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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. The "forklift" was not used in Dallas... It was used at Andrews... at night...
  2. Pardon the interruption.... Has anyone SEEN these photos? Links to these photos? Thanks DJ
  3. The series of articles I wrote have a main theme... The Evidence IS the Conspiracy.... Following this or any evidence leads only to the conspiracy; in relation to the small amount of true info which applies to the actual assassination. Since these items of evidence fail the authenticity test, they would never see a court of law. And that is my point... I challenge anyone to point to an item of evidence which can be proven AUTHENTIC in the legal sense. If not authentic, the evidence and its implications are moot. DVP talks about the evidence but never allow the discussion to get to the point where this evidence is rendered REAL. There is a huge hole in the rifle authentication... enough to generate reasonable noble doubt that any rifle let alone that one was ever involved in these transactions. If the evidence cannot be proven authentic, Oswald’s use of it also becomes moot. Just like Ozzie not being on the 6th floor at the time.... Immediate non starters... that there are many who saw a different yet eerily similar film to Zapruder’s... and the activities described match what we’d expect to see on the cutting room floor somewhere in Northern NYState. So please... before evidence is used to Prove or Support a factual conclusion.. it must be authenticated by its uniqueness, or by chain of custody.... With very few exceptions, the visual record of events has been severely altered. ie... look at Altgen’s 2nd to last photo of the car speeding away compared to the others.... and that is the one hoot of his without a negative.... the photos and films showing anything were extremely limited.. a small handful which where dealt with as needed. The Evidence IS the Conspiracy... and always will be.... we chase the shadows and ripples of fact hoping to see what really caused them... imo that is... DJ
  4. Aint it buddy? I just came across this document from the recent release... https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32158959.pdf
  5. Your assumptions are inaccurate as usual. It resembles a Straw Man argument/tactic... At least that's what I've heard... You start from your own misguided opinions about plans to which no one is privy..... And proceed to insert feet in mouth with childish glee... As to the words of wit and sarcasm sent in my direction.... You so funny... Post something serious occasionally ....so we know the difference...
  6. Pretty sure you don't want me to SHOULD all over you and an ongoing behavior which betrays an ongoing agenda which remains impossible for you to control.... The only truly off the wall, unsupported drek ever peddled with seriousness remains your thinly disguised attempt at forum ridicule with that pet theory in search of support.... It takes special members to ridicule the work of others while contributing so little to furthering the cause.... Or, if having contributed in the past, how little respect is offered as opposed to how so very much is expected.
  7. { cool trick TG pulled on h&l there... Even when asked nicely, he can't resist}
  8. Oh David..... You made a funny. In camera ... At NARA.... ? The 6 feet of film? Love ya man. DJ
  9. To ponder: If the shooters were connected via COLLINS RADIOS... the "Fire" command would allow 2-3 shooters to fire within a split second of each other... .... also, the area where the Tramps walk past Lansdale.... same area as you have a shooter for the 2nd z313 shot... Except it appears too large and that he shouldn't be all black
  10. This is AFTER 133 (486 - 133 = 353) Q: 39.22 frames at 18.3 fps, not 48... right? 39.22 / 18.3 = 2.143 seconds.... & also equals 39.22 * either (48/18.3) = 103 whole frames or (48/18) = 105 whole frames at 48fps Let's look at the likely candidates for removal... z154 - z158... while it appears that z157's top is spliced into z156's bottom... JFK's head turn in 1 frame seems impossible z207 (WEST location fro a shot) thru z212 - 1 of 2 shots removed z207 to z208 on CE884 is 2.24 feet which = 28mph.... it was not possible for the limo to travel that distance in 1 frame so 208 was changed to 210 in CE884 to bring the spped down under 10mph On CE585 we can see the faint writing stating that Shot #1 at frame 207/8 was a bit farther up Elm... So while JFK and JC appear to be hit nearly simultaneously... there was a fraction of a second separating the 2 shots... Many feel JFK was hit, possibly twice between 190 and 223... Z302 - 303 is another example of an extreme head turn and the fact that the image is relatively uniform in focus despite - supposedly - the limo or the camera was moving... And again at 314-316 and again at 350 - right where the shot by the stairs occurs Mr. LIEBELER - You also testified that you were standing perhaps no more than 15 feet away when the President was hit in the head and that you are absolutely certain that there were no shots fired after the President was hit in the head?Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir; that's correct. .....There was flesh particles that flew out of the side of his head in my direction from where I was standing, so much so that it indicated to me that the shot came out of the left side of his head.
