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Then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo begged Trump to not release remaining CIA files on JFKA

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59 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

They're brainwashed into believing that a biological male who says he is a female, is the same as a female and thus can compete in women's sports. As a result, women are getting destroyed by "trans women" in their own sports. Why not give the trans their own sports ? Why not give the trans their own restrooms ?

Doesn't that make more sense than allowing biological men into ladies rooms used by 8 year old girls ?

Hardly surprised to see more disgusting, anti-trans BS here from Gil Jesus, who previously lectured this forum that "only God" can decide a person's gender. Moderators: I beg of you to remove this content.

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42 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


Thanks for adding your views to this thread. 

Let's hope something happens to bring a better future to the US. 

As you say, the CIA wants to survive, indeed thrive and prosper.

The two major parties are in business to promote their own survival, power and prosperity.

And where there are intersections.... 

Then it becomes wise to suffocate the JFK Records, from one administration to the next....


I agree Ben. The release of these files goes beyond politics, Republican or Democrat and right or left. 

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1 hour ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Hardly surprised to see more disgusting, anti-trans BS here from Gil Jesus, who previously lectured this forum that "only God" can decide a person's gender. Moderators: I beg of you to remove this content.

Indeed, Jonathan, Gil Jesus is starting to remind me of Republican Jesus.


Edited by W. Niederhut
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3 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

There's another reason why the CIA would want the records to remain classified: survival. The motive ( I believe )  behind the assassination. If the Agency's involvement is finally revealed, it would result in a public outcry to have it disbanded. People lose their jobs. The Agency loses its ability to influence who rules foreign countries and here at home. American corporations abroad are at the mercy of the host state.

Whether we realize it or not, the CIA is the most powerful US government agency because its influence reaches far beyond our borders. It's true that in a dangerous world the US needs an intelligence agency with the means to provide information that will assist the President with important decisions. But what it doesn't need is an agency that chooses who that President is. It doesn't need an agency whose tactics include assassination of its duly elected leaders. And it doesn't need an agency actively engaged in brainwashing the public.

And yes, the public is brainwashed.

They're brainwashed into believing that a biological male who says he is a female, is the same as a female and thus can compete in women's sports. As a result, women are getting destroyed by "trans women" in their own sports. Why not give the trans their own sports ? Why not give the trans their own restrooms ?

Doesn't that make more sense than allowing biological men into ladies rooms used by 8 year old girls ?

People are brainwashed into believing that a male can get pregnant, but fail to show us an example. Show us someone born of a male.

They're brainwashed into believing that a 3 or 4 year old is mature enough to understand the consequences and risks of sex change and is capable of choosing his or her sex, when in fact a kid can't even make the right choice between Oreo cookies and $10,000.

But they can make a choice so life changing as sex change ? People are ready to lop off a kid's penis just because he likes the color pink or he plays with dolls.

It's ridiculous.

The problem isn't with the kids, it's with the adults.

People were brainwashed into believing the COVID-19 "vaccine" prevented them from catching the virus. 


That was a lie. The "vaccine" never prevented infection or transmission. It only lessened the severity of the infection.

Fear of death caused people to accept having this "vaccine" injected into their bodies without knowing what the side effects were or how it would affect them in the long term.

It's as chilling as the scene from "The Manchurian Candidate" when Raymond Shaw kills Bobby Lembeck without any thought, just because he was told to.

How many Raymond Shaws ended up Bobby Lembecks ? I know a guy who got the vaccine and was dead three weeks later from COVID. And now young people ( especially athletes ) are suddenly dropping dead at a rate never seen before.

The fact that the drug companies were absolved of total liability for the development of these vaccines by Trump is one of the mistakes I believe he made during his administration. It never should have been rushed into production.

I'm not against vaccines. I get my flu shot every year. But it'll be a cold day in hell when I put something in my body that isn't approved by the FDA or that I haven't been warned what the side effects are. Especially for a virus with a 99.97 % chance of survival.

And the "my body, my choice" crowd seemed to abandon that philospohy when it came to taking the COVID vaccine. All of a sudden, those who chose not to get the vaccine were demonized as selfish and blamed for the spread of the virus, ( "A pandemic of the unvaccinated" -- Joe Biden ) even though they knew the vaccine didn't stop transmission.

Will common sense ever make a comeback ? Who knows ? Maybe sometime, in the future, some little innocent kid will challenge us to think for ourselves by yelling out that the Emperor has no clothes.

Until that day comes, half the country will continue to believe what they're told.

Just like the Warren Commission supporters.

I'll leave you with this final thought:

If we live in a country where we can no longer decide what we will put into our bodies, choose for whom we will vote, question authority or express our opinions without being demonized, then freedom is an illusion that our grandchildren and great grandchildren will never know and this country is no longer the land of the free.

And that America died on November 22, 1963.

Gil: And yes, the public is brainwashed!

uh huh!


Well, as if we didn't know we were going to this point.

I can only shudder to think how crazy Gil's commentary will become if Harris continues to build on her lead.

I think this should be relegated to "political discussions" alongside Gil's thread      Trump pays tribute to service members killed in Afghanistan pullout – while Biden vacations in Delaware 

Actually despite that, there's some decent discussion going on there.


