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Morley's Take on JFK Records, RFK1 and Trump

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Here is Morley's take. Just passing along, no comment from me. 




The Latest From JFK Facts

RFK Jr. Joins Trump in Call for Full JFK Disclosure 

They seek to overturn Biden's 2023 order on assassination files

AUG 24
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Robert Kennedy Jr. appeared with Trump at a rally in Arizona on Friday.

From Axios: 

Former President Trump will establish an independent presidential commission on assassination attempts if reelected, he announced at an Arizona campaign rally standing alongside Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Friday. 

Trump said he'll task the commission with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy.

Horserace journalists ask, Will Kennedy’s endorsement help Trump? ABC News predicts “minimal impact” Fox News hopes it will be “huge.”

Historians and political journalists ask: Will Trump actually deliver on the JFK files?

Trump’s initiative would put him at odds with the intelligence community again. The commission would replace President Biden’s “final order” on JFK files of June 2023, in which the White House turned over all decisions about the release of 3,400-plus assassination-related records to the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency. 

When Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, tweeted that Trump should appoint Kennedy as head of the CIA, former agency spokesman Larry Pfeiffer expressed the horror of the intelligence community.


Under Biden’s order the intelligence community can keep JFK records secret indefinitely. Under Trump’s plan that would change


Late on a Friday Night, Biden Guts the JFK Records Act

JULY 1, 2023
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Risks for Kennedy

In subordinating his call for full JFK records disclosure to Trump’s investigation of his own assassination, Kennedy risks putting Trump’s political interests ahead of his own goal. He also invites further conflict with his family over assassination-related material that is still in possession of the Kennedy family. 

Trump promised to release all the files in October 2017 but quietly acquiesced to CIA and FBI demands for continuing secrecy around certain records related to CIA operations involving Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin who denied killing JFK and said he was a “patsy” for others. Oswald was killed in police custody before he could explain his defense. 

In his campaign, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. repeatedly expressed his belief that rogue CIA officers were complicit in his uncle’s death, the scenario amply documented in Rob Reiner and Soledad O’Brien’s popular podcast “Who Killed JFK?” Fact-checking organizations, Politifact and Factcheck.org, have not disputed the accuracy of Reiner and O’Brien’s reporting. 



Silence of the Fact-Checkers 

JAN 22
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Tucker Carlson’s Source

The contents of the JFK files are explosive, according to Tucker Carlson. Earlier this year the Twitter/X talk show host said former CIA director Mike Pompeo threatened legal action against him if Carlson talked more about his claim that a high-level government source told him the assassination files implicate the CIA in Kennedy’s death. 

Carlson was rightly incredulous that a former CIA director suggested that talking about the agency’s possible role in Kennedy’s murder might be considered a crime.

On this issue, I believe Carlson. But when I asked him to share his source, he declined.

What is known is that the withheld JFK files include: 

  • Transcripts of a confidential 1964 interview with Jacqueline Kennedy in which the First Lady disputed the official story of the gunfire that left her husband dead in her arms. The interview is controlled by Kennedy’s cousin, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, whose son has emerged as the family critic of RFK Jr.

  • a 1961 White House memo on JFK’s plans to reorganize the CIA out of existence—a document that RFK Jr. cited in his campaign. 

  • the personnel file of an undercover officer whose paid agents generated propaganda about Oswald before and after JFK was killed, also cited by RFK Jr.

  • Surveillance tapes of organized crime boss Carlos Marcello, a sworn enemy of the Kennedys.

  • The closed door testimony of senior CIA officials to Senate investigators in the 1970s about sensitive operations involving Oswald.

As Reported in JFK Facts

The declassification of CIA files under both Trump and Biden has shed new light on the causes of the assassination. 

  • Oswald was not a “lone nut.” In fact, he was a man of deep interest to top CIA officers opposed to Kennedy’s liberal policies.



The CIA Man Who Read Oswald's Mail

JULY 19, 2023
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  • The CIA took photos of Oswald six weeks before JFK was killed but never shared them with investigators. This was a JFK Facts exclusive.



She Took Lee Harvey Oswald’s Picture for the CIA

OCTOBER 29, 2023
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  • One CIA office did not believe the story of a “lone gunman” and investigated JFK’s right-wing enemies instead.



Declassified Memo Reveals CIA Investigated Cuban Exiles for JFK's Assassination

JANUARY 19, 2023
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If Trump’s commission results in full JFK disclosure, the results are sure to be newsworthy. The question is whether Trump and Kennedy will deliver on their promise.

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Ben, considering their 4 pre-political-position backgrounds, who, of the 2 Party System candidates, would be most likely to release the records?   How do you rank these 4 choices?

(A) The convicted felon who passed on a previous chance to release the records.

(B) The fake hillbilly.

(C) The former prosecutor & state attorney general.

(D) The former high school teacher who designed coursework like this.

Of the 4, I'd say (A) is the least likely - (B) if in position to release the records might do it by accident.

(C) & (D) are more difficult to rank - concern with crime vs. concern with history -but I think (D) would be most likely to release the records.

Just my opinion.


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

Ben, considering their 4 pre-political-position backgrounds, who, of the 2 Party System candidates, would be most likely to release the records?   How do you rank these 4 choices?

(A) The convicted felon who passed on a previous chance to release the records.

