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Does this guy crossing Elm Street look like anybody we know of? (Hint: I thought he was one of the tramps!) And why is he all bundled up like that? Gotta be some kind of spook.


Hi Ron,

My hunch is that this man in the light-colored raincoat crossing Elm is David Atlee Phillips. Whoever it is, he certainly does look like a spook, doesn't he? He seems to be trying to look relaxed by nonchalantly "whistling a tune" as he strolls across the street with both hands in his pockets. FWIW, I think the oldest of the three "tramps" was probably E. Howard Hunt or perhaps Chauncey Holt.


If one takes an arm off another in the crowds and uses it to guesstimate the hand in pocket it may be, as he doesnt look altogether glad, he may have a gun in his pocket?

Ron and John,

Now I'm starting to think that this guy in the light-colored rain coat and dark fedora isn't David Atlee Phillips (or even E. Howard Hunt), after all, but Gus Abrams, instead! You know, he heard some shots and saw a lot of people running towards the grassy knoll, so thought he'd go "investigate," too... (Maybe that big bulge in the left pocket of his rain coat isn't a gun or a radio, after all. Maybe it's just a bottle of cheap port wine! The real mystery here is: is the bottle half empty or is it half full??) (Just kidding, actually........) P.S. Hope I'm posting this correctly...


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Actually the guy in the raincoat, with those big black bug-eyes and that little hole for a mouth, looks like an extraterrestrial to me. The aliens did it! The assassination was a warning for us to stay off of the moon. And it worked. The government, scared out of going to the moon, simply faked the moon landing (as Jack White and the aliens are fully aware).


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Ron's right! Last year, on the way back from Dallas, I stopped off in Roswell, New Mexico. Turns out all the bars in Roswell have closed-circuit TV of...you guessed it... Dealey Plaza! (Making a list of all the CT's that the ET's will have to neutralize, I suppose.)

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I too suspect Ron is right.

Interesting that one of garrison's suspects, Fred Chrisman (sp?) was involved in a famous UFO event in the fifties as I recall. I'm not into UFOS (even though I now subscribe to Ron's theory) so I did not read the entire incident. And there is of course a fringe element that seriously proposes that the assassination was somehow related to alien research.

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James and Robin,

I don't think the guy crossing Elm and the guy at Main and Houston are the same person. The guy crossing Elm has a smaller face, and he is smaller than the black woman crossing Elm even with his bulky coat on. Granted, the woman is kind of hefty, but they would be about the same height if they were side by side.



I think that looks like Hunt too, and his clothes make MUCH more sense for a higher ranking CIA official. It is obvious to me that most intelligent researchers do not believe Jack White's stubborn theory, the fact that he puts Harrelson and Hunt together in one picture is already enough to abandon it.


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Guest Stephen Turner



I think that looks like Hunt too, and his clothes make MUCH more sense for a higher ranking CIA official. It is obvious to me that most intelligent researchers do not believe Jack White's stubborn theory, the fact that he puts Harrelson and Hunt together in one picture is already enough to abandon it.


Of course, the fact that he,s strolling around, after the assassination is over, looking like a high ranking CIA officer, is probably the best reason to suspect that he wasn't. I find the idea that these seasoned cold warriors would be roaming around Dallas, dressed as Tramps, or wearing outfits that look like they have been pulled direct from central casting of a James Bond movie very hard to credit.

Conien & robertson I admit might be a different story, those photo's are taken before the shooting began,but who in their right mind is going to hang around long after the mission has been compleated shouting out, "Make sure you get my good side"

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As Frank Sturgis allegedly told Marita, "It was safe."

As for Hunt specifically, as a bonafide CIA man, I'm sure he could have identified himself as CIA to any LE person who might have the audacity to stop him because of his central casting attire. Ditto Rip and Lucien and the rest of the gang.

The Hunt lookalike was obviously no more concerned about being seen than the "Lansdale" figure walking right past the tramps under the eagle eyes of the cops, or DCM sitting down on the curb with a walkie-talkie.

All the Hunt figure seems concerned about as he crosses Elm is whether or not some dumb cops or concerned citizens have arrested or otherwise interfered with the departure of one or more of his boys.

This is all part and parcel of the arrogance of power. The government always investigates after such things, for public show, and finds the government innocent as usual, guilty only of the usual gross negligence. The taxpayers are out more money, new laws are passed as not needed, and the country moves on toward tyranny.


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As Frank Sturgis allegedly told Marita, "It was safe."

As for Hunt specifically, as a bonafide CIA man, I'm sure he could have identified himself as CIA to any LE person who might have the audacity to stop him because of his central casting attire. Ditto Rip and Lucien and the rest of the gang.

The Hunt lookalike was obviously no more concerned about being seen than the "Lansdale" figure walking right past the tramps under the eagle eyes of the cops, or DCM sitting down on the curb with a walkie-talkie.

All the Hunt figure seems concerned about as he crosses Elm is whether or not some dumb cops or concerned citizens have arrested or otherwise interfered with the departure of one or more of his boys.

This is all part and parcel of the arrogance of power. The government always investigates after such things, for public show, and finds the government innocent as usual, guilty only of the usual gross negligence. The taxpayers are out more money, new laws are passed as not needed, and the country moves on toward tyranny.


I couldn't agree more, it might worth a reminder that Mark Lane successfully defended Liberty Lobby against a lawsuit filed by His Huntliness Himself, the big victory for Lane was he proved that Hunt has lied, changed stories and brought people out of the woodwork that never had testified concerning his whereabouts previously (The subject came up in the Rockefeller Commission Hearings as well) and he still couldn't wiggle off the hook. As an aside, during the hearings Hunt admitted that his own children had issues concerning his whereabouts on 11-22, which is all the more interesting when you consider that THAT WAS HIS MAIN ALIBI for a couple of decades!! P.S. There is a story that Ruth Paine's daughter has "issues" about Ruth's place in the Oswald story which allegedly have caused serious problems in their relationship as well. It makes me think that these people might not be averse to "talking about it" if it was done in the right way.

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Does this guy crossing Elm Street look like anybody we know of? (Hint: I thought he was one of the tramps!) And why is he all bundled up like that? Gotta be some kind of spook.



Just noticed a similar-looking fedora and rain coat at Houston and Main; the man's face is obscured by the motorcycle cop passing between himself and the camera........ Now I'm wondering if there are any other photos which caught the "Houston and Main Lookalikes" (Robertson, Conien, etc) from slightly different angle and/or timeframe that might be useful in ID-ing this guy behind the policeman at H + M?


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