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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. I did that once myself... If you have a .mov file you can move back and forth and see what appears to be Greer braking and all but JFK moving forward as a result. I found this....
  2. Tague is one more street over Mike. Your running man can be seen in Bell on the middle grass section... Tague can be seen here in Dillard...
  3. I find it to be a bit more nefarious than that Pat... Shaneyfelt used the frames prepared by Time/Life of the altered film... from 171 thru 334 I think... this is in the final WCR Exhibits as is CE585 showing 3 shots... the last one at 4+96. As for JC hit after the headshot... I don't agree.
  4. Now I know I'm throwing this into the fray only to get a little beat up.... but CE99 is a list of answers Oswald writes out in a somewhat autobiographical manner... Just a couple anomalies to which I'd like to call your attention... #4 our little man writes that from 1954 - 1956 he lived in Ft Worth, TX. This is a NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC SCHOOL - Personal History form. If read carefully thru the answers here it is obvious this is LEE andnot the diminutive Harvey. Why? This is JUNE 1955, Oswald is 16 years old and about 5'5" 135 lbs.... he likes FOOTBALL, present vocational choice? Biology and Mechanical Drawing... he has a bum left ear drum.... "What was the last school you attended?" PS 44 in NY And these are the GRADE CARDS from FALL 1953 thru the SPRING 1954 semester So if the evidence offered above has him in New Orleans in 1953, 1954 & 1955 thru June.... "1954 - 1955: Beauregard JHS in New Orleans" "1955 - 1956 Warren Eaton HS in New Orleans" All the other items listed on that Bio page are accurate.... STRIPLING JR HIGH across the street from the house Marge is living in on 11/22 at 2220 Thomas.... the one owned by a friend of FRED KORTH. Mr. DULLES. I think you moved to Fort Worth with Lee in September 1956. In October 1955 Oswald turns 16. The 1955-56 school year would be 10th grade for Oswald at Arlington Heights see above image. The record shows he only attends until October (the little letters next to the years are F=Fall & S=Spring) . 9/54-6/55 is 9th grade Beauregard JHS in New Orleans as it shows... FOR OSWALD TO ATTEND A FT WORTH SCHOOL IN SEPT 1955 DON'T THEY HAVE TO LIVE IN FT WORTH? So let's look again... DATE ENTERED: Sept 5, 1956 Which may be why DULLES says Sept 1956... it also seems that an exhibit from CE1413 is not there anymore... but that Armstrong took a copy of from the Archives. Transcript sent to: Arlington in Sept 1956 ?? In June 1955 he writes the New Orleans Bio... he is now ready for 10th grade... which the above Ft Worth PERM REC shows him starting in Ft Worth in Sept 1955.... and leaving in Oct 1955... to join the Marines... except he doesn't join until Oct 24, 1956 according to FOLSOM. Where is our little man Oswald from June 1955 until Sept 1956? He was working at TUJAGUES at the same time Marge writes her note about moving to San Diego. From July 1955 thru late 1956 LEE works at Tujagues - Harvey is in San Diego with MO for the summer and from evidence John found, attended Stripling in Ft Worth... Which may be why CE99 only mentions Ft Worth for those years despite having evidence to show him in New Orleans PIERRE: Well, then, did he have any close buddies? Mrs Oswald: Yes, when we lived in Fort Worth, Texas. He went to school there up until the eighth grade, which is Junior High; all the children came to my house because this was a brand-new neighborhood. I was not financially able to have the lawn sodded, and everyone else was having their grass growing, and the children were not allowed to play on the grass, so they all played in my yard and my grass and in my home, Francine Tubbs #5 - if you look at the FOLSOM Exhibit we see he was an AIRCRAFT MECHANIC... not a radar operator (LEE was the mechanic, Harvey was indeed radar) #6 he tells us he has a son named David Lee Oswald, American. uh, okay. but we all know our man has 2 daughters....
  5. I happen to think this memo is much more important to the conspiracy than Katzenbach... As our investigation now stands, however, we have not shown that these events could possibly have occurred in the manner suggested above. All we have is a reasonable hypothesis which appears to be supported by the medical testimony but which has not been checked out against the physical facts at the scene of the assassination. Our intention is not to establish the point with complete accuracy, but merely to substantiate the hypothesis which underlies the conclusions that Oswald was the sole assassin.
  6. "The timing of the shots in the Z-film had led them to adopt the singe-bullet theory." Not exactly as I see it, Pat... https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/JosephsFBIZ313.pdf In this FBI model and WCD298 the distances given betrays so very much.... In February when the FBI did yet another recreation and survey plat... it was 3 shots = 3 hits.... In March we get the Eisenberg drawing - but based on what? It was, in my view, to remove the 3rd shot for which there was very little evidence yet was a conclusion from the earliest survey (Time/Life Nov 26).... and then reinforced by the next 2 surveys.... I think the Eisenberg drawing coupled with the later REDLICH MEMO (bottom of this post) proves they were aware of these problems much earlier than TAGUE.... With the confirmation of the earlier surveys in Feb... these men, including GAUTHIER who headed the WCD298 model team and reverses all that work in May 1964, are now left in sort of a bind best summed up by REDLICH to RANKIN in April 1964 AFTER the Eisenberg diagram: I should add that the facts which we now have in our possession, submitted to us in separate reports from the FBI and Secret Service, are totally incorrect and, if left uncorrected, will present a completely misleading picture. So we see the beginnings for the need to do yet one more re-enactment... the misleading picture REDLICH speaks of is the 3 shot scenario from CE585 and the fact that GAUTHIER submits the original plat legend in a sealed container... in what remains one of the most egregious acts of evidence tampering we get this little exchange: courtesy of the next senator from PA... Arlen "hypothetical" Specter: One MUST remember that GAUTHIER is talking about a survey done on Dec 2,3,4 1963.... no one ever explains how a survey done in May 1964 could be the basis for a survey plat used to create a model delivered in January 1964.... GAUTHIER testifies on June 4, 1964... As shown in a prev post, the article which leads to TAGUE is published JUNE 5. WALTHERS and TAGUE both testify on July 23. Mr. WALTHERS. Yes; and I ran right then back up along in here and that would be right at the corner of Elm and Houston, where I ran into one of our deputies, Allan Sweatt, and told him. everybody still at this time was just--I don't know what you would call it--just running around in circles you might say, and I told him, I said, "A bullet struck that curb. It's fresh---you can see a fresh ricochet where it had struck," and I said, "From the looks of it, it's probably going to be in this School Book Building," and immediately then everybody started surrounding the School Book Building and then I got off and come up the street here that runs in front of the School Book Depository Building and started gathering up a bunch of witnesses and started taking them over and put them in our office so we could get some statements before they got all jumbled up together with their stories. Mr. GAUTHIER. Our data to build this were compiled on December 2, 3, and 4. It took about 5 weeks to prepare this exhibit in Washington Mr. GAUTHIER The models were delivered to the Commission's building and installed in the exhibits room on the first floor, on January 20, 1964. Mr. SPECTER. Mr. Chief Justice, I now move for the admission into evidence of the photographs 878, 879, 880, and 881. The CHAIRMAN. They may be admitted. (The documents heretofore marked for identification as Commission Exhibits Nos. 878, 879, 880, and 881, were received in evidence.) Mr. SPECTER. Did you participate in the onsite tests made in Dallas? Mr. GAUTHIER. I did. Mr. SPECTER. Was a survey made of the scene used to record some of the results of that onsite testing? Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes. Mr. SPECTER. And by whom was the survey made? Mr. GAUTHIER. The survey was made on May 24, 1964, by Robert H. West, county surveyor, a licensed State land surveyor, located at 160 County Courthouse, Dallas, Tex. Mr. SPECTER. Have you brought the tracing of that survey with you today? Mr. GAUTHIER. I have; yes. Mr. SPECTER. And have you brought a cardboard reproduction of that? Mr. GAUTHIER. A copy made from the tracing; yes. Mr. SPECTER. Would you produce the cardboard copy made from the tracing for the inspection of the Commission at this time, please? Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes. Mr. SPECTER. Would you produce the tracing at this time, please? Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes; the tracing is wrapped, and sealed in this container. Mr. SPECTER. Without breaking the seal, I will ask you if the cardboard which has been set up here--may the record show it is a large cardboard. I will ask you for the dimensions in just a minute. Does the printing on the cardboard represent an exact duplication of the tracing which you have in your hand? Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes Mr. SPECTER. May it please the Commission, we will mark the tracing Commission Exhibit No. 882, and not take it out, since the cardboard represents it, and place Commission Exhibit No. 883 on the cardboard drawing itself, and I would like to move for the admission into evidence of both Exhibits Nos. 882 and 883. The CHAIRMAN. They may be admitted. Tague had yet to come into the picture... why has EISENBERG simply dropped the shot the FBI & SS place "4 feet from 5+00" or where the third model car sits at the bottom left... The SBT comes into being simply due to the fact that only 3 shots were allowed... despite there being MANY more. As I address in my paper, there is simply no visual evidence in the record which supports them placing the "final" shot down by the foot of the stairs... we only have verbal clues Mr. LIEBELER - .....Now, you have previously indicated that you were right beside the President's car when he was hit in the head.Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I was about 15 feet from it.Mr. LIEBELER - But it was almost directly in front of you as it went down the street; isn't that right?Mr. ALTGENS - Yes. Altgens was standing just south and west of the yellow curb beneath "5+00" Z313 was the general vicinity of shot #2 (actually the vicinity of a number of shots, a flurry) If you look closely to his drawing (and speak with Chris D) the drawing is all about the Aiming Lead for the shot and the height of JFK I know this is a bit hard to follow... Chris simply ties in all the different mentions of distances and angles... this goes back to the understanding of the LEVERS used to adjust the data... the different JFK heights, the location of the muzzle in the window, the different path Shaneyfelt creates... etc... You'd need to read thru MATH RULES to understand the context... there is a reason the film "breaks" at z207.... 6.7" = .56' 6.1" = .51' the note designating JFK's height shows 5' despite the fact CE884 uses 3.24 feet as JFK's head above the street... which gives you some idea how and why Shaneyfelt did what he did to that Exhibit. Furthermore, Eisenberg uses a very high-velocity rifle assuming 2070 feet per second At 175 feet that takes .085 seconds to get there... except the bullet travels down the hypotenuse not along the street measurement... At the ave of 11.2mph the car moves at 16.2 feet per second... times the .085 seconds it would take for the bullet to go the wrong distance, we get 1.37 feet. (187.75' is the actual distance the bullet would need to travel... 187.75/2070 = .0907 seconds @ 16.2 feet per second = 1.47 feet... so really not that much different...) Yet what would a lead of 6.7 vertical inches do to where the shot WOULD hit? ====================== April 27, 1964 MEMORANDUM TO: J. Lee Rankin FROM: Norman Redlich The purpose of this memorandum is to explain the reasons why certain members of the staff feel that it is important to take certain on-site photographs in connection with the location of the approximate points at which the three bullets struck the occupants of the Presidential limousine. Our report presumably will state that the President was hit by the first bullet, Governor Connally by the second, and the President by the third and fatal bullet. The report will also conclude that the bullets were fired by one person located in the sixth floor southeast corner window of the TSBD building. As our investigation now stands, however, we have not shown that these events could possibly have occurred in the manner suggested above. All we have is a reasonable hypothesis which appears to be supported by the medical testimony but which has not been checked out against the physical facts at the scene of the assassination. Our examination of the Zapruder films shows that the fatal third shot struck the President at a point which we can locate with reasonable accuracy on the ground. We can do this because we know the exact frame (no. 313) in the film at which the third shot hit the President and we know the location of the photographer. By lining up fixed objects in the movie frame where this shot occurs we feel that we have determined the approximate location of this shot. This can be verified by a photo of the same spot from the point where Zapruder was standing. We have the testimony of Governor and Mrs. Connally that the Governor was hit with the second bullet at a point which we probably cannot fix with precision. We feel we have established, however, with the help of medical testimony, that the shot which hit the Governor did not come after frame 240 on the Zapruder film. The governor feels that it came around 230, which is certainly consistent with our observations of the film and with the doctor's testimony. Since the President was shot at frame 313, this would leave a time of at least 4 seconds between the two shots, certainly ample for even an inexperienced marksman. Prior to our last viewing of the films with Governor Connally we had assumed that the President was hit while he was concealed behind the sign which occurs between frames 215-225. We have expert testimony to the effect that a skilled marksman would require a minimum 2 seconds between shots with this rifle. Since the camera operates at 18 1/3 frames per second, there would have to be a minimum of 40 frames between shots. It is apparent, therefore, that if Governor Connally was even as late as frame 240, the President would have to have been hit no later than frame 190 and probably even earlier. We have not yet examined the assassination scene to determine whether the assassin in fact could have shot the President prior to frame 190. We could locate the position on the ground which corresponds to this frame and it would then be our intent to establish by photography that the assassin would have fired the first shot at the President prior to this point. Our intention is not to establish the point with complete accuracy, but merely to substantiate the hypothesis which underlies the conclusions that Oswald was the sole assassin. I had always assumed that our final report would be accompanied by a surveyor's diagram which would indicate the approximate location of the three shots. We certainly cannot prepare such a diagram without establishing that we are describing an occurrence which is physically possible. Our failure to do this will, in my opinion, place this Report in jeopardy since it is a certainty that others will examine the Zapruder films and raise the same questions which have been raised by our examination of the films. If we do not attempt to answer these observable facts, others may answer them with facts which challenge our most basic assumptions, or with fanciful theories based on our unwillingness to test our assumptions by the investigatory methods available to us. I should add that the facts which we now have in our possession, submitted to us in separate reports from the FBI and Secret Service, are totally incorrect and, if left uncorrected, will present a completely misleading picture. It may well be that this project should be undertaken by the FBI and Secret Service with our assistance instead of being done as a staff project. The important thing is that the project be undertaken expeditiously.
  7. David... Your entire post is filled with untruths and your own supposition based on inauthentic evidence... You don't refute a single thing I wrote... not one... "And David Josephs attempt above to try and discredit BOTH of the Davis girls is really pathetic." Then tear it apart Dave... show me what I got wrong in my exposing your building blocks of lies.... Proof David... you can't say it was his when you can't even show he bought it, or ever had it in his possession prior to the 22nd... The fact the entire Seaport BS is built on yet another block of lies eludes you , we know... You ever find anything from REA telling anyone to come get a pistol? The rest of your post is you being obtuse... so what. The amount of contradictory evidence you choose to simply ignore is absolutely monumental - but then again you're defending the WCR... ignoring conflicting evidence was "standard Operating Procedure" YOU chose those two sisters... who were in bed, heard shots, put on their shoes and go to the front door as a young man passes by holding a gun... Who was Barbara looking at here Dave? maybe.... that other shooter? (nice too how you ignore WESTBROOK and CROY)... what where THEY doing there at just the right moment and just the right spot? Mr. BALL. Was he dressed the same in the lineup as he was when you saw him running across the lawn? Mrs. DAVIS. All except he didn't have a black coat on when I saw him in the lineup. Mr. BALL. Did he have a coat on when you saw him? Mrs. DAVIS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. What color coat? Mrs. DAVIS. A dark coat. Mr. BALL. I have a jacket, I would like to show you, which is Commission Exhibit No. 162. Does this look anything like the jacket that the man had on that was going across your lawn? Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir. Mr. BALL. How is it different? Mrs. DAVIS. Well, it was dark and to me it looked like it was maybe a wool fabric, it looked sort of rough. Like more of a sporting jacket.
