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Seth Kantor

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  • 3 years later...
On 10/12/2016 at 10:00 AM, Paul Brancato said:

Thanks Tommy. According to that summary Ruby was at the Dallas Morning News until after 1 pm. I presume this has been corroborated.

Nope, no corroboration I've ever read of.  In fact I read an account somewhere about Jacob asking a friend if he wanted to go see the fireworks.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Nope, no corroboration I've ever read of.  In fact I read an account somewhere about Jacob asking a friend if he wanted to go see the fireworks.

Ron, I'm providing a link to an interview of one of the first Jack Ruby trial jurors - J. Waymon Rose.

This March 20th, 2013 interview is just one of many by the Texas School Book Depository Sixth Floor Museum in their "Living History" series.

Just past the 43 minute mark you will hear Mr. Rose state one of his main reasons for voting Ruby guilty of planning the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald versus Ruby's defense team's claim it was an "unplanned" impulsive act born out of some brain damage or his love for Jackie and wanting to protect her from having to endure a trial of a living Oswald.

Rose states his suspicion about Ruby's long stay inside the Dallas Morning News building on 11,22,1963 and especially up to and through the actual JFK/Jackie Kennedy motorcade which was happening just beneath him on the streets below.

Rose figured that if Ruby defense attorney Melvin Belli's claim that Ruby loved the Kennedys so much was true ( Rose mistakenly says "Ruby" instead of "Kennedy" while saying this ) he would have been on the ground to see his beloved President and wife.

Rose also stated a logical thought rational for his suspicion regards Ruby's unprecedented long stay inside the DMN building based on Ruby's history of placing ads for his strip club in the paper and how this action was something that took a much shorter time than many hours. In fact, Rose stated he felt Ruby could have even done this regular ad placement business over the phone!

Juror Rose obviously was suspicious enough about Ruby's long stay in the DMN building during a time when Ruby's claimed love for the Kennedy's would indicated it's illogicality, to not believe Ruby's stated explanation claims for this irregular action.

Would you consider this recollection testimonial by Ruby trial juror J.Waymon Rose ( I know it wasn't given under oath ) at least somewhat corroborative of Jack Ruby's presence in the DMN building at least until after the JFK assassination at 12:30 PM on 11,22,1963? 




2.6K views6 years ago
Edited by Joe Bauer
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24 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

Juror Rose obviously was suspicious enough about Ruby's long stay in the DMN building during a time when Ruby's claimed love for the Kennedy's would indicated it's illogicality, to not believe Ruby's stated claims for this irregular action.


The next questions would be:

How did Ruby act after the shots were fired?

How soon did he leave the DMN?

Who saw where he went?

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Have you read Seth Kantor's Warren Commission questioning and testimony?

I have many times and did so again yesterday.

Kantor's WC questioners Bert. W. Griffin and Leon D. Hubert Jr. spent most of the latter part of their interview session with Kantor going over and over Kantor's note taking and notebooks, made starting just before the assassination and through the event and right after.

It seemed clear they were hyper-focused on trying to find something ( anything ) contradictory regards Kantor's claim of seeing and talking to Jack Ruby in Parkland Hospital while mortally wounded JFK was being treated there.

You can almost feel the desperateness of Griffin and Hubert in this effort.

However, Griffin and Hubert were completely stymied in their obvious effort to trip Kantor up or find something to discredit him in his most damning claim of meeting and conversing with Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital at a time when Ruby claimed he wasn't there.

Ruby's presence at Parkland while Kantor was there, if true, could rock the entire narrative of Ruby's testimony regards his actions and motives that day and early afternoon.

What is also remarkable to me regards Kantor throughout his entire WC questioning is how unflappable, unwavering and strong he was in keeping and standing his personal recollection truth ground. Especially his Jack Ruby encounter at Parkland hospital experience.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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On 1/26/2020 at 7:06 AM, David Andrews said:

The next questions would be:

How did Ruby act after the shots were fired?

How soon did he leave the DMN?

Who saw where he went?

David, it's seems easy to assume that Ruby could have slipped out of the DMN building without anyone noticing or seeing him drive away and knowing where he immediately went.

If walking Oswald could do the same without one TSB Depository employee noticing then Ruby's departure would be even less observed. Everyone was so in shock about what just happened and thinking about it, the level of distraction was off the charts.

I am not very informed about Ruby's stated actions as soon as he left the DMN building, but where he claimed he went also creates the question of verification. What persons verified Ruby's presence in the locations Ruby claimed he was at right during the time Kantor says he met and talked to him at Parkland?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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47 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

The next questions would be:

How did Ruby act after the shots were fired?


Yes, how did Ruby act when first hearing of the shooting?

He was in an area where others were present...correct? Others who personally knew him?

Did he thrust his face in his hands and cry out....Oh, God! No.No, NO!

Did he seem agitated and nervous?

I wonder why he didn't immediately run off to get the latest news straight from his police force buddies at DPD?

Or maybe drive straight to his sisters house...or even his local synagogue?

Why go back to his strip joint club...if he did so? What solace and comfort would that den of hot flesh sin offer? 

