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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Reaching new levels of idiocy... 48 years old and still playing the man-child fool... Congrats - you've reached Craig Lamson and Paul May territory...
  2. Nice try... reminds me of the blind men describing an elephant... you have just enough info to be dangerous, but not enough to be correct. The craniotomy that was performed to reflect the scalp away from the wound does not go ACROSS the skull... but g~d forbid you do some work and look something up yourself... right So the orientation is such, possibly even turned a bit more clock-wise.... and this image completely hides the right temple area where the entry was.... The impact popped open that flap... Boswell or one of the Drs is pulling the unattached scalp back over that hole.... by the way, read carefully thru the brain removal... it is not possible that a shot or several shots severed all the connections between the brain and the scalp.... not possible. HUMES was performing a partial craniotomy prior to 8pm... and simply extended the laceration lines when the time was right... Maybe read BEST EVIDENCE? or not enough pictures for you? To better examine the situation with regard to the skull, at this time, Boswell and I extended the lacerations of the scalp which were at the margins of this wound, down in the direction of both of the President's ears. At that point, we had even a better appreciation of the extensive damage which had been done to the skill by this injury.We had to do virtually no work with a saw to remove these Portions of the skull, they came apart in our hands very easily The connection between the skull and the underlying media is thorough... the falx connects every part of the skull to the body in addition to optic nerves, arteries and other nerves... the spinal cord (which had a clean cut thru it despite no bullet coming close.... the image at the bottom illustrates what HUMES said the wounds looked like... This is the result of HUMES' "surgery to the top of the head" .... 3 separate channels at three different elevations... We found that the right cerebral hemisphere was markedly disrupted. There was a longitudinal laceration of the right hemisphere which was parasagittal in position. By the saggital plane, as you may know, is a plane in the midline which would divide the brain into right and left halves. This laceration was parasagittal. It was situated approximately 2.5 cm. to the right of the midline, and extended from the tip of occipital lobe, which is the posterior portion of the brain, to the tip of the frontal lobe which is the most anterior portion of the brain, and it extended from the top down to the substance of the brain a distance of approximately 5 or 6 cm.The base of the laceration was situated approximately 4.5 cm. below the vertex in the white matter. By the vertex we mean--the highest point on the skull is referred to as the vertex.The area in which the greatest loss of brain substance was particularly in the parietal lobe, which is the major portion of the right cerebral hemisphere.The margins of this laceration at all points were jagged and irregular, with additional lacerations extending in varying directions and for varying distances from the main laceration.In addition, there was a laceration of the corpus callosum which is a body of fibers which connects the two hemispheres of the brain to each other, which extended from the posterior to the anterior portion of this structure, that is the corpus callosum. Exposed in this laceration were portions of the ventricular system in which the spinal fluid normally is disposed within the brain.When viewed from above the left cerebral hemisphere was intact. There was engorgement of blood vessels in the meninges covering the brain. We note that the gyri and sulci, which are the convolutions of the brain over the left hemisphere were of normal size and distribution.Those on the right were too fragmented and distorted for satisfactory description.When the brain was turned over and viewed from its basular or inferior aspect, there was found a longitudinal laceration of the mid-brain through the floor of the third ventricle, just behind the optic chiasma and the mammillary bodies.This laceration partially communicates with an oblique 1.5 cm. tear through the left cerebral peduncle. This is a portion of the brain which connects the higher centers of the brain with the spinal cord which is more concerned with reflex actions.There were irregular superficial lacerations over the basular or inferior aspects of the left temporal and frontal lobes. We interpret that these later contusions were brought about when the disruptive force of the injury pushed that portion of the brain against the relative intact skull.This has been described as contre-coup injury in that location.This, then, I believe, Mr. Specter, are the major points with regard to the President's head wound.
  3. Here is an close approximation of the direction JFK was looking .... it is much further to the south than I think we realize... While the limo was SW at about 225 degrees as Richard shows, JFK was facing to his left... the beginning of which you can see in Altgens 6 where he is already looking in the direction of the rear view mirror
  4. Yet the report is not written until Sept 64 despite being shown the photo the 23rd... Wonder why they made him look fatter in the WCR version ... ??
