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John J. McCloy

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Hi Ron,

"Because he says "whoever the assassin was", as opposed to "the assassin".  Your right, but can i take that one step further, after defending these honorable men who were beyond reproach in character and station in life who wouldn't risk stating falsehoods in a presidential commission.......this f#@ker cant even say the name Lee Harvey Oswald was the person sitting in the 6th floor window firing at the president.

McCloy and Dulles should have there graves dug up and remains set on fire and any wealth they accumulated from Jan 1st 1963 onward and left to their families should be confiscated/seized just like drug dealers have the profits from their crimes seized.

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Guest Dale Thorn
3 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

Hi Ron,

"Because he says "whoever the assassin was", as opposed to "the assassin".  Your right, but can i take that one step further, after defending these honorable men who were beyond reproach in character and station in life who wouldn't risk stating falsehoods in a presidential commission.......this f#@ker cant even say the name Lee Harvey Oswald was the person sitting in the 6th floor window firing at the president.

McCloy and Dulles should have there graves dug up and remains set on fire and any wealth they accumulated from Jan 1st 1963 onward and left to their families should be confiscated/seized just like drug dealers have the profits from their crimes seized.

We have the same cast of characters today, under different names and guises. Which is why "Oswald did it" remains the official story, even to quasi-public-open services like Wikipedia.

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CBS interviewed McCloy without saying he was a consultant on the program.

Which is a violation of any kind of journalistic ethics.

This paved the way for what would happen later e.g. George Will helping Reagan practice for debates against Carter and then going on the air for ABC praising Reagan's performance without admitting his previous role.


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22 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

Hi Ron,

"Because he says "whoever the assassin was", as opposed to "the assassin".  Your right, but can i take that one step further, after defending these honorable men who were beyond reproach in character and station in life who wouldn't risk stating falsehoods in a presidential commission.......this f#@ker cant even say the name Lee Harvey Oswald was the person sitting in the 6th floor window firing at the president.

McCloy and Dulles should have there graves dug up and remains set on fire and any wealth they accumulated from Jan 1st 1963 onward and left to their families should be confiscated/seized just like drug dealers have the profits from their crimes seized.

Well, if heart aches and pain brought world wide acclaim,  or something like that.


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Guest Dale Thorn
21 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

CBS interviewed McCloy without saying he was a consultant on the program.

Which is a violation of any kind of journalistic ethics.

This paved the way for what would happen later e.g. George Will helping Reagan practice for debates against Carter and then going on the air for ABC praising Reagan's performance without admitting his previous role.


If I'm not mistaken, George Lardner was one of the hacks who blasted the JFK movie in advance of release, yet he was the last person to see David Ferrie alive (presumably alive).

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That is true also.

Lardner wrote the second attack against the film, about six months before it was released.

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On 11/12/2006 at 7:50 AM, Michael Hogan said:

From The Mae Brussel Reference Site:


John J. McCloy and the Chase Manhattan

President Lyndon Johnson asked John J. McCloy to serve on the Warren Commission. No less than nine presidents had called on the Wall Street lawyer for special assignments, yet he was little known to the public. McCloy said he entered the investigation "thinking there was a conspiracy," but left it convinced that Oswald acted alone. "I never saw a case that was more completely proven," he asserted.

McCloy had long been involved in the murky world of espionage, intrigue and nazis. He spent the decade of the 1930s working out of Paris. Much of his time was spent on a law case stemming from German sabotage in World War I. His investigation took him to Berlin, where he shared a box with Hitler at the 1936 Olympics. He was in contact with Rudolph Hess before the Nazi leader made a mysterious flight to England in 1941.

When the nazis occupied Europe, the banking exchanges between Britain and the U.S. on the one hand and Germany on the other carried on as usual. In Trading With the Enemy, Charles Higham documents the role of Standard Oil of New Jersey, owned by the Chase Manhattan Bank, and I.G. Farben's Sterling Products with the Bank for International Settlements. Standard Oil tankers plied the sea lanes with fuel for the nazi war machine. Prior to the war McCloy was legal counsel to Farben, the German chemical monopoly.