  8. So Dave, why do they contradict themselves, Markham, Bowley and the others? Why do you neglect Mrs. Higgins and Holan from directly across the street who tell a completely different version along with a number of witnesses you conveniently ignore...? If these 2 are the BEST you can do... with the WCR putting their full faith in Markham despite the contradictory evidence... despite Oswald already being at the theater.... Read carefully Dave... your BEST WITNESSES are par for the course.... Mr. BALL. What did he do? Mrs. MARKHAM. Well, he stared at me. Mr. BALL. What did you do? Mrs. MARKHAM. I didn't do anything. I couldn't. Mr. BALL. Didn't you say something? Mrs. MARKHAM. No, I couldn't. Mr. BALL. Or yell or scream? Mrs. MARKHAM. I could not. I could not say nothing. Mr. BALL. That was before you put your hands over your eyes? Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir; and he kept fooling with his gun, and I slapped my hands up to my face like this. Mr. BALL. And then you ran to the policeman? Mrs. MARKHAM. After he ran off. Mrs. MARKHAM. I was out there, I didn't see anybody. I was there alone by myself. Mr. DULLES. I see. You didn't see anybody else in the immediate neighborhood? Mrs. MARKHAM. No; not until everything was over--I never seen anybody until I was at Mr. Tippit's side. I tried to save his life, which was I didn't know at that time I couldn't do something for him. Mrs. MARKHAM. No, I couldn't understand. I was screaming and hollering and I was trying to help him all I could, and I would have. I was with him until they put him in the ambulance. Seems there is a conflict... With Mrs. M scared to death and covering her eyes, she was not standing across the street hollering and drawing attention to herself... she was trying to be invisible.... Mrs. MARKHAM. I could not. I could not say nothing. Mr. BELIN. Did you see him go through any bushes by your house or not? Or didn't you see him? Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir. Mr. BELIN. You mean you didn't see him? Mrs. DAVIS. We saw him when he cut across our yard. Mrs. DAVIS. When Mrs. Markham was standing across the street hollering, she told us to call the police, so Jeanette and I went in there, and Jeanette called the police and we went back and he was cutting across our yard, and we gave him time to go on because we were afraid he might shoot us. Mr. BELIN. Did you call the police before or after you saw him cut across your yard? Mrs. DAVIS. Before. David... Below is the 12/1/63 signed statement of Virginia Davis... who says the exact opposite of what her testimony says... why is it that most every witness claims one thing shortly after the 22nd yet completely changes the story when they testify before the commission (without any cross examination)... ??? This says: SHOT - SHOT - run to door - man crossing yard - HELEN SCREAMS from the corner - back inside together - call police... now wouldn't that make it AFTER he cuts across the yard? Mr. BELIN. Did you call the police before or after you saw him cut across your yard? Mrs. DAVIS. Before. Mrs. DAVIS. By the time we got back from off the phone, he had already gone. He had already disappeared behind the corner of our house. Mr. BELIN. Did you see him going in front of your house before you called on the phone? Mrs. DAVIS. Yes. Seems there is a conflict - again... and it also seems that one of the two witnesses didn't see "the man" do much of what everyone else supposedly did.... Mr. BELIN. You didn't actually see what he did with them when he got them in his hand, did you? Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir. Mr. BELIN. You are nodding your head no? Mrs. DAVIS. No. Mr. BELIN. Then what did you see the man do? Mrs. DAVIS. Well, he just cut across. He disappeared from behind the corner of the house. David - just go to her testimony... pages 460-461. She doesn't seem to be very sure about much of anything... compared to her sworn before the Secret Service affidavit... or do you feel that affidavits aren't worth the paper they're written on? Seems the BAKER, WEITZMAN and BOONE affidavits are easily forgotten.... Now, what about sister Barbara? Mr. BALL. You were lying on the bed. What did you do? Mrs. DAVIS. I got up, put my shoes on to see what it was. Mr. BALL. Did you ever go outdoors? Mrs. DAVIS. At first, I didn't. Mr. BALL. When you went to the door, did you open the door? Mrs. DAVIS. I opened the door and held the screen opened. Mr. BALL. What did you see? Mrs. DAVIS. Mrs. Markham standing across the street over there, and she was standing over there and the man was coming across the yard. Mr. BALL. A man was coming across what yard? Mrs. DAVIS. My yard. Mr. BALL. And what did you see the man doing? Mrs. DAVIS. Well, first off she went to screaming before I had paid too much attention to him, and pointing at him, and he was, what I thought, was emptying the gun. Mr. BALL. Or yell or scream? Mrs. MARKHAM. I could not. I could not say nothing. Mr. BALL. Show an arrow about where you were standing. Mrs. DAVIS. About there. Mr. BALL. That is 21, photo 21 and Commission Exhibit 534. After the man left, what did you do, after he went out of sight what did you do? Mrs. DAVIS. I went back in and phoned the police. Mr. BALL. Show an arrow about where you were standing. Mrs. DAVIS. About there. Mr. BALL. That is 21, photo 21 and Commission Exhibit 534. Mr. BALL. Did you see the policeman? Mrs. DAVIS. Yes. Mr. BALL. Where was he? Mrs. DAVIS. He was laying on the left-hand side of the car on the ground, by the left-hand fender. Ever wonder how she could see a man lying in the street on the opposite side of the car from where she was standing BARBARA AFFIDAVIT: Today November 22, 1963 shortly after 1:00 pm, my sister-in-law, Virginia Davis, and I were lying on the bed with the kids. I heard a shot and jumped up and heard another shot. I put on my shoes and went to the door and I saw this man walking across my front yard unloading a gun. A woman was standing across the street screaming that "he shot him, he killed him" and pointed towards a police car. Mr. BELIN. Did you see anything else as you heard her screaming? Mrs. DAVIS. Well, we saw Oswald. Mr. BALL. Or yell or scream? Mrs. MARKHAM. I could not. I could not say nothing. Mr. BALL. And then you ran to the policeman? Mrs. MARKHAM. After he ran off. Mr. BALL. Was he dressed the same in the lineup as he was when you saw him running across the lawn? Mrs. DAVIS. All except he didn't have a black coat on when I saw him in the lineup. Mr. BALL. Did he have a coat on when you saw him? Mrs. DAVIS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. What color coat? Mrs. DAVIS. A dark coat. Mr. BALL. I have a jacket, I would like to show you, which is Commission Exhibit No. 162. Does this look anything like the jacket that the man had on that was going across your lawn? Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir. Mr. BALL. How is it different? Mrs. DAVIS. Well, it was dark and to me it looked like it was maybe a wool fabric, it looked sort of rough. Like more of a sporting jacket.
