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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Jim... there's a 2nd page to that report in John's file 3114 Harlendale?
  2. first and last? 133 and 135? you talking about that jag to the left in the unstabilized version that sentence really doesn't help clarify it buddy... At about 1 foot per frame, 2 frames divided by .25 = 8 frames at 48 fps to 134 to 135 at 18.3 = to 133.1 - 133.2 - 133.3 - 134 - 134.1 - 134.2 - 134.3 - 135 at 48 Ffps remove half (4 frames) leaving 4 133.1, 133.2, 134.1, 134.2 remove half (2 frames) leaving 2 133.3, 134.3 2 frames left, 5 removed... from a 48 fps film... but I still don't understand what you mean by "the position of the limo will match the extant film" when and where?
  3. Ok buddy... help me understand... (133-135 is a 3 frame span though...) Here is 133, 134, 135, 136 & 137 stabilized around the light pole or not stabilized and the camera shift shows a perfect 1 frame movement... kinda looks like a splice after a camera jiggle as a result of a shot....
  4. This is important Ron.... Most everything Oswald "did" could be used for those 2 purposes... Infiltration of the "commies" requires looking and acting like a commie... except Oswald, while going against Castro for Odio's benefit was for Castro via FPCC while working for Banister/FBI to ID FPCC supporters. Whether you believe Tampa and Chicago plots were foiled or not, a perfect DALLAS patsy was moved into place in early October... working in a building where connections to co-conspirators would not be too hard to make... Everything Oswald did for the FBI winds up being the incriminating evidenced against him... No Ron, not too speculative at all... I see it as an integral part of the Phase 1 Phase 2 plan and contingencies
  5. Pretty sure it was standard for the FBI to have anyone in Oswald's position to keep the FBI informed of attempted contacts.... So I gather you are saying that his trip to Russia, as part of the defector program, qualifies him as a "government informant"? Didn't SNYDER in Russia believe his approach and what he said struck him as rehearsed and guided? From WEBERMAN In September 1975 Counter-Intelligence Staff member Paul Hartman drafted a Memorandum for the Chief, Counter-Intelligence Staff (ANGLETON), stating that on November 27, 1963, he was instructed by Raymond Rocca, his immediate superior, to check Agency files in order to determine if OSWALD had been used by, or was connected with, the CIA. Paul Hartman checked with Records Integration Division , Deputy Director/Plans, Domestic Contacts Division , Division D, SE Division, the Cuban Operations Group of the Latin American Division, Medical Services, Counter-Intelligence/Operational Approval, CRS, and Office of Security/Security Research Service: "The results were negative" as well they should have been, since OSWALD worked for ANGLETON, not the CIA. [CIA 1188-1000]
  6. incredible Chris... the 5 frames removed... that's AFTER the 2 initial passes to reduce frames.... not from the 48fps film. yes? Did this a year ago... Red line is WEST's path of the limo, Green line is Shaneyfelt path 1.1 foot south... JFK at the Zfilm's 166 - with the same Line of Sight - and the change to CE884... moves the location of 166 back 5.4 feet.... By 171 the front left tire of the limo has reached the lane strip... yet the movement actually puts the arbitrary 171 farther back than the zfilm 166... Even Shaneyfelt messes his testimony up a bit... if the first frame was 171, how did it become 161?
