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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. So we're good with MID? And yeah, the Oswald Project thing is still unclear.. why wold they bother calling it THAT? btw, it was not the man Ruby killed who was playing the Honey Bee game... it was LEE who also suffered from other ailments the other man never had. As I understand the records, LEE was in Atsugi by Sept 12th 1957. Harvey was in NOLA working at Pfisterer Dental living at the Senator Hotel with his caretaker "mom" Harvey does not get to Japan until August 1958 and is soon sent to Ping Tung Taiwan while Lee is still in Atsugi repeatedly going to the doctor for his STD. He definitely has more money to spend than he ever makes... who that source is, knowing a little about Oswald he'd try to get from FBI, CIA and Military Intel if he could... I would love to see of those Japan docs if any can refute the timing of Harvey in Taiwan and Lee in Japan. In CE1961 p3 we learn the dates of Oswald's military stays. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh23/html/WH_Vol23_0414b.htm Marines basic training is 13 weeks with 3-8 more weeks of special training if applicable. CE1961 tells us that Oswald was at basic from Jan 20 to Feb 26 1957... 5 weeks. CE1962 is Allen Felde telling us the real story of Harvey who was in Basic until MAY, the full 13 weeks, and left with Felde for Jacksonville... which CE1961 says happened in early March. LEE entered the Marines before Harvey and left before him as well...
  2. I thought I had seen "Lee HENRY OSWALD P-" on a number of Mexico based docs and then the entire Wilcott thing which he relates as the payments prior to the assassination as payments into the Oswald Project. This is according to the US ARMY MILITARY INTELLIGENCE HISTORY - A SOURCEBOOK (pdf) In terms of the MID - yes, it did end in some respects in 1902 yet: In 1903, Secretary of War Elihu Root established the General Staff with three divisions. The MID was its Second Division. 4 This demonstrated that the stature of intelligence had grown, and its function had become institutionalized at the highest level within the Army for the first time. The MID was a key contributor to the Army.s planning for the Cuban operation. This was the first real mission that tested the proficiency of the new General Staff. The official U.S. Army intelligence history states that the excellent planning by the Second Division, MID, and the Third or War College Division, .should have served to silence forever any lingering doubts about the desirability of a General Staff Corps being formed in the United States Army..5 And then it was Sherman Miles who ran and expanded MID during WWII On September 1, 1939, he was promoted to Brigadier General and served as military attaché in London for half a year before returning to the U.S., where he became a senior member of George C. Marshall's general staff. In the General Staff, Miles was "Assistant Chief of Staff G-2", i.e., the head of the Military Intelligence Division (MID).[15] In October 1918 the MID published the first Army-wide intelligence training literature titled Provisional Combat Intelligence Manual To meet the growing demand for trained intelligence specialists in the field, the Military Intelligence Training Center (MITC) was authorized in May 1942, but did not begin operations at Camp Ritchie, Maryland, until 19 June 1942. It was staffed largely by MID staff and MI Reserve officers Was Nagell not in MID or claim to be? .
  3. Oh, but the FBI and SS did indeed tell us where they thought each of the shots was in relation to the limo Robert... CE884 tell us that the final shot was 1) SS: 4 feet from marker 5+00 which is 35-40 feet further down Elm than Z313 according to the West Survey and SS market system. WCD298 shows us the three shots exactly as the FBI's exposure to evidence allowed them: and when photos of this model were entered into evidence they become CE879 with no strings and nomention of this being a model designed to show where the shots were according to the FBI. The preface of this Commission Document 298 - FBI Letter from Director of 20 Jan 1964 with Visual Aides Brochure tells us that the model is so exact - well, here's the preface These conclusion have nothing to do with what people heard and when which at best is about as subjective as it gets. The FBI used films, photos and surveys of DP to pinpoint these shots. I can understand a few feet one way or the other, but the final shot was NOT at the foot of the steps 40 feet past z313, at least not based on the evidence WE are shown The SS contradicts West's survey along with the legend of his survey they "changed" to fit the facts they wanted. You can also read Leo Gauthier's testimony as he was the FBI agent who delivered this to the WC. NO SBT, NO SHOT prior to Z224 and a final shot at around Z375. MANY state that the first shot was as the limo finished the turn onto Elm... SOMETHING happened at around z157 - Isn't there a break in the film at that point? Pretty fast head turn for one frame, no?