  9. FBI said 3 shots = 3 hits and maintained this well into March 1964... But then in March it changes to 2 shots and 1 miss.... well before TAGUE is brought up.... So while the TAGUE curb incident is finally acknowledged, the fact that there was no evidence available which shows a shot down by Altgens as he claims.... and these men where making changes by the end of March seems to me that TAGUE is just another negation of real evidence that more shots were fired.... Then the maps are changed, the limo path is changed and a whole host of other nefarious deeds occur to shoe horn the event into 2 shots that hit... from the probable 5-8 shots fired.... It must have been something to watch these men contort all those shots and injuries and dents and marks... into just 2 shots... Hope this gets you started... DJ
  10. the other was the wrong guy... here's Lawson https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/358469799/ TAKES OATH William J. Lawson of Austin, former secretary of state, here takes his oath as a member of the board of directors of Texas A&M College, succeeding the late Herman Heep of Austin. The oath is being administered by Associate Justice Joe Greenhill of Texas Police March 27, 1960
  11. Sorry - should have paired it down https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32340192.pdf DOCID-32393016.PDF NOSENKO 104-10210-10033.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #1. 104-10210-10035.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #2. 2018/104-10210-10035.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #2. 104-10210-10036.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #3. 104-10210-10036.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #3. 104-10210-10028.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #4. 104-10210-10029.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #5. 104-10210-10030.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #6. 104-10227-10006.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT. 104-10227-10007.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT. 104-10227-10012.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT. 104-10227-10004.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPTS. 104-10227-10005.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPTS. 104-10227-10011.pdf NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPTS. 104-10147-10018.pdf NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 2018/104-10147-10018.pdf NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. DOCID-32340192.pdf NOSENKO TALKS ABOUT OSWALD AND MARINA 104-10331-10174.pdf NOTE: CIC OSWALD/NOSENKO RELATED SOFT FILES: 2018/104-10331-10174.pdf NOTE: CIC OSWALD/NOSENKO RELATED SOFT FILES:
  12. Quite the opposite.... I understood him to claim there was no operational interest in Oswald at all.... part of the new release are the transcripts from the Nosenko interrogations File Name NARA Release Date Formerly Withheld Agency Doc Date To Name From Name Title 104-10106-10225.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 09/22/1960 MR. UEBERHURST MR. SOLIE MISC DOCUMENTS RE YURIY NOSENKO--QUESTION AND ANSWERS, APPLICATION FOR SSN, RENTAL APPLICATION,ROUTING SLIPS 2018/104-10106-10225.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 09/22/1960 MR. UEBERHURST MR. SOLIE MISC DOCUMENTS RE YURIY NOSENKO--QUESTION AND ANSWERS, APPLICATION FOR SSN, RENTAL APPLICATION,ROUTING SLIPS 104-10067-10209.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/1963 BLAKEY, ROBERT, HSCA BRECKINRIDGE, SCOTT D., OLC "LETTER CONCERNING NOSENKO DRAFT." 104-10147-10173.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/1963 REPORT ON THE INVESTIGATION REGARDING ANY USE OF DRUGS IN THE CASE OF YURIY NOSENKO 2018/104-10067-10209.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/1963 BLAKEY, ROBERT, HSCA BRECKINRIDGE, SCOTT D., OLC "LETTER CONCERNING NOSENKO DRAFT." 2018/104-10147-10173.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/1963 REPORT ON THE INVESTIGATION REGARDING ANY USE OF DRUGS IN THE CASE OF YURIY NOSENKO DOCID-32404831.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/1964 WITHHELD NONE UNDATED BLIND MEMORANDUM: THE BONA FIDES OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 104-10534-10000.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/23/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO MEETING #1, TAPE #1. 1930-2100 104-10534-10001.pdf; 104-10534-10001.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/23/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO MEETING #1, TAPE #2. 2105-2240 104-10534-10002.pdf; 104-10534-10002.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/23/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO DUPLICATE REEL #1, FILTER #2 104-10534-10003.pdf; 104-10534-10003.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/30/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO MEETING #7, TAPE #1. 1800- 104-10534-10004.pdf; 104-10534-10004.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/30/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO MEETING #7, TAPE #2. -2400. 104-10534-10005.pdf; 104-10534-10005.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 02/21/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO REEL #12 - 21 AND 23 FEB 1964. PETE AND SUBJECT. 104-10534-10006.pdf; 104-10534-10006.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 02/23/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO REEL #13. CONTINUATION OF REEL #12. NICK AND SUBJECT. 104-10534-10007.pdf; 104-10534-10007.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 02/25/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO REEL #17. FBI MEN WITH SUBJECT. 104-10534-10008.pdf; 104-10534-10008.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 02/25/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO REEL #19. FBI INTERVIEWS WITH SUBJECT ON 25 AND 26 FEB 1964. 104-10534-10009.pdf; 104-10534-10009.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 02/25/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO REEL #18. FBI INTERVIEW OF SUBJECT. DOCID-32340192.pdf 11/17/2017 In Part FBI 02/26/1964 HQ WMFO NOSENKO TALKS ABOUT OSWALD AND MARINA DOCID-32366704.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 03/11/1964 NOBLE, JOHN D., SPECIAL AGENT HEADQUARTERS MEMO RE YURI NOSENKO #262622. DOCID-32393179.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 03/25/1964 DIRECTOR CABLE- PRESS 25 MARCH CARRIES ACCOUNT SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY BY DAVID WISE IN WHCIH HE CITES NOSENKO AS SOURCE SOME REPORTS ON OSWALD. 104-10226-10000.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 04/01/1964 THE RECORD CHIEF, SR DIVISION MEMO: DISCUSSION WITH STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS ON THE NOSENKO CASE. 2018/104-10226-10000.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 04/01/1964 THE RECORD CHIEF, SR DIVISION MEMO: DISCUSSION WITH DOS DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS ON THE NOSENKO CASE. DOCID-32393004.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 04/02/1964 DEFECTORS - NOSENKO 104-10196-10324.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 04/16/1964 FBI CI STAFF MEMO: YURI IVANOVICH NOSENKO, ESPIONAGE - RUSSIA (ILLEGIBLE) 104-10534-10010.pdf; 104-10534-10010.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/03/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO REEL #66. 1240-1445. TOM WITH SUBJECT. 104-10534-10011.pdf; 104-10534-10011.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/03/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO REEL #67. 1235-1358 AND 1445-1525. CONTINUATION OF INTERVIEW BY TOM 104-10534-10012.pdf; 104-10534-10012.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/27/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO. REEL #76. SUBJECT AND TOM. 1334-1540. 104-10534-10013.pdf; 104-10534-10013.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/27/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO. REEL #77. TOM WITH SUBJECT. 1540-1655. 104-10534-10014.pdf; 104-10534-10014.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/27/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO. REEL #78. TOM WITH SUBJECT. 1655-1828 104-10534-10015.pdf; 104-10534-10015.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/29/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO. REEL #79. TOM WITH SUBJECT. 1530-1740. 