  7. We both know proving a negative is fruitless. so let's ask an obvious question... If a car trip was real and with imposters do we agree the goal was establishing an OSWALD trip to Mexico to receive $6500 to kill JFK; as told by ALVARADO? For as I see it, that is the only connection to Castro or a conspiracy involving Oswald established from the evidence in Mexico. The "debunking" of ALVARADO removes the only evidence connection to a plot and action... The STATE Dept memo from MANN at 11:32PM on the 23rd claims the same things HARVEY CASH did... the records do not show the mode of transportation for the entry while they show "Auto." for the mode leaving.... So if the desire was to leave behind evidence of this entry (for why do it clandestinely?) in an car with 4 people... it either didn't work or the evidence was removed/changed. While I can't seem to find the source... this is a cobbled together FM-11 from Sept 1963 which shows "OSWALD" alphabetized as an "O" rather than the "L" for his traveling last name "H.O. LEE" This document does not support entering via an auto mobile So here we are in MAY and the FBI is still married to FLECHA ROJAS on the way down and H.O. LEE on del Norte then Greyhound... We know FLECHA was a fraud... we also know the FBI checked all the bus lines with negative results... To me, it appears more likely no Oswald crossed at all... no car load with Oswald crossed (CASH getting MAYDON to suggest others in the car - to ME - is part of the initial Phase 1 "conspiracy" activity. That is if CASH even bothered using MAYDON to make this report) WHAT EVIDENCE WOULD WE EXPECT TO FIND IN SUPPORT OF A CAR TRIP THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO LEAVE EVIDENCE BUT DIDN'T... OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT IT DIDN'T. BY THE TIME ALVARADO IS TELLING HIS STORY - CASH HAS ALREADY REPORTED NO MENTION OF MODE OF TRANSPORTATION.... LEAVING OPTIONS OPEN. "Col Garrison of the Texas Department of Public Safety makes preliminary report to Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr 11/26 that two blonde women and another man either entered Mexico with Lee Harvey Oswald or returned with Oswald (Tex Atty Gen 3 11/26/63)" - MFF Mex chrono
  8. Especially the chest wound.... I have yet to see a single actual image of the chest/rib injury.... we have plenty of xrays of the wrist... & we have this drawing Except the drawing is of the left hand ... when you orient the image so the writing and the page # is correct.... Also, the bullet was said to have entered the TOP of the arm and exited from the BOTTOM... Given what we see here... how is that even possible when confined to the SBT? Has he been shot yet here? Does his hand just involuntarily clinch the hat after shot? Where could a shot come from to do the damage described? http://content.invisioncic.com/r16296/post-6369-0-74333400-1385381514.jpg
  9. Or upon returning (maybe even before).... he realizes there's an OSWALD in the Miami area as well ??? Besides, who would he tell? In the world of spies on spies... the less said the better? ???
  10. You think they were trying to hide something... specifically?
  11. Gary.... You cut it off so they don't have to try and contort him to push his broken arm and hand thru 2 sleeves... You're right Keyvan.... great observation... they got it off him and it was being cleaned before they had a chance to do anything.... how'd they get the blood out of that shirt? DJ
  12. https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/GAST, HEINZ WILHELM PAUL_0036.pdf shows a spot for a cc to PSD Chief... I think anything related to Personnel related to the CIA gets a mention to the PSD... They helped with clearances DJ
  13. Sounds like BRINGUIER again... Steve - so you were aware he was an FBI informant? Since Bannister was trying to get FBI assets into Cuban groups... it would follow that his movement to New Orleans was the beginning of the Dallas Patsy set-up.... (WCD47 - out of the blue the FBI investigates ARTHUR VALLE and writes reports which say there is no connection between Vallee and Oswald... while a "nut Marine", VALLEE was not infiltrating and informing on groups.... I simply do not see how Oswald was not a FBI asset while in New Orleans.... (amazingly thru all this time and careful watching, the FBI does not mention a girlfriend or significant time away from Marina to be with some other woman.... unless someone here feels that Oswald was spying on JVB and Reilly coffee.... {smile} Why add the negation of a relationship no one suggested to begin with? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10448#relPageId=2&tab=page In that article it mentions CIA Doc 931 which = WCD 931 which is HELMS denying Oswald's involvement with anything U-2 while in Atsugi (so what was he doing there?) "Never believe ANYTHING until it has been officially denied"
  14. No Bernie... the "public" elected Trump... I haven't the slightest interest in what the honey-boo-boo loving "public" is convinced. I'd venture to guess that most could not point to Dallas on a world map. People come HERE based on intellectual curiosity... or in a few cases to just attack everything that eludes them. What motivates you to drop in out of nowhere to ask leading and puffed up questions to then ridicule the ideas of someone else when answered... So I guess the Golden Rule question is whether you'd appreciate your own style attacking something YOU presented here in the same manner as above... When I ask YOU for evidence supporting anything you post... you freak out and hit me with all sorts of diffusion tactics - again like you do on this thread... WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO ANSWER?..... is your response.... which tells most of us here you don't have a POV because you simply don't know enough about the subject to have one... Or the POV you do have is so unsupported by any evidence you dare not present it here ??? Kinda like the MATH RULES thread.... As a math and finance major I figured I could get it.... and it still takes me hours of focused effort to understand what Chris sees in his head and explains the events as I've theorized... a 48fps film cut to size and re-filmed.... a wholesale adjustment of the data to make checking impossible... we have the WEST survey work which would never have seen the light of day if the FBI and Shaneyfelt had their way... ============== Despite the impossibility of it... there are those who still conclude that Oswald shot JFK... and no conspiracies happen in the good ole US of A. Not a matter of evidence but of staunch belief backed by the thinnest of connections... even you don't see Oswald guilty... do you? So how to proceed Bernie? Sandy is a friend... I will come to the aid of a friend, always. Especially when attacked for such baseless reasons as ridicule, and amazement. So you tell us BL... IF a car is sent to Mexico to give the impression Oswald was with co-conspirators... who would YOU put in that car and why? Was Oswald in Mexico during this time period? Was ALVARADO a Phillips asset?