  4. Many of the docs related to his being paid by the CIA (and other CIA docs) have "Oswald Project" as a "cc". When I find one in my files I will post. https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=1017644 is a link to a reference to the Oswald Project... Paul - I HAVE checked the sources, have checked the relationships and have checked the evidence over the past 2+ years with the help of almost daily conversations with John. There are indeed two ways to look at it: Time moving forward with the connections being established and time looking backward with the evidence created to fit a need - or a combination of them both. The evidence the WCR offers regarding his schooling in NYC for Sept 1952 thru Jan 1954 completely ignores Harvey's time at the Youth House detention center for skipping school so often. LEE did not miss school and when you take the time to simply add up the numbers and look at the dates... it is an obviously evidence which has been created for a reason. With the many hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming to the US after WWII, many from eastern europe, finding someone to play the part would not be too hard.... plus they really didn't look all that much alike at that age. The boy on the right, LEE, is shown in the fall of 1951, 6th grade. He was considered a leader of his class, a fighter who never backed down and was one of the largest boys in the class at over 5 feet and 100lbs. CE1384 is the health card showing both May 1953 and Sept 1953 Height and Weight. It states this boy is 5 foot 4 inches tall and weighs 114 lbs. The boy on the left, as claimed by ROBERT OSWALD, went to the Bronx zoo with him in the summer of 1953. I contacted the zoo to find out the height of these guard rails... the boy on the left cannot possibly be LEE Oswald from NOLA who moved to NYC in the summer of 1952. There is of course mountains of evidence whcih illustrates the existence of these two boys. What we find is that after that summer, we do not see too many more photos of LEE (in the school yearbook), only Harvey except for the military and the 1959 passport. I defend the work because it is the Evidence which gives the conspiracy away, not an Armstrong theory. That he went the extra step like Lane, Lifton and others to interview the witnesses both already done and those ignored to corroborate the real story. Maybe in 2014 mindset it would be very difficult to pull off... in 1952-63 and in the years soon afterward, not nearly as hard. My guess would be Nagell's group the MID... yet the number of 3 letter orgs within the military is mind-dumbing... The ONI and MID are the two oldest US intelligence agencies. In my humble opinion the CIA was created to insulate the ONI/MID from prying eyes as operations became more black after WWII. Everyone blames the CIA for everything when in reality the ONI and MID among others are the actual culprits. ROBERT lies about when he was even in NYC with John Pic and Lee Pic places him in NYC in 1952 when Robert claims it was not until 1953. Mr. PIC - So they moved out in about September 1952, maybe it was late September, early October, somewhere around there, so from about somewhere between September of 1952 and January 1953, my brother Robert came to New York on leave, and we were all invited up to the Bronx Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir; we were corresponding infrequently, I would say--not very many letters between I and Lee direct when I was in the service, especially the first part of my tour in the service. In 1952, after traveling from Camp Pendleton, Calif., to Jacksonville, Fla. I did have a 10-day leave. They were in New York City at that time. Mr. JENNER. This was then some time in 1953, I take it? Mr. OSWALD. No, sir--1952. Mr. JENNER. 1952? Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. This was---- Mr. JENNER. You mean your mother and Lee that is the period of time they were in New York City? Mr. OSWALD. That's correct. Mr. JENNER. Living there. Mr. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Mr. JENNER. Did you see them? Mr. OSWALD. No, sir; not at that time. I spent my leave in Fort Worth, because I did not feel I had enough time to travel to New York and down to Jacksonville, Fla. After completing metalsmith school at Millington, Tenn., I took a 10-day leave. Mr. JENNER. Fix the time. Mr. OSWALD. This was July or August of 1953. I had my orders to go to Miami, Fla. I took a 10-day leave and left Millington, Tenn., by car and came to New York City and spent 10 days in New York with Lee, mother, John, and his family. Mr. JENNER. Where did you stay? Mr. OSWALD. At mother's apartment, with Lee, in the Bronx some place I do not recall the address. Do you remember any of the places at which you took snapshots of Lee during this 10-day leave? Mr. OSWALD. The Bronx Zoo I believe was about the only time I can recall taking any pictures of him.
