing the Government about JFK’s Murder,” History.com, 10-30-2017. https://www.history.com/news/why-the-public-stopped-believing-the-government-about-jfks-murder

67) Steven M. Gillion – “Lee Harvey Oswald: Plan, Chaos or Conspiracy?” History.com, 11-20-2013. https://www.history.com/news/lee-harvey-oswald-plan-chaos-or-conspiracy

68) Garry Rodgers – “The Magic Bullet in the JFK Assassination,” http://dyingwords.net/the-magic-bullet-in-the-jfk-assassination/

69) Garry Rodgers – “JFK Conspiracy Theorists,” http://dyingwords.net/conspiracy-theorists/

70) David Von Pein – “Lee Harvey Oswald’s Sole Guilt…. Point-By-Point: 1) original essay: LEE HARVEY OSWALD'S SOLE GUILT -- POINT-BY-POINT (oswald-is-guilty.blogspot.com) 2) Revised essay: Lee Harvey Oswald's Sole Guilt -- Point-By-Point (google.com)

70) Chris Evangelista, “Dallas through the Looking Glass: Post-Truth and Kennedy Assassination Movies, Oscilloscope, May 2, 2017. https://musings.oscilloscope.net/post/160234426406/dallas-through-the-looking-glass-post-truth-and

71) Craig Huey, “The Shocking Disturbing Truth about JFK – Must-Hear Audio, Election Forum, Nov. 23, 2021 - https://www.electionforum.org/government/the-shocking-disturbing-truth-about-jfk-must-hear-audio/#comment-68536

72) Simon Whistler, “Lee Harvey Oswald – The Man who Killed a President,” Biographics, July 4, 2019 - Lee Harvey Oswald – The Man who Killed a President - YouTube

73) Dr. Todd Grande, “Lee Harvey Oswald – Mental Health and Personality,” June 19, 2020 – Video: Lee Harvey Oswald | Mental Health & Personality - YouTube

74) National Geographic, “Oswald’s Mission – Killing Kennedy,” Oct. 29, 2013 - Oswald's Mission | Killing Kennedy - YouTube

75) SixthFloorMuseum, Steve Fagin interview of Ruth Paine – “The Last Days of Lee Harvey Oswald: A Conversation with Ruth Paine,” Dec. 13, 2019: The Last Days of Lee Harvey Oswald: A Conversation with Ruth Paine - YouTube

76) Vincent Bugliosi, “Why Did Oswald Assassinate JFK?” May 15, 2007 at the Cooper Union - Vincent Bugliosi: Why Did Oswald Assassinate JFK? - YouTube

77) PBS Frontline, “Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?” November 16, 1993 "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" PBS Frontline, November 16, 1993 - YouTube

78) Excellent slandering and defaming of Oswald at Military History Fandom: Lee Harvey Oswald bio - https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Lee_Harvey_Oswald

79) Riis Christensen – slandering Oswald for murdering JFK and Officer Tippit, 2013 D Magazine https://www.dmagazine.com/commercial-real-estate/2013/11/riis-christensen-411-elm-street-cradle-of-evil/

80) Mel Ayton, “Lee Harvey Oswald’s Motives,” Mel Ayton, History News Network, 2006 - https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/23430

81) National Geographic with a lesson plan to teach students that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered JFK: The Life of Lee Harvey Oswald | National Geographic Society

82) PBS: American Experience: Lee Harvey Oswald Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? | Watch S2013 E4 | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site – multiple interviews mainly with lone nutters. Also here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYI4PqtIyE0&t=172s

83) Warren Commission Report: Biography of Lee Harvey Oswald: Appendix 13 | National Archives

84) Warren Commission – Chapter 7: Lee Harvey Oswald: Background and Possible Motives Chapter 7 | National Archives

85) Lee Harvey Oswald: Troubled Youth – Evelyn Siegel reports of April 30, 1953 and May 7, 1953 - https://www.jfk-assassination.net/troubled.htm

86) James Reston, Jr., “A Killer’s Last Steps: A Tour of Lee Harvey Oswald’s bizarre path after killing JFK,” Slate, 11-17-2013. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2013/11/lee-harvey-oswalds-final-steps-where-jfks-killer-walked-after-the-shooting.html

87) Gerald Posner, 11-19 2013 interview with Frontline - Interview: Gerald Posner | Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site

88) Priscilla Johnson McMillan, 11-19-2013 interview with Bill Rockwood of Frontline Interview: Priscilla Johnson McMillan | Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald? | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site

89) Priscilla McMillan, “The Real Lee Harvey Oswald,” NYT, Nov. 20, 1970 - The Real Lee Harvey Oswald - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

90) Robert Starr, “Science Scene: JFK assassination a conspiracy of one,” Daily Texan, 11-21-2013. Science Scene: JFK assassination a conspiracy of one – The Daily Texan

91) Andrew Jackson, Quora essay indicting Oswald for trying to murder Gen. Edwin Walker - https://jfkassassination.quora.com/What-proof-is-there-LHO-shot-at-General-Walker

92) David Roos, “Before JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald Tried to Assassinate a Former Army General,” History.com, Nov. 9, 2021.