  15. Bernie, I would like nothing better than to never be attacked or attack personally... discuss the theory and/or evidence... not the general state of the community - by which you are not exactly representative... asking someone for the reasons behind their thoughts and then to attack THEM on it appears to have been your SOP all along.... I didn't fall off the truck and into this forum yesterday buddy... Here is how you entered this thread: ================ In response for support for yet another wild off the wall guess by Sandy we are treated to "most likely" "assuming" "probably" "possibly more" and then staggeringly following that with a "which means..." And all this in less than a 100 words!!! "Oswald couldn't drive. Assuming the plotters knew this, they would probably want his impostor to be a passenger." And yet you have this same imposter buying cars and trucks and applying for jobs while his 'other half' is in Russia!! But for this they hire a "car full of imposters" to keep up the subterfuge. Though you only mentioned two; Oswald and his driver. It must have been a very small car! Maybe they went by bicycle. Realising you could only rustle up two for your "car full" you then add the magic words..."Possibly more". So, there we have it. There was a car full of imposters because Sandy Larsen says so. He needs no evidence. A few maybes, a sprinkle of assumptions and mix thoroughly and you will most likely get the right answer, just like Sandy has. Great detective work. Your explanation is flawless. ================ Why in the world would anyone bother taking the time to answer THAT? But Sandy, being the bigger man, does anyway, despite my warnings... and you performed true to yourself in your dealings with him...: ============== As in the Theory of evolution? No "maybes" no "possibly"s and no assumptions on that are there? And there was certainly NO conjecture. A theory is a set of propositions yet to be unproved. That's it! Nothing to do with conjecture or wild guesswork masquerading as 'research'. The theory of evolution is a fact until someone disproves it with new evidence. Please look up the meaning of the word "theory". And yet you expect us to take your guesswork seriously? When you said there were "possibly more" In the car, do you have anything factual to go on? All we have is your guess that his handlers wouldn't have let him drive so they "probably" got another imposter to do it. Was he also an Oswald Look-alikey? Why did they need more imposters in this car? Where's the evidence for it? It sounds like an episode from Peppa Pig! (so throw in a jab, ask pointless questions for which you could care less other than making your big-brain point.... and then show off how little you perceive of the circumstances or situation... that isn't a desire to LEARN Bernie... that's just abuse. - DJ) You are on record as saying that you believe that there were "multiple" doppelgangers in operation around LHO. Did they all decide to go for a car ride together? Good job they didn't crash, can you imagine the first responders' faces on seeing a "car' full" of injured look-alikeys? And wouldn't all that have, er... slightly compromised the whole plot? Back to the drawing board Sandy and see if you can relive the glory days with another "indisputable" find ================ THIS is how you respectfully ask for evidence to support a discussion? And you wonder why you get different responses than other people? Sandy isn't selling anything... and therein lies the rub... it appears in your life everything is either win/lose, sell it/say nothing.... I'm right, you're wrong.... even worse you present the - "since you can't explain it to me you can't explain it at all" argument with pride.... when in reality you've done what? the minimum in trying to get a handle on the massive amount of info just related to Mexico. How much of the 6 chapters I wrote have you actually studied or investigated? I took 2 years digging thru thousands of reports so people like you didn't have to... so you could come to a discussion with at least a basic understanding of what the FBI/CIA/I&NS/STATE/ONI/MID pulled off. What did you ADD to Sandy's idea? Those who present conflicting evidence to the H&L concept do so to convince the opposite... to refute the concept in total... yet we see there are hundreds and hundreds of things they need to address.... the tooth situation is direct proof the man buried was not the man whose records the marine's offered... kinda simple yet those who can't live in a world where H&L is true WILL NOT ACCEPT IT... period. And that's fine Bernie... I truly could not care less what your conclusions about the JFK assassination are as I see how you go about questioning things and gathering your "evidence" to make a decision - if you even bother making a decision... most of the time, like another member here, you simply come into a thread to argue the weight of air.... anything to be contrary.... As we've said a number of