  5. With regards to the BYP - Let us remember that they were not discovered until the following day and the CSSS page only lists 2 NEGATIVES and no photos. And then the DPD unexplainedly loses one of the negatives. Whether one of these men brings this evidence with them to the Paine garage is the question. While it may have been done pre-assassiantion, can you offer anything to support that conclusion? I do have an article in the works related to how the photos HAD to have been created. The 133-C pose from Roscoe White was not found or seen until the mid 70's. What convinces me is the pose which the DPD officer takes when doing compariosn photos on the 23rd of Nov. He is positioned in exactly the pose of 133-C when 133-C was not yet in the possession of the DPD or anyone else... Unless it was already. When trying to place Oswald's image from 133-c in the rest of the background we see how skewed it is compared to the ghost image supposedly created by Fritz to "see if it could be done". The DPD should have no way of knowing about pose 133-c on Nev 23rd... To me this is pre knowledge With regards to Kleins - if you could present a scenario for the creation of this evidence prior to the evening of 11/22 please do. I think that somem of it may be authentic like the order coupon and mailing envelope... what happens once the order arrives at Kleins and what we see on the order form could just as easily been created that night or subsequently than before... but I'd love to hear your thoughts DJ
  6. Parts 1 and 2a are up on the site. Part 2b - all 52 pages of it - will be done this week and submitted to Jim for review and formatting. Part 3 - Evidence of Oct 2 thru Mid Dec including how INS was alerted, how the travel evidence was altered in Mexico and why the question of who it was impersonating Oswald was never addressed and ignored. I will also touch upon some of the "In Mexico" evidence to establish who knew what and when. This next part, 2B, will clearly establish that the routes and travel attributed to this Oswald are not possible and that even the references to his coming and going by "auto" are suspect. I would like to reach out to the community here and ask if anyone has any further knowledge related to this stand alone report related to Mr. Pugh - the man credited with saying INS checked on Oswald coming and going.. This appears to be saying that Oswald's brother entered Mexico the same day as the Evidence on Oswald... Any help?
  7. Hi there Jon... While I'd prefer not to go off onto the Klein's tangent, the subject of pre v post assassination fabrication is the point. The other point is whether the fabrication is pre-meditatively assassination related or conveniently assassination useful. A 4 man sniper team in Chicago means to me that POST fabrication would be the key to determining the direction of the evidence. Associating PRE fabrication with the assassination specifically would be difficult and speculative at best. How would you go about determining this to any degree of certainty Jon? We have no other Klein's order form from which to show a C20-T750 order was shipped a 40" FC scoped rifle as the claim about Oswald/Hidell. Kleins microfilmed the orders as SOP. The Hidell Order may have been in the missing microfilm all along... we don't know. The FBI and the USPS and their inspectors were VERY closely aligned. Stamps, processing marks, etc... while not trying to sound paranoid, what they were good at to combat "the enemy" was easily redirected to provide the necessary results here. If these items are really related to the dates on them (which I am also becoming more sure is not the case with some of the most important evidence) how would they incriminate Arthur Vallee and a successful assassination there? - unless that too was "staged" to add hay to our haystack. Nope... I have to think that the intelligence community has many, many thread running thru many, many people whose purposes can not be known to those who perform. To some they are one thing, yet to others they are something completely different... the nature of intelligence and counter. Let me finish with this. a LEE Oswald goes to see Robert McKeown at his home over Labor day while Harvey is with his family in NOLA. This Oswald tried to buy 4 scoped rifles for $10,000 from this man connected as well with Ruby's gun-running adventures. Robert says no. Yet the self-incriminating evidence is left to be found with more dead ends. We need to ask WHAT is this Oswald doing leaving the impression that he is involved in a larger plot which includes these rifles. Kleins in window dressing for a piece of evidence having nothing to do with the actual killing of a president. The fabricators? Given what I see Phillips/Hunt/etc accomplished with Mexico I don''t think events in Chicago are too far from their reach.
