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Karl Kinaski

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About Karl Kinaski

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    Austria, Innsbruck
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  1. @Nick Bartetzko https://humanevents.com/2024/07/23/breaking-ron-johnson-reveals-8-shell-casings-were-found-near-trump-would-be-assassins-body
  2. Now the FBI says: Eight casings were found on that roof. I do not believe the FBI will get away with it.
  3. OT @ Niederhut said in a private message Point out an example. @ Niederhut said, quote: Point out an example. I would be glad. I am here to learn. Thx.
  4. Credit Gateway Pundit, article written by Benjamin Wetmore Key witness Greg Smith exclusively told the Gateway Pundit: Explosively, he also relates that the snipers in the 2nd floor section of the AGR building were watching the rooftop shooter as the shots rang out – and did nothing!
  5. Police lying: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/assassin-eye-witness-police-are-lying-about-rooftop/
  6. CREDIT: Oversight Project on X Subscribe @OversightPR 2h • 7 tweets • 3 min read • Read on X
  7. Joseph L. Rice (92) owns at last half of Indicor which owns AGR which is the Company where Crooks was provided with a free-roof-tickt. Rice starts working at the Dulles dominated Firm Sullivan and Cromwell, when JFK was president of the US. He was 28 when the BOP happened. He left Sullivan and Cromwell in 1966 and started working for Laird. Laird was in 1973 acquired by G.H. Walker (grandfather and great-grandfather of Presidents George Herbert Walker Bush and George Walker Bush, and located at 1 Wall Street). Rice is still on the CFR. Fink is CFR. Rice donated 50 K to CFR in 2020. Rice owns Indico. Black Rock gave Indico a 17 mio loan or was it an Investment ....? in April 2024. Indico owns AGR. AGR owns the building were Crooks showed up on Saturday 13th of July 2024.
  8. AGR was acquired by Indicor in March 2024. There was a 17 million Dollar investment by Black Rock to Indicore on April the 30. 2024. Indicor is owned by Clayton Dubilier and Rice. Founder of Clayton Dubilier and Rice is 92 year Old Joseph L. Rice. Credit Wikipedia Here we have: Larry Fink, the Bush Clan, Cromwell and Sullivan, the Dulles Brothers and one person who probably know all of them. Ole Joseph L. Rice 92 years old ... This handsome Citizen Journalism Researcher has the details ... AND .... This 20 year old kid Crooks was randomly in the World’s, wealthiest, investment companies commercials. He was just found to have 3 encrypted overseas accounts.
  9. This is a smart move. Trump should do the same. He should get rid all USSS personnel around him and switch to a private security firm. He can found one. I wouldn't even have Cheatle make me a cup of coffee.
  10. CREDIT: Oversight Project on X Subscribe @OversightPR 2h • 7 tweets • 3 min read • Read on X 🚨ASSASINATION INFO DROP🚨 We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates. To do this, we tracked devices that regularly visited both Crooks’s home and place of work and followed them.🧵 Someone who regularly visited Crooks home and work also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place. This is in the same vicinity of an @FBI office on June 26, 2023. Who’s device is this? Another device linked to Crooks visited Plymouth, MA. We found a device linked to Crooks’s work that traveled to Butler, PA on July 4th and July 8th. This device stopped all activity on July 12th. On August 30, 2023, one device linked Crooks visited Allegheny Arms. Here’s all the relevant locations within Bethel Park, PA that are linked to both Crooks’s home and place of work. For those that are tracking this type of data, we identified devices that were located at Crook’s home and his work within the past year. There were at least 9 devices linked to these AD-IDs We are willing to cooperate with legitimate investigations and share further information. For the protection of whistleblowers and our investigation, we will not be sharing further information with the congressional task force due to the connective tissue between that entity and FBI, USSS, and other entities. If you have any further information, leads, or tips, please e-mail us directly at tips.oversightproject@heritage.org
  11. "That female assassination researcher is unreal, but the witnesses she discovered are very real. Obviously, a man with a Harley drove to the front of the building where Crooks was on the roof. He drove his Harley into the middle of the blocked area in front of building No. 9 (where Crooks was on the roof. )The strangest thing: the next day, the abandoned Harley was still there. You cn see the Harley on BBC Heli camera footage when Crooks was dead on the roof ... and the next day the Harley was still at the same place ...
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