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Jeff Meek Writes about Gaeton Fonzi for George Magazine

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We need more documents on Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro (MRO), who was an FBI informant in Dallas in 1963 while inside SNFE/Alpha 66.  Here are a few:
On 8/18/63 Larry Howard (of Loran Hall/William Seymour/Larry Howard/Odio alleged fame) was driving a 57 Chevy, blue-bottom/wide top (maybe Vidal Santiago's Chevy immortalized at General Walker's home) at No Name Key where Cuban trainees led by Masferrer were planning an invasion of Haiti.  Also there was Oscar Pino, head of the ECLA (Christian Liberation Army) in Miami.  Gerry Hemming had recently tried to kick Pino's men off No Name Key and backed off when Pino invited him to try it.    Oscar's brother Osvaldo Pino, also an ECLA leader, was soon to join Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro at 3126 Harlandale, Dallas for biweekly meetings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Noel Twyman (Bloody Treason, at pp.579, 585) quotes rifleshop owner John Thomas Masen as saying MRO (Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro) was trying to buy bazookas and other heavy weapons.

Masen also was told by ATF officer Frank Ellsworth that MRO and George Perrel were local leaders of DRE and members of SNFE/Alpha 66.

MRO was president of the Dallas chapter of SNFE/Alpha 66.  The biweekly meetings of SNFE/Alpha 66 were held at Jorge Salazar's home at 3126 Harlandale.

October 1-3: John Martino visited and spoke at multiple cities in Texas, including Dallas, promoting his new book. While in Dallas he spoke at exile group meetings and in one instance talked of knowing Amador Odio while in prison in Cuba, and knowing that the Odio sisters were in Dallas.   (Larry Hancock, Tipping Point, Part 3)

11/12/63 - Dallas FBI agent Wally Heitman sought permission to recruit Osvaldo Pino as a security informant or a double agent.  Osvaldo Pino was active in SNFE/Alpha-66 in Dallas.   (Pino's father had been a magistrate in the courts in Oriente, Cuba)

11/19/63 - On this date, MRO sends out a fundraising letter:  "We are fighting in every front, in and out of Cuba".  (Probably sent before 11/22)   The FBi file for the SNFE in Dallas was 105-1589.

11/25/63 - This story is repeated, and watered down...CIA told FBI that MRO was "violently anti-Kennedy".  Here is the original document, sent by CIA to FBI, Special Agent in Charge.   Meanwhile, MRO served as an FBI informant for many years.
11/26/63 Dallas sheriff Buddy Walthers said he learned from his informant (his mother-in-law, at 3130 Harlandale) on this day that the Harlandale house had been emptied between 11/15-11/22.  See Decker Exhibit 5323 WC XIX, Eric Tagg's Brush With History.
Edited by Bill Simpich
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9 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:
We need more documents on Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro (MRO), who was an FBI informant in Dallas in 1963 while inside SNFE/Alpha 66.  Here are a few:
On 8/18/63 Larry Howard (of Loran Hall/William Seymour/Larry Howard/Odio alleged fame) was driving a 57 Chevy, blue-bottom/wide top (maybe Vidal Santiago's Chevy immortalized at General Walker's home) at No Name Key where Cuban trainees led by Masferrer were planning an invasion of Haiti.  Also there was Oscar Pino, head of the ECLA (Christian Liberation Army) in Miami.  Gerry Hemming had recently tried to kick Pino's men off No Name Key and backed off when Pino invited him to try it.    Oscar's brother Osvaldo Pino, also an ECLA leader, was soon to join Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro at 3126 Harlandale, Dallas for biweekly meetings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Noel Twyman (Bloody Treason, at pp.579, 585) quotes rifleshop owner John Thomas Masen as saying MRO (Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro) was trying to buy bazookas and other heavy weapons.

Masen also was told by ATF officer Frank Ellsworth that MRO and George Perrel were local leaders of DRE and members of SNFE/Alpha 66.

MRO was president of the Dallas chapter of SNFE/Alpha 66.  The biweekly meetings of SNFE/Alpha 66 were held at Jorge Salazar's home at 3126 Harlandale.