  8. So much has been written about those few days in between the trip to and from Mexico than the trips themselves. Like the question of Oswald even being at the window in the first place having a bearing on whether he could shoot well or not... if he wasn't there... . As I journey thru what the FBI and CIA left behind in the evidence to get Oswald to and from this fictitious trip I am struck with a thought and theory that I believe will bear out. The Oswald in Mexico has nothing to do with the Oswald going into and coming out of Mexico - which appears more and more never to have actually happened but is a series of evidentiary elements designed to give an impression. Like the Klein's rifle evidence. That it is inauthentic isn't the point, it incriminates Oswald so why ask to authenticate it? http://ctka.net/ I have a few articles up including a first one, The Evidence IS the Conspiracy, that mirrors a thread I started here a while back about how getting Oswald to the window at 12:30 with a rifle was a fabrication and nothing the evidence provided can support. Jim D. has been a great help and friend by editing my work to produce what is becoming to be one of the few complete works on the TRIPS themselves. I try to approach the articles like these threads where the images of the evidence is included, not just referred in the work I hope you enjoy and can get something out if it. DJ
  9. Carmine... Authenticated Evidence placing Oswald in that corner would be great. I personally believe "Out front with Shelley" from Fritz's notes refers to a time after the shots when Oswald finally leaves. I was not inferring it was Oswald due to a lack of witnesses at all... I am suggesting that the FBI can make evidence disappear or change to its needs. That no one ever comes forward to say they saw Oswald standing there, even to private researchers is quite telling since so much has been discovered that was said to the FBI yet was never reported or was changed. Those who have taken the time to show by process of elimination that there are few if any others if could be... it is VERY possible that it's Oswald as Ms Arnold places him near this door at the right time: I did the accompanying composite to illustrate how it could indeed be Ozzie Bob... this is at least 30-60 seconds after the shots... I think the white head is a scarved woman... DJ What I find strange though is how he disappears from one frame to the next...
  10. He was there before the motorcade, during and after... Mrs. Reid walks in and Mr. BELIN. All right. You went up through the stairs and then what did you do? Mrs. REID. I went into the office. Mr. BELIN. You went into your office? Mrs. REID. Yes. Mr. BELIN. And then what did you do? Mrs. REID. Well, I kept walking and I looked up and Oswald was coming in the back door of the office. I met him by the time I passed my desk several feet and I told him, I said, "Oh, the President has been shot, but maybe they didn't hit him." He mumbled something to me, I kept walking, he did, too. Mr. BELIN. And then you went through your actions, what you saw, your conversations that you had, and your actions in going back into the building and up to the point that you saw Lee Harvey Oswald? Mrs. REID. That is right. Mr. BELIN. Do you remember how long by the stopwatch it took you? Mrs. REID. Approximately 2 minutes. Mr. BELIN. Do you remember whether he had any shirt or jacket on over his T-shirt? Mrs. REID. He did not. He did not have any jacket on. Don't we find it a bit surprising that not a soul in the years since mentions seeing Oswald on the stairs.... The "fear factor" did not stop Craig or Yates or Bolden or Ms Arnold from coming forward. Here is Baker running toward the TSBD while our man is standing there... I guess it is possible that Truly supports Baker's affidavit to testimony story change NOT in order to move Oswald from higher up on the stairs coming down - for we are sure that Baker and Truly saw one of his employees in the stairway a flight or so up rather than in the lunchroom but to place Oswald INSIDE the building at all right afterward, at least that was better than his not in the building at all. The more I dig into Mexico City the more I find the FBI playing with the evidence. That someone may have said something about this being Oswald and that info disappearing is not so far fetched. In fact it is more in line with all the other activities of the FBI than not. Frasier NEVER says it was Ozzie out front? "Out front with Bill Shelley" with Shelley being the man in the tie behind Lovelady makes alot of sense. How can it be proven once and for all though? DJ
  11. Sorry for not being clear enough Stephen... OSBORNE is on the 1000 flyer receipt, the man who was described picking up the flyers is hard to connect to Thornley given his slight frame where as OSBORNE is obviously "husky"... OSBORNE adds to the mystery as to who was on that bus with him, if anyone at all (I am seeing ALL of Mexico as akinto the Kleins evidence, completely fabricated to tell a specific story with nothing but conflicts and zero corroboration) The FBI also combines the two different bus lines so that the Australian girls, Bowen and the MacFarland's are on the same bus. Gaudet worked with Banister as well as the other "Cuban-related" CIA/FBI teams... he just happened onto the Oswald leaflet scene (if I remember correctly most everyone involved with that event was intelligence connected) From H&L: CIA Agent William Gaudet, who referred to Oswald as "Harvey,"43 said, "Somebody had to be feeding him .... .I don't know who .... .I tell you a man who certainly should give you some information on Lee Harvey Oswald, because he interviewed him on the radio ..... is Ed Butler."44 Gaudet was a close personal friend of Butler and knew that he ran the