time, H&L is a starting point, not ending. I believe I seriously debunked the trip aspect of the two men... I'd go on to speculate that LEE was in FL at training camps.... and if we are to believe Lorenz, he was in that caravan. Not the point here though.... US? If you behaved with that level of interest and curiosity you could be part of US... but you don't as is evident from this thread.... If you think Oswald was in Mexico, it's not right to ask one question to your 50? Why? or if not, WHY? You know my position.... but all we know of yours is that you get indignant when evidence doesn't meet your minimum requirements... You're forgotten Bernie... Tracy has the chops to put his work and conclusions out there.... you don't need to be 100% correct, just sincere about what you conclude to garner respect here... I don't agree with DVP but you can't fault the man his work.... Many, many people lurk as you've noticed. You my friend are an active combatant here... you back slap those who attack POVs with which you disagree regardless of their argument.... you just like to pick sides and create that WIN/LOSE scenario while so many of us are trying for WIN/WIN. Tell us what you THINK from the work YOU'VE done... or ask a question... a soap box cross examination... especially from you, is not why we come to discuss things here.... decide whether you want to learn or attack... ================ So how about cutting the BS and tell us whether YOU agree with the theory, the idea, that as part of the Mexico plan, the CIA sent a car of people over the border, one of these people with a LEE, HARVEY OSWALD tourist visa (again good for 15 days from arrival not 15 days from acquisition).... or was the person impersonating Oswald already in Mexico? Maybe he was flown in the night before.... You see, we don't know... this is what we DO KNOW.... even the FBI's asset at GOBERNACION cannot find OSWALD in Nov, prior to the 22nd.... and some of the greatest sources of info, LITAMIL-9 & 7 confirms and reconfirms the man they are shown to be OSWALD was not at the embassy. "Was again shown a photo of Oswald - NEVER SAW THE MAN"
  16. Not sure I'd say EVIDENCE... This was a news report citing what MAYDON... "Believes".... See if you can find more info on either the Allen's or the BRILL's. I posted a few docs on them as the only official man and woman in a car on Sept 26.... He supposedly leaves by driving on the 3rd.... The exit evidence is even more obviously a fraud that the journey down. .---------------- As for what I believe or not.... BL likes to sow discord among others on subjects where once again he only offers incredulous amazement at a theory for which reading my work at K&K or on these forums would help immensely. Unlike you sir, people have the ability to extrapolate a theory from a series of seemingly unconnected events... IF.... there was a car related to establishing Oswald was taken to Mexico by other conspirators then by default the occupants would be CIA related... That is if you understand the Alvarado/Phillips connection and how that was handled within the Phase 1 Phase 2 planning and execution. The only direct evidence is the FM-11 which says Auto.... All other evidence comes from the CIA and is backed by STATE in their back channel communication. If you DON'T think it happened this way.... What version of events do you subscribe to and on which evidence do YOU rely? The ongoing attacks for The sake of attacking needs to end, sir. Sandy is looking at an angle... If he turns up things I've missed, great! SAYING he took a car and proving so, as we know in this case, is very difficult. Not BELIEF. Deduction. Oswald, from my POV, was in. Texas. The Visa procured by Gaudet and/or an asset Within the office itself. Why does Alvarado say Sept 18? Gaudet's supposedly stayed only one day in Mexico after picking up his visa on the 17th. I think Sandy is trying to discover who the small white man who they claimed was Oswald really was.... There's a part of me that feels every reference to Oswald was part of a story created and there May have never even been a person doing the things claimed... But it's just a theory at this point... Just like how I changed my mind about it being LEE on those buses impersonating Harvey.... My work gives Armstrong pause to rethink that conclusion... We evolve thru discovery and debate... Not by accusation and your insistence we provide you with info with which you're only going to argue anyway. There is suggestion of a car trip... But like all the other evidence, it was part of a plan... Much easier to say you did something and show evidence then to actually do it and spin it afterward... No one is there to get caught up in the lie when its all made up.... How come you spend so much time tearing others work down rather than initiating and advancing your own ideas? All you ever do is attack... And get indignant. Surely there is a better way to discuss your POV on a subject other than attacking it.....