October 1-3: John Martino visited and spoke at multiple cities in Texas, including Dallas, promoting his new book. While in Dallas he spoke at exile group meetings and in one instance talked of knowing Amador Odio while in prison in Cuba, and knowing that the Odio sisters were in Dallas.   (Larry Hancock, Tipping Point, Part 3)

11/12/63 - Dallas FBI agent Wally Heitman sought permission to recruit Osvaldo Pino as a security informant or a double agent.  Osvaldo Pino was active in SNFE/Alpha-66 in Dallas.   (Pino's father had been a magistrate in the courts in Oriente, Cuba)

11/19/63 - On this date, MRO sends out a fundraising letter:  "We are fighting in every front, in and out of Cuba".  (Probably sent before 11/22)   The FBi file for the SNFE in Dallas was 105-1589.

11/25/63 - This story is repeated, and watered down...CIA told FBI that MRO was "violently anti-Kennedy".  Here is the original document, sent by CIA to FBI, Special Agent in Charge.   Meanwhile, MRO served as an FBI informant for many years.
11/26/63 Dallas sheriff Buddy Walthers said he learned from his informant (his mother-in-law, at 3130 Harlandale) on this day that the Harlandale house had been emptied between 11/15-11/22.  See Decker Exhibit 5323 WC XIX, Eric Tagg's Brush With History.

B Simpich--


Thanks, interesting stuff

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17 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:
We need more documents on Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro (MRO), who was an FBI informant in Dallas in 1963 while inside SNFE/Alpha 66.  Here are a few:
On 8/18/63 Larry Howard (of Loran Hall/William Seymour/Larry Howard/Odio alleged fame) was driving a 57 Chevy, blue-bottom/wide top (maybe Vidal Santiago's Chevy immortalized at General Walker's home) at No Name Key where Cuban trainees led by Masferrer were planning an invasion of Haiti.  Also there was Oscar Pino, head of the ECLA (Christian Liberation Army) in Miami.  Gerry Hemming had recently tried to kick Pino's men off No Name Key and backed off when Pino invited him to try it.    Oscar's brother Osvaldo Pino, also an ECLA leader, was soon to join Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro at 3126 Harlandale, Dallas for biweekly meetings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Noel Twyman (Bloody Treason, at pp.579, 585) quotes rifleshop owner John Thomas Masen as saying MRO (Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro) was trying to buy bazookas and other heavy weapons.

Masen also was told by ATF officer Frank Ellsworth that MRO and George Perrel were local leaders of DRE and members of SNFE/Alpha 66.

MRO was president of the Dallas chapter of SNFE/Alpha 66.  The biweekly meetings of SNFE/Alpha 66 were held at Jorge Salazar's home at 3126 Harlandale.

October 1-3: John Martino visited and spoke at multiple cities in Texas, including Dallas, promoting his new book. While in Dallas he spoke at exile group meetings and in one instance talked of knowing Amador Odio while in prison in Cuba, and knowing that the Odio sisters were in Dallas.   (Larry Hancock, Tipping Point, Part 3)

11/12/63 - Dallas FBI agent Wally Heitman sought permission to recruit Osvaldo Pino as a security informant or a double agent.  Osvaldo Pino was active in SNFE/Alpha-66 in Dallas.   (Pino's father had been a magistrate in the courts in Oriente, Cuba)

11/19/63 - On this date, MRO sends out a fundraising letter:  "We are fighting in every front, in and out of Cuba".  (Probably sent before 11/22)   The FBi file for the SNFE in Dallas was 105-1589.

11/25/63 - This story is repeated, and watered down...CIA told FBI that MRO was "violently anti-Kennedy".  Here is the original document, sent by CIA to FBI, Special Agent in Charge.   Meanwhile, MRO served as an FBI informant for many years.
11/26/63 Dallas sheriff Buddy Walthers said he learned from his informant (his mother-in-law, at 3130 Harlandale) on this day that the Harlandale house had been emptied between 11/15-11/22.  See Decker Exhibit 5323 WC XIX, Eric Tagg's Brush With History.


There are some interesting leads here. MRO was close to Eloy Guitierrez-Menoyo who was Tony Veciana's sidekick and leader of SNFE. Menoyo reportedly said on 11/21 that "something very big will happen soon that would advance the Cuban cause." Did he hear rumors of the AMWORLD project or was it something else?