CIA-sponsored "Information Council of the Americas (INCA)." AUG,63-09 Gaudet also knew David Ferrie and said, "He (Ferrie) became a private pilot .... .! mean, he used to give flying lessons and ..... er ..... he was a friend of a lot of queers, including Clay Shaw."45 NOTE: Gaudet worked for the CIA for many years and was very familiar with the intelligence community in New Orleans (Banister, Butler, Stuckey, Shaw, Arcacha, etc.). Gaudet and Oswald obtained Mexican tourist visas from the Mexican consulate in New Orleans on the same day, but the FBI hid this information from the Warren Commission and the public. Gaudet was hidden from view as having been at the Mexican consulate and buying a tourist visa for "1 day" just before the one attributed to Oswald. When the FBI provided a list of visa purchasers, 24084 was omitted even though in DeBruey's early december report, Gaudet is listed... WCD75 I think https://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?absPageId=332393 Gaudet specifically tells us that Banister is involved in operations involving Cuba in his HSCA questioning (Armstrong's GAUDET notebook at Poage is quite detailed) One has to wonder what purpose OSWALD would have had for getting a Mexican tourist visa in order to arrange travel thru Cuba to Russia when he was already cleared to travel to Russia the same route he left... no need to raise flags regarding Cuba... add to this the charades in Mexico to implicate and ID Oswald with Cuba and Kostikov and one wonders if HARVEY was even involved. Thornley is said to have picked up the FPCC flyers, but why. At the Coffee House in NOLA he seems to have been close to Oswald, was with him in 1959 and again in Atsugi... I don't know the role of Thornley
  12. Coming a bit full circle here... Mr OSBORNE is listed on the reciept as well as corroborated by Myra Silver. Mr OSBORNE supposedly picks up the finished handbills yet most claim that it was Thornley. (Albert) OSBORNE = (John) BOWEN = THORNLEY? delivering a rough draft that looks like Harvey's writing or whoever would have impersonated him... Thornley nor Oswald were definitely not considered "husky" while Albert was.... Could begin to connect dots with the trip to Mexico where Osborne & Gaudet are involved and directly related to 544 Camp and Banister... Roy? http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/pdf/WH22_CE_1410.pdf H&L p.543 Following the assassination Mrs. Silver was shown a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald by FBI agent John McCarthy. Mrs. Silver said she did not recognize the person in the photograph as the man who placed the order for the handbills. The owner of the company, Douglas Jones, was also shown a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald and said he was not the same person who placed the order. Jones remembered that man who placed the order and described him as a "husky type person, on the order of a laborer." Albert Osborne aka John Bowen
  13. By Sunday evening the 24th the FBI had taken ALL the evidence from Dallas and had been working with it most the weekend... Items that never existed in Dallas, that were never initialed by the DPD personnel, came back to Dallas while items that were taken to the FBI Labs, like the Minox camera, never returned. The case against Oswald had already, by the 24th, been created and finalized... The FBI report that is delivered on Dec 9th is a travesty of investigation and flew in the face of what Hoover voices on the 12th in a memo to his staff... that we, the FBI, not say that Oswald was alone... this stems from his CIA created time in Mexico City... and that even by Dec 9th, leads had not yet been run out... Yet on Dec 9th, the FBI's report concludes just that... Oswald alone did it... and there is no evidence of a connection between him and Jack Ruby... WE also know that Redlich wrote a memo to Rankin in April 1964 which had the following paragraph.... it is completely obvious that the Warren Commission was the means, via Dulles and Ford, to watch over the process and rubber stamp the work of the FBI and Secret Service... yet: I should add that the facts which we now have in our possession, submitted to us in separate reports from the FBI and Secret Service, are totally incorrect and, if left uncorrected, will present a completely misleading picture. Needless to say... the reports not only were not corrected, but they became the WCR almost to the letter.... DJ
  14. Another from the famed man... United Fruit... scary topic LA UNITED FRUIT CO. Text by Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), Canto general, 1950 Set by John Mitchell (1941-), op.95, no.4 (1993 When the trumpet sounded everything was prepared on earth, and Jehovah gave the world to Coca-Cola Inc., Anaconda, Ford Motors, and other corporations. The United Fruit Company reserved for itself the most juicy piece, the central coast of my world, the delicate waist of America. It rebaptized these countries Banana Republics, and over the sleeping dead, over the unquiet heroes who won greatness, liberty, and banners, it established an opera buffa: it abolished free will, gave out imperial crowns, encouraged envy, attracted the dictatorship of flies: Trujillo flies, Tachos flies Carias flies, Martinez flies, Ubico flies, flies sticky with submissive blood and marmalade, drunken flies that buzz over the tombs of the people, circus flies, wise flies expert at tyranny. With the bloodthirsty flies came the Fruit Company, amassed coffee and fruit in ships which put to sea like overloaded trays with the treasures from our sunken lands. Meanwhile the Indians fall into the sugared depths of the harbors and are buried in the morning mists; a corpse rolls, a thing without name, a discarded number, a bunch of rotten fruit thrown on the garbage heap.
