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Was LHO Truly "Innocent"?

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Wow. The somewhat bountiful plethora of inconsistencies in those byp pics is borderline ridiculous, not gonna list them, the thought of that makes me need a sit down.

‘Keystoning’ for one….

Edited by Sean Coleman
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Has anyone ever used techniques available in the 1960s to fake photos similar to what is supposed in the BYPs and had them evaluated by experts in photography? It seems like it would be pretty straightforward to see if it is even feasible as B&W still photography is still done. Certainly easier than altering color 8mm motion picture photography which no one has done as far as I know.

We’ve got plenty of theorists but not many experimenters. 

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2 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

Jack White's video documentary on the backyard photographs is good.

I don’t mean a list of “anomalies”. I mean an actual forged photograph using composites mixed in with similar genuine photos submitted to recognized photo experts.

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3 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

Jack White's video documentary on the backyard photographs is good.

I thought so too years ago when I first saw it.  It was hard to find online the last time I looked.  From some of what I've read I think he, like Fletcher Prouty and Jim Garrison was targeted for discreditation.

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13 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

Jack White's video documentary on the backyard photographs is good.


‘Special Report’ to be found on VP’s YouTube channel, featuring Jim Marrs & Jack White. 
Scientific & logical explanation of the BYPs, defo worth a watch regardless what you think of JW.


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35 minutes ago, Sean Coleman said:


‘Special Report’ to be found on VP’s YouTube channel, featuring Jim Marrs & Jack White. 
Scientific & logical explanation of the BYPs, defo worth a watch regardless what you think of JW.


I liked Jack although we disagreed on plenty. When one watches his presentations one should consider that he had convinced himself that most all official theories are fake. I remember him venting about the photographic evidence for the moon landings being fake and 9/11 being faked. This attitude was illuminated by my contact with him and my realization he also thought Obama was a secret Muslim and that the Theory of Evolution was the biggest hoax of all. The man had fake on the brain. 

Now, that said, I was the one who bought the HSCA testimony of Robert Studebaker (and had it put up on the Mary Ferrell site) and pieced together that the HSCA said the blow-up of one of the back yard photos was a first gen print, when the DPD insisted it was created through the use of a copy camera and that they never had the negative to this photo. This meant that either the DPD was lying about this--or that the HSCA photo panel couldn't tell a first gen print from a negative from a second gen print from a photo of an original. This is huge. If they couldn't tell a first gen from a second gen then all the back yard photos could be photos of pieced together photos.

In any event, when I brought this up Gary Mack went into "Does not compute" mode and sent me email after email telling me I was joining forces with his old buddy but at that time nemesis Jack White. 


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Some time ago I looked into the later "expert´s conclusions on the BYP´s". As NONE of them had access to the original negative(s), it was all just useless blablabla.... Unless you have a picture where a guy´s head is pasted upside down, you really can not make much of only a picture, but there are plenty of those around too....

I can tell you I was not happy seeing Groden introducing a fake without referring to it as such.

Money makes the world go round, and a lot are willing to give it a spin.


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And what caused a lot of extra problems IMO was DPD pretending to be Wallmart and started distributing the BYP´s like there was no tomorrow, handing them out (and perhaps even selling them) as if they were tourist pictures.  This was happening within a day or so.  And very likely destroying and/or losing one of the original negatives in the process.  The screw-ups and mistakes (I could use other, harder words...) by DPD are countless, add things like the Dees/White BYP that turns up later... c´mon...

How many of those guys got fired... ? Perhaps a few that didn´t want to go with the (IMO criminal in some cases) flow... 

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3 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

Some time ago I looked into the later "expert´s conclusions on the BYP´s". As NONE of them had access to the original negative(s), it was all just useless blablabla.... Unless you have a picture where a guy´s head is pasted upside down, you really can not make much of only a picture, but there are plenty of those around too....

I can tell you I was not happy seeing Groden introducing a fake without referring to it as such.

Money makes the world go round, and a lot are willing to give it a spin.


That’s why I would like to see someone try to create fakes and see how successful they are. 

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5 hours ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

I can tell you I was not happy seeing Groden introducing a fake without referring to it as such.

The fact that people have let Groden off the hook for this is pretty telling about the evidentiary standards of many so-called JFK assassination research.

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