  5. Mr. SPECTER - What was the condition with respect to cleanliness? Mr. FRAZIER - There were blood and particles of flesh scattered all over the hood, the windshield, in the front seat and all over the rear floor rugs, the jump seats, and over the rear seat, and down both sides of the side rails or tops of the doors of the car. Frasier does not see the limo until DC.... any and all cleaning would have been done between 12:40 and the following day... He was there late at night and into the next morning.... even in this image, do you see any blood from a right to left shot from the front? I don't even see smudges... Mr. SPECTER - Mr. Frazier, did you have occasion to examine an automobile which was the vehicle used customarily by the President of the United States in parades? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes; I did. Mr. SPECTER - When did that examination occur? Mr. FRAZIER - In the early morning hours of November 23, 1963, at the Secret here in Washington, D.C.
  6. If this is the best we have and from which conclusions are formulated... None of the medical evidence is worth a pile of spit.... It was altered, changed, redone, etc... You were aware that Ebersole tells us the Secret Service had him retake all the xrays... The initial films showed the usual metallic fragments in the skull but no evidence of a slug, a bullet. This was a little bit disconcerting. We were asked by the Secret Service agents present to repeat the films and did so Once again there was no evidence of a bullet. Dr. BADEN. But there was no clear impression that you had that somebody in that room was in any way giving orders as to how the autopsy should be done? Dr. EBERSOLE. Absolutely not. If I may add now, there was a specific Secret Service agent who did ask me to repeat some of these X rays when the first set showed no bullet. Dr. EBERSOLE. But to the best of my recollection there was no such pressure on us. I felt a little bit of personal pressure when the first X rays did not show a bullet and I was asked by the Secret Service agent to repeat but a little bit of pressure, certainly nothing overwhelming. I knew what he was after but I didn't feel myself in repeating the X rays would show the bullet but we did it. Dr. BADEN. Now you repeated the X ray specifically because what you were after was to find a bullet? Dr. EBERSOLE. A bullet. Dr. PETTY. Then as I understand it there was a quandry where was the bullet and somebody suggested taking a second set of X rays. Dr. EBERSOLE. Yes. That suggestion came from a non- medical person, a Secret Service agent. Dr. PETTY. All right. So a second set of X rays were taken. Dr. EBERSOLE. Yes. This next bit is quite interesting... It confirms a whole bunch of stuff: Bethesda was aware of the exit wound that night. Ebersole takes this second set of xrays well after the autopsy officially ended - the actual and official count of xrays then is completely false... Dr. EBERSOLE. We can put this back on when we get the tape on but somewhere during the course of the evening the input came in from Dallas about the wound exit in the neck. That I think stopped the problem from my aspect of taking the X rays. I cannot tell you what time that was. The time is rather vague that night but it was quite late in the evening.
  7. I took the position of JFK's head and enlarged it for this graphic... He was looking left with his head turned... As Sherry once mentioned, a South Knoll shot either over the windshield or thru would indeed leave the kinds of injuries described at Parkland Depending on where within that red area a shot originated, the "blowout" to the right/center rear (or what was left of it after HUMES' work) is more easily imagined. The removal of McHugh from the center/front of the limo opened a clear firing lane... The overpass railing height is over 8 feet higher than JFK's head at z313... plus the 1 foot difference due to the length of the limo. A South Knoll shot was very doable and very realistic... just ask Tosh...
  8. For those who have waded thru Mr. W's trolling to find some real info... This report is days before the WCR is delivered to LBJ... The concern over this episode was NOT that she was shown a photo of RUBY... but that the photos she was shown were different from each other.... and that the FBI was trying to hide the fact Ruby was in Mexico too... The photo, having come from a CIA Op, and now associated with the name Oswald, would do harm to the LI projects of surveillance. In fact, not long after the WCR is published, the Russians are moving in on the LI apartment requiring the CIA to relocate.... I'm terribly sorry that one needed to deal with a petulant Mr. W just to get to some evidence...
  9. Indeed - I'd say you're correct on that one Roger... Thanks. (My "duh" is assumed, and silent)
  10. The grating, the back of the fence and the strange lighting of the front of the fence from Cabluck...
  11. Just for reference... the note HUNT supposedly scrawled in relation to his deathbed confession And a photo of someone who appears to be Hunt walking across Elm...