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Dora Causa was questioned a couple of weeks after 11/22, and said  she was talking about a military plan from Eloy Gutierrez  Menoyo against Cuba, and denied it was about the death of JFK.

Gutierrez Menoyo worked with SNFE-Alpha 66 and Army intelligence, not CIA.  I think it was about Operation Judas, which appears to have been an Army plan to invade Cuba that never materialized.


Edited by Bill Simpich
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Does it ever strike anyone that for all the sound and fury of the Cuban exiles nothing much actually happened after the Bay of Pigs. 

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Paul, what about the activities used to kick off the Cuban missile crisis?  Exiles were right in the middle of that.

Artime worked with RFK to re-fund the MRR and set up Second Naval Guerrilla, which was a plan to kick off another invasion of Cuba, which was pretty teed up by Nov. 1963.

I believe that some Cuban exiles - granted, John Martino wasn't an exile but he was in Castro's jail with them for years  - were part of the set-up to kill JFK.

What is your take on the above items?



Edited by Bill Simpich
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6 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

Does it ever strike anyone that for all the sound and fury of the Cuban exiles nothing much actually happened after the Bay of Pigs. 



The Kennedy Administration was ramping up anti-Castro efforts by mid-1963.  

In general, the war against Castro ended with the LBJ Administration. 

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9 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

Dora Causa was questioned a couple of weeks after 11/22, and said  she was talking about a military plan from Eloy Gutierrez  Menoyo against Cuba, and denied it was about the death of JFK.

Gutierrez Menoyo worked with SNFE-Alpha 66 and Army intelligence, not CIA.  I think it was about Operation Judas, which appears to have been an Army plan to invade Cuba that never materialized.




9 hours ago, Bill Simpich said:

Dora Causa was questioned a couple of weeks after 11/22, and said  she was talking about a military plan from Eloy Gutierrez  Menoyo against Cuba, and denied it was about the death of JFK.

Gutierrez Menoyo worked with SNFE-Alpha 66 and Army intelligence, not CIA.  I think it was about Operation Judas, which appears to have been an Army plan to invade Cuba that never materialized.



"Gutierrez Menoyo worked with SNFE-Alpha 66 and Army intelligence, not CIA."---Simpich

Right. Alpha 66 became Army intel in late 1962, and left CIA sponsorship. 

Side note: David Andrews just posted a hit-piece documentary on JFK. But some nuggets in there, including interviews with Cuban exiles. A lot of ill will towards JFK in the Cuban exile community. 

And there were thousands of angry Cuban exiles in the US at the time, hundreds of whom had trained with weapons, and knew military tactics, such as ambushes etc. And of course, even many who had specifically been trained as assassins. 

It is only speculation, but Alpha 66 certainly had the means, motivation and opportunity....



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On 9/24/2024 at 10:32 PM, Paul Brancato said:

Does it ever strike anyone that for all the sound and fury of the Cuban exiles nothing much actually happened after the Bay of Pigs. 

Isn´t it that the US kinda reversed the policy on them? Supporting them up to the BoP, things slowing down after that, later followed by the FBI confiscating their weapons etc.

Now, Bill is right that there are a good number of men there that in one way or another connect to the JFKA. Many questions could be answered if there was access to the CIA SAS Operative George Joannides files.  

Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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Jeffrey L. Meek:

<quote on>

Fonzi wrote:  "He (Specter) could not explain satisfactorily certain basic inconsistencies which exist between the Commission's conclusions and the details of hardcore evidence."  That was Fonzi.  A true believer in hardcore evidence, which would become his trademark as an investigator.

"Gaet never wrote anything without double checking it.  He taped the interview, and it's on the Mary Ferrell Foundation website.  If you listen, you'll hear Specter mumbling," Marie told me.

<quote off>

And what, pray tell, was Specter mumbling about? 

Fonzi was a true believer in hardcore evidence, Mr. Meek isn't.  The JFKA Critical Master Class are not either.

Fonzi induced a Specter nervous breakdown by confronting him with the clothing evidence.

I waited almost two weeks to read this article because I don't enjoy the state of utter contempt I feel reading accounts of Fonzi or Salandria which inevitably ignore the hardcore evidence.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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