Paul: that's quite a clown car you've assembled there. Washed up L.A. comedian turned pod caster Jimmy Dore with washed up actor turned pod caster  Russell Brand and then a once credible journalist refugee trying to get back at his brethren because they didn't support some of his kooky claims. Sort of like Glenn Greenwald without the animus.

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On 8/31/2024 at 10:50 AM, James DiEugenio said:


That is really unfair and it shows both bias and lack of perspective on your part.


On 8/31/2024 at 10:50 AM, James DiEugenio said:

Because you and so many others here are so  anti Trump, you cannot see that the whole Russia Gate matter was in large part manufactured as a way for the Democrats to distract from the whole HIllary Clinton private server mess.

Over the last 5 months of the 2016 Prez campaign, how many times did the Russia-hacked-the-DNC story make the 24 hour cable news cycle?

Twice.  June 14/15 and July 24/25.  Nothing over the last 70 days.

Jim DiEugenio is dead wrong.

On 8/31/2024 at 10:50 AM, James DiEugenio said:


I mean the Democrats financed the effort and Adam Schiff hid that fact.

The fact DiEugenio is hiding:  Crowdstrike, the firm the Dems hired to analyze the DNC computer hack, determined a Russian hacker operation called Fancy Bear hacked the DNC servers and left them vulnerable to further hacking.  The Russians did not hack the DNC, exfiltrate their e-mails, then give them to Assange.  That never happened.  Assange said he got the e-mails from a non-state actor who had reason to be paranoid.  My guess:  Roger Stone's IT guy.

On 8/31/2024 at 10:50 AM, James DiEugenio said:

HRC was directly involved as can be seen through Wikileaks, and you can also see exposes of the matter in more than one place like CJR and Matt Taibibi. 

As a journalist, Taibbi is a punk ass bey-otch.  

On 8/31/2024 at 10:50 AM, James DiEugenio said:


One of the reasons Elon Musk bought Twitter was to expose how the FBI and Biden suppressed this information.

What information?  Hillary wanted to distract from her settled-at-that-point server mess with two news cycles over the last 5 months?

On 8/31/2024 at 10:50 AM, James DiEugenio said:

  I mean when you have Max Holland jumping on the Russia Gate freight train to link it to JFK, does that not tell you something?

Tells me something about Jim's confirmation bias.

On 8/31/2024 at 10:50 AM, James DiEugenio said:

Russia Gate was a hoax and the Dems paid for the Steele Dossier which was forensically worthless. And Schiff covered that up also.

Covered up what?  The Mueller Report referred to the Steele Dossier twice in passing.  

Some people who self-righteously deny they support Trump consistently repeat Trump talking points.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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11 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

They're brainwashed into believing that a biological male who says he is a female, is the same as a female and thus can compete in women's sports. As a result, women are getting destroyed by "trans women" in their own sports. Why not give the trans their own sports ?


Sport organizations can decide for themselves what participation rules to adopt in order to keep their sport fair and entertaining.


11 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

Doesn't that make more sense than allowing biological men into ladies rooms used by 8 year old girls ? Why not give the trans their own restrooms ?


What you're proposing is illogical. People should use the bathroom that is is used by the sex that they are NOT attracted to, if possible.

Biological males who are trans are likely to be attracted to other males.


11 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

Why not give the trans their own restrooms ?


No matter what bathrooms we have, there is going to be some inappropriate attraction here and there. It's always been that way.


11 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

People are brainwashed into believing that a male can get pregnant, but fail to show us an example. Show us someone born of a male.

You just made that up. Few people are so ill informed.


11 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

They're brainwashed into believing that a 3 or 4 year old is mature enough to understand the consequences and risks of sex change and is capable of choosing his or her sex, when in fact a kid can't even make the right choice between Oreo cookies and $10,000.




11 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

But they can make a choice so life changing as sex change ? People are ready to lop off a kid's penis just because he likes the color pink or he plays with dolls.


Nonsense. Trans operations are not recommend till the age of 18.


11 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

It's ridiculous.

The problem isn't with the kids, it's with the adults.


The person who's been brainwashed here is you, Gil. You might want to consider doing a Little fact checking before posting one of your homophobic tirades.

Regardless, I don't know why you are so bothered by other people's traits and hangups. It's like being bothered by tall or shy people.


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11 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

The bigotry on this forum is truly appalling.

And so it is pretty much everywhere. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

And so it is pretty much everywhere. 

I have spoken to many Muslims, not particularly devout (Indonesia is a Muslim nation) who regard homosexuality and abortion as heresy, that is crimes against God, and so  punishable by death. 

I am not sure I would classify Indonesian Muslims as "bigots," that seems a little harsh. 

Some people have different religious beliefs than mainstream Americans. Even within America, there are people with religious beliefs---such as devout Catholics---that are distinct from establishment media norms. 

Are we to call devout Catholics "bigots"?

That seems harsh as well. Maybe even bigoted. 

(Disclosure: I confess to being a fan of the Catholic church for its small "c" catholicism, and for its abundant charitable works, at least as seen in Los Angeles. But no organization or group of people achieve perfection, and the Catholic church surely has flaws.

BTW, just somewhat round out what views are globally, Hindus are very accepting of homosexuality, but opposed to abortion.) 


Edited by Benjamin Cole
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