  15. Gee Tommy... "Some guy who told me he was a friend of Ed's MUST have known Oswald....and therefore nothing H&L uncovers is true..." you being a parrot... who can't take the time to read a book or open a link and can only critique that which you have no knowledge of.... rather than offer anything resembling intelligence must make you so proud to contribute here... Below are links to the files resulting from 10+ years of work... but please do NOT lift your head up from your grazing and learn how foolish you sound with every smiley face post ... your Honey BooBoo act is very entertaining and provides the much needed comic relief on what could be a serious educational site http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/42986 http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/27534 (Ed Voebel) Polly want a cracker....
  16. Santo Trafficante calling another "not honest"... The HCSA says he was involved in the murder... And this, Doug, is worth posting 4 months after the fact... why? Heimlich not working ?
  17. "Vince Morton" is a fictitious name to protect him..?. his confiding in you remains very suspicious... I have the complete list of those who attended BJHS in 53-54 and 54-55... Voebel does mention a name, but I will not post it as there appears to be some concern over it.... Not possible you got snowed David...? What do you suppose DeBrueys was doing interviewing all of Oswald's classmates from 1953-54 and 1954-55 yet only asked about the 54-55 year... and was able to write a report by Dec 2.... they gonna break the case wide open with these all important interviews after he's already dead? well understood David... if you took a moment and read the FBI interviews of Oswald's classmates you'd see that not a single one is asked about 53-54, but only 9th grade - 54-55 While those who do recall 53-54 and are shown HARVEY's picture & don't recognize him... In April 1955, LEE and MO move to Exchange... HARVEY Oswald's records at Stripling JHS from Sept-Oct 1954 are given to the FBI... that LEE HARVEY OSWALD had attended her English classes from September, 1954 until June, 1955, And she explained she was at a loss to explain that she had no recollection of either the name OSWALD or identification of his facial. characteristics, from representations of his photographs XXXX stated that although school records indicated that she taught LEE HARVEY OSWALD, General Math during the school - - term of 1954 that she could not recall OSWALD as a pupil in her class. It appears you have much to learn about the subject matter here before you can offer "informed" opinions... It's well accepted that we all have "strong" opinions.
  18. I've had these discussions with Dr Mantik... thanks for posting these excerpts... They are all based on the "original" xrays.... I have no doubt that there were things done to these images to make them even more incriminating toward Oswald... Yet: This left unaltered a large, dark area at the front of the skull, which made it appear that a posterior bullet had blown out the front... superimposed over an authentic, but smaller, metalfragment (within the right orbit) on the original So Scott... I wonder again, how the xray of the huge hole at the front of JFK's skull, this UNALTERED area... was created... ?? Or on the Anterior xray.. how is it that this unaltered original shows the entire right and top portion of the skull GONE... when there was only a hole in the occipial? What was that an xray of... if all that was happening were xrays of an intact frontal area of the skull, and the covering of a posterior hole? (and off into the sunset he goes.... I hope an answer is forthcoming...)
  19. I see you here lurking Scott... as you see me... how about that evidence in support of your conclusions... Can there possibly be more to you than just argumentative talk and unsupported opinions? Be espcially nice if you actually came here and attempted to prove something...