104-10534-10016.pdf; 104-10534-10016.wav 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/29/1964 TAPE:NOSENKO. REEL #80. TOM WITH SUBJECT. 1416-1600 AND 1740-1802. DOCID-32404751.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 08/05/1964 MURPHY, CHIEF, SR DIVISION CHIEF, CI STAFF MEMORANDUM: GOLITSYN'S COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO CASE 104-10226-10001.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/21/1965 THE RECORD CHIEF, SR DIVISION MEMO: YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO. 2018/104-10226-10001.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/21/1965 THE RECORD CHIEF, SR DIVISION MEMO: YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO. 104-10210-10033.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/26/1965 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #1. 104-10210-10035.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 07/26/1965 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #2. 2018/104-10210-10035.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 07/26/1965 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #2. DOCID-32404699.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/26/1965 TRANSCRIPT:REEL #1. NOSENKO INTERROGATION BY DERYABIN, 26 JULY 1965. DOCID-32404700.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/26/1965 TRANSCRIPT:REEL #2. NOSENKO INTERROGATION BY DERYABIN, 26 JULY 1965. DOCID-32404759.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/26/1965 WITHHELD NONE UNTITLED MEMORANDUM ATTACHED ARE 15 FOLDERS CONTAINING ENGLISH-LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS-INTERROGATIONS OF NOSENKO DURING THE PERIOD 26 JULY - 13 AUGUST 1965. 104-10210-10028.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/28/1965 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #4. 104-10210-10036.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 07/28/1965 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #3. 104-10210-10036.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/28/1965 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #3. DOCID-32404701.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/28/1965 TRANSCRIPT:REEL #3. NOSENKO INTERROGATION BY DERYABIN, 28 JULY 1965. DOCID-32404702.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/28/1965 TRANSCRIPT:REEL #4. NOSENKO INTERROGATION BY DERYABIN, 28-29 JULY 1965. 104-10210-10029.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/29/1965 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL # 5. DOCID-32404703.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/29/1965 TRANSCRIPT:REEL #5. NOSENKO INTERROGATION BY DERYABIN, 29/30 JULY 1965. 104-10210-10030.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/31/1965 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT, REEL #6. DOCID-32404704.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 07/31/1965 TRANSCRIPT:REEL #6. NOSENKO INTERROGATION BY DERYABIN, 31 JULY/3 AUGUST 1965. 104-10210-10020.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/1966 THE EXAMINATION OF THE BONA FIDES OF A KGB DEFECTOR - YURIY I. NOSENKO 104-10210-10021.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/1966 ANNEX A OF THE EXAMINATION OF THE BONA FIDES OF A KGB DEFECTOR - YURIY I. NOSENKO 2018/104-10210-10020.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/1966 THE EXAMINATION OF THE BONA FIDES OF A KGB DEFECTOR - YURIY I. NOSENKO 2018/104-10210-10021.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/1966 ANNEX A OF THE EXAMINATION OF THE BONA FIDES OF A KGB DEFECTOR - YURIY I. NOSENKO 104-10226-10004.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 09/26/1966 MEMO:NOSENKO'S STATUS IN U.S. 2018/104-10226-10004.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 09/26/1966 MEMO:NOSENKO'S STATUS IN U.S. 104-10210-10015.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/25/1966 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DAVID E. MURPHY CHIEF, SOVIET BLOC MEMORANDUM: YURIY I. NOSENKO 104-10429-10093.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/25/1966 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DAVID E. MURPHY, CHIEF, SOVIET BLOC YURIY I. NOSENKO-THE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM DESCRIBES THE TECHNIQUES USED AND THE RESULTS OBTAINED IN THE FIRST PHASE OF THE PRESENT INTERROGATION OF NOSENKO. 104-10534-10120.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/25/1966 DCI MURPHY, CHIEF, SOVIET BLOC DIVISION MEMORANDUM: YURIY I. NOSENKO. 1. THE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM DESCRIBES THE TECHINQUES 2018/104-10210-10015.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/25/1966 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DAVID E. MURPHY CHIEF, SOVIET BLOC MEMORANDUM: YURIY I. NOSENKO 2018/104-10429-10093.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/25/1966 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DAVID E. MURPHY, CHIEF, SOVIET BLOC YURIY I. NOSENKO-THE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM DESCRIBES THE TECHNIQUES USED AND THE RESULTS OBTAINED IN THE FIRST PHASE OF THE PRESENT INTERROGATION OF NOSENKO. 2018/104-10534-10120.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/25/1966 DCI MURPHY, CHIEF, SOVIET BLOC DIVISION MEMORANDUM: YURIY I. NOSENKO. 1. THE ATTACHED MEMORANDUM DESCRIBES THE TECHINQUES 104-10312-10192.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 11/07/1966 GENERAL COUNSEL MURPHY. CHIEF, SB DIVISION MEMO: YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 2018/104-10312-10192.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 11/07/1966 GENERAL COUNSEL MURPHY. CHIEF, SB DIVISION MEMO: YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 104-10429-10089.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/25/1968 DIRECTOR WITHHELD SWISS PRESS 25 MARCH CARRIES ACCOUNT SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY BY DAVID WISE IN WHICH HE CITES NOSENKO AS SOURCE. 104-10440-10043.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/25/1968 WITHHELD WITHHELD CABLE:SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY-NOSENKO ON OSWALD 2018/104-10429-10089.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/25/1968 DIRECTOR WITHHELD SWISS PRESS 25 MARCH CARRIES ACCOUNT SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY BY DAVID WISE IN WHICH HE CITES NOSENKO AS SOURCE. 2018/104-10440-10043.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/25/1968 WITHHELD WITHHELD CABLE:SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY-NOSENKO ON OSWALD 104-10059-10188.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 07/29/1968 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD RE OSWALD AND NOSENKO. 2018/104-10059-10188.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 07/29/1968 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD RE OSWALD AND NOSENKO. DOCID-32393182.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 07/29/1968 MFR OSWALD--NOSENKO-ON 26 JULY ==== CALLED TO MY ATTENTION AN ASPECT OF NOSENKO'S INFORMATION WHICH MUST BE THOROUGHLY EXAMINED WHEN WE ATTEMPT TO ASSESS ANALYZE (SIC) NOSENKO'S STORY ABOUT THE OSWALD CASE. 104-10147-10049.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 08/12/1968 CHIEF, SECURITY RESEARCH STAFF INTERROGATION RESEARCH DIVISION YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO. 2018/104-10147-10049.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 08/12/1968 CHIEF, SECURITY RESEARCH STAFF INTERROGATION RESEARCH DIVISION YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO. 104-10150-10004.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/01/1968 DIRECTOR OF SECURITY BRUCE L. SOLIE, DEPUTY CHIEF/SRS MEMO: CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO. 104-10210-10009.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/01/1968 DIRECTOR OF SECURITY BRUCE L. SOLIO CIA STUDY: "CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 104-10534-10203.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/01/1968 DIRECTOR OF SECURITY SOLIE. D/C, SECURITY RESEARCH STAFF FILE: CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 2018/104-10150-10004.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/01/1968 DIRECTOR OF SECURITY BRUCE L. SOLIE, DEPUTY CHIEF/SRS MEMO: CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO. 2018/104-10210-10009.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/01/1968 DIRECTOR OF SECURITY BRUCE L. SOLIO CIA STUDY: "CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 2018/104-10534-10203.