(B) The fake hillbilly.

(C) The former prosecutor & state attorney general.

(D) The former high school teacher who designed coursework like this.

Of the 4, I'd say (A) is the least likely - (B) if in position to release the records might do it by accident.

(C) & (D) are more difficult to rank - concern with crime vs. concern with history -but I think (D) would be most likely to release the records.

Just my opinion.


I am only posting FYI what Morley has to say, about the most important live issue before the JFKA research community today.

As an aside, I know almost nothing about Walz, and still don't.  TBH, I did not recognize the name before he was selected. Maybe I am a real hillbilly. 

Would Walz open up the JFK Records? I wonder if anybody has a clue, among our readers. 

Interesting side angle: Under the law, the US President, and also the Vice President, can unilaterally release any document held in the US federal government (possibly excepting a few one-offs, such as personal income taxes). 

So, maybe we will see soon if Walz releases the JFK records....



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One of the reasons they fear Bobby Kennedy.

Smart move by Trump.  +1 over Harris.



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1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

Would Walz open up the JFK Records? I wonder if anybody has a clue, among our readers. 

Interesting side angle: Under the law, the US President, and also the Vice President, can unilaterally release any document held in the US federal government (possibly excepting a few one-offs, such as personal income taxes). 

So, maybe we will see soon if Walz releases the JFK records....

Thanks for the info about the Vice President's ability to release the files.

Not the question I asked - I don't really care what Morely thinks & I did supply the info that he taught history and a link to the interesting way he taught it.

My question for you is:

Just based on their pre-political career profiles and Trump's refusal to release the files previously, how would you rank the choices as most likely to release the files?

If Harris was aware that she could release the files and passed - I would move the fake Hillbilly (& I like hillbillies) up 1 spot.

Overall - I think the probability of the files being released in my lifetime is extremely low, but I do think of the 4 choices Trump is the least likely to release the files.

Do you really think that Trump is telling the truth or is it just another lie in the long list of lies?

Edited by Bill Fite
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14 minutes ago, Robert Burrows said:

Speaking strictly for myself, the fact the Despot Don and Swiss Cheese for Brains Bobby are the two people representing the JFK assassination truth community to the American people is beyond depressing.  

What better way for a deep state (if it exists) to discredit the JFK assassination truth community?

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3 hours ago, Bill Fite said:

Thanks for the info about the Vice President's ability to release the files.

Not the question I asked - I don't really care what Morely thinks & I did supply the info that he taught history and a link to the interesting way he taught it.

My question for you is:

Just based on their pre-political career profiles and Trump's refusal to release the files previously, how would you rank the choices as most likely to release the files?

If Harris was aware that she could release the files and passed - I would move the fake Hillbilly (& I like hillbillies) up 1 spot.

Overall - I think the probability of the files being released in my lifetime is extremely low, but I do think of the 4 choices Trump is the least likely to release the files.

Do you really think that Trump is telling the truth or is it just another lie in the long list of lies?

Bill Fite:

Thanks for your collegial tones. Is it a peasant relief from the derogatory flatulencies that define the partisan posturing that perfumes the EF-JFKA.  

I do not trust Trump. 

Vance I know little about. He must be quite smart, a Yale law grad who wrote a best-seller. Why do you regard him as a fake hillbilly? My limited understanding is he grew up in eastern Ohio in modest circumstances. 

Walz I know nothing about. He seems like a decent fellow. 

Who lies and who would tell the truth? 

In the larger world-view, I think the elite political class lies to America as a matter of (perceived) necessity and general policy.

Big issues are, in fact, trade issues and immigration issues, now demeaned as "populist," "nativist" or "nationalist" issues.  Michael Pettis' "Trade Wars are Class Wars" book probably best sums up globalist trade.

Plantation owners were the most ardent immigrationists in US history. There is a lesson there. 


The above is a review so you don't have to buy and read the whole book, and it might be worth reading.

So...Trump tells his cruddy little perfidies...but on the big stuff, the establishment lies every day, they destroyed the Industrial Heartland (now, the Rust Belt), and have undercut labor for decades and decades. Then also, useless wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. 

I should vote for one of the establishment parties? 

Will office holders selected by party establishments open up the JFK Records? 

For me, the two establishment parties are a Hobson's Choice.




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4 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

Speaking strictly for myself, the fact the Despot Don and Swiss Cheese for Brains Bobby are the two people representing the JFK assassination truth community to the American people is beyond depressing.  

So true, Robert.

It's also depressing that more than 25 redundant threads have been started here on the subject of Trump, RFK, Jr., and the JFK records, since Tucker Carlson first got the MAGA cult interested in the subject.



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On 8/25/2024 at 7:54 AM, Robert Burrows said:


We have a better chance with Gerald Posner than these individuals ... 

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More often th. not, US politics are simple:

Democr. says yes

Republic. says no

And vice versa

Unless you are entitled to do so on your own (...).

Unless you spend a lot of money (in deals, promotions, or whatever), to get a number of the others to agree with you.

That´s it... all the rest is blablabla and populistic speeches.

B.t.w. it´s not much different in the EU-countries, but here we have a mutipletude of parties in power, making it even more difficult to agree.

But... at EU-power level they can do whatever a few feel is fine to do

All of the above is how people feel it is nowadays...





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