  20. Thanks Bob, I will "say what I want" and back it with evidence not airy opinions Bob... I am literally thru dealing with those who only want to give us their IMPRESSIONS of what THEY see, as opposed to any evidence to support these conclusions.. yet I guess I need to do this yet one more time. === "Obvious to anyone" is Non sequitur and a poor excuse for evidence supporting your conclusion. "anyone" consists of you and a handful of equally vision impared individuals not willing to take the time to read and illustrate the autopsy evidence so their opinoion are actually based on something. READ what the autopsy says, what HUMES says about the autopsy he performed and from which he authored the document in the record which in itself has a dubious history... Below are illustrations of what he describes... This is called analysis of the evidence not "I see it that way so it must be true" tautological mumbo jumbo presented by Mr Speer, Mr Tame and now you of all people... I honestly thought you had a clue here Bob... How about you stick to the ballistics and proving that the rifle that wasn't his, that wasn't fired that day, fired a bullet that wasn't ever in Dallas nor hit anything other than either water or cotton... and does not come into existence until the Chief of the Secret Service hands it to Elmer Todd.... so it can become the "BULLSH!T" in the Single BULLSH!T Theory... And let those who can address the evidence with honesty and effort do the heavy lifting for you... so all you need keep are opinions about that which you seem incapable of analyzing impartially or thoroughly. Ya, I know.. I'm an A$$hole and abrasive... yet opinions are not analysis. and I'm tired of hearing it presented that way
  21. Pat... Given the opinions you've offered on the wounds and the shooting scenario I am not comfortable with anything you offer as your opinion of visual evidence.... that you neglect in your reply all that follows those photos in my post from is to be expected .... and then in turn you change subjects... Talk to me of 126 Exchange and 1454 St Mary's and the conflicting evidence of DeRouse and Voebel before you side-track the thread... === I will take a minute to address this memo... as you introduce a line of thought I had not considered before... You seem to be saying that this memo's reference to "the reports of the FBI and SS" are those that ONLY deal with the recreations (WCD 298, & 88) and not WCDs: 1, 3, 77, 79, 80, 305, 320, & 677.. which for the purposes of this relply, I will accept. If we are indeed only talking about these recreations... you seem to be implying that Redlich is aware that both page 3 of WCD88 describing the location of the last shot (4 feet short of 5+00 or 4+95, 30 feet further down the street than the survey's 4+65) , and the FBI's WCD 298 which also shows a shot at the foot of the stairs are "incorrect"... and needed correcting or they would give a "totally misleading picture". This is of course compared to the Zfilm evidence... the Nix film and the Muchmore film... as well as the Moorman photo.... which the SS and FBI surely had in their possession in order to create these models and conclusions. These "Miselading WCDs" are buried, never corrected and not included in the volumes of the WCR. Not because they were "blowing smoke" but because they presented a more accurate picture of the location of the limo at times when the men inside were hit with bullets... I had assumed that Redlich was being truthful and trying to get at the accuracy of the situation when quite the opposite appears true... JFK was hit - from the front - at the foot of the steps just across from Hudson to the north and Altgens to the south... as they testified. Redlich is assisting in hiding the facts and basically proves that the ZFILM which contradicts these reports - was altered before anyone had a chance to see the original showing that shot hitting home right where the FBI and SS puts it. So I will ask you the same question I've asked others... from what source does the SS and FBI conclude that shot occurs at approx Z375? Given their access to these films and photos showing something different... unless these films and photos did NOT show what they currently do? What benefit is there to the FBI and SS who are assisting in the cover-up, to offer ANY evidence that contradicts the physical evidence from that day and then place it into evidence - oversight? Altruism of some underlings? Breadcrumbs for future generations? Please read the testimony of the man who created the FBI model and the single image from that model which does not show the strings from the 6th floor, along with NO questions as to what the model was intended to do or say...http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/gauthier.htm No Pat... other than your helping me see Redlich in the same league as the rest and NOT the whistle-blower I thought he was... you've basically set the stage for the PROOF that the film/photo evidence has been terribly altered... That the FBI and SS got it frighteningly correct and that... Our intention is not to establish the point with complete accuracy, but merely to substantiate the hypothesis which underlies the conclusions that Oswald was the sole assassin. the model in WCD298 and the only image of it from the WCR.... I'll finish with my question from above: What source materials did the FBI and SS use to conclude what we see here and read in WCD88?
  22. If he was indeed on the EAST side of the overpass... and why talk about a train blocking his view? Strange stuff... as if anything we EVER come across is as it appears... Take care Ron DJ
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