93) Encyclopedia.com entry on Lee Harvey Oswald, updated May 23, 2018: Lee Harvey Oswald | Encyclopedia.com

94) Texas State Historical Association online biography of Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963) - https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/oswald-lee-harvey , also slandering Oswald for killing Officer J.D. Tippit - https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/tippit-j-d and JFK assassination - https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/kennedy-assassination and Gen. Edwin Walker - https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/walker-edwin-a

95) Ben Shapiro – Oct. 17, 2022 – blaming Oswald for JFK’s murder in a video, attempting to “debunk” JFK conspiracy theories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fjxox2OIyog

96) @SeekingReality7 – lone nutter Twitter thread from 11-18-2018: https://twitter.com/SeekingReality7/status/1065518726634717184

97) Gus Russo “New Portrait of Oswald as a Violent, Delusional Loner,” Spytalk, 11-29-2022. https://www.spytalk.co/p/new-portrait-of-oswald-as-a-violent?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

98) John Ruddick, “Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK,” Spectator Australia, 1-1-2023 https://spectator.com.au/2023/01/lee-harvey-oswald-killed-jfk/

99) It Guy, Twitter handle @ITGuy1959 March 25, 2019 thread on the JFK assassination: https://twitter.com/ITGuy1959/status/1110258074609205251

100) Peter Savodnik, “Lee Harvey Oswald and the Jews,” Forward, October 10, 2013 Lee Harvey Oswald and the Jews – The Forward

 101) Michel Jacques Gagne, “From Camelot to Conspiracy: Memory, Myth, and the Death of JFK,” Skeptic, 4-22-2017. https://www.skeptic.com/reading_room/from-camelot-to-conspiracy-memory-myth-and-death-of-jfk/

102) Jonathan Kay, “Was Lee Harvey Oswald nuts?” National Post, 11-22-2013 https://nationalpost.com/opinion/jonathan-kay-was-lee-harvey-oswald-nuts

103) Edward Jay Epstein, “Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?” Wall Street Journal, 11-22-1983 – https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2013/11/lee-harvey-oswald-epsteins-short-course.php

104) Richard A. Reiman, “The Riddle of Lee Harvey Oswald,” Washington Decoded, 2-11-2023 Washington Decoded: The Riddle of Lee Harvey Oswald

105) PBS Frontline, “Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald” transcript, Nov. 13, 1993 original air date. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/oswald/etc/script.html

106) David Free, “Sixty years on, has JFK conspiracy theory finally run out of Steam?” Sydney Morning Herald, 11-18-2023. https://www.smh.com.au/culture/movies/sixty-years-on-has-jfk-conspiracy-theory-finally-run-out-of-steam-20231113-p5ejja.html

107) Michael Natale, “Who Really Killed JFK? After 60 Years and New Clues, the Truth Looks Different,” Popular Mechanics, Nov. 21, 2023. https://www.popularmechanics.com/culture/a45837852/jfk-assassination-conspiracy-theories/

108) Adam Gopnik, “The Intimate Reality of the JFK Assassination,” Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, Nov. 22, 2023. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-intimate-reality-of-the-jfk-assassination

109) Hans Mahncke, “I Always Thought the JFK Assassination Was a Conspiracy, Then Something Changed,” Epoch Times, 11/21/2023. https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/i-always-thought-the-jfk-assassination-was-a-conspiracy-then-something-changed-5533888?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=digitalsub

110) John Ziegler, “How Lee Harvey Oswald REALLY Killed JFK,” 11/22/2007. https://web.archive.org/web/20110205010200/http:/www.johnziegler.com/editorials_details.asp?editorial=120

 111) Don Graham, “The Texas Theatre: A Look Inside Oswald’s World,” Alcade, Nov. 14, 2013] https://alcalde.texasexes.org/2013/11/the-texas-theatre-a-look-inside-oswalds-world/

112) Robert Kelleman, “John F. Kennedy Assassination – Livestream History Program with Robert Kelleman” see 56 minute mark of his video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pFUd9hD_gQ

 113) Paul Brandus, “JFK’s Murder was not a conspiracy,” The Week, January 8, 2015 https://theweek.com/articles/458953/jfks-murder-not-conspiracy

114) Rich Lowry, “Sorry, everyone- Oswald still acted alone,” Rich Lowry, July 29, 2024 - Sorry, everyone — Oswald still acted alone | RICH LOWRY | Opinion (reviewjournal.com)

115) Gerald Posner, interview with Fred Litwin, May 10, 2024, On the Trail of Delusion Podcast Episode 3, Gerald "Case Closed" Posner (youtube.com)



Edited by Robert Morrow
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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

        James DiEugenio and Denny Zartman commented, accurately, on the Fred Litwin podcast thread that it is a shame to see this kind of propaganda on the Education Forum.       

But yet it's OK for people to run amok on this forum with absolute and utter nonsense like the "Harvey and Lee" theory? What's the difference? Who is the arbiter of what's "disinformation" and what's not?

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2 hours ago, Gerry Down said:

I don't endorse the WCR - I think there is a lot more to the JFK assassination story that we haven't been told. And I'm the one who posted the Litwin thread.

Litwins research is useful as it exposes a lot of disinformation circulating on the JFK assassination. And disinformation is of no use to anyone whether you are a CTer or a LNer.


Would you like an easy proof on that? Clay Shaw tried to HIRE A LAWYER FOR OSWALD. The people who orchestrated the JFK assassination wanted Oswald dead dead dead dead and soon soon soon soon. They did everything they could to PREVENT Oswald from getting a lawyer or calling Nags Head to a potential friend (handler). 

How about we ban people here who say Clay Shaw and David Ferrie (who knew Oswald) were big players in the JFK assassination?

I am just being snarky.

There is no need to ban Lone Nutters; just refer people to Gil Jesus web site. Now that page is KRYPTONITE to Lone Nutterism!


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