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/01/1968 DIRECTOR OF SECURITY SOLIE. D/C, SECURITY RESEARCH STAFF FILE: CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 104-10106-10300.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/1969 BIOGRAPHIC AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON NOSENKO. 2018/104-10106-10300.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/1969 BIOGRAPHIC AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON NOSENKO. 104-10210-10031.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 04/07/1969 MFR - ANATOLE RE NOSENKO (PART OF CIA STUDY "CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO"). 2018/104-10210-10031.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 04/07/1969 MFR - ANATOLE RE NOSENKO (PART OF CIA STUDY "CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS IN THE CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO"). DOCID-32404738.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 04/07/1969 MILLER. DC/CI/SIG THE RECORD MEMORANDUM: ANATOLE RE NOSENKO DOCID-32404748.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 04/07/1969 WITHHELD NONE ATTACHMENT B TO MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD: ANATOLE RE NOSENKO, CRUCIAL QUESTIONS. DOCID-32404749.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 04/07/1969 WITHHELD NONE ATTACHMENT C TO MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD: ANATOLE RE NOSENKO DOCID-32404750.PDF 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 04/15/1969 MILER NONE HANDWRITTEN NOTES ON MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD: ANATOLE RE NOSENKO. 104-10106-10231.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 09/05/1969 MISC LETTERS AND RECEIPTS: YURIY NOSENKO--ATTORNEY LETTERS AND RECEIPTS FOR INVOLVEMENT IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENT 2018/104-10106-10231.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 09/05/1969 MISC LETTERS AND RECEIPTS: YURIY NOSENKO--ATTORNEY LETTERS AND RECEIPTS FOR INVOLVEMENT IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENT 104-10111-10250.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 02/18/1971 THE RECORD MILLER, SCOTT MEMO: NOSENKO CASE. 2018/104-10111-10250.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 02/18/1971 THE RECORD MILLER, SCOTT MEMO: NOSENKO CASE. DOCID-32398367.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 07/13/1973 SOLIE, BRUCE L RELEASE SIGNED BY SOVIET DEFECTOR NOSENKO DOCID-32398364.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 09/25/1973 SOLIE, BRUCE, CI SPECIALIST/OS MEMO ON FINANCIAL STATUS OF SOVIET DEFECTOR NOSENKO 104-10135-10397.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 08/04/1975 CHIEF, SECURITY ANALYSIS GROUP HUNT, JOHN S., SECURITY ANALYSIS GR YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO (MEDICAL CHRONOLOGY). 104-10147-10177.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 08/04/1975 CHIEF, SECURITY ANALYSIS GROUP JOHN S. HUNT, SAG MEMO OF CHRONOLOGICAL LISTING OF MEDICAL PERSONNEL THAT EXAMINED YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 2018/104-10135-10397.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 08/04/1975 CHIEF, SECURITY ANALYSIS GROUP HUNT, JOHN S., SECURITY ANALYSIS GR YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO (MEDICAL CHRONOLOGY). 2018/104-10147-10177.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 08/04/1975 CHIEF, SECURITY ANALYSIS GROUP JOHN S. HUNT, SAG MEMO OF CHRONOLOGICAL LISTING OF MEDICAL PERSONNEL THAT EXAMINED YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 104-10106-10190.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/29/1975 MAYERFELD, ERNEST, OGC DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW OF WARREN COMM DOCUMENTS RE NOSENKO 2018/104-10106-10190.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/29/1975 MAYERFELD, ERNEST, OGC DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW OF WARREN COMM DOCUMENTS RE NOSENKO 104-10106-10128.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 02/17/1976 THE RECORD MCCOY, LEONARD, CHIEF, CI/R&A SAM JAFFE CALL TO JOHN GITTINGER RE NOSENKO'S CHARGE AGAINST HIM 2018/104-10106-10128.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 02/17/1976 THE RECORD MCCOY, LEONARD, CHIEF, CI/R&A SAM JAFFE CALL TO JOHN GITTINGER RE NOSENKO'S CHARGE AGAINST HIM 104-10106-10071.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/01/1976 DCI STEMBRIDGE, SIDNEY D, OS PAYMENT OF FUNDS PROMISED TO SOVIET DEFECTOR NOSENKO 104-10106-10092.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/01/1976 DCI STEMBRIDGE, SIDNEY D, OS PAYMENT OF PROMISED FUNDS TO SOVIET DEFECTOR NOSENKO 2018/104-10106-10071.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/01/1976 DCI STEMBRIDGE, SIDNEY D, OS PAYMENT OF FUNDS PROMISED TO SOVIET DEFECTOR NOSENKO 2018/104-10106-10092.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/01/1976 DCI STEMBRIDGE, SIDNEY D, OS PAYMENT OF PROMISED FUNDS TO SOVIET DEFECTOR NOSENKO 104-10107-10028.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 07/09/1976 DC/CI/R&A GLAZUNOV: DECLASSIFICATION OF NOSENKO REPORTING 2018/104-10107-10028.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 07/09/1976 DC/CI/R&A GLAZUNOV: DECLASSIFICATION OF NOSENKO REPORTING 104-10172-10255.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/20/1976 WITHHELD DIRECTOR CABLE WE HAVE BEEN CHECKING WITH NOSENKO. 2018/104-10172-10255.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/20/1976 WITHHELD DIRECTOR CABLE WE HAVE BEEN CHECKING WITH NOSENKO. 104-10107-10030.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 08/29/1977 DCI WALLER, JOHN H., IG THE DEFECTORS NOSENKO AND GOLITSYN. 2018/104-10107-10030.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 08/29/1977 DCI WALLER, JOHN H., IG THE DEFECTORS NOSENKO AND GOLITSYN. 104-10534-10173.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/1978 NONE WITHHELD ITEMS FROM NOSENKO STUDY (1968) IN RESPONSE TO HSCA REQUEST (29 MARCH 1978). 2018/104-10534-10173.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/1978 NONE WITHHELD ITEMS FROM NOSENKO STUDY (1968) IN RESPONSE TO HSCA REQUEST (29 MARCH 1978). 104-10147-10271.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/20/1978 HSCA: NOSENKO AND PATRICIA MCMILLIAN. 2018/104-10147-10271.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/20/1978 HSCA: NOSENKO AND PATRICIA MCMILLIAN. 104-10052-10199.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 04/20/1978 SA/DO/O; C/SAG/OS GABRIELSON, RODGER S., OLC/C&R, CIA MEMO RE HSCA REQUEST FOR INTERVIEWS AND DEPOSITIONS OF NOSENKO; GOLITSYN; DERYABEN; AND BRUCE SOLIE 2018/104-10052-10199.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 04/20/1978 SA/DO/O; C/SAG/OS GABRIELSON, RODGER S., OLC/C&R, CIA MEMO RE HSCA REQUEST FOR INTERVIEWS AND DEPOSITIONS OF NOSENKO; GOLITSYN; DERYABEN; AND BRUCE SOLIE 2018/180-10131-10324.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact 06/20/1978 NOSENKO, YURI TESTIMONY OF YURI IVANOVICH NOSENKO 2018/180-10131-10324.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact HSCA 06/20/1978 NOSENKO, YURI TESTIMONY OF YURI IVANOVICH NOSENKO 104-10135-10393.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 07/20/1978 BRECKINRIDGE, S., OLC GAMBINO, ROBERT W., DIRECTOR/OS INVESTIGATION REGARDING ANY USE OF DRUGS IN THE CASE OF YURIY NOSENKO. 2018/104-10135-10393.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 07/20/1978 BRECKINRIDGE, S., OLC GAMBINO, ROBERT W., DIRECTOR/OS INVESTIGATION REGARDING ANY USE OF DRUGS IN THE CASE OF YURIY NOSENKO. 104-10147-10166.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 07/27/1978 MEMO FOR THE RECORD BRECKINRIDGE, S.D. MEMO: HANDLING OF TAPES OF NOSENKO'S TESTIMONY 2018/104-10147-10166.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 07/27/1978 MEMO FOR THE RECORD BRECKINRIDGE, S.D. MEMO: HANDLING OF TAPES OF NOSENKO'S TESTIMONY 104-10147-10164.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 08/01/1978 MFR CIA, BRECKINRIDGE, S.D. HSCA INTEREST IN NOSENKO 2018/104-10147-10164.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 08/01/1978 MFR CIA, BRECKINRIDGE, S.D. HSCA INTEREST IN NOSENKO 104-10147-10131.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 08/02/1978 MEMO FOR THE RECORD REARDON, RAYMOND, SAG MFR RE THE USE OF DRUGS IN THE YURIY NOSENKO CASE AT HIS INTERROGATION 2018/104-10147-10131.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 08/02/1978 MEMO FOR THE RECORD REARDON, RAYMOND, SAG MFR RE THE USE OF DRUGS IN THE YURIY NOSENKO CASE AT HIS INTERROGATION 104-10406-10257.