  11. 18 X 2 = 36 X 1.2 = 43.2 X 1.1111 = 48 / 48 = 1 (1-.11111) = .888889 X 18 = 16 frames per second (1 of the 2 settings for speed on the B&H) the other was 48fps If the film was not altered or taken at 48fps it would have been taken at 16fps What happens to all the calcs when you revert back to the normal camera speed - and why was 18.3 so much more important to use than 16? First big reason was the incline of Elm with a rise/run of 1'/18.3' 16/18.3 = .8743 From the first splice, 133, to 313... 180 frames @18.3 frames drops to 157 frames at 16 fps. z313 - 157 frames = z156, the location of the 2nd splice and exactly half the frames. 180 frames minus 157 frames = 23 frames @ ~1 foot per frame is the length of the limo z156 - z133 = 23 frames = length of the limo =========== {thinking out loud} 486 frames @ 18.3 = 425 frames @ 16. 61 frame diff 353 frames (486-133) = 309 frames @ 16 42 frame diff... 42 frames would be the distance between 313 and the final shot per the SS...
  12. Jim... there's a 2nd page to that report in John's file 3114 Harlendale?
  13. first and last? 133 and 135? you talking about that jag to the left in the unstabilized version that sentence really doesn't help clarify it buddy... At about 1 foot per frame, 2 frames divided by .25 = 8 frames at 48 fps to 134 to 135 at 18.3 = to 133.1 - 133.2 - 133.3 - 134 - 134.1 - 134.2 - 134.3 - 135 at 48 Ffps remove half (4 frames) leaving 4 133.1, 133.2, 134.1, 134.2 remove half (2 frames) leaving 2 133.3, 134.3 2 frames left, 5 removed... from a 48 fps film... but I still don't understand what you mean by "the position of the limo will match the extant film" when and where?
  14. Ok buddy... help me understand... (133-135 is a 3 frame span though...) Here is 133, 134, 135, 136 & 137 stabilized around the light pole or not stabilized and the camera shift shows a perfect 1 frame movement... kinda looks like a splice after a camera jiggle as a result of a shot....
  15. This is important Ron.... Most everything Oswald "did" could be used for those 2 purposes... Infiltration of the "commies" requires looking and acting like a commie... except Oswald, while going against Castro for Odio's benefit was for Castro via FPCC while working for Banister/FBI to ID FPCC supporters. Whether you believe Tampa and Chicago plots were foiled or not, a perfect DALLAS patsy was moved into place in early October... working in a building where connections to co-conspirators would not be too hard to make... Everything Oswald did for the FBI winds up being the incriminating evidenced against him... No Ron, not too speculative at all... I see it as an integral part of the Phase 1 Phase 2 plan and contingencies
  16. Pretty sure it was standard for the FBI to have anyone in Oswald's position to keep the FBI informed of attempted contacts.... So I gather you are saying that his trip to Russia, as part of the defector program, qualifies him as a "government informant"? Didn't SNYDER in Russia believe his approach and what he said struck him as rehearsed and guided? From WEBERMAN In September 1975 Counter-Intelligence Staff member Paul Hartman drafted a Memorandum for the Chief, Counter-Intelligence Staff (ANGLETON), stating that on November 27, 1963, he was instructed by Raymond Rocca, his immediate superior, to check Agency files in order to determine if OSWALD had been used by, or was connected with, the CIA. Paul Hartman checked with Records Integration Division , Deputy Director/Plans, Domestic Contacts Division , Division D, SE Division, the Cuban Operations Group of the Latin American Division, Medical Services, Counter-Intelligence/Operational Approval, CRS, and Office of Security/Security Research Service: "The results were negative" as well they should have been, since OSWALD worked for ANGLETON, not the CIA. [CIA 1188-1000]
  17. incredible Chris... the 5 frames removed... that's AFTER the 2 initial passes to reduce frames.... not from the 48fps film. yes? Did this a year ago... Red line is WEST's path of the limo, Green line is Shaneyfelt path 1.1 foot south... JFK at the Zfilm's 166 - with the same Line of Sight - and the change to CE884... moves the location of 166 back 5.4 feet.... By 171 the front left tire of the limo has reached the lane strip... yet the movement actually puts the arbitrary 171 farther back than the zfilm 166... Even Shaneyfelt messes his testimony up a bit... if the first frame was 171, how did it become 161?