  12. You have to be, without a single doubt, - the least curious - the least interested - and the least qualified yet you remain - the most vocal critic - the most confused by other people's curiosity and interest in the subject - the most prolific poster of vapid statements this forum has known ================================== What is your real problem Mike? You a closet McAdams-ite and are just here to stir the pot or are you truly as dense and uninquisitive as your posts suggest? In your extremely limited opinion you see Conspiracy, yet G~d forbid you should have to do any work or miss an opportunity to disparage other people doing work... You have to be one of the laziest, do-nothing "CT" we've ever had... "It's Obvious" is no way to go thru life discussing anything... what you see in your mind's eye is so convoluted that you just can't offer any explanation - so you don't even try Guess we should be thankful for little favors... Cause you know so much about people and their needs and desires, right Mike What a wonderful environment we could have here if you were to realize that your "confusion" is both understood and expected. That maybe, just maybe it's worth shutting up for a little while so the grown-ups can have a serious discussion... reading what is offered and learning something... But you're just too omniscient to allow so much to just slide... right? You keep sticking a fork in your eye at the kid's table Mike... Your contribution here as court jester is cute and all... but you'd think there'd be something better for a perceived grown-up to do with his time than throw "I'm so confused by y'all" tantrums in the corner which do nothing but bring light to who you are and what you're doing... You're a real contribution to the cause Mike...
  13. I knew Igor... at the top right.. has 3 names... was like 5'3".... arrested in Irving maybe??
  14. "what" was recruited or who? I assume you're asking about the drug pipeline... This is Peter Dale Scott territory... ===== The only references to NARCOTICS I found is to the Bureau contacting him ... this top highlight offers the characteristic of the personnel desired... Regardless... those in the Narcotics trade do indeed meet the criteria: professional, proven operationally, competent, ruthless, stable, CE-experienced (what is that?), able to conduct patient(?) search, w/guts.....
  15. Sure thing Paul.... And yes - I think the "circles" are the "circles" we all know and love.... The owners of the European Military Ind Complex which are mainly bankers and lawyers.... You've seen Harvey's written notes on ZR/RIFLE?
  16. Had you seen this Paul? 1b - "certain circles in Europe where we have very few assets" And there is some mention in Harvey's ZR/RIFLE handwritten notes... DJ
  17. You mean the thread I just started showing the Marines were aware of the dental prosthetic.... both in '56 and '59... As well as missing teeth and the tooth that's there despite the marines showing it missing... Yet in 1981 the man shows nothing of the kind... Would someone point to the "fixed bridge" and the "dentures" from the 1981 exhumation... that and his front tooth is not missing... Additionally, there are simply no photos of LEE showing the front teeth... period. Can you address why the Marine records of his having dental "concerns" are not seen in the teeth of the 1981 Oswald and that 4 teeth are specifically called out as missing... did they grow back?
  18. Another image... the 5 Oswald "look-a-likes" Lee, Igor, the short guy (name escapes me), Crafard and Vallee... With regards to the missing teeth... I am starting a thread that shows Oswald had a prosthetic/bridge/denture in his mouth when he entered the Marines.... I bet if he took that out, he too would have a tooth problem out front...
  19. Who fills out an application for a license and then doesn't sign it? Tracy... did you not see the description of this tattered license? Be kind of hard to describe if it did not exist.... and believe it or not, one can drive without a license in one's possession... The guy who showed the license that morning at the Jiffy Mart.... the clerk who remembers Oswald and the name due to the strange assortment of stuff he buys... I remember it being claimed the clerk was "telling stories".... yet when one adds in the YATES encounter... someone else was running around with that license and it wasn't our man Harvey...
  20. All this discussion of the big hole and the small one over the right eye... Father Huber claims to have seen a "terrible wound" over the left eye... despite the claims that all damage was to the right of mid-line... The embalmer notes no left side work done... how can that be missed when 2 small shrapnel holes are filled... some feel those were from glass when a shot goes thru the windshield. There is also testimony that HUMES took a saw and just cut across the top of the forehead... That crack and "wound" on the left side is not connected to anything... the HUMES cut?
  21. So you DON'T recognize the handwriting? lol ...... Paul, please post your source for there being so many Lee Harvey Oswald's in Austin TX, and/or Dallas/Ft Worth... I've seen the lists and those using all three names - always and on everything - did not register... Can you point to another Lee Harvey Oswald in the listings? I was only able to find one other Lee Oswald but without the "H"... I think you may be overstating the # of people with that name...
  22. Same place most any of the incriminating evidence went... up in smoke. But there is an unsigned application and the testimony of the workers who saw and handled it... Of course you'll say they are all mistaken....
  23. One has to wonder about a child-like man who needs to borrow pet names from others just to find a little acceptance... Kinda sad Mike - this anger you carry around... and the fact that you and Trejo are peas in a pod... Perfect.
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