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 08/28/1978 LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL CIA CHIEF COUNSEL HSCA LETTER: IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROFESSOR BLAKEY'S DISCUSSION/QUESTIONS RE NOSENKO 2018/104-10406-10257.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 08/28/1978 LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL CIA CHIEF COUNSEL HSCA LETTER: IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROFESSOR BLAKEY'S DISCUSSION/QUESTIONS RE NOSENKO 104-10534-10027.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 09/07/1978 TAPE:SIDES 1 AND 2. NOSENKO INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HART. 104-10534-10028.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 09/07/1978 TAPE:SIDES 3 AND 4. NOSENKO INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HART. 104-10534-10029.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 09/07/1978 TAPE:SIDES 5 AND 6. NOSENKO INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HART. 104-10534-10030.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 09/08/1978 TAPE:SIDES 7 AND 8. NOSENKO INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HART. 104-10534-10031.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 09/08/1978 TAPE:SIDES 9 AND 10. NOSENKO INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HART. 104-10534-10032.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 09/08/1978 TAPE:SIDES 11 AND 12. NOSENKO INTERVIEW WITH JOHN HART. 104-10095-10126.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/16/1978 MEMO FOR THE RECORD. MCCOY, LEONARD CHRONOLOGY OF AN EFFORT TO INSPIRE OBJECTIVE REVIEW OF THE NOSENKO CASE. 104-10095-10151.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 10/16/1978 MEMO FOR THE RECORD MCCOY, LEONARD LEONARD MCCOY'S REVIEW OF NOSENKO'S CASE. 2018/104-10095-10126.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/16/1978 MEMO FOR THE RECORD. MCCOY, LEONARD CHRONOLOGY OF AN EFFORT TO INSPIRE OBJECTIVE REVIEW OF THE NOSENKO CASE. 2018/104-10095-10151.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 10/16/1978 MEMO FOR THE RECORD MCCOY, LEONARD LEONARD MCCOY'S REVIEW OF NOSENKO'S CASE. 104-10079-10226.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 12/19/1978 CHIEF/CI STAFF/DDO - CHIEF/SE DIVIS GABRIELSON, RODGER S. MEMO: NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 104-10147-10018.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 12/19/1978 CHIEF/CI STAFF/DDO GABRIELSON, R.S. NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 104-10418-10131.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 12/19/1978 CHIEF/CI STAFF/DDO RODGER S GABRIELSON MEMO: NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 104-10418-10150.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 12/19/1978 CHIEF/CI STAFF & C/SE DIV/DDO RODGER S. GABRIELSON MEMO: NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 2018/104-10079-10226.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 12/19/1978 CHIEF/CI STAFF/DDO - CHIEF/SE DIVIS GABRIELSON, RODGER S. MEMO: NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 2018/104-10147-10018.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 12/19/1978 CHIEF/CI STAFF/DDO GABRIELSON, R.S. NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 2018/104-10418-10131.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 12/19/1978 CHIEF/CI STAFF/DDO RODGER S GABRIELSON MEMO: NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 2018/104-10418-10150.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 12/19/1978 CHIEF/CI STAFF & C/SE DIV/DDO RODGER S. GABRIELSON MEMO: NOSENKO RELATED MATERIAL. 104-10418-10172.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/08/1979 CIA, OLC FBI THIS RESPONDS IN FULL TO A DEC. 18, 1978, LETTER TO ATTORNEY GEN. SIGNED BY G.ROBERT BLAKEY, CHIEF COUNSEL AND DIRECTOR, HSCA, WHICH ASKED THAT THE FBI DECLASSIFLY, IN TOTO, A SECRET SEPTEMBER 14, 1978 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORIES TO Y.I. NOSENKO. 2018/104-10418-10172.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/08/1979 CIA, OLC FBI THIS RESPONDS IN FULL TO A DEC. 18, 1978, LETTER TO ATTORNEY GEN. SIGNED BY G.ROBERT BLAKEY, CHIEF COUNSEL AND DIRECTOR, HSCA, WHICH ASKED THAT THE FBI DECLASSIFLY, IN TOTO, A SECRET SEPTEMBER 14, 1978 RESPONSE TO INTERROGATORIES TO Y.I. NOSENKO. 104-10118-10418.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/19/1979 MULTIPLE ADDRESSEES GABRIELSON, R.S., OLC ROUTING SHEET - "DIR/FBI RESPONSE RE NOSENKO INTERROGATORIES 2018/104-10118-10418.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/19/1979 MULTIPLE ADDRESSEES GABRIELSON, R.S., OLC ROUTING SHEET - "DIR/FBI RESPONSE RE NOSENKO INTERROGATORIES 104-10106-10077.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 02/23/1979 GENERAL COUNSEL BLEE, DAVID H., DDO/CI MEMO ON FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS TO KGB DEFECTOR PDDONOR/1, NOSENKO 2018/104-10106-10077.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 02/23/1979 GENERAL COUNSEL BLEE, DAVID H., DDO/CI MEMO ON FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS TO KGB DEFECTOR PDDONOR/1, NOSENKO 104-10149-10024.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/16/1979 SUMPTION, DALE S. D. BRECKINRIDGE CONSOLIDATED COMMENTS ON HSCA NOSENKO DRAFT. 2018/104-10149-10024.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/16/1979 SUMPTION, DALE S. D. BRECKINRIDGE CONSOLIDATED COMMENTS ON HSCA NOSENKO DRAFT. 104-10067-10151.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/18/1979 DC/CI STAFF, CIA BRECKINRIDGE, SCOTT D., OLC CONSOLIDATED COMMENTS ON HSCA NOSENKO DRAFT. 2018/104-10067-10151.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/18/1979 DC/CI STAFF, CIA BRECKINRIDGE, SCOTT D., OLC CONSOLIDATED COMMENTS ON HSCA NOSENKO DRAFT. 104-10067-10117.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/19/1979 BLAKEY, G. ROBERT (HSCA DIRECTOR) BRECKINRIDGE, S. D. (CIA) CIA COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO DRAFT. 104-10082-10038.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/19/1979 BLAKEY, G. ROBERT, HSCA BRECKINRIDGE, SCOTT D., OLC COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO DRAFT 104-10149-10026.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/19/1979 BLAKEY, ROBERT G S. D. BRECKINRIDGE COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO DRAFT. 2018/104-10067-10117.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/19/1979 BLAKEY, G. ROBERT (HSCA DIRECTOR) BRECKINRIDGE, S. D. (CIA) CIA COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO DRAFT. 2018/104-10082-10038.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/19/1979 BLAKEY, G. ROBERT, HSCA BRECKINRIDGE, SCOTT D., OLC COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO DRAFT 2018/104-10149-10026.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/19/1979 BLAKEY, ROBERT G S. D. BRECKINRIDGE COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO DRAFT. 104-10067-10143.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/20/1979 RININGER, DICK, OGC, CIA BRECKINRIDGE, SCOTT D., OLC MEMO PROPOSED FOR DDCI TO STOKES ON NOSENKO. 104-10146-10115.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/20/1979 RININGER, DICK, OGC BRECKINRIDGE, S D. MEMO PROPOSED FOR DDCI TO STOKES ON NOSENKO. 2018/104-10067-10143.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/20/1979 RININGER, DICK, OGC, CIA BRECKINRIDGE, SCOTT D., OLC MEMO PROPOSED FOR DDCI TO STOKES ON NOSENKO. 2018/104-10146-10115.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/20/1979 RININGER, DICK, OGC BRECKINRIDGE, S D. MEMO PROPOSED FOR DDCI TO STOKES ON NOSENKO. 104-10418-10169.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 05/29/1979 WITHHELD FOIA REQUEST FROM DAVID C. MARTIN, RE: ANGLETON VS TURNER ON NOSENKO. 2018/104-10418-10169.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 05/29/1979 WITHHELD FOIA REQUEST FROM DAVID C. MARTIN, RE: ANGLETON VS TURNER ON NOSENKO. 104-10418-10002.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/10/1981 SKOFF HELEN, DC/FPLG/PS BAKER DON, FPLG/PS MEMO: NOSENKO FOIA REQUESTS 2018/104-10418-10002.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/10/1981 SKOFF HELEN, DC/FPLG/PS BAKER DON, FPLG/PS MEMO: NOSENKO FOIA REQUESTS DOCID-32341350.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 03/25/1990 DEBRIEFING REPORT: YURIY NOSENKO 104-10331-10367.