As an assistant secretary in the War Department during the war: (1) McCloy blocked the executions of nazi war criminals; (2) forged a pact with the Vichy Regime of pro-nazi Admiral Darlan; (3) displaced Japanese-Americans in California to internment camps; (4) refused to recommend the bombing of nazi concentration camps to spare the inmates on grounds "the cost would be out of proportion to any possible benefits;" and (5) refused Jewish refugees entry to the U.S.

When the curtain fell on the war, McCloy helped shield Klaus Barbie, the "butcher of Lyons," from the French. Barbie and other vicious dogs from Hitler's kennel were hidden out with the 370th Counter Intelligence Corps at Obergamergau. One of their keepers was Private Henry Kissinger, soon to enter Harvard as a McCloy protege.

In 1949 McCloy returned to Germany as American High Commissioner. He commuted the death sentences of a number of nazi war criminals, and gave early releases to others. One was Alfred Krupp, convicted of using slave labor in his armaments factories. Another was Hitler's financial genius, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, who subsequently went on the payroll of Aristotle Onassis.

In 1952 McCloy left a Germany that was prepared to re-arm to return to his law practice. He became president of the Chase Manhattan Bank, director of a dozen blue chip corporations, and legal counsel to the "Seven Sisters" of American oil. During this period he acquired a client, the Nobel oil firm, whose interests in Czarist Russia had been managed by the father of George de Mohrenschildt, Lee and Marina Oswald's "best friend" in Dallas.

Busy as he was McCloy found time to supervise construction of the new Pentagon building. It was nicknamed “McCloy's Folly.”

I'm reading this whole thread at the moment and found this post informative.  In an earlier post it's mentioned that during WWII McCloy was also basically in charge of code breaking as well as involved at upper levels in development of the atomic bomb.  At one point he's head the head of Military Intelligence in WWII.

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Guest Dale Thorn
10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I'm reading this whole thread at the moment and found this post informative.  In an earlier post it's mentioned that during WWII McCloy was also basically in charge of code breaking as well as involved at upper levels in development of the atomic bomb.  At one point he's head the head of Military Intelligence in WWII.

In the film Executive Action, starring Burt Lancaster and Will Geer, Will Geer plays (as I saw it) the "Final Decider" to go ahead with the JFK assassination. He could be the actual decider, or the front man for a consortium who decide. That, I believe, was John J. McCloy's role.

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On 5/2/2005 at 11:05 PM, John Simkin said:

John Jay McCloy is indeed an interesting figure. McCloy was president of the World Bank (1947-49) before replacing Lucius Clay, as High Commissioner for Germany. In 1951 he controversially ordered the release from prison of German industrialists such as Alfried Krupp and Friedrich Flick that had been convicted of serious war crimes at Nuremberg.

After leaving Germany in 1953 McCloy was chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank (1953-60) and the Ford Foundation (1958-65). He was also an arms advisor to President John F. Kennedy and was largely responsible for the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

Why did he arrange the release of war criminals like Krupp and Flick? They were both extremely wealthy men.

With the help of his American lawyer, Earl J. Carroll, Krupp's property, valued at around 45 million, and his numerous companies were also restored to him. Within a few years of his release Krupp's company was the 12th largest corporation in the world.

By 1955 Flick owned over 100 companies with an annual turnover of two billion dollars. Flick was reported to be the richest man in Germany and the fifth-richest man in the world.

I have wondered if Krupp and Flick purchased their freedom from McCloy. Was this money then used to fund right-wing covert activities? After the end of the Marshall Plan the CIA was short of money for carrying out these activities (people like Frank Wisner and Richard Bissell had got most of this money after the war by taking it from Marshall Plan funds).




Krupp is a member of the  Krupp family. The Krupp family was the owner of the German corporation Krupp Arms. The book Wall Street and Rise of Hitler stated that Krupp Arms corporation was in a joint cartel agreement with American corporation General Electric during World War II.


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