  18. We both know proving a negative is fruitless. so let's ask an obvious question... If a car trip was real and with imposters do we agree the goal was establishing an OSWALD trip to Mexico to receive $6500 to kill JFK; as told by ALVARADO? For as I see it, that is the only connection to Castro or a conspiracy involving Oswald established from the evidence in Mexico. The "debunking" of ALVARADO removes the only evidence connection to a plot and action... The STATE Dept memo from MANN at 11:32PM on the 23rd claims the same things HARVEY CASH did... the records do not show the mode of transportation for the entry while they show "Auto." for the mode leaving.... So if the desire was to leave behind evidence of this entry (for why do it clandestinely?) in an car with 4 people... it either didn't work or the evidence was removed/changed. While I can't seem to find the source... this is a cobbled together FM-11 from Sept 1963 which shows "OSWALD" alphabetized as an "O" rather than the "L" for his traveling last name "H.O. LEE" This document does not support entering via an auto mobile So here we are in MAY and the FBI is still married to FLECHA ROJAS on the way down and H.O. LEE on del Norte then Greyhound... We know FLECHA was a fraud... we also know the FBI checked all the bus lines with negative results... To me, it appears more likely no Oswald crossed at all... no car load with Oswald crossed (CASH getting MAYDON to suggest others in the car - to ME - is part of the initial Phase 1 "conspiracy" activity. That is if CASH even bothered using MAYDON to make this report) WHAT EVIDENCE WOULD WE EXPECT TO FIND IN SUPPORT OF A CAR TRIP THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO LEAVE EVIDENCE BUT DIDN'T... OTHER THAN THE FACT THAT IT DIDN'T. BY THE TIME ALVARADO IS TELLING HIS STORY - CASH HAS ALREADY REPORTED NO MENTION OF MODE OF TRANSPORTATION.... LEAVING OPTIONS OPEN. "Col Garrison of the Texas Department of Public Safety makes preliminary report to Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr 11/26 that two blonde women and another man either entered Mexico with Lee Harvey Oswald or returned with Oswald (Tex Atty Gen 3 11/26/63)" - MFF Mex chrono
  19. Especially the chest wound.... I have yet to see a single actual image of the chest/rib injury.... we have plenty of xrays of the wrist... & we have this drawing Except the drawing is of the left hand ... when you orient the image so the writing and the page # is correct.... Also, the bullet was said to have entered the TOP of the arm and exited from the BOTTOM... Given what we see here... how is that even possible when confined to the SBT? Has he been shot yet here? Does his hand just involuntarily clinch the hat after shot? Where could a shot come from to do the damage described? http://content.invisioncic.com/r16296/post-6369-0-74333400-1385381514.jpg
  20. Or upon returning (maybe even before).... he realizes there's an OSWALD in the Miami area as well ??? Besides, who would he tell? In the world of spies on spies... the less said the better? ???
  21. You think they were trying to hide something... specifically?
  22. Gary.... You cut it off so they don't have to try and contort him to push his broken arm and hand thru 2 sleeves... You're right Keyvan.... great observation... they got it off him and it was being cleaned before they had a chance to do anything.... how'd they get the blood out of that shirt? DJ
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