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 03/23/1994 C/HRG MEMO: NOSENKO AND THE MANGOLD LITIGATION 2018/104-10331-10367.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 03/23/1994 C/HRG MEMO: NOSENKO AND THE MANGOLD LITIGATION 104-10331-10174.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 04/30/1997 BARRY NOTE: CIC OSWALD/NOSENKO RELATED SOFT FILES: 2018/104-10331-10174.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 04/30/1997 BARRY NOTE: CIC OSWALD/NOSENKO RELATED SOFT FILES: 104-10106-10312.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 BACKGROUND AND BIOGRAPHIC DATA ON YURIY NOSENKO. 104-10149-10035.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 BLAKEY, ROBERT G S. D. BRECKINRIDGE COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO DRAFT. 104-10209-10012.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 SELECT PAGES OF REPORT FROM DEBRIEF OF NOSENKO ON SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES (JUNE 1955 - JANUARY 1960) 104-10210-10014.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 BLIND MEMO: THE BONA FIDES OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 104-10210-10032.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 FROM 835 PP STUDY DERYABIN ON NOSENKO. 104-10210-10034.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO, VOL III, PART 6. 104-10210-10037.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO, VOL. I, PARTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. 104-10210-10068.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO (835 PAGE STUDY) VOL II, PART 5. 104-10211-10001.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO, VOL. IV, PARTS 7, 8, AND 9. 104-10211-10002.pdf 11/03/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 REPORT OF INTERROGATIONS OF NOSENKO. 104-10227-10004.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPTS. 104-10227-10005.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPTS. 104-10227-10006.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT. 104-10227-10007.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT. 104-10227-10008.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 DERYABIN REPORTS ON INTERROGATION OF NOSENKO. 104-10227-10011.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPTS. 104-10227-10012.pdf 07/24/2017 In Full CIA 01/01/0000 NOSENKO INTERROGATION TRANSCRIPT. 104-10297-10211.pdf 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 EXCERPTS FROM MEETING NO. 2 WITH NOSENKO, REEL 1. 11 JUNE 1962, TRANSLATED FROM RUSSIAN BY P.D. 104-10418-10019.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 MEMORANDUM FOR: YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 104-10418-10202.pdf 11/09/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 YURILY IVANOVICH NOSENKO(INFORMATION ON IDENTIFICATION AND BACKGROUND) 2018/104-10106-10312.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 BACKGROUND AND BIOGRAPHIC DATA ON YURIY NOSENKO. 2018/104-10149-10035.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 BLAKEY, ROBERT G S. D. BRECKINRIDGE COMMENTS ON THE NOSENKO DRAFT. 2018/104-10209-10012.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 SELECT PAGES OF REPORT FROM DEBRIEF OF NOSENKO ON SEVENTH DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES (JUNE 1955 - JANUARY 196) 2018/104-10210-10014.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 BLIND MEMO: THE BONA FIDES OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 2018/104-10210-10034.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO, VOL III, PART 6. 2018/104-10210-10037.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO, VOL. I, PARTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4. 2018/104-10210-10068.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO (835 PAGE STUDY) VOL II, PART 5. 2018/104-10211-10001.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 CASE OF YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO, VOL. IV, PARTS 7, 8, AND 9. 2018/104-10211-10002.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 REPORT OF INTERROGATIONS OF NOSENKO. 2018/104-10418-10019.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 MEMORANDUM FOR: YURIY IVANOVICH NOSENKO 2018/104-10418-10202.pdf 04/26/2018 Redact CIA 01/01/0000 YURILY IVANOVICH NOSENKO(INFORMATION ON IDENTIFICATION AND BACKGROUND) DOCID-32393016.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 NOSENKO DOCID-32393019.PDF 07/24/2017 In Part CIA 01/01/0000 YURILY IVANOVICH NOSENKO
  13. I don't care what anyone says... I'm rooting for Tom to be 100% correct....
  14. No, don't see CUBA... but "JA" as the 2nd country? and as I post, I don't see the connection between the pages.... One would be done in Dec 1960 while the rest comes from an account of getting the evidence... I think... lol
  15. It "seems" as if he's farther back, to me... but he is much closer to those stairs now that I see them better.... It also seems that you may be missing some of the shade caused by the overhang of the landing...in your over head image... Again, thanks for the great effort and persistence...
  16. But Bart... the staples are only in the bottom paper... doesn't touch the top sheet at all.. ??? that was why I asked about the provenance that puts them together... The highlights look like the dates the docs were finally received or not... I added a transparent highlight to the 201 page... I just don't see them connected...
  17. Interesting ... As any decent Photoshop user can, making it appear as if light is shining on parts of the image... PM is in the shade, entirely. None of PM is in direct sunlight in this frame grab.... Wesley's head isn't in direct sunlight. Given the location of the sun, there's no way PM is illuminated.... nor is he close to the front of the landing
  18. I'd like to mirror Bart's post - the work is beautiful... I just think some of the assumptions about placement are off... The man below in HUGHES who appears to be Lovelady.... who must be in front of where PM would be... I also think this confirms the removal of frames at some point when he moves to his left by the time of Altgens... The Black Man is down a step or two... Wesley simply cannot be found on the steps pre-shooting. At the far right... if PM's foot was on the top step wouldn't we expect to see more of him i the light? (edit: see PM more like Lovelady in Hughes.... if that's Lovelady and if PM was that far forward) Here's another look... I believe the sun and shadows restricts the possible positions for PM...
  19. Lady Bird got yellow while Jackie got red? No white roses to be seen
  20. I enjoy up close examination of the docs... inverted they tell us things a regular viewing sometimes cannot... Notice how the "2nd COUNTRY INTEREST" is both crossed out and whited out... not really whited out but covered up? Any ideas what that may have said? Most areas without writing appear to be smoothed out... so just these 2-3 letters? should be CUBA - no?
  21. Bart... How are we to know those 2 pieces of paper were ever actually "together" as it appears to me that one piece is simply overlaid the other... What those staples held would be interesting though... DJ
  22. Agree 100%. All I am thinking is the BG star is quite the motivation to do whatever is necessary... who got promotions from Col to BG in the 2 years afterward... who got their star first?
  23. Exactly.... I think it was officer Foster who notices the blood....
  24. I guess my thought is whether or not you see the people in this bunker also listening to the shooting team's radio commands... I've always felt that one of the few ways to make 3 shots sound like 1 is to have a single "Fire" command for all three...... makes 6-9 shots sound like 2-3. There is a lot of talk of echoes as well... yet the end of DP is all open.... a shot from the RR yard for example would not echo as much as a shot from say, Dal-Tex 2nd Floor... Another thought was whether Mike Paine would have access to these channels... "We both know who did"... comment leads me in that direction... Great thread Steve... I think you've found the brass ring here.... Military Colonels is just about as much "operational plausible denial" as you can get.... Colonels are 1 step under 1-star general... do your job well as a colonel and the stars come... I would guess.
  25. Steve... Cause it just HAS to be there... anything about Collins Radio involved here? Would they have outfitted the command bunker?
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