  17. https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?13277-Incredible-Wounds-of-Governor-Connally&p=84677#post84677 These are a few xrays... I have yet to see any images of the injuries themselves
  18. What seems to be happening is someone who NEVER offers evidence within their posts is DEMANDING IT. Go to the man's profile page and take a quick look at this newest round of posts.... which started with this one: How is that even remotely close to following the rules about not attacking the poster but deal with the topic? It starts, simply enough, with something like this and then as he becomes more and more demanding of EVIDENCE - which he rarely if ever offers himself - it denigrates into the Lord of the Flies.... and how does he finish this pithy and insightful post? Now wallow in your own lake of super-puffed up self importance as a highly intelligent smart guy who has just outfoxed the most devilish intelligence service there has ever been. Childish little boys... One could ask this poster - WHY?.... you have yet to show any true interest in the information offered here, WHY are you all of a sudden so interested in SANDY's theory? You ask questions for which answers are at best elusive at worst - gone. And then get indignant when not answered or not to your satisfaction... What do YOU think happened and why... what supporting evidence do YOU offer in support of YOUR conclusion... or have you accepted someone else's work and conclusions... also good... but how about STARTING THERE ?? ---------------------------------------- Here... I'll get us started... Here are some applicable docs from the hundreds of reports and thousands of pages I've been thru.... If the evidence needed to him to have arrived by AUTO, the evidence would have been created to say so.... HARVEY CASH bought them enough time to decide how to proceed. FBI report which mentions MAYDON telling Mexican Newspapers "believes Oswald on Sept 26 last was traveling with two women and man in automobile." This is the stamp of Helio Maydon - the inspector who forgets to record all the important info at the time of the man's entrance... This is the FBI report which identifies MAYDON ....followed by the report identifying the items he forgot When you take the time to understand what I&NS consul HARVEY CASH did with this info, as I've posted, you start to see the plan give itself the time to evolve... despite having the info as offered... the records from those dates were "borrowed" from all 4 bus lines... side note: this CIA chrono doc about mexico includes this tidbit about ANAHUAC.... the bus line the FBI also says he takes to Mexico... followed by the report stating all 4 bus lines are negative for Oswald or alias.... yet LEE, HARVEY OSWALD signs the hotel registry and a number of other things...
  19. Those who were a bit closer to the situation, as in down in New Orleans, feel it got its start with the OSWALD PROJECT in May 1963... Bringuier throwing a "fake punch"... George Steel Jr, another FBI asset helping him hand out the leaflets... time spent at 544 Camp... etc. The entire FPCC episode has to give him away as FPCC and 544 Camp are oxymoronic.... with so much intelligence around that one spot it's hard not to accept he was seen as an asset by early June.... As I see it... DJ
  20. This is from before the demons won the war for his mind...
  21. It would have to follow then that Leonard McCoy was also KGB as it was he who reopened the conclusions about Nosenko and convinced CIA He was for real.... Without McCoy's paper none of this happens and we go on believing Golitsyn. His analysis and summary of his work are in the recent release... I just find it hard to talk Nosenko and not include McCoy....
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