Maybe his club caretaker Andy Armstrong was someone he felt could commiserate with more than anyone else?

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Where Ruby was and what he was doing before Dallas Morning News ad man John Newnam first saw Ruby in his office at 12:40 pm, and after 1:PM when he didn't on 11,22,1963, is so critical in importance, yet the WC just skipped through Ruby's meandering discrepancies in this area of questioning as if it wasn't.

The stalled green pickup on Elm near the grassy knoll incident just hours before JFK's motorcade as described by Julia Ann Mercer and her picking Ruby's face out as the driver of the truck is one of my favorite - too odd and improbable to ignore - Dealey Plaza/ Jack Ruby stories.

And Mark Lane's interview of former Ruby / Carousel club employee Nancy Perrin Rich/Nancy Hamilton as well. Rich/Hamilton's accounts of Ruby as a bag man in a gun running scheme to Cuba is a revelation regards Ruby being involved in so many other areas of intrigue that the Warren Commission refused to acknowledge or investigate.

Jack Ruby...Man of mystery beyond a benevolent sandwich catering, Dachshund dog loving, hot head, out-of-line customer pummeling, classy strip joint owner wannabe...for sure.







Edited by Joe Bauer
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  • 3 years later...
On 7/22/2006 at 3:10 PM, Jack White said:

Seth Kantor was a very close friend of mine. For more than a year, he

occupied an office space at our agency in return for occasionally doing

free lance writing for us. Every day after work all the guys would gather

for a bull session and talk current events. This was about 1956-57.

This was after he left the Fort Worth Press, but before he joined the

Times Herald or Scripps-Howard. He was one of the reasons I became

obsessed with the inaccuracy of the Warren Report. They spent more

pages on Seth than anyone else except the principals. They claimed

he was mistaken or lying when he said he saw Ruby at Parkland Hospital.

They even reproduced his entire reporter's notebook. I KNEW THAT

SETH WAS NOT LYING, so one of my earliest studies had to do with

the WR erroneous claim.

By this time, Seth was in Washington as a correspondent for a Detroit

newspaper, and I corresponded with him regarding the assassination.

Subsequently he interviewed me regarding my studies of the MC rifle,

and published a big story on the front page of his Detroit newspaper.

I presented this same information when I testified to the HSCA.

Seth accompanied me when I testified to the HSCA, and we had

lunch together in the House cafeteria during the lunch break. During

the lunch, newsman Roger Mudd dropped by to chat with us and

commented to Seth about the "rough treatment" that the committee

used on me, surprising me by asking what PHOTOGRAMMETRY means.

Seth was FURIOUS, and after we finished lunch, he attempted to speak

to Blakey about my treatment, but could not. But he was told that

my treatment WAS BLAKEY'S METHOD to discredit me. After I finished

my testimony, he met with me and told that he would try to see that

the committee was discredited over its bullying.

Seth also arranged for his paper to fly me to Washington to

appear before the Church committee, where I showed them my slide

presentation and brought to their attention several important things

which aided their investigation.

Seth was a dear friend and I was shocked to read of his death at

an unusually early age.

I did not know he was working on another JFK book.


I highly recommend reading this entire fascinating thread ( originally posted by John Simkin ) regards Seth Kantor.

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On 4/27/2006 at 11:12 PM, John Simkin said:

I think Seth Kantor deserves his own thread. He is one of the few journalists who questioned the Warren Commission Report. What few people know is that he also played an important role in exposing the link between LBJ and the TFX scandal.

Seth Kantor was born on 9th January, 1926. During the Second World War Kantor served in the United States Marines. After the war he became a journalist and worked for several newspapers including the Fort Worth Press, Denver Rocky Mountain News, Lamar Daily News, the Pueblo Chieftain, and Dallas Times Herald.

While working in Dallas he became friendly with Jack Ruby who supplied him with the material for several stories that appeared in his newspaper.

Kantor was in the presidential motorcade when John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dealey Plaza. He arrived at Parkland Hospital while Kennedy was receiving medical care. Kantor testified before the Warren Commission that while in the hospital he entered into a conversation with Jack Ruby. It has been suggested that Ruby might have been involved in tampering with the evidence. Ruby denied he had been at the hospital and the Warren Commission decided to believe him rather than Kantor.

After the Kennedy assassination, Kantor worked for the Scripps-Howard newspaper group in Washington. Later he worked as a reporter for the Atlanta Constitution and the Detroit News. In 1974 Kantor won the prestigious Sigma Delta Chi Professional Journalism Society Medallion.

In his book Who Was Jack Ruby (1978), Kantor examines the reasons why the Warren Commission seemed to be unwilling to carry out "an in-depth probe of Ruby's past". Kantor also provides information that suggests that Ruby was "allowed" into the Dallas Police Station so that he could kill Lee Harvey Oswald. This was reissued as The Ruby Cover-Up (1992).

Seth Kantor died of a heart attack in Washington on 17th August, 1993. At the time he was working on another book on the JFK assassination.

Kantor never got the full respect